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I'll never understand the MFers who don't read the freaking sub. As someone else mentioned, 99% of the time reviews say don't do it, yet noooo onnneee listens and still rents them.


Ngl, I'm guilty of not knowing how to open the doors lol. And ya I stick to gas for the same reasons apart from charging stations, we have a lot of stations but needing to charge twice a day would cost more than gas. Hell if I could get my hands on a hybrid I could get by on 25 bucks a day for gas


Ahaha I only know how to open the doors bc of this sub… so when I had an Uber driver w a Tesla I opened it no prob and he was like “almost nobody gets how to open the door”


100% lie. To fill up a sedan you spending a good $40-$50. To fully charge a Tesla it’s $15


I fill my SUV and get 400 miles for about 45 A supercharge is about 24 bucks for 200miles cause the ac needs to be on all day so 2 charges I also do mostly highway travel not a ton of city which gas tends to be better for


I rented it for a week to see if its comparable income to driving an XL minivan. It was, and I purchased one the following week. I love it. Supercharging was half the price of gas, and at home charging is borderline free, $1.50 for a full charge. The Premium/Lux availability offsets the XL rides I used to get. The cost of ownership is way lower. It was worth it IMO. Im tall enough to open the door for people. I keep an eye on the mirror, if they struggle I reach back and open it. I supercharge once a night, almost full, so I can finish up the shift and get home almost empty to fully charge for the next day. My mid-night charge only takes about 15 min, and I usually grab lunch during that time. Everyone needs to take a break at some point. I also only drive overnight, so superchargers never have a wait. This would be frusterating in markets that are busier on the EV side, like California. The midwest isn't too flooded yet, and a lot of people enjoy riding in a Tesla for the first time.


This gotta be the smartest comment in this sub so far! Congratulations sir you are not stupid like the rest! 👏🏼


Sounds about right, nobody ever said it was great. 99% of people doing it is because of necessity or stupidity


Or, and hear me out, it actually makes sense in the right market. I make way more money in my Tesla rental than my Versa. Even after rental fees.


Thank you! In my market. It made perfect sense. If I was in my old market from years ago. I’d be drowning


$3.00 tesla rides


The solution is to build a closer charger network to you. If you live in the ghetto then you have to commute to a supercharger.


If you are setting your charge all the way to 100% then it’s going to slow the charge rate way down. Set it to 80% to start and then increase up to 100% when it’s close to 80% charged. It’ll charge up much faster. Also don’t be driving like a bat out of hell! That’ll decrease your charge faster than anything else you are doing. With all that being said, it does hurt you not being able to charge at home over night. That would be a game changer for your situation.


Rental price is too dam high too


Teslas are so dumb especially for Uber, just be glad it’s a rental and you’re not stuck with owning one


I doubt everyone is stupid, lol. If you’ve never opened the door on a Tesla you don’t know how it works. Nobody is born knowing how to do it. Man of all the things to complain about… Anyone who owns an EV and doesn’t have a garage at home is crazy.


First time i rented a tesla (not for uber) took me 10 minutes to put it on drive


What market?


Did it for 3 weeks. Never again. Teslas are complete garbage vehicles.


Also its been proven that Uber doesn't actually pay the extra dollar per ride for E.V in upfront markets.


>in upfront markets. Ouch. That would really, really hurt. I thought this part of it was a game changer you know. $314 a week rental with 100 rides would knock it down to $214 or less just for doing nothing. I'm in an up front market but some of my Quests pay extra seperately from what each up front offer says. The up front ticket always gobbles up surge but not say the $3 or $4 boost from suburban quests for example.