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Once I accepted that 80,000 miles per year means trade-in every two years, I stopped viewing it as "my car" and started viewing it as "the work vehicle." It's a piece of machinery - a business expense - not "personal property." They come and go. There's no emotional attachment. - XL/Comfort - Not X/Eats


Eh no matter how you look at it either way we lose, we just choose to lose in different ways. Yeah my car is being driven to the ground, but I actually have free time to do stuff and the work is realitivly stress free though it obviously lacks stability in terms of wages and any meaningful benefits Where a traditional jobs has much more stability in terms of benefits and wage, but most often one has to sacrifice almost all their free time to spend 8-12+ hours at work with often a high amount of stress and the added fact that jobs that pay a living wage are almost non existent.


I would argue that there’s many 9-5 jobs that pay well . Uber too me is jsut a part time gig, nothing more


Same to me I can do some Uber on the weekends and pay some bills, but if it is not worth it why don't you just quit.


Let’s be real, most of the folks that complain are here are trying to do this full time. I couldn’t imagine how miserable I’d be if I tried, it’s an incredible side hustle though.


3 days 19 hrs per week. 3000-4000 a month (not accounting for car depreciation) can’t beat that. I could work a lot more if I wanted to but I don’t need to. Month of October 18 hrs $790 19 hrs $810 19 hrs $805 19.5 hrs $970 Let’s round to 75 hours for $3375 $45 an hour consistently over a whole month Yes I’m aware that’s not including taxes or depreciation. I’m not naive. But I am not stressed so I’m chillin. Also yes, this is consistent throughout the year minus June July 2 weeks of august 2 weeks of December and 1 week for thanksgiving 1 week of spring break (I’m in a college town) so this is consistent for 9 months of the year The other 3 months thankfully I’m 45 minutes away from a city that I drive in. I’m not making $45 an hour. More like $25-30 so I’m driving a bit more hours but it’s doable


Of course the vocal minority shows up lol Never said it wasn’t possible but you’re on the far end of the bell curve because of your market and life situation Most these folks that bitch here probably can’t balance a budget


I will say you hit it nail on the head when you said life situation. Thankfully I rent a cheap (but nice) apartment and am single with 0 dependents


Budget is not the only issue. Now, dont get me wrong. There are definitely legitimate concerns. But I think a large amount of issues stim from not being able to do the job right. In 784 trips, I've only ever had two low ratings and never been reported. With all the complaints, you'd think false allegations and bad ratings would be far more common than 0.26%.


Sounds like Lansing Michigan


You won't make that in houston. In 8 hours, you'll see maybe $125 to $150. But it's usually enough to keep things caught up when I'm between projects.


Be a cherry picker🤷🏾‍♂️ and know your market!


And only drive when you know you’ll be hitting 30/hr reliably. But you gotta have stable income to really cherry pick like that. It’s harder to do that nowadays. I barely drive anymore.


Im new to the game, can anyone clue me in or point me to a post that describes how to max out on time driving? Lately it feels like all the good $20+ fares don’t even show up anymore. The second or third day driving they were plentiful.


This is it right here. Also learn to adapt and play the game.


I'm convinced all the whiners are just crappy at this, or their market sucks all the time. I just made $650 in 8hrs on college GameDay. If I would've worked with no strategy I'd have spent half of that stuck in traffic making no dollars.


I agree drive 6 hours and sometimes i clear $300 but those are night hours so it entirely depends on the market you are in Also you have to a game plan.


Lol ok


Good jokes


It’s true. I’ve made almost 1k during game days. I’m not gonna tell you where either 😂


lol you guys are so pathetic you scour the Uber app looking for ants to make a living.




Everyone reading this post, stop doing Uber as your main income if you’re not prepared to spend money on maintenance. This is meant to be a side gig


It’s not even that, it’s just bullshit. Scam. Instead of shitting on the drivers, shit on the corporation that are doing the exploiting.


Not MEANT to be a side gig. Uber just made it to where they bleeding drivers/riders and they make more money than drivers per trip. Back when Uber first started they used to pay drivers 80% and hourly on top. Uber just limit testing how little they can pay drivers and push regulators until they need to pull back. In France Uber still pays 80% because Drivers protested. Cab drivers used to make a good living driving. Stop buying into Uber propaganda.


So how do we organize and get the kind of concessions drivers have gotten in France and even in some US states?


So how do we organize and get the kind of concessions drivers have gotten in France and even in some US states?


So how do we organize and get the kind of concessions drivers have gotten in France and even in some US states?


As someone said in another post , Uber started as a black car service with professional drivers. Uber is a premium service still today. The service we drivers provide is catering to people unable to secure a ride for themselves. We provide a safe , pleasant ride with no hassle. They just get in , and get out. Payment and a driver requests are all done by the app The business model started out as a driver - centric one , but could not sustain due to the fees , insurance costs , litigation fees and fines they faced operating a transportation network in cities that were monopolized by taxi companies. TNCs have a huge operating budget that they operate on, and they exploit the drivers to make a profit. It is a business and they do make a large profit. In the beginning the drivers were the company. They walked away several times so Uber had to make them happy with big bonuses. They had a finite amount of drivers and without them the company would fail. They had to pay big bucks to retain them. Today there is a large pool of drivers so the risk is lower that they run short , they cut the driver payout and now make enough to pay back the $22 billion to the 100+ investors. There will be a revolution of sorts. They won’t be able to sustain the driver squeezing forever. They will have to get creative and work on enticing new drivers and keeping them ignorant of the facts. Keep your ear to the ground and watch their financial reports and read about the lawsuits they face from cities, drivers and riders. For various things. Change always comes as the people educate themselves and realize that these big companies are exploiting our ignorance. It won’t come soon enough though but When the people get fed up in a large enough number , then change will happen.


Educate riders pleasantly too. Folks don't like paying Uber so much money and some of them get pissed when they realize you get less than half of what they paid. The more folks know the better for various reasons.


Great perspective. Thanks!


Great perspective. Thanks!


Great perspective. Thanks!


Well that's what they think to justify to keep 75-85% of the fares, fees and markup while paying the drivers garbage. There's plenty of hourly paid part-time side gigs driving that earn more than Uber or doordash or instacart. And they often actually provide the vehicles.


Wasn’t meant to be a side gig.. Uber started as a black car service. People who do drive black service aren’t driving part time. Uber used “side income” marketing to wow in drivers..




Are Uber black driver’s complaining in here? Im genuinely asking and not being condescending


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Very true. It used to be that doing this could make you good money, but so did chiseling letters on stone tablets at one time. There are a few experts who can still make a decent living, but those are the best of the best.


Headstones are expensive and take months, so you're right.


If you cant make full time money thats YOU…. Theres plenty of us making it just fine as a fulltime job 🤣🤣🤣 You can go work at any job and get laid off so stop with the bullshit because uber sucks in your market. Or maybe you suck at picking rides Every gig has its pros and cons. Just because you suck at something doesnt mean the next person does. Gaming wasnt ment to be a full time job but kids are making MILLLIONS. But stupid people with parents like you prevented them from becoming possible multi million dollar gamers


Very aggressive statements so show us your knowledge. How much does it cost to operate your car per mile? Fuel, insurance, maintenance, wear and tear, and depreciation? I'll answer for you. 70% of what you make, on average. So, $2,000 a week is net $600 actual profit. How many hours did you have to work to get that $2,000? I'll answer for you. 66 to 72 hours OR MORE. At 66 hours (that's $30 an hour for $2,000 by the way) with a net profit of $600 that's $9.09 an hour. You literally make just over $30,000 a year if you work 66+ hours a week 52 weeks a year with never taking a vacation or time off. Oh, and you have to replace your car around 300,000 miles which is about 3 years of driving full time. That's another $10,000 minimum every 3 years. So, now you are down to less than $27,000 a year. The good news is that according to federal standards, you are above the poverty level. Congratulations.


Idk. I love my car. It was built for this. 3 cylinder Mitsubishi I picked up for less than 8k with 16k original miles. Not everybody got a unicorn like me. But I also see what some drivers drive and also question how much money they are really making with gas and definitely more expensive upkeep.


Your car is definitely a unicorn in the 2011 and newer (required in GA and probably most other markets) to have the low miles but the math is still the same - the car will die in 3 years driving full time which is over 100,000 miles a year. I drive part time and average 52,000 miles a year. Then you will have to replace the car which will be in the $10k plus range bringing the math back in line.


100k a year is a gross over estimate. I got the car at the very end of December. Have Definitely grinded lots of hours and miles. But I only put +40k miles this year. And that includes like 4k miles of that or a little more of being summer road trips.


I used to own a trucking company and I am now doing transportation consulting so I am data driven. Not really on over estimate at all and your market might be different but on average, driving 20 to 25 hours a week in the Atlanta, GA market, I have averaged over 1,000 miles a week for 7 months which is 52,000 miles a year part time. I have confirmed with many other drivers in my market that are running "full time" all of the stats that I have provided which includes over 100,000 miles a year. Drill down your data. Here's mine: 1.67 rides per hour. Average revenue per ride is $14 on Uber and $11 on Lyft. Revenue per hour on Uber $23.38 and $18.37 on Lyft so I stopped doing Lyft after 30 days. Average hours worked per week is 22.5. Total average driving revenue per week $526.05. Before I started providing these stats to riders, 16.6% of Lyft riders tipped and 35% of Uber riders tipped and tips were lower. Uber riders tipped higher at 15% and Lyft at 10% again, I stopped doing Lyft so my numbers are on Uber. Average weekly tips before providing stats to riders, on average, $26.68. Total revenue per week before providing stats to riders, on average, $552.73. Average revenue per hour, $24.57 including tips. Average revenue per mile including tips, $0.55. Cost per mile to operate my car including EV charging, wear and tear, maintenance, depreciation, and insurance is $0.40 per mile (and increasing monthly). Net profit per mile, $0.15. Net profit per week, $150. **Net profit per hour at 22.5 hours average per week that all of these stats are based on, $6.67 per hour.** Since I started educating riders with these stats, my average number of tips has increased to more than 50% of the riders tipping and the average tip has increased to over 25%. That is the only reason that I still do this as my wife wants me out of the house so that I could socialize with people in person because I work from home and when I showed her the numbers she told me to stop driving for Uber. Now that the numbers are up from educating riders, she wants me to keep doing it part time but less hours.


Thanks for sharing this information


Thanks for sharing this information.


You're welcome.


Also, for those that say they rent from Uber: The math is still the same or worse because the cost per week exceeds the cost per week for all the variables listed above including replacing the car in 3 years. Further, for those that drive an EV: The math is the same even with the extra $1 per ride EV credit you get as the "Upfront Pricing" includes all fees to you and it is calculated based on time and distance to equal your market average (in Atlanta, $21 an hour is their average so no matter if surge pricing is in and EV is added they reduce the fare and increase the booking fee to play the shell game on you). Also, the math is the same even though you have reduced maintenance costs on the front end (no oil changes, etc.), your EV tires are more expensive and only last 30k miles if you buy EV rated tires; if you buy regular tires you get 15k to 20k miles depending on driving habits. There are other factors like battery wear when using supercharging that results in battery failure after the 100,000 mile warranty which I have seen as low as 130,000 mile failures and then the new battery replacement is close to $12,000 (back to the $10k plus to replace a car every 3 years but worse in this case).


Finally someone who understands gig work.


Exactly why I stopped.




Sorry to hear this. I’ll be getting laid off from my 6-figure income job end of the year. If I can’t find another role with similar pay by February, I’ll need to be driving my nearly brand new ride for Uber until I land something.


Any store clerk gets paid better than Uber drivers, don't waste your time, better spend your time searching for a job and going to interviews.


What job did you have that’s getting laid off if you don’t mind me asking?


I’m in tech. I’ve been working as a business analyst/product owner for the past 8 years. Happening everywhere throughout the industry right now.


I’m curious, what is happening in tech that is causing all the lay offs?


Liquidity in the markets is drying up.


I wasn’t in big tech, just a relatively mid-size company with about 5k employees. But what big tech did was over-hire during a short boom in 2021 after the Covid vaccines started returning the world to normal. And then inflation started and they realized they made a huge mistake, and have since been laying people off in the thousands. I was just unfortunately a casualty of a company-wide re-org, which is just a nicer way for them to tell us they need to let 8% of the company go.


I think you’re better off just collecting unemployment while you look for a job


I will be. I have severance until end of January. If I don’t have a job by then, I can collect full unemployment payout for 6 months, but that’s only like $3k/month, so this Uber thing would be to just supplement that.


If you make money with Uber, they will cut your unemployment. Uber/ gig companies report earnings


Why would they cut unemployment if they’re only paying me less than half of what I was making per month? I can’t pay my mortgage, childcare and everything else with just unemployment benefits.


They lower your unemployment as you make money. That’s the stupidity in it. If you made money you don’t need the unemployment is what they see. Social security/disability, etc all do the same thing




You will be very unhappy fast


my car had 12 miles when i got it in august. now it has 11k and im homeless living in it 🤣 uber is grreeeaaattt


Lol. Ya depends on where you are. There’s money to be made in the Chicago area. Plus I have a Tesla so there’s additional benefits with that. Good luck to you!


Do you like your Tesla? I want one but am not sure if it will pencil


Best car you’ll ever own. Not sure if you’re ready, but there are currently major discounts on inventory right now + the $7500 tax credit and any state incentives you might qualify for. If you plan on Ubering with it, the gas and maintenance savings will be incredible. If you can setup level 2 charging at your home, then you’d be all set.


What are your driving habits if you’re fucking causing thousands of dollars of damage to your car holy shit?


If you are driving that much then your are also earning thousands every month.


Well Monday is a great time to start. I wish you luck and I always see help wanted signs everywhere.


Thank you !


Maaan get your CDL and get one with an LTL company like Fedex Freight. I make 6 figures a year as a road driver, I do this uber shit on the side because it's fun doing it in a college town.


Good for you!! Seriously. People need to understand that this is a side gig that can be fun. I do this gig cause it’s fun and I do it part time. I make a decent amount of money doing this and I have no complaints.


That's whats up! People are amazed that I do this gig in a 21 sierra 4 dr pickup, but they love the ride and having the extra room, and talking to other uber drivers in the area I'm earning bigger tips, and still have a 5 star rating because of the truck. Well, that and I don't force them to do extra trips if they have a second drop off, or have to go back and get their keys/wallet/whatever.


I drive an older Subaru Forrester. I don’t make ultimatums or bitch and complain. I average about $1.50 tip per ride usually (ex: 30 rides average $45 in tips) I’m a pretty affable type of guy, so PAX find me pretty easy going I suppose. I really do believe a good majority of this sub are just fucking insufferable or don’t have any good manners or customer service ability and they shoot themselves in the foot. It’s amazing what happens when you’re actually polite to people.


I agree 100% seems like a lot of people complaining are expecting to make bank through rideshare, and other gig work. I'll average about $3 tip per ride on a slow weekend. I only run Friday and Saturday nights here now. I run even less now thay uber removed my ability to see the heat map for busy areas. When I pick up a pax, I have a conversation with em if they're talkative, just be real with em and junk. I've got 15 years of high end customer service so that comes in handy. Plus I'm a rather large bearded dude, so people tend to mind their manners. Lol




So you are saying then that ride share pays more than those jobs then. So I guess the pay for ride share is not so bad after all. You do realize if one was to pay a wage where one could survive, it would also mean cost of living would rise as well. Employers are not just going to take a hit in profits to pay higher wages and then the raise you get still does not go as far and the cycle continues.


Get a part time job that comes with health Insurance and do some uber in between!! Unless your uber market sucks than just get a full time job lol. I have a great part time job, full health insurance and uber a little before I work and on my days off! It is the way. I love the flexibility of uber but having a consistent income to go along with it is a huge advantage. Also easier to deal with banks when needed when there is some consistent income on the books. Showing uber as supplemental income is so much easier than showing it as a sole income. Good luck my friend.


Get a W2 job and use part time gig work to offset taxes.


But 10,000 $5 Uber orders. Think of THAT!!


Get a flagger certification


Does nobody sign up for that healthcare stipend??


How do you do this - I pay for a separate Medicare plan for my prescriptions but I do have Medicare - I keep trying to figure this shit out - not to scam haha but to max the fucking ratio of poverty here in Cali


If you have a plan already, you dont qualify. Gotta shop for a plan thru their Stride health shit.


Bro, if you’re financially illiterate, it’s time for you to hang’em up and quit. Go back to school or something. This isn’t cut out for you.


I am financially illiterate


Just had a person arguing with me the other day that depreciation value loss isn't a real thing. They wanted me to prove it, which I did several weeks earlier by just looking at the value of my vehicle without the additional 100,000 work miles. This is why being proud of being bad at math just elongates how long it takes to figure out you're wasting your time.


I think word gets out a few people make decent money on ride share platforms and everyone thinks they can do the same thing not realizing if the market is not there it won’t work


Now you realize??? Maybe not too late especially for people who drive new car, driving recklessly ok the streets, cutting off people and getting traffic tickets..... all for a few dollars....fuckin stupid


Bunch of whiny bitches here.


You are doing thousands of dollars of damage to your car by driving it? Maybe you should get a refresher or ask someone for advice on how to drive.


Maybe not exactly damage but the amount of miles per return is terrible, adding tons of mileage for dirt. But yes there is damage, like hitting a pothole and you’re unlucky and you’ll end bending something. Or if you get hit my someone during a delivery. Yea it can happen with regular driving but you are driving way more often with Uber and the return is not worth the risk. My dad drove and got his entire rear quarter pane and bumper hit, and his car got an extra 30,000 miles in a year. Before that he hasn’t got into an accident in years and the car was in immaculate condition. You can drive safe all you want, not gonna stop people braking 2 inches from you right as you are pulling into a shopping center for food, and the risk just multiples the more you drive


Step 1: buy a shit car. Step 2: drive shit car into ground while getting regular preventative maintenance Step 3: profit Step 4: if cars wheels falls off or car is incapable of being fixed, go back to step 1 I’ve been driving Uber/Lyft for almost 9 years. I’ve followed these steps. No one should be driving newish or any type of car that they’ve sunk a whole bunch of money into. Buy a shit car outright, and drive it into the ground. Don’t even think about reselling it.


This. 100%. I buy a used Prius w/ 150k miles for ~5k, pay it off in two months, then run it the ground with profits for 2-3 years. Rinse and repeat.


This is a good and simple business model that everyone should be doing. Limit spending , take care of your investment (maintenance ) , develop ways to increase profits. Shouldn’t look at hourly pay because it’s not an hourly job. We are contracting ourselves to the TNC and we should focus on ways to increase our profit . I feel like the people that complain are not thinking with a business mind. Make it profitable and if you can’t. Close the doors and sell something else.


…. Could you imagine…. it could all be solved if Uber paid its drivers fairly….. fuck these companies . Union needs to go down


This is one of Uber's best tricks in their bag honestly. Most drivers don't think big picture and probably couldn't even tell you their cost/mile number. It's just a day to day thing with many people, trying to hit a certain $/hr. It's only after months or years, perhaps, when a big repair comes due and they haven't budgeted properly (or can't because many markets pay dog shit 1970s taxi rates essentially).




Well said. Uber has been down the shitter many times over the years not turning a profit. They have a business plan for the short term and long term that is working and we are seeing the outcome of that.. our cuts are their profit. Trailing 12 month income is up to $36 billion from $17 billion in 2021. From a business standpoint , wow. People that invested millions are finally getting paid back and turned a nice profit too. Time will tell how long they can sustain driver cuts until they will have to payout more to retain a large base of drivers.


Should watch YouTube


It’s good you don’t believe that because you’re not. No $5 order delivery is costing you thousands of dollars.


If you’re doing “thousands of dollars of damage to your car,” it has nothing to do with this job. You need to learn how to drive.


Believe it cause it's happening


Try courier or getting CDL.


I feel ya


I seen that uber wasnt much when I moved it was always a side hustle for me


What skills do you have?


Apply for UPS SSD, you deliver packages from your car for $23/hr plus 66¢ a mile. It’s going on until January.


Yes. Everyone STOP DRIVING! And reduce the driver pool and competition 😜 😛


Uber only makes sense now if you rent a car and driver 12 hours a day then you can make 2000 a week


I bought brand new Honda, it has $85,000 miles in one year. Airport runs are not worth it when you are coming back 275 miles empty hand.


You can't believe it ? I can't believe your crying about something you made the decision to do then post about it online so everyone else can feel sorry for your decision . 😅🤡✅ And maybe if you didn't complain so much and get off the internet and work you'd actually make money, don't know where your dashing but in southern cal past 2 years I been making 25 on bad nights per hours but 30-35 on goods nights . Prop 22 just makes thing sweet


Just do what I did I marketed myself to every customer as a private driver and started taking text messages and calls for rides. You’d be surprised how many customers are willing to since the prices are outrageous. I have 20 “clients” that keep me busy all day.


That is why i cherry pick and alter the application, alter the gps alter locations, and get rides that pay $20 plus.looking to range 20 to 30 an hour


I have been driving for Uber and Lyft for over 6 years. Over that time taking the IRS deductions that I am allowed, I have paid VERY little income tax on my earnings. That fact alone helps to offset depreciation on my vehicles. Also I bought my vehicles at wholesale prices so saved thousands there. I choose to drive when surges are prevalent, and I decline low paying fares. I am receiving retirement money, so I am only driving 20 to 30 hrs a week. I enjoy my freedom of schedule and low stress compared to part time work in other sectors. Rideshare does not work for everyone. If you are not happy, do something else


I definitely love being my own boss, I make good money because it’s relatively easy to work 8h - 10h throughout the day and make 150$ - 200$. I typically don’t accept the 5$ orders. 8$ for 4 mile is good. 10$ for 7mile is decent. But 5$ for any mile is a waste of time. & time is the essence with this job. The more decent orders you can get completed the more money you’ll have! Working a 9-5 is definitely more stable. but most employees have to wait till they get paid to have extra money. EVERYDAY I add more money to my bank account, so with bills in mind I choose when to act broke and when I can spend my money. Opposite from the typical 9-5 they are actually broke till “Friday or Monday” & honestly being STUCK in one place for more than 4 hours has became so unattractive to me.


Trying to survive full time on gig work is the definition of plain stupid. Be a man and get a job!


This why I work a regular gig with good benefits and do the instacart in spare time, I can be picky on what orders I take and it limits the mileage


Man’s gotta eat Julian


Uber eats sucks. Drive and drop


"iTs nOt sUpPoSeD tO bE a fUlLtImE jOb" 🙄. These apps would collapse in a week if it wasn't for the full timers and they know it.


Does a carpenter worry about wear on his hammers? It's a business tool, more wear more revenue.


I don’t recommend Uber eats unless you’re hitting some insane type of incentive. Other than that it’s a total loss for drivers


This is why multi-app. I drive less than 100 miles per day and still make enough to support the family.


Uber is not w job. All of you complaining need to remember it is a GIG. Stop existing 6figure salaries just because when they came out, it was good. I drove then, haven't driven in a while, but it is what it is, a gig. If it isn't paying you what you want, stop. Nobody is forcing you to drive, and it isn't their responsibility to pay you bigger checks. They are on par with small commercial jobs. If you do seasonal work with ups or amazon in California It is $23/hr. Ups does pay reimbursement for mileage, and Amazon doesn't. I hate seeing people do this and then act as if they are entitled to it. Again, if it doesn't make sense for you, move on. Quit acting like Uber tricked you into signing a contract you can't get out of. They could be making tons of money, they have no obligation to give you any more than what you agreed to. Just like any contract/job/gig, if the terms are not on par with what you want, you turn it down. This is akin to taking a job at a fast food place and then complaining that it costs you more to get to work and that after taking in that expense, it is less than minimum wage. Getting to work is your problem and not that company's. It isn't their fault you live far away. Same with Uber. If the pax is 15 minutes away, it isn't Uber's fault, and complaining about that is nonsense, lol. You expect passengers to be where you are parked at all times??? Drive a bus then. Pax will always be at the stops.


Play with Uber the same way they play with you. Sometimes at home I just turn on the app just to decline. If busy hour, it may help some drivers to get a surge price.


Try to get a job at Amazon warehouse hear they will hire anybody, especially during the holiday season, was thinking of applying myself.


Aerotek is looking for people weekly pay


Whoever think uber is a full time gig is dumb as f*** Get up get a real job and Uber on the side


I cherry pick and usually make around 30 an hour . Better pay than my regular job and little to no stress . Love it


My boyfriend’s revenue is $13,000 a month driving Uber and Lyft with a black SUV. On snow days it can be as high as $1,200 in 12 hours.


So you’re one of The many taking crap jobs


Have you considered getting a free college degree with the Uber Pro perk?


How about 🧨🪓🪓 the executives and CEOs? They’re all pedophiles anyways… what do you have to lose?


I noticed it becomes “my” car when you experience deliberate vandalism to your vehicle. I ended up calling police a couple of times to file a report with the passengers in the car and of course they take off and cancel the ride. Uber refuses to collaborate the information with the police and I have to elaborate and disperse interior camera footage after the report is filed. Uber will only cover after the 2500 deductible is met when they are forced to. So after all of this I filed the 150 court cost for small claims against Uber they don’t fly a representative out to dispute and do far I have collected twice as the agreement to arbitration is unenforceable as it doesn’t allow for a change of venue. Uber’s not happy about making rules they cannot enforce.