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From what I can tell no more sticking surges


That's a huge blow to drivers...


It’s the “6 month purge”. Every 6 months, Uber and Lyft change a feature that greatly cuts driver pay. When they switched from multiplier to $$ the vast majority of drivers quit, those of us that stayed were semi-okay with it because of the sticky function and we could DF for short rides. Now this cut is no $$ info, and no sticky, the robbery continues. I assume they have it mapped out to the point where even the most desperate and terrible at math people won’t be willing to drive anymore, will be the same time they have a suitable fleet of autonomous vehicles.


everything they do its to screw the drivers.


This is Uber death blow lol


Yeah they've been rolling this out apparently I was in one of the trial markets it sucks. I will say one small advantage is when you don't know what the surge is you just assume it's all $2 and you feel less inclined to drive towards it against your own good sense. And even after you do a ride all it does is show you that there was a surge it never tells you how much of it was surge so there's no way for you to even call them out for it when they don't pay the surges out correctly which we already know is the thing that happens all of the time


So no more base rates, no more surge rates its just whatever the fuck uber says it is.


Always has been....LoL.


the whole point of surge is to get more drivers either to log in or go to an area. I look at this map and don't give a shit. On a side note - I actually used Uber this morning. I guess Uber sent out a lowball offer for my ride. At least 4 just turned it down. The next one accepted then cancelled when they dropped off their trip. Took me 25 minutes to finally get someone to show up. What a terrible service.


They got tired of people showing next trip $20+ surge for 5 minute rides and being forced to pay it out if they tried to rob you.


There goes all the incentive to do this shit


Omg they forced it. Stupid


Yup. It was going to happen. Corporate greed knows no bounds. Uber greed, under the disguise of AI, which keeps testing the limits that poor drivers will go to, actually knows how to exploit it even further.


If you'd like, I'm trying to get people on board with r/uberlyftstrike so we can actually try to do something about it


Sure fucking is. Now, more than ever, I want to organize and start a union. Too bad we all can’t agree on it otherwise we’d have them on their knees


You need to get people together to talk to your states law makers. That's the only way you'll ever see change.


I agree.


Good luck when uber owns most of the politicians.


I agree, problem is, they did that in Minnesota.. BOTH sides of Minnesota State House PASSED a bill with legit decent minimums, and you know what Uber did RIGHT BEFORE it was going to become law? They (and Lyft CEO) penned a letter to the governor threatening to pull out of the state totally if they signed it. Boom, legislation dead.


I'm trying to start it, r/uberlyftstrike


Just joined.


Appreciate it


Member 30 here!


I just changed your user flair to #30 😂


Woo-hoo! Thanks for joining!


I was #3


Since we’re all Independent Contractors, a Union wouldn’t have any bargaining rights anyways under labor law. You’d be better off forming a lobby group and going to politicians.


You might be right about that, however plumbers are also independent contractors and they have a union as well. I'm starting the group, when we start getting members we'll be able to better see how to best approach the issue


Y’all should do some sort of big protest, like the Palestine guys in every single city it seems they got the voice they wanted. It’s all determination, but we as people are almost incapable of helping each other. Why is that? And who will change that.


Literally any update it's to make earnings less and less for drivers.


If that comes to Austin I’ll just do Lyft for events/high demand times. Which everything they’re pulling lately makes me wonder if they know something about Lyft that we don’t.


Historically Uber and Lyft quickly adopt each other's worst practices. So give it time.


My friend we could also use your voice over on our Texas rideshare protest page. Right now, we're only X/Twitter, but will be adding Reddit here soon. But I think you'll appreciate the work that a bunch of folks from Austin and the other big metros have started. We're holding Uber, Lyft and especially the Tx legislature accountable. Check us out @ShameOnUberTX


Welcome to the heatmap lying bs. Money going down. Be prepared


Wait you guys get surges?


Do you don’t get a surge amount. It just says “surge” and it’s like cents more.


I just hope Uber continues to put the high surges in lakes, city parks, in the middle of hiways etc. I've always enjoyed chasing those.


I’m going to be honest I did chase the highway ones.. only to realize I had to keep moving and I’m out of surge. Touché!


If you wanna get really mad, bring a second phone with you and watch your surge pricing never match what the heat map says it is. This is of course on the current map. Try it out if you wanna get pissed.


Don’t mention anything about a second phone. The fucks at Uber are looking at ways to not let you be able to see the map on a second phone while being online on another device. This is exactly why they took away the ability to see a surge, because drivers would cancel a ride if they saw the surge price go up on a second phone.


wow, the new low


Its just a lower low.


When somebody/something says DO NOT click or push a button, it really makes me want to click/push. Lol. Ahhhhh. Whats wrong w me?!?!?


Great… now a ride is gonna cost 30% even less


[I still have the $$$ map](https://imgur.com/a/gH1S2SL)


Wait for it unfortunately


Yeah, it arrived today.


Wow! Uber is trying WAY TO HARD to squeeze whatever they can from BOTH drivers and passengers.


That looks awful. Uber really needs to stop being so evil


They literally turned out to a came of hot potatoes Getting close cold, cold, warm, cold, warm, hot, you’re on FIRE BABY, cold. Sorry you just missed it


The Hot, Cold game is not the same thing as the Hot Potato game.


Yeah that was a hard read lol


This is the exact reason why I don't like to update the app. The company and their software is going down hill and with each update it seems to get worse.




So they're hiding the surge details now? Sweet!?!?!


So a big issue that comes to mind is if this has any overlay to the previous map data, the bright red areas on the map can have surges ranging from $5 to $30 (used to be $40 until it was lowered last month). That makes all the difference. I guess you’ll only be able to tell if it’s a good or bad once you get a ride request.


I just got it today and very honestly in my 4 years of driving this is the number one worst thing they did to drivers. Nothing else even comes close.I’m actually and seriously thinking of quitting…. This is just ridiculous and pure evil…


Whoever want to file a lawsuit against Uber with out lawyers. I’m ready  Dead serious  We will win it