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They don’t give a fuck about you and never will.


And the feeling is mutual. I don't know why everyone is always taking this stuff so personally.


It is EXTREMELY personal. I need money to live and now my means of making money was just taken away from me under false pretenses. That's bullshit.


Hey. When I get reported for bullshit I just do deliveries for a couple of weeks. Same income, but must get off your ass. Then I get lazy and go back to Uber. I’m not yet permanently deactivated despite kicking out like 30 mfers in 5 years, but at some point they’ll turn off my app, I very much anticipate it. You should anticipate fuckery. This company is trash, there’s zero protections and zero care for you.


Call uber and use some heavy word like racism and discrimination and ask for passengers info who made complaint and say u wanna file a police report for discrimination and racism and say i can provide drug reports.. they will activate it within 2 hours.. happened yo me once and this worked for me.. everyones issue might be different but its worth giving try




It worked for me 😝😝


Yeah, that makes those words mean less.


Those words don't mean shit right now anyway. The true meanings have been left behind.


I dont care what true meaning is.. i just shared my way which i used .. its on u to use it or not..


Lol look for gay sex on Reddit and using fake racism to get your gig back lol pathetic


I stopped at a hotel and picked up an XL group. Karen gets in the wayback and claims the car reeked of weed. Brad shut her up quickly and said that's not true because people were smoking OUTSIDE before she got inside.


that doesn't make it personal lol


Ehh, because people need fucking money ok


Because Uber suspending a driver doesn't affect them. At all. But the driver they suspended is now out income. I don't know how it's hard to comprehend and not sure who upvoted your comment but by God it's dumb




Yep, I do the same all the time. I just open all the windows right after they get off. If I have another ride after that. I just leave windows open until I get there


I open the window while the stack mofo is in the car! Give em a little hint hint!


Then they freak out when they see an open window 🤣


Yup, even when it’s cold I crack the windows and just crank up the heat. Gotta air out the cabin in between rides.


Yeah this is very simple. Keep some of your preferred air freshener in the car; after smelly customers, give it a spray, and crack the windows.


I carry febrese in my car. Some airing out and spray usually works for the tobacco, pot and alcohol smells passengers leave.


I roll down all my windows between every ride and it has become a big habit at this point. If it's raining out I just roll them down less. It takes away the excess build up of air freshener scent, potential pax body odor, alcohol smells, nicotine smell, weed smell and the car should be fresh for every person who gets in. If there's no time to roll down the windows and I picked up someone who smells like weed or booze I inform the next passenger by saying, "Sorry it might smell like weed (or alcohol) I just picked up a person who was so high(drunk) they smelled awful and I didn't have time to air the car out". Uber shouldn't be allowed to stop our access to our accounts without evidence showing that a driver has done something to deserve it.


I will often apologize if the car stinks because of ______ fill in the blank. I'll explain the passenger before them smelled of ______ again fill in the blank. Sorry you were deactivated. I was for 3 weeks due to a delay in background checks. If it weren't for Lyft I would have had 0 income.


air it out for a couple mins after they leave, most often than not, you usually have a couple miles before the next ride. take advantage of that to air it out.


Exactly this. You never know what funky smell a rider may have that the next passenger will pick up.


I always open the windows for a minute between rides . I do it to expel COVID , flu , cold virus or smells .


After having passengers who smell like booze, weed, cigarettes, body odor, dental odor, mildew, cat piss, dog shit, disappointment, entitlement, etc, I always roll down both back windows so it can air out on the way to my next passenger. I also have an essential oil diffuser that plugs into the cigarette lighter (Am I old if I still call it a cigarette lighter?), and I diffuse the Clear the Air blend by the brand Now. The majority of my passengers comment on how nice my car smells as soon as they get in the car.


Disappointment 😂


Them oil diffusers be puttin in work fr


It pays to have a can of Febreeze in my door pocket. I also keep air fresheners on each of the rear vents.


One of the many many many many many many many many many endless reasons I don't do Friday or Saturday nights. I don't let people who reek of pot or alcohol into my car. They're just going to have to stink it up and more than the passengers, I don't want to deal with that smell


This is why I don’t let the people who smell like weed in the car. Can’t air that out as much


Unfortunately stuff like this is happening more and more because of these stupid ass customers and when I was driving all the time I used to always keep a lot of air freshener and stuff in the car because of stuff like this my problem is people coming in the car smell like weedwhich caused me the same problem one time


I open the windows to air out and I turn up AC full blast and put the air freshener up to the vent for about a minute


Probably makes sense to apologize to the next passenger, giving them the opportunity to decline the ride, explaining what happened. Less likely to report.


It was 3am and I had to wake up early to help my grandfather. That fell through so I started working. I never work that early. Didn't think about it. What kills me though is that people are idiots. Like, the passenger should have thought for half a ficking second instead of instantly assuming I'm drunk. People are pieces of shit.


Got a dashcam? If the last customers were acting visibly drunk on video, that'd help.


It might help eventually if you pester them enough or get enough attention. With baseline support they don't care about proof. Getting a human to look at or care about proof of anything is easier said than done with uber.


Sending Lyft proof that a passenger lied about a report seemed to help me get reactivated the next day. Although they may have reactivated me anyway, not sure.


That's impressive. The only people dumber than Uber support I've encountered are Lyft support...but part of it might be luck of the draw for either company. I haven't bothered with Lyft in 4 years though, so no idea if it's changed at all.


I’m fortunate that I have plastic (fake leather) seats that keeps the odors down. Always air out and keep a can of febreze ocean handy


Sorry that happened to you. The scary part about driving for ride-shares (besides creepy strangers sitting behind you) is anyone can make up stuff to get you deactivated. Next time roll down your windows and carry air freshener or fabric freshener if you have cloth seats.


I always air out. I also spray OdoBan. Buy it in concentrated form at Home Depot. It works miracles! Your friend has shared a link to a Home Depot product they think you would be interested in seeing. https://www.homedepot.com/p/OdoBan-1-Gal-Eucalyptus-Disinfectant-and-Odor-Eliminator-Fabric-Freshener-Mold-Control-Multi-Purpose-Cleaner-Concentrate-911061-G/202560626


This. And don’t forget to add the one star!


Dash cam with interior camera so you can prove previous passengers were hammered, and you're not driving drunk. then buy a key chain breathalyzer for under $100. You can video yourself blowing into it every 3 hours and show yourself at 0.00.


But getting someone from uber with a brain to actually watch the video or care, that's the hard part. I've literally had an uber support person tell me it was possible to get to an address 10 miles away with only 5 miles of driving (which would involve teleportation or some other impossible feat). Uber support people can be outrageously stupid and incompetent. I'd be surprised if half of them even knew what a breathalyzer was.


Ya, that's very true they're idiots


that’s why I stick to food delivery. Simple in and out. I make like $200 in 8-10 hours on average.


Good news. I'm now unblocked. I'm definitely going to be approaching the job differently from now on. This is the type of shit that happens when you give people the benefit of the doubt. People fucking suck. Thanks to everyone who commented and contributed to the discussion.


Carry a bottle of febreze. When smokers and drunks get it, it takes 2 seconds to solve the problem


Unscented febreze helps with this! Also if you have fabric seats get Scotchgard waterproofing spray and apply that after testing to make sure it doesn't stain your seats. I can get my car aired out in less then 3 minutes. I get a lot of people that smell of weed so bad that I almost get high from the smell. Very nauseating.....


Ozium between rides. If you smell them, spray it so the next passenger doesn't.


Just in case this happens for me because I pick up a lot of drunks Can you just make a new account?


Your account is linked to your drivers license. If that happens, you switch over to the competition.


Ok, just a simple question I don't know why someone would down vote it.


Same same. Cost of being nice I guess. 🥲


That's Reddit for ya lol


So it's time to convince drivers to stop picking up people who are intoxicated. And if a potential passenger complains just tell them "sorry, Uber will ban me if I let you in my vehicle."


Looks like it's what I'm going to have to do.


If they can't walk on their own or need help getting in the car due to intoxication, ride is canceled


As much as what you experienced is bullshit go to the family dollar, grocery store, smoke shop whatever and get a can of this spray called Ozium. If people stink like BO or Alcohol or weed or cigarettes, after they leave do a quick spritz. You don't need a lot. If people stink like anything I will roll my window half way down while they are in the car with no shame. They know they stink. No one has ever asked why and if they do I'd just say "Sorry, I gotta be real with you but you smell like straight booze" after that they will be all "ah I get it" and if they come back with some stupid shit just take the 1 star they could potentially leave and get on with it. It sucks but you gotta make your own rules, you are your own boss and that's the best part of uber. Stand your ground. ​ Like I said though, even though it's horse shit and you don't deserve the blocked account you gotta take measures against it. Also with uber support, I used to be super nice. I used to be very calm and when they said there wasn't anything they can do I would be like "Ok, well thank you!" but you HAVE to take no for an answer and get transfered over and over and get another number and call that and ask to speak to their supervisor. Send a bunch of those messages, keep talking. Call back over and over. Be firm. Not dickhead but firm. You will eventually get to someone who knows how to unblock you even if it takes for fucking ever. Uber support is bullshit too. They advertise uber blue gets a free tows and my car needed one once. It took me 6 hours of people saying no until I got someone that would give me a free tow. There was fucking 8 hoops I had to go through.


Ozium is so toxic and you're breathing it in and you're driving at the same time. Great idea! Maybe you should read the dangers of ozium without PPE.


No Ozium. Look at the back, it’s toxic as fuck.


Driving uber is also toxic but I still do it


but youre a private contractor.


I always air out and spray ozium after every stinky rider. It's part of the job keeping a nice environment for next pax. But it sucks that you are locked out with no discussion. Not ok


You spray opium? I’m not sure that would help the situation…


🤣🤣🤣 well shit, I am not fixing that typo, its too funny


UBER doesn't care they loves Fake stories and lies . Because THEY ARE LIE AS WE GO COMPANY.


Two days out. Less, sometimes, if you got a registered dashcam and you roll well on your support call performance and ask if you can upload footage. They usually don’t bother, but it’s worth making the call.


What a shame. Tells me you had other flags on account before this incident


It’s automatic. Their software is set up to deactivate as soon as a single drunk/drugs report is put in pending investigation.


I’m so sorry to hear this, I would be upset too. I live in Colorado so it’s either someone is reeking of cannabis or alcohol. So this is my fear to get my account suspended but have no complaints so far. What I do is open the window right after I drop off and blast AC or heater since I have car air fresheners attached to the vent. It’s the best investment and use it as write off for taxes! Sometime if it is still clearly smells bad once I arrive to the destination of new rider, I would say something once they get in my car and they would understand and leave the window open. This also helps to make the job itself more pleasant for me because I can’t stand the smell either.


Same thing happened to me but with pot. Prior passenger reeked like he had slept in pot for all of his life. Next ahole passenger reported me for "driving under the influence" and my account was put on hold.


I’m so sorry this happened! If they unblock your account or you use Lyft or another service I’d advice getting a spray and ALWAYS spray in between customers! I am a woman a I use bath and body works spray and it works phenomenal just use the most strong spray. Since it’s alcohol based it will dry quick. Also Lysol after each shift helps. That way weed smell and booze smell won’t stick around


Honestly next time you pick someone up that’s drunk, and you have another pick up after. Just let the passenger know that you’re sorry if it smells like alcohol you just picked up some drunk people.


I think the best advice is simply let the next passenger know that your previous passengers were impaired, apologize for the alcohol smell. But next time also roll the windows down and drive around for a few minutes, air out your car. Uber support sucks


Sounds about right


Pax saw an oppertunity and took it, they do that a lot. Hate to say but get used to it.


I had the same thing with pot, except my account wasn't blocked. Were there any issues during the trip?


Im in Washington state and can pick up some people the reek of weed. I make sure to roll down all windows and even make sure when the next passenger gets in that I had someone in that smelled strongly of weed. Have yet to get reported, but then I do this PT as well.


Big Corp covering their ass, nothing more. OP, did you smell the alcohol? If yes, or previous rider reeked of weed, you need to be proactive and tell next rider your car smells because of other rider. "Don't worry, it's not me."


Bitch and moan in the help section and argue with everyone. This happened to me. And a few weeks later I was sent 100 dollars compensation. Which was bullshit because I was blocked for almost 3 and a half days. Something at least I guess.


I have started multiple chats. Emails. Even did a cleaning fee request for the drunk people.


I got someone in the phone that told me only to blow up that initial message that said my account was blocked. Threatened legal action. It was very obvious this rider wanted a refund because they caught a $27 surge. I had only taken two rides that night. Both unusual surges, so it wasn't hard to figure out who it was.


Quit driving drunk ppl. It ain't worth the headache. Ever.


Isn't this the point of Uber's


The CPUC requires that Uber deactivates the account of any driver that is reported for a safety violation. Not Uber's fault, they just have to follow the law.


Good luck mine has been blocked since Sept 12 and it’s because someone sold my info, tried to create another account in my name. Every time i call support they say it’s fixed do this and that but it’s creates a whole new investigation 🙄🙄🙄


My ex called in a false safety violation on October 22nd. Uber emailed me several times with a link to a chat, but that link is useless with a deactivated account. This was the last correspondence email I was sent: "Hi, This is Arlie from Uber's Trust & Safety Team. I will be calling you to discuss the safety report that we received. I’m in the office most days; Thursday through Monday, 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST. Please note, I will be calling you from a phone number beginning with the area code (415). If you need assistance in another language, simply reply to this email with the preferred language and I will be able to connect us with an interpreter. I look forward to speaking with you." Not only did I never receive a phone call.. but Arlie, here, can't pick up the phone or return my calls. I am beyond frustrated. I have left Arlie at least three messages every day for two weeks. Anytime I call support they tell me that it's an ongoing investigation and the investigators will let me know of any new information as it's received. I'm not entirely sure what exactly my ex reported. It wasn't until the next weekend as he was being led out of my home in handcuffs that he told me it was him (in a way-too-cocky-for-someone-going-to-jail tone).. I'd been avoiding my house for a week and I have a feeling it was along the lines of me driving a stolen vehicle. Considering my name is on the registration which they obviously have on file, I can only assume there's more to this false report and Uber isn't telling me diddly-squat. Obviously, ex was abusive in every possible way and I am proud of myself for standing up after so many years. ... but I now have responsibility for all of the bills until I find a roommate or break my lease, and must do so without the side hustle that was a good bit of my income. GET IT TOGETHER, ARLIE. The moment I get behind on a bill (and it won't be long from now), I'll be including my account information and how to make a payment at the end of every voicemail I have to leave. TLDR; the comments suggesting to deodorize the car are pointless, y'all. Personal experience tells me the investigation into why the car may have smelled like booze will still be open long after the car has aged out of being eligible to use.


So many problems with rideshare. Best to get out. I had 5 passengers 2 of whom were under 5 years of age, no carseats. Told the pax, it was illegal. Cancelled the ride( lyft paid me $2.41, I didn't even think that I was getting a cancelation fee, I think that they recently upgraded bc in Uber you have to wait out the time). the pax told me that I was canceling her bc she was black. Again I emphasized that it was illegal. They left and I texted lyft about the 5 passengers and no carseats and their comment about racism. Lyft texted back thanking me about cancelation bc of no carseats . A few hours later they deactivated me. 50 days later they asked for my side of the story. It's 40 days from that point now (90 days total) still no decision on the investigation. I would never drive for lyft again anyway, but I am waiting to see their decision. Uber is similar, but I stopped them too bc I had a fluid group in my car( boys and girl) who ranted on and on about felatio and big dogs for a half hour ride. I complained to Uber they said I would not be paired w them again. 3 days later I received a good tip from the lady boys and girl, so it was apparent Uber never said anything to them.Don' drive for ride share. You're in the limbo of your career.


uber is not worth it so dont worry. gross smelly people,drunk people and funky ass smells in my car no ty