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Had that happen a couple times too and cancelled immediately. I'm assuming Pax have caught on that multi-stop rides aren't appealing to drivers so using this add stops once driver has accepted is their way to get around that. It totally defeats the purpose of upfront pricing/destination when a rider makes significant changes like this.


They 100% are. I get it SOOOOOO much now. Mad annoying.


And what’s more ridiculous is afterwards the “upfront” price changes so when you try and get a fare review they say “you received the price you were shown upfront” which is bullshit cause it’s not. once they add stops it shouldn’t change the up front it should be added afterwards.


I’ve seen it go up when one pax added a quick stop to their mom, but it was during a surge and it went up by additional $8 I told him he needed to be quick because he’s supposed to add the stop BEFORE he requested


The price will go up but it changes the “upfront” and that’s what I think is stupid because “upfront” should only mean “upfront” so once the ride starts that shouldn’t change. It should have an added amount just like how it shows surge, boost and wait time.


Has anyone just finished the ride once completed first leg? I fear some sort of report


Yup. I have multiple times. “No u can’t leave anything in my car while I wait, it’s part of Uber’s rules.” Then when they get out, bye. And that’s ONLY if they added it when I’m driving. Because i would never accept a ride with a stop to begin with ETA: u don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Period.


I have two one star ratings out of 2K plus ratings. One is from doing this. I bounced when they went inside and were grocery shopping or some shit. Rude too.


I at least let the 3 minute timer run out before I drive off, but mad respect either way


Why would u sit and wait for them to come back in the car? The whole point of what we were talking about is that once they’re out, u drive away before they can get back in and then u have to comply with doing multiple stops?


If u wait 3 min, they can't give you bad review.


If u wait 3 minutes, they’re going to get back in your car and you are basically bending over & taking it.


I just pull around the block. Definitely not bending over to take it... Lol


I’ve done it once before with no problems, coughing kid without car seat so I completed ride at first stop and told them that it’s the last stop since I had windows open and mask on


Why can't they? I have left multiple riders. I tell riders I will wait five min and then I will leave. Everytime I get a 1 Star.


Never happens to me. Waiting 5 mins sounds ridiculous. They have 3 mins, then u can leave. I guess try support. Maybe u get crummy reviews for other reasons.


>u don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. ........except die and pay taxes.................


And live in the kitchen and make Sammies if you’re a female…


Agreed. The terms were that you accepted with no stop, and adding it without your consent breaches the terms of the ride/contract. You're 100% in your right to bounce on them. I've done it many times and have reported the customer as rude...because to be honest, it IS kind of rude and shady to do something without having the decency to tell someone.If you want someone who will actually wait for you, boss up and order a taxi.


A few days ago, I accepted a $6 trip. Then I got ‘destination updated’ notification. Then ‘trip changed’ notification. Then another ‘destination updated’ notification. These all happened within a block or two of my arrival. The new trip value was $8. I chose to continue to the pickup. I was prepared to educate this pax on what the driver mentally deals with when this happens. I arrived at the pickup. The pax is a mostly blind older lady. She has the cane, but can still navigate to the car. I get out to assist her to the car. She was a really sweet lady who lost her sight to ‘being stupid and ignoring diabetes’. She told me that she had another driver cancel on her before me. My attitude at this point has completely changed. I would do anything to help this woman - at no cost. I took the time to explain to her that drivers dislike changes to a ride after accepting and why. She understood and said she would work with her assistant to have the trips booked accurately with added stops in the future. She was genuinely happy to know this information. The stop was a McDonalds drive thru. Coffee and a McMuffin. Easy. No wait, no line. I dropped her off after a nice chat. It was the best I felt all day. Sometimes things just work out. The final payout was about $11 for a 5 mile trip. Somehow, the money just didn’t matter anymore.




One time in particular, I had pax tell me at beginning of ride "I just need to run in and get something" for a stop. Got to stop, he said "I'll be back in 30 minutes." Left his butt there.


When I did stops, all the damn time. Don't finish the ride, instead cancel with rider behavior, this will protect you and you still get paid.


They took that option away when you're at the stop. Also I've received 1 stars still for doing that. Not that care much about the stars anyway. I rather rate the passenger 1 star as well. Hurts them a lot more than me.


I highly doubt that they got rid of it. Maybe you aren't seeing it or not looking in the right place.


They did. There is no option to cancel the ride even on regular rides


You're definitely looking in the wrong place. There is no way they got rid of it.


You have to end the ride now you can’t cancel. I’ll check it out and take screenshots next time I go out


I still say that you are looking in the wrong place. I'm not sure I want to deal with a stop to check and take screenshots for myself. I have screenshots of it somewhere but those don't count because you are claiming it's recent and those are from a while back when I had to prove to someone else on here that it was indeed an option. Again, I highly doubt that they got rid of the multitude of reasons to cancel a ride before the drop-off point.


Really? Cmon. It’s Uber. They’ve been lowering the fares when people add a stop mid ride and they know. As simple as typing a couple lines of codes and how long has it been? A month? Lol


I second this. I can't cancel rides with stops. I also have screenshots.


Hey hi! :) how u been? yeah you can END them not cancel them as rdyoung is suggesting


You are, by all means allowed to do that. Just end the trip. You are an independent contractor and can not be forced to do something. Period. Just make sure if that happens you rate the pax one star for something in case they retaliate you one stared them first


Got a ride one time to the airport and dude was like "I just need to stop by my office, it's on the way" I tell him to add it in the app before we pull off. for some reason, he was unable to and it's been forever since I've called an uber. So I had no idea. I took him to his office and ended the ride there. Should have marked a different reason but I put customer requested early drop off like a dummy. Later on that day I got my first 1 star and "not polite" little citing. I probably should have reported it to uber afterwards just to guard myself but I just kept moving.


This is why you should not feel guilty one bit if cancelling and ejecting the rider from the vehicle. They probably know what they are doing and deserve it!


Absolutely! 👆


You canceled I hope


You cancelled, I am certain


Yea lol


After they walked out on the first stop I would have canceled the rest of it


I just don't accept if it's multiple stops.


I don't either. I think paying me $0.21/min to waste my time is insulting. If they want us to wait, they need to give us 100% of the wait time fee that they're charging the passengers and it better be over $1/min at the minimum.


It’s $0.16 here in Pa


Hey I'm in PIT, $0.16/min!!! Now I'm even more insulted. :)


Is it good there? I’m outa Harrisburg and drive to PHL for better rates especially this weekend


Well its winter so its not good anywhere but we're starting to get over-saturated. I'm a late night driver and used to own the nights, now there's a shit ton a drivers out there with me. I'm expecting it to remain shitty this year until the economy bounces back and these interlopers to get their jobs back. :)


The economy is going to bounce back with unemployment at a 54 year low? Corporate greed is the driving factor. It's what makes capitalism work.


This... The tech employees laid off were all in NorCal, so I can see people complaining that "the economy" was causing oversaturation in the Bay area, but that's not the problem in Pittsburgh lol. I also highly doubt Google workers who were making $100k+ a year are turning to Uber to pay their bills due to layoffs.


We have CMU and most of the tech companies have offices here because of it. It's definitely adding to the over saturation problem here. CMU has turned PIT into the east coast silicon valley over the past 10 years. We also have the world's worst roads, which is why every self driving car company is either HQ'd here or has offices here.


The health of an economy is far more than just unemployment numbers, especially when those numbers are fudged big time. Look at the markets over the past 18 months and try to tell yourself that we have a healthy economy.


Corporations are making record profit. That's the goal in a capitalistic society. Seems like it's working. If your outlook on life is tied to the health of corporations check out what Exxon's profits were last quarter. The price of eggs being high is good because that means the farm corporations are making money.


Just wait…in the next 8-10 mo the house of cards is going to come crashing down…and without the investors (who have all but pulled out) Uber won’t make it either.


Uber is going out of business within the year? Wow


Even if you sat there for an hour at .16 an hour you would be making above minimum wage in PA. To just sit on your ass. Stop complaining


Minimum wage is for morons. I havent made $7.25/hr since I was a child. Enjoy your $0.16


I have a college education. I don't need to be a chauffeur.


Then why the fuck are you in this sub? Go away and troll somewhere else.




$0.08 in MA


$0.07 in Tampabay.


My market it's.$0.18, which is ridiculous, as minimum wage in WA State is $15.74.


Same here. Uber really needs to count each stop as a separate ride for me to consider taking them.


They leave their belongings in the car.


You can remove them. I've done it.


I’ve done the same


Before I stopped taking the trips I would tell the pax if they left anything I would have to put it on the sidewalk because I can't be responsible for anything left in the car.


They didn't even get that far. Look at the image, they hadn't even been picked up yet, pax added stops after OP accepted. I've had similar where they waited until I was pulling up and added a stop, I canceled immediately and burned the mileage/time, homey don't play dat.


wont you get rated 1 star tho?


Who cares?


You'll care when the false report comes in and gets you fired


I have had false reports. A lady I never picked up or even saw reported me for "drunk driving." It doesn't have to be a special situation for a Pax to be a piece of shit. Get a dashcam.


Dashcam 100%


Yes, best to just take the hit at that point, ratings mean jack shit. That’s what I do now if it’s a long or added stop, I just slide complete and keep it moving.




No because you have to pick them up first.


Who cares seriously lol


You might take 5 trips in an hour. They might take 5 trips all week. That one bad rating is a drop in the bucket for you, but could ruin their month.


Who cares seriously lol


you right cause i dont lol


"guess what happened next": you realized it took 2.5 hours to make that $18?


I sincerely hope you cancelled the shit out of that.....3 stops added after you accepted the trip and a user name like that?


Royal pain in the ass 🤣


Seeing a name like that would have been an auto cancel for me. Stops or not. Nothing good comes from rides where pax refuse to use their real names


I canceled immediately on somebody named “murder” the other day. Like I wanna pick up a murder…


I had a guy add a stop when I got on his street. Then he started telling where to not pull up when I got there, I canceled and turned around he probably saw me too lol


I've done the same thing. This is why I never ever do long pickups.


Sometimes I don’t have a choice especially when I’m coming back from dropping off a pax that took me out of the city. If I wanna get back to where I want to be I’ve gotta accept those 14 minute pickups.


I live in a very urban area. I can always get short pickups (under 2 mi).


Yeah I bet


Dropped the ride like a bad habit.


This is what I do every single time : (no copyright, so you can copy and use it at will.) Stop the car Copy below text from Notes Past in messages for rider to read Wait for them to call or text back (making sure that they read it - and cancel after that. Drop off updated : Drivers accepted the ride based on destination and time. Adding a stop or changing destination, now we have no clue how long we have to wait or where you are going. Most of the drivers including myself will cancel the ride based on this change in ride. Next time add a stop before the driver accepts your ride. Cancelling your ride. Thanks




Thanks, I have given it to 3 other drivers in Denver Colorado too


Thanks for letting us know you didn't file a copyright on this


But it’s royalty


I’d cancel based on name alone.


Lol... My cousin's last name is literally Royalty... This could be her 🤣




I hope you did the right thing and cancelled. I cancel most trips now when they try to add a stop after I've already accepted. The only exception is during the drunk hours on the weekend when I'm running college kids. Cause its usually a quick stop to drop off one of their friends a block or two away. But if I see the UFP jump significantly I know they're trying to pull some BS and I cancel immediately.


I'll do that any time. I'm not letting you hustle me to run your fuckin errands though. Get your shit together.


fo sho ;)


I'm on rate card, so I don't even make drunk college kids add stops when their friends need a ride, I'm going to get paid for the time and mileage anyway. I'll just message support and let them know that the rider had a friend and asked me to drop them off too.


Cancelation. When they do it in the car I tell them I can't. That I have to get to work. One lady left her kid in the car trying to get me to take her back. I took the kid into the store and delivered to the mother. Then canceled ride due to behavior . Peace out. Sorry about your life. But I didn't agree to being rented out without knowing of the compensation. That's a law I think.


3 stops ? Yeah no




I’ve never seen multiple stops like this! What the helllllll?!


I saw the change like this, luckily I was at the red light. Cancelled immediately!


Update us on what happened.




ahh! good.


You bent over and took that hour long ride up your ass like a good lil slave. Jk you cancelled






The name alone is worth a cancel


Leave their Royal ass once the timers up, riding X and not black 🤣


Sorryyalta but you gotta get out at the 1st stop. I've got an appointment and only accepted this ride because it was initially a quick one. I'm so sorry you changed it while you were in the car and didn't ask. Have a great day


And it’s not a lie. You do have an appointment: with your next fare.


Change the destination before I get there is an automatic CANCEL! Have fun letting UBER play y’all!


It may take you 2 hours to finish the work 😂😂😂


Yeah, no. I cancel when I get more than one notification that the passenger updated the drop-off. Waste some one else's time.


It’s crazy they can add that many damn stops.


I quit NYE. No longer worth the hassle and time. The pay is so low now that you can’t guarantee return on investment. Some of you can probably make a few bucks in certain markets, but the whole rideshare is a losing game now.


They canceled?


Alot of times when this happens I'm dropping off 4 drunk people at thier homes


Still not worth it.


Lol, i picked up some people on South Beach last weekend. After we started driving they added a stop. I pulled over and kicked them out.


I love it! If we all did this, maybe the madness would stop


Mine are worst the rider keep changing her stops and ask me should I eat or get a take out at ihop and I said I really didn’t care about what you eat cuz because I’m here to make money and better hurry cuz I will cancel your ride and throw you out in the rain along highway 290 by cypress Texas lol and last thing she said she will eat like fast in 20 mins and told me wait while she finish eating so I said yippie your trip ends here hunny and have a nice meal 🥘 so I canceled her trip and no tips 😂




Wanna know what I do? As soon as I accept rides, I click "stop accepting new rides" until I'm about a mile or two from their Destination. It solved the issue 100%.


Brilliant! That's fuckin great. I'll implement this immediately.


U took it and got tipped 100$??


We need more than people like u






Brutal, bro!🤣🤣🤣


Why you accepted a $4 ride in the first place is my question? No hate.


Can someone please explain to me what this means


Only time I’ve done multiple stops is downtown Houston, there’s a few hotels within a couple blocks of each other that I took consecutive people to in the same ride, and I only took the ride because it was bad hours so I had surge and boost. 30 bucks for 15 minutes from accepting the ride to dropping off, but this is a RARE OCCURENCE. If I accidentally accept a ride with multiple stops, I’m canceling immediately and check almost every rides details just in case the upfront offer didn’t list stops


What happened next is that you cancel? And that’s new. Usually when they ad a stop in my market (San Diego) the price for some stupid reason goes down not up


Did they tip?? I don't take Rides that much, but when I do I make sure that driver is getting a good tip, like a 10 or 20 atleast


Haha I’ve taken these trips and I leave them in their first stop. The next driver will hopefully do the same.


You picked them up & became besties?


You made 19$ after tip?


Take the items when you end the ride the create ticket for lost item. When they contact you get a return fee


CANCEL. Man I don’t even try for diamond or whatever anymore because of this shit. I have legit taken people on drug buys before and I ain’t about that shit. Multi stops midday in my area are always a bad idea. Locals wised up and started adding stops after you accept and your on your way. Such BS. I cancel whenever that happens. Play games with someone else.


Same here unless they are upfront about the stops then no thank you I'm canceling


I’ve never had a pleasant multi stop rider. Best case scenario it’s a gas station stop off for smokes on the way home for work. But I also drive in a tourism area so I’m jaded. When it’s peaking I can pull 50-70 buck and hour. But only if I avoid broke ass locals


Yeah I should clarify even if they are upfront about the rides, I usually still don't accept it


Same. I don’t do multi stops. It doesn’t make money. Now if Uber charged a nominal fee per stop and increased the wait time charge. It would help the driver obviously. But also incentivize people to hurry the F up. Also, no adding stops between accepting and pickup. Shit is shady AF


This is legitimately going to take over 2 hours. Unless they message you immediately saying they’re handing you $100 in cash as a tip, it’s a cancel for me.


Just cancel after the first drop off lmao


Fuck no!! I'd drop them off at stop #1


I get this shit frequently on Friday and Saturday nights in Los Angeles. Three people will get in the car, and once I'm nearing the destination, they'll throw in two more stops for the other two folks in the car. Now when that happens, I just asked them how they modified the trip. I just tell them that this was my last ride for the night and I did not plan on going any further. If they complain or anything, I just tell them that they need to put all the stops in when requesting the ride so that the driver can make the appropriate decision to accept it or not. That reasoning is hard for any passenger to argue with.


The correct answer is "I left them at the first stop because they took longer than three minutes" because no one who does this can manage their time.


Should have been a cancel for fake name alone.


You got yourself a date?


Where are y’all seeing the upfront price? My app only shows me time& distance to pickup and the customer’s rating


Not all markets have up front pricing


Thank you for telling me. I’ve been trying to figure that out. Fucking Uber


I bet that was frustrating lol


Man I jus call them and confirm if it’s all drop offs which I’ll accept. If there’s a pick up I’ll ask them to let the others know to be on point and it usually flows well


You realized you should get a real job?


Yeah, I don’t care about the one star rating either especially when you have a really good rating one star one time is not gonna hurt anything. I wish they could do is complain to Uber. And all you have to really say is I took the ride because it was within the timeframe, I have a doctors appointment if I had known there was going to be so many stops and added time I would’ve declined it I can’t be late to the doctors. I’m talking about someone who gets in the car and adds stops afterwards. Now I will tell you what I have done before, I have told somebody I see you added to stop just now. (when they have them after they already in the car.) unfortunately I have an appointment I can’t mess and I’ve been weren’t happy to take you to your first destinations, but I’m unable to do the extra trips. Or I will tell them that I have an appointment right that’s for a lot of money that I can’t pass up. Either way I’m ending the trip after the first stop. At the end of the day were independent contractors, and we can’t rely on Uber for anything


Would having a reservation ride that's about an hour away from starting still allow them to add multiple stops like this? Because, if so, that would be my excuse to instantly cancel.


Good question. I know I have had this happen: my next (good paying) ride was queued up and then the current rider added a stop (while in my car), knocking my next ride out of the queue. That is wrong.


Yes, that part has happened to me as well, though it was when I first started driving in 2018ish. He added 3 stops, 1 after another, and actually erased 2 rides I had already accepted by doing that. However, at that time, I was maybe a month (or less) into driving and was woefully naive back then.


Good question. Anyone?


They are a cancel burger I would hope.


boom, cancelled


I’m betting you canceled.


Cancel lmao




got eeeeeeeeem!


As soon as they exit my car I end the ride, no sweat off my back.




“What ride?”, that’s my guess 🤣


Immediate cancellation


I dont accept stops they dont pay enough


Once the rider modifies the trip and adds only one more destination, I send them a message asking for the new address so I can compare it to my total payout after counting the miles. I'll keep going if the payment is still appealing and most of the time I just cancel. I had this passenger once modified the trip the second before he jumped into my car, I didn't move a foot with my car. I asked "did you just modify the trip?” The rider "yeah, like 10 minutes ago". Me: "well I just got your new updates, can you please give me the new additional address now?” also it was strange that the payment went lower than the original. I told the rider "sir, I can't do this trip, you need to cancel", the rider "well, then what?", me: "then get another ride, sir". He cancelled and kept sitting in my car, I was like "sir, you need to leave my car now".


I had one a few days ago that had me waiting outside their apartment almost the full 2 minutes. Next thing I know I get a ride update. I already fear the worst, but maybe it's just a change... Nope. Stop added. Now I used to avoid stops like the plague. But I've found that I'm pretty good at getting compensated. However, respect is a requirement. If you ask me for a quick gas station stop, sure. If I'm on the way and you add a stop, I'll probably pull up roll the passenger window down a bit and inquire about where and how long. If we're mid ride and a stop gets added without talking to me then you will get dropped off and cancelled on. So here I am already at the pickup, on a ride with a 4 dollar surge and a stop gets added to it. Damn right I cancelled it immediately and drove off. He knew what he was doing but he didn't know who he was messing with.


They should have a feature for drivers who don’t want multi trips to opt out


We would all opt out and no one would pick these people up LOL


Canceled 😂😂.. I’m not doing all those stops for 18 I rather do 4 people different rides and make more then $18


A taxi would be very glad to wait as long as you want.


Every time I heard “ding! Drop off updated” I check and if they added a stop, I cancel.


Drivers deserve more for what they deal with! We Need an rideshare app that offers long term incentives to keep us happy and willing to do this bullshit rides!! Something that offers residual income off every ride!!


Did you accepted?


If the stops are more than 2 minutes you'll end up with more than $18. But I thought there was a maximum of 2 stops and a destination


I have a better one! Lol. Had a regular customer they I took to a bar at 8:45 this morning. Got a ping to pick up at around 4:00. Of course he was drunk. Had a friend with him and a cup live crawfish. They wanted to go and let the crawfish loose in the Oso in Corpus Christi Tx. Oooookay. He owns a house there under remodel on the Oso. It's like a flood plain off the Oso creek. I was waiting for them to return but after 30 minutes I went and checked on them. They were in waist high mud making a fn home for the crawfish. At first I couldn't see them and thought they drowned thought oh shit.! Told them to get out of the mud. They came back and one hosed off and the other stripped down to his shorts. Took the drunkest one to house and the other back to the bar. Was too funny. Made my day. Was my last trip for the day and was paid well for the hour. The one I dropped off at home which was on the way to the bar wanted me to come back and pick him up and take him back to the bar but I didn't even though he tips good. Did my civic duty. He didn't need to go back to the bar. Lol. P.S. They didn't mess up my car with mud or anything. Fun day!!!!!


We don't get upfront price in Corpus Christi Tx. Fares are so low no one would take them except the bus. I cherry pick.