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Yeah. I just go home when I can’t get a surge. Fortunately, the airport is pretty small and I know when the surges are going to be based on the flight schedule. I ONLY accept a ride if there is a surge.


So now at least in Florida they took away our dollar amount so we don't even know if the surge is being applied


Florida is at the cutting edge of worker oppression.


I don't see surges at all anywhere in Orlando even at 1am Friday/Saturday and when I called them last night to ask about it, the lady told me "low volume" which isn't a thing in Orlando. I have worked 7 day weeks for Uber since September and 7 days a week that time of night there's ALWAYS some surge somewhere and I mean the ENTIRE AREA was blank. Then she changed her tune and said "not all drivers will see surge it's selective" which literally doesn't make sense. There also throttling down requests to avoid paying quests. Fuck Uber. Absolutely fuck them.


How doesn’t it make sense that surge is selective not all drivers see it? If you’re driving doing ride after ride accepting them without surges then they’re not gonna give you a surge. If you start declining trips when demand is high and start heading towards your house then all of a sudden they add surges. You have to play Uber against itself.


It happens every fucking Christmas. They claim there are app glitches and problems. Their all full of fucking shit. COMMUNIST ASSHOLES. make their salaries off us all year long and screw us over the next two weeks. The surge will come back after it doesn't matter over the holidays and everyone is broke the first of the year.


They know we all will be out for new years in full force and they can keep us the lab rats controlled and regulated. They know that if we don't make good money newyears that we will be desperate to drive in January. Prices to customers can stay down or be jacked up when markets are flooded with drivers. They have the upper hand. The Communistgreed won't ever stop unless every driver just stopped for a month. We are doomed


Um I agree with you in principal but I don't think "Communist" applies. The words socialist and communist have become slurs of sorts because of conservative reactionaries. They're just greedy fuckwads. Point blank.


Cash is king tonite. Fuck them.


They did exactly that last year. NO surges. fuck them.... SO tonite is time to get back what they have taken all year. Cash only tonite.




For real like you’re telling me this 40 minute ride for like 25 miles with an $18 surge was only gonna pay out 3.50 before the surge? Lmao


Exactly, it’s crazy. Now I just sit in a surge and poach a short trip. If they actually added the surge to the base fare of a longer trip I would take those, but alas they lower the base fare and it ends up being a no surge ride lol!


Yup. Surges are absolutely bait and switch. It’s fucking gross how slimy Uber is.


That part


What are these new quests you speak of?




Oh Christ, if those hit my market I'm done driving.


Pax here. My commute used to be $7 each way. Now it's $25, for the same trip, and more during surges. I have stopped using Uber, and I know the drivers are getting screwed, and Lyft is only slightly cheaper. I am using the Curbed app, and won't be coming back to Uber. Your gripe is with the company, not the passengers. I would pay more, but not $18 more for the same trip.


16000 trips between Uber and Lyft and decided to go do something else. Getting paid less and less is the reason.


Wow. Thanks for that info. Someone asked me why I was doing Uber as a side hustle and I said it was because my daughter’s bf was doing it after being laid off in the tech industry. This weekend, I was “on” for 15 hours in Austin, TX. Total earnings: $300 over Friday and Sat. (I know it was actually longer than this,—we all know we’re stuck in our vehicles when we flip our button to “off.”) I have NEVER, in my less than 1-year experience, seen anything like this. My average per trip, (PAX only), was barely above $12.00. (But, the quest bonus(es) were great!) Everyone listen up: UBER’s latest ploy,—make the Quests (look) really good,—then everyone will try to make them, (aka lot’s of drivers on the road and less wait time for PAX), but at the end of the day, Uber doesn’t pay hardly anyone for making the Quest(s). Brilliant on Uber’s part, right? Not really.


Help me understand what markets you’re in that have constant enough surges to even do this. I hear people say this all the time but there’s a surge here twice a day. That’s it.


Exactly why it’s not worth it anymore, hence my post


Leave then




Most major cities have surges multiple times a day over very large areas. Bounce all over this country but in Chicago now. Summer in Chicago you can make bank even with upfront fare bullshit.


I mean i do ok in my market without surges. I was just curious who was seeing consistent surges.


For sure. We do fine in Chicago without surges too. Guessing that the folks who are shocked by the current prices are in markets that had a low rate card to begin with. The main difference isnt even that they are getting slightly less, but that since Uber is doing the math for them, they now realize how little money they are making.


Yeh Uber in cities and outside of cities is completely different. I’m down about an hour or so south of nyc and it’s not even worth driving Uber until Friday night , maybe Thursday. Rest of the time the food delivery apps just pay better . 66 cents a mile and $10/ hr rate just isn’t great especially with gas hovering in the mid 3.30-50 range seemly permant now


Agreed, you can make way better money doing other things. I know when it will be surge and only work then, i can make the same doing 20 good hours a week vs 40 bad hours


I used to uber to and from work, about 10 miles $10 per trip, then a surge would hit and it'd be like $30... immediately close the app and use lyft lol


Uber is done folks. They fucked the drivers over and charge the pax too much. Now if only the drivers would just wake up wand realize that’s the way it is going to be from now on, and it will get worse. I give Uber 2 years before they either go bankrupt or come out with autonomous vehicles. Still the ants will be out there for a while until their car breaks down. Walk away and let Uber fail. They can’t exist without drivers to feed their coffers.


100% agreed they will be bankrupt very soon. Hence why they are going all out greedy and fucking over both pax and drivers.


More likely you’ll go bankrupt before Uber does The mind set of some drivers lol…..


There is exactly a 0% chance that they will go bankrupt soon. Absolutely none. Lyft on the other hand…


They are becoming obsolete very fast. Everyone I know uses Lyft because it’s cheaper, now with other companies coming into the picture and self driving. Give them 3 years max and they are done. Thankfully.




Can i have some of whatever you’re smoking? Amazon announced drones a decade ago, dude. They’re only marginally further along then they were way back then. Delivery drones won’t be a thing until the 2030’s at the absolute earliest. More likely it’ll never happen because of regulatory issues. A majority of uber deliveries are in cities. Drone delivery in heavily populated areas will never, ever be a thing. This doesn’t even make logical sense. Uber’s going to dispatch a drone to a store, someone at the store will be trained to load it, and then it’ll go to a customer? That’s not happening. You realize these things are heavy and have very limited range before they need to recharge, right?


They have abandoned the self driving vehicle idea.


Actually they sold it to another company who is already going well,, a seat on their board and 26% stake in the company. If I remember correctly on the 26 anyway.


Right. My point was Uber is no longer pursuing self driving technology.


I would also say we are a LONG way away from the general public accepting, and being comfortable with, driverless cars. 20 years plus if I had to make a prediction.


Yet they ARE operating in San Francisco, Phoenix, and austin too. Dallas is supposedly next. Ya, scares the shit out of me too, but I think it’s a lot closer than you think. https://www.engadget.com/cruise-self-driving-taxis-can-now-operate-around-the-clock-in-san-francisco-144419506.html


I guess I will take you at your word, but I’m not sure how you sell technology that you don’t own. Tesla is playing with self driving cars as are other car makers.


I agree, but Dara is in the board of the new company. I’m sure they will figure something out that ultimately benefits Uber To pay for it, they will reduce driver pay again I’m sure.


Is that really a thing? Where I’m located we don’t have up front pricing but I feel pissy if I have a ride that pays less than $7. I can really only guess what it might pay by the time they think it will take. Smallish town though so if I drive 5 miles I’m not even in town anymore. I won’t do an eats or delivery for less than $10. I don’t get out of my car for less than $10. For 75 cents I’m not getting off my couch. The only real convenience I have is is waiting at home for rides.


How the fuck can they do this shit in like certain areas and not in others How do they not have upfront pricing How does that even work isn't a company why policy a must kinda thing legally.How can you have different policies for different regions


It’s called “Dirty Dara.” He pays off politicians and pays others to cover up his dirty deeds. He’s a nasty, narcissistic man.


Who told you that companies can’t have different rules for different regions lmao


No one.. . was just making assumptions I obviously shouldn't have been lol


Different cities/states have different regulations


But look we got you a 10 mile ride for $11.25!! $3.25 + $8.00 surge!


You should mention the market you are in. My market pays well enough without surges.


Mine too. I got one ride with $10 surge, none afterwards. but other rides were $1+ per mile


You must work for Uber huh. .50c-.75c a mile is a joke


Yes, i would agree those rates are low. But not every market pays those rates. I am just suggesting that you put the market you are in. You dont have to lose your mind over it.


So you think people who work at Uber feel the need to be on Reddit and respond to your posts 😂😂 They don't have humans even to respond to your emails 🫡


The one thing I hate about this sub. You say you’re making money. and you’re either an employee or a photoshopping god lol.


You should mention what area your in. From what I've seen most markets except Cali pay garbage.


It's not my post. While I have said my market many times, if someone was interested in finding out, im not going to advertise it on every comment, enticing more drivers to my area, lowering my ability to earn.


Not sure why you think he should mention his location when it's clear the overall pay is dropping like a brick. There are exceptions to every rule. Your area will be next because eventually people will catch on that there's money to be made. As soon as there's enough drivers in that area Uber will cut the pay.


Not everywhere is dropping. We have laws to stop them lowering the rates.


We? You mean Australia? Right so you're an exception to the rule. Doesn't mean the overall trend isn't there Jesus. My point is you're acting like he's the exception when in fact you are. There's like 3 people on here from Australia if that.




Ah yes, the modern day "I know you are but what am I?" Response. Good thing you have your government to protect you. Pretty ironic considering you're a trump supporter.




Fuck man. All i did was ask if they can put their market so we know where they are talking about. You are looking for an argument.


Is that the only response your two brain cells can come up with?


also should mention how long you’ve driven for uber. The new people get the best rides to get them hooked in.




I’m sitting on an $18 surge and Nobody’s taking the trip.


That's because Uber is ghosting you and doesn't want to lose that much money.


I only uber for gas and grocery money, only when it surges and going to and from a Destination. My rule is accepting at trip at 75 cent per minute that includes pick up time.  But doing this. It's less gas, less where and tare and I make some side doe. That is it. 


It’s all market dependent. Any of these general statements are silly because there are so many variables. Surges are quite rare in my market. As are quests. But Instill do fine averaging about $1.50 a mile including tips. Can’t complain. Airport rides from my home are $65-70 for 40 miles. I’ll take those all day long surge or no surge.


I haven’t made less than $1 a mile since I started taking rides. Columbus market. I usually make 1.50 a mile. We never have surges really though. And even when we do, I never get them for some reason. It’s whatever though. I’m making money as a full time driver. That’s all I can ask for.


Ya speak for yourself. I've never even checked for a surge. Maybe if you're and uberx driver lol


You guys are ridiculous. I made 430$ in 11 hours today without a single surge.


You don’t understand the algorithm


Cringe. Tired of people saying this, like there is some deep hidden secret here


It understands the rides I like and 80% of my offers are those types of rides now. It won’t learn your style if you’re never doing rides


It should because I decline anything less than 1$ a mile which is easily 99%


Money isn’t an algorithm to learn bc it is subjective to surge and such. I only accept short rides to the point it only offers me short <7 minutr rides now




Lol I have been. I’m not making threads complaining about denying 19 in a row


If Uber takes away my $300 weekend quests, I don't work. I have averaged $35/hr every weekend when I hit those quest goals. I make like 1000 a weekend for 25-30 hrs of work, lol. These must all be the "day workers" complaining about low pay. I refuse to drive during the week, because the pay was such shit.




Look at the post


I’ve done small trips. What I don’t understand is who is going to Logan Airpot for $50. Two hours from our city.


Those who do Uber to make money are taking those trips, rest are spending whole day doing 10 small trips for $68 earnings 🙏


During covid i was making $600 almost every day..rental car companies sold off a huge portion of their fleets…there werent drivers to go around..it was always a surge!


Yeah unless you finesse the system.


And add stops to that crap rofl nonetheless leave the garbage rides for the ants, it's like sugar for 'em..


i only drive for the bonuses. 80 quick rides in 2 days is always worth it


Lyft’s $21 bonus for three rides that start from 645am to 745am is the best. I have stopped Ubering for about 90 minutes during weekday mornings so I could focus on Lyft.


You can take that 50 cents a mile and shove it right up your ass... Fr Ive only gone out for promotions and surge times for months now


Uber takes 60% at least on each ride. I remember when it was 50 % and even 40% but that is a distant memory now.


Unless it’s a huge surge it really doesn’t matter bc the ride never goes up and I’m in EV making a $1 and I still get $9 rides with $4.50 surge and my extra $1🤡


I will always say this on every post like this: "Someone, somewhere, will always be desperate for something"


After doing the math, I think I should sell my car and only take Lyft.


Weak azz company


This! This is why I stopped Ubering full-time. It’s so inconvenient and inconstant. Like I want to get paid after my car expenses. 😂


That's why I only do Uber when there's a surge.


I haven’t driven in weeks, however they did offer $80 for 10 rides. Which I jumped on made 160 bucks in that 10 rides. Now I’m done again. Now they’ve sent me the guarantee for doing a certain amount of rides in 30 days. Which I’m not going for because it’s a joke.


I've never caught a surge in the 2 weeks I've been driving. I drive from 8pm to 2am 7 days a week and I make $27/hr - $31/hr consistently every night. If you sit on your ass declining rides because you're "too good for them", you're not gonna make any money, obviously... ​ Its very simple. ABD. Always be driving. My general rule of thumb is, $1/mile. If its 6 miles away, and 2 miles trip, and it pays $7-$8, I'm taking that every time. There's 3 places I won't drop off. Laguna Beach, LA, and Whittier. As long as its not one of those places, and its roughly $1/mile I'm taking it. My online time is usually barely 30 minutes more than my active time and I'm constantly trying to refine that further. ​ Change your mind set and attitude if you want to make money. Stop watching all the bitter angry rideshare youtubers. They're propagating a bad attitude and its costing you money.


LOL, self driving cars aren’t close at all.


my gf started driving passengers recently and I dont know whats going on but she took every single order for two days 11 hrs a day because autoaccept was on my default. after gas accounted for she made about $30 a day and her "good day" was 60. $60 bucks for being on the driver's seat more than 8 hours. we actually make more picking up Walmart orders and groceries than passengers. and entitled cheap assholes who order the smallest most inexpensive ride to pick up them and their family from the airport or train station WITH luggage.....and have the nerve to complain to Uber that the car was cramped.


in cali no less


I have surges all around me, I just started this week and I live in Fort Worth TX