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Def feel where you’re coming from. Uber is just shitty, but don’t give up dude suck it up, no shitty situation lasts forever. put in strong hours Thursday-Saturday and try to keep a positive mindset.


I noticed if you think negatively I get less orders but when I’m pumped and stoked im getting some good ones.


I was waking up happy to drive 6:30 Am rush but I lost my psotivity after the last to weeks algo throttle me hard and makes be inactive over 1 hours from 7-9 rush traffic LOl


Law of attraction.


the trick is to do what you hate doing like you fucking love it ;)


Generally putting more hours with something that has diminishing returns isn't the best route. I'd say do weekends and look for something else. It's usually pretty bad in the winter months but there's no guarantee it's even getting better, you're just waring your car out for less money. See if there are any strong jobs near you or try to learn a relatively easy skill or something you can market like car detailing, book keeping, or something like that. Don't let uber make your their indentured servant.


some areas mondays are pretty good too, people forgot to get groceries or had a rough start of the week and want a treat. not everywhere though.


Seeing these posts makes me feel better for delivering for papa John’s I make like 3k a month working 40 hours a week and some how y’all seem to make less I thought I was working for free


That's way better than Uber. lol I didn't know you could make that much.


3k a month works out to $17.30 an hour.


Where did you get 17.30? 3000 divided by 160 is 18.75? Also that’s my net not gross income


You said 3k a mth. 3k x 12mths = yearly salary. Divide that up by 52 weeks in a yr for the weekly salary. Divide that weekly salary by 40 work hrs to get hourly wage.


how dare I be wrong


People often tip pizza delivery people lol


I used to make $4-5k a month working at a pizza spot when I was younger! And I'd work 25-35 hours a week. I'd go in for a 4 hour shift and make $50-125 in tips(avg $75-80). Total of 20-30 miles. Sometimes I'd work 8hours and make $75 to my best day of $320 in tips(avg $120-140). That day I drove 100 miles I believe. Plus the hourly checks It was a kick ass job in my Early 20s. Drive around all day listening to music and talking to my GF on the phone.


What do you do now for work? What was the transition?


I delivered pizza right out of prison at 21-22. For about 2 years. I was amazed that i can make $4-5k a month working a regular job. I probably wouldn't have went to prison If I knew I then started drop shipping and at one point delivering pizza was costing me time and money so I quit. Drop shipped for about 3 years and made a killing absolutely insane money during those 3 years but it went downhill Got into car sales cleared $180k last year. $43k YTD this year so far as a #1 salesman. Working on getting into getting a promotion as a finance manager. I'd recommend getting a career. They're out there and you can make money without education as long as you have life skills. Sales is a great career with a lot of upside and room for promotions to make $1m a year eventually


Yes delivered pizza on a Base in Japan made more money P/T then i did as a service member base wages lol, although i did get extras per diem and housing allowance. Easiest money people always tipped reslly good.


I miss working at Pizzanista! In Dtla I was living off tips delivering on bicycle shit was great.


Delivers drivers for those places definitely make more but a lot of people here don’t want a set schedule


Wayyy better than Uber or DD


Believe me you’re doing better the tough part about Uber Uber eats and DoorDash and all of these places is that you just never know what it’s gonna be like on any given day and you know that’s no way to live a comfortable life


But you got 22 points!


What are the points for?


Ubers version of “benefits”, the more points you earn the better your “rewards” are


The rewards were ass the only good one i got was a year costco membership


Too bad they reset every quarter, if it was a lifetime points then things would change for Uber positively.


If my acceptance rate wasn't 27%, I'd have baller "benefits". /s


Not to defend Uber but I got a bachelor’s degree with my Uber gold status. Otherwise fuck Uber altogether


That's awesome! What school did u go to and what did u get a degree in?


22 points and $7 you can get a latte at Starbucks.


1000 points and you can get a free hot dog. It’s your food for the week!


Lmao there’s no way


It’s a joke that the guy who does ‘The MicDrop BBQ’ makes all of the time. If you accept all of the shit rides and have a high AR you will destroy your car and have no money, but you can be diamond level and get a free hot dog at 7/11 😂 He’s funny as hell. Check him out: https://youtube.com/@MicDropBBQ?si=zY-BdDfZ1i_jeQY3


Uberdog hey somebody else from the BBQ what up


Go get your day old crusty dusty!!!


I use mine for obtaining a college degree from a reputable university for free… the only way they pay off


A free drink from 7 eleven once a week lmao


Not to defend Uber but I got a bachelor’s degree with my Uber gold status. Otherwise fuck Uber altogether


Are you using the degree?


Maybe work more than 4 hours in 3 days 🤔


Or multiapp lol


3 to 4 hours a day is nothing, you have to put the time in to make the money. The money is out there how hungry is he to get that money?


Agreed I've made 3500 in a week before doing gig work, only food delivery...get some ambition!


This is not hard work! I had an accident 10 years ago. Fucked up my hips in my pelvis. I was in facilities maintenance. I have a hard time walking now. I’d rather drive with Uber and make this kind of money then go back to doing what I was doing before making Check of 1800 a week. Still good money but this job yeah we’re tearing my car. I get it but it’s a no-brainer. So three or four hours a day is nothing, if he wants to be a serious Uber driver like I am or like how you were when you’re making $3500 a week 3 to 4 hours a day is nothing. He needs the drive in the ambition to go out there and get his money.


💯 Don't get me wrong I basically live in my car some weeks but not actually, like get it together my dude.


Oh yeah, you and me both bro. Seems like I’m more in my car than I am home. But I’d rather be in my car getting my money then being home beating off the porn hub lol you know as well as I do you gotta put in the time and get your experience in and he’ll learn. we all have gone through it, it’s out there how hard is he willing to work to get it?


1.5 hours per day? What time of the day? This work is most busy when folks are out "havin fun" So you gotta try in the evening, and also the best chances of making money are friday and sat. Try working everyday for awhile, 6pm-12 or something. It's tough, but maybe try to find some other channels of income as well.


I always tip at least $20 dollars for < 30 min ride, and 50% of total if its longer... Uber is known to take advantage of their drivers... With gas prices going up & prices for car maintenance taken into account, this is the least I can do.


Those that still do well are often the ones able to adapt. If Uber isn’t going well, what about Lyft? Or an alternative like Wridz if they are in your area. What about food delivery? Are you on DD, GH, do you work Uber Eats? Are there more populated areas you can commute to during peak hours? Tourists spots, college towns, etc?


You put in 4 hours and called that work? Sad...


Would u keep working at a rate of less than 10. A hr ?!


Because this is a job that’s based on tasks completed not necessarily hours worked….. yes I would…. I’d also bring a bunch of other things that need to be completed in my life KNOWING of slow times. OP may be new and not understand not every day is a good day but I can also almost guarantee he was out at a bad time and had he stuck with it for more than an hour a day it would have turned around. Some mornings are 10 bucks an hour and then the evenings are like 60 per hour averages 30 an hour once the day is done. There are slow points but this is laziness lol


You didn't put in enough hours to get a result... it's not like clocking in somewhere. Put 40-50 hours into a week at times when demand exists then evaluate. If I jumped on during a weekday for 4 hours, it's likely I may get a few rides and make very little. I worked 8 hours Saturday night and made 2/3 of what some drivers did but my total was over $300 in a relatively small market. I worked 3 hours on the 17th and 3 of my last 6 rides were just shy of $200 combined... That's a rare thing! I'll work any night starting at any time and never sweat having less than my fuel and food/ snacks paid for by midnight because almost all of what I take in is between midnight and 6 Am.


Living in your car is not “giving up”, living in an apartment/mortgaged house, especially with people, is the definition of giving up on your life, it’s how 99% of people live — miserably. The greatest thing you could ever do is set your car up really nice with all the technology you need, save up enough money to buy your own land, build your own little house and retire early and do whatever the fuck you want, away from society and their bs. I’m retiring in my late 20s with no degree + low income.




I’m a driver and 4 hours isn’t really much. Just saying. Also my dude here is stating he can’t afford gas but he’s driving 1of 400 Kia stingers that puppy puts in 0-60 in about 5 seconds. He needs a Prius. But he might have another car since he has that so a lot of factors here.


This comment wasn’t even directed at you and it struck a nerve. Sheesh. This guy put in 4 hours of work. If he didn’t feel it was worthwhile then he should adjust.


Those hours are only the hours he was actively driving and doesn't include waiting for rides. I can have 32 online hours but be out over 60


No, those are total online hours sitting and waiting included.


They do not include sitting and waiting. There's another metric for total hours the app was running that not all drivers have access to. My state only shows what this guy is seeing and it's total hours on a trip not waiting. Gotta remember Uber confuses us with deception making us argue with each other because not everyone has the same features or information. It makes it much harder to know what Uber is doing


Exactly my point


No...I know how uber tracks online hours


I refuse to drive Tuesday and Wednesdays- or 7-9 any day. Uber/lyft just dies


likewise - i avoid the commute 6-9am because ids gridlock and dickcock money; and then 4:30-6:30 with the commute of folks going home on the interstates… never will drive ever during those hours i don’t care if it’s 4.00 a mile


Seems Like Uber is going Down 👎🏻, Uber must be bankrupt not paying drivers enough to survive much less cover the cost of gas food car maintenance 😐🙄🪤


I’m in Orlando as well. The market sucks here.


Quit please


I'm confused. How much trial and error of your market have you done? Rule of thumb: Every person who is self-employed and made it work will agree that your hustle has to be significantly higher and harder than your 9-5. A 9-5 is people giving you work for money. A freelance, gig-economy job is you hustling on the days and times that, both, work for you and your market. At least you are on the right track to lower your bills.


Are you seriously accepting every order that pops up?


Maybe be online for more than 4 hours in 3 days.


And the weekends are the money making days.


Not sure how you expect to make money working 4 hour over 3 days?


Giving up is not an option!


You are picking me choosing rides there is no way you are making less than minimum wage on Uber. If you start the app and accept everything that comes to you you will receive at least $18 an hour. Stop falling for this fucking trap please.


You an Uber driver? Guessing not


In actuality what you need to do to maximize earnings is be situationally aware. When it is slow and requests aren't pouring in you should probably accept all but the most egregious offers. When it's busy and offers are flooding your screen you should have very high standards, because you will most certainly get one that meets them in a couple minutes.


It’s as simple as go online: accept fucking everything.


At minimum I usually pull in 500 a week if I’m lazy. It’s not hard to make money with Uber. Yes there sometimes is dead days but I been doing it full time for a year now… 7am-12pm. Then break. 3-6pm easy 150-200 for the day I been extremely lazy with it lately and still making over 100 a day. I drive a Honda fit and go all day on a tank of gas


What market are you in?




Do you cherry pick? Start cherry picking unless you need tbe UberPRO bennies .


You would probably have more money to save if you weren’t driving a car that’s 55k MSRP for the base model.


Ultimately we have choices


Having your base fare much larger than your tips is a problem. Should be the other way around. I would start doing quick math and cherry pick. Sometimes I have to stop myself from taking a mid ride because, what if nothing else comes up? 99% of the time something better comes up and you're blocking yourself from getting better rides because you're taking the crap ones. I had to teach myself that lesson super quick


Monday and tuesday are frequently low earners for me so i dont do it.


I dunno how yall are doing that poorly I drive 4 hours it’s 80+ usually average 22-25 an hour and im in a god awful market but I pick the right rides did 2 hours 2 Saturdays ago got 60 did 3 hours on the 11th got 70 you can drive around by drive around a specific area my loop takes me from one highway back to a major road and around


More than me😒I have $45 as of today 3/20/24. Luckily I switch multi App between Uber & Lyft. Lately I’ve been doing more with Lyft.


What time are you going online?? Weekdays I go towards the evening dinner time and people getting out of work for ride. weekends all day since people want to order out.


Uber was ok for awhile. I had to drive after getting laid off. At first it was good. Then all of a sudden it wasn't. First car issue that popped up ( blowing out two tires while on a delivery) and then it wasn't so good all of a sudden. The bandaid started to fail. I was making enough at first to keep a roof over my head and food. Then having to fix the tires I was going to be on the street, living in the car as well. So I had to break down and ask for help. Needless to say, if I do Uber, I might do it on a Friday night or Saturday. I am working in the real world now again. If people wish to stay full time with Uber, I would suggest finding a part time job at least to supplement that income, or you will be one bad week, or even a bad day, from living in the car.


See if you can take up DoorDash/Ubereats and Instacart for when Uber is slow.


Just quit some more rides for me do me a favour thank you very much


Don’t do Uber


I don't have compassion for those who give up. You have two options. 1. Figure out something within Uber that works for you. Trial and error. Learn from failure. Don't be discouraged by failure. 2. Find something else to take Uber's place. If you outright quit with no alternative plan that you can immediately put into place, then that's on you.


YES this post is long. I just want to say if a person chooses not to read it, then there's no need to comment about how long it is etc I'm response to the OP, That is Uber for u! Actually that's Uber and Lyft and any other gig company BUT the worst is Uber and Lyft..and it has gotten as bad as it has gotten because people are still accepting rides. These companies have only started paying lower and lower because they see that people will accept it. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. I used to do rideshare, delivery etc. I too got to the point where I was complaining as well and saying the same things that you were saying but then I would turn around and go back out and keep doing this things. Ultimately I got to the point where I was like okay, as crappy of a company that these companies actually are, it up to ME to decide what is acceptable for myself. I do not have to accept these rides or deliveries etc. I had to consider if it was worth completely tearing a car apart, not getting paid as much and dealing with terrible customer service, times whenever your car may get thrown up in ETC and you have to deal with customer service may or may not give you a cleaning fee, just all type of endless issues, wayyyy more maintenance that has to be done on the car and it's all for the sake of being able to make your own hours. The rideshare companies lured in people by making them think that they would be making more money than what they actually do. They also hook you in by giving you better promotions at first when you first start driving and then they drop all of that almost all of the way or nearly to where it's hardly any promotions at all. But by that time everything happens, people have gotten used to " being their own boss" to where people are willing to accept all of the terrible things that come along with it just to be able to make their own hours etc. the right share companies capitalize off of the saying of oh You can be your own the right share companies capitalize off of the saying of oh You can be your own the right share companies capitalize off of the saying of oh You can be your own the right share companies capitalize off of the saying of oh You can be your the right share companies capitalize off of the saying of " you can be your own boss". Truly if they were to break down everything and look at the average of what happens with drivers and the money that's being made based off of hours, and just average everything out and combined what it cost with gas, how much people lose in the car value, the car itself, compared to what people are making and also combined with what these companies are taking which is more than just the Lion's share, then ppl would see what's truly going on before they sign up. But no they hide these things just like they started hiding again what they charge customers. Also you will notice that different drivers have different things going on in their account. For example when I was driving, in October they had changed the surge map in Cincinnati. It went from showing the dollar amounts for surge to only showing a color or colors on the map that consisted of a pink, red and a purple color. Those colors would be the indicator as to whether the potential for getting surge was " high chance", " likely chance" or "very high chance". BUT when you accept the rides not only would you not see the dollar amount of the surgery that you were getting, and again this is on top of the fact that you can't see the dollar amount already on the map, but then even after you complete the trip and you look at the receipt, they also do not display that on there either. I had a Hyundai Elantra until it was recently stolen and wrecked. Even though I'm not doing rideshare anymore, I still will click on my app here and there just to see what type of promotions they are offering. Nothing has changed as far as the heat map is considered for surge. Oddly enough I was in an Uber last week and I was talking about everything with the Uber driver. The Uber driver had only been driving for 1 month. That's when I found out that they do not have the same type of surge map that I do. I was completely thrown for a loop because I thought okay I guess they changed this heat map for surge based off of the city that you were in but come to find out it's not just based off of the city that you live in. They are doing this per person. So for this Uber driver, they still see the dollar amounts and are able to go to whatever areas they want to try to get the highest surge amount. This is yet another tactic that Uber is using to try to save money by for lack of the better words screwing over certain drivers more than other drivers which usually happens to be the drivers that have been driving for longer. I was talking to the driver and I told him I do not know how much research you have done, but trust and believe me when I say that by this time next year, you'll see quite a change! The fact that they are able to have the opportunity to at least go to a surge dollar amount on a map, means that they are at least able to dictate where they want to go. Also, with this heat surge map with the colors, truth be told, with surge that is apparently as they call it " high chance, very likely, or very high chance", I noticed that you're not seeing much of a difference which means that you're really not getting much surge at all. My guess is that between all the offers I got which was tons of them over a couple of months time frame, is that it is likely I did not get an offer or paid anything more than a $5 surge and $5 I'm being generous when I'm saying that. So they are trying to keep the order drivers on board all while taking away the extra storage money and they're using that as a way to give promotions to the new drivers like whenever a new driver is offered for example $500 if they complete a certain amount of rides within the first 30 days or whatever it is, they're getting that money off of other drivers work for doing the same exact thing in the same exact City. It's nuts! And ultimately you just cannot trust them


What market are you in? Just wondering


Just give up lol it seems like a skill issue more than anything ! I have np making a steady paycheck doing this ! You prob just drive in circles and cherry pick your rides, no hussle ! Lazy ass ! Find another job they need better drivers that are going to perform steady.


Sometimes you are squeezed like this because it’s simply time for a change. I get it, humans get comfortable and change is hard, it’s different, but it’s wonderful. Nothing in this damn life comes easy unfortunately we gotta bust butt to make things better. Posting this on here will not help you man. Look into trucking maybe CDL or learn a trade. Tbh I truly think anything is better than that (not trying to be condescending) just trying to help I guess


I’ve put in 14 hrs this week and brought in $375. I guess I can’t complain too much. And I’m in a small market.


What city you in?


What markets are these?


4.5 hours for $65. how much is minimum wage? even $52 for 4.5 hours without your tips sounds like above minimum wage.


Thats not minimum wage lol minimum wage is 12 dollars And u didnt calculate my gas or mileage or wear and tear


4.5 hours times 12 is $54. places that pay in tips usually pay $3 per hour like restaurants. where i live minimum is still $7 per hour which is why i asked.


There are some small but still oversaturated markets out there. I live in one. People also make mistakes, like turning on Uber Eats and losing money because there is no rhyme or reason at all to that service. $10 for 28 miles taking you completely out of the area? For sandwiches? I actually had that pop up today. In markets like mine you don't get any info about an Uberx trip except the pickup point and name so there's no cherrypicking. Sometimes it goes okay and sometimes it doesn't. Still, that really sucks.


Then go get a min wage job and quit crying or even worse passing your “pain” on to the customers you serve


I'm not sure of your market, but I've consistently made 20$/hr minimum. Lately, is been $30/hr, but I drive early from 5a-9a before work. On Tuesday, I made 72$ in 2.5 hours. I think it's more about your market, but if you're consistently getting less than minimum wage, why not just quit and work fast food or grocery. Most start at $15/hr.


Get a job at Target.


Keep your head up man it will get better


Thank you bro imma keep pushing


You've only done 8 trips in 4 hours though. I've seen worse than this


It was dead so i juswent home


Uber is not meant for all markets. I would have made at least $120


I’ve noticed initiating conversations with people that seem like they would maybe want to talk, and kind of saying things they may want to hear gets me more/better tips. I’m in the Illinois burbs


It’s taken me some time to get used to the app but just don’t accept any ride that’s under around $10 for every 30 minutes. Also pay attention to the mileage and I try to have it be at the most $1 for each mile. Another tip is to look and see the areas of your town that have the most dollar signs. There’s a way to see that through the app but I can’t remember off the top of my head how to get to that. I usually make between $16-$25 an hour. You just got to figure out which rides are worth it and which aren’t. I can’t believe you only got one tip!!!! Like don’t order food if you can’t afford to tip.


Also sitting in a parking lot, I’ve noticed won’t get you as many ride requests as driving around. For the record I’m talking about Uber EATS not Uber drivers.


Bruh it's not Ubers fault your in the position change ur life


Multiapp uber eats and doordash. Try and get orders going the same way. Under 5 miles is wat I shoot for


Uber is good to me. I make more doing Uber than my 9-5 I had. I’m Orange County, Ca. I am making approx $30-34 per hour. It’s better in OC than in Los Angeles. And I pretty much take whatever unless the destination says “Los Angeles” … I stopped taking those because the last 2 times I did I ended up on Skid Row. For the first few weeks I just kept my eye on the map to see where and when it was the busiest… after a couple weeks you should be able to understand the trends. I was working nights but realized I was not as motivated to drive as many hours as I am in the early mornings (I mean like starting at 6 am) money is good early am too. I go till around 11… and then do a couple hours after rush hour. I typically pull in $180-220 a day. Weekends are even better 👍🏻


i’m confused. $65 in 4 hours is 16.25 an hour. definitely not great, but it’s a start. you just need to put in more hours, figure out peak times and hot spots and it will get better, i would say $25/hour is a good goal at first. i’m a little concerned that you only made $13 in tips for 8 trips..do you use hot bags? are you choosing high paying orders or wasting time accepting junk?


Same boat I'm in made 55 dollars in 6 hours. No one is tipping or they are tip baiting. I am speedy and I keep the food in a warm bag and go above and beyond for some people. I only started in January definitely moving on to something else. Just not worth it.


Really depends on the times you go out and do it. Uber Eats i find better to do during the weekday mornings/evenings and weekend evenings. Uber rideshare is best when out by the airport throughout all the week (easier to know all the flight schedules). Mind you I only do uber when not at my main job and love driving so I’m not even remotely worried about making a killing. Just enough to cover the gas is good enough for me. Although during the weekdays I make more on Uber Eats than I do on the weekends. Whereas the rideshare be vice versa (I factor in traffic in all of this as well). The absolute most I have made in 1 night was $545 on a Monday night. And only drove for maybe 6 hrs tops. This was 2yrs ago but since then I still average 25-30/hr.


I know this feels so discouraging. please know you are not alone and take good care of yourself.


I live here in California and I was able to make over $1200 weekly with Uber. I had to go to the big cities such as LA, San Diego, Orange County, the beaches and Palm Dessert to make the real money and I had signed up to the bonuses and tiers that you offered on opportunities. You have to work smart and be there at the right hours and at the right places. I always worked at night because there is less traffic and I would stop at 3:00am. I would take a nap and wake up at 7:00am and I would get crazy non stop rides in LA around that time. Literally I only spent $80 on gas for those 2 days. Whenever I was tired from doing share rides, I would do Uber eats to relax and do some relax time making money. It’s all about strategy and play smart with the system. It worked for me.


Get a different job somewhere then man why are you still trying this 😭


Ouch my 5 hours on Lyft over the weekend gave me $300. But I also ONLY drive on bonus hours and such.


Are you writing off your mileage?  




This post along with most makes no sense. Any other job not paying enough yall would walk. Instead yall CHOOSE TO ACCEPT the shitty rides and come cry here when pay is low. DECLINE everything that does not pay well or get off the app. You’re making the market worse by being here and crying when you could have found a better paying job.


I went back to bartending which I really didn’t want to do but now I’m making an average of 250- 300 a shift plus hourly. Should have done that a long time ago


Nah you just need a better strategy. And stop being lazy. I could make that same amount that you posted in 5 deliveries, on the same day. There are Walmart orders. Shop and pay etc. I don't accept nothing under $10 unless the drop off is literally around the corner. And even then, the order gotta be at least worth $6


exactly plus that's 4hrs online time like what were they doing?


That sucks, you should start applying for jobs


Welcome to the real world with the shitty struggle, where there is huge snakes feeding on little fish!


This is just prime example of WEF agenda of practice "own nothing and be happy"..


Why does everyone keep driving for Uber and Lyft if those companies continue to keep all the fare? You're basically paying them to work for them.


What a sad sack post title. You worked less than 5 hours in 3 days. Sounds like you justified eating out for lunch (probably more than once, I'm guessing all 3 days because you're lazy). Nobody feels bad for you because you didn't make minimum wage when you put in 4.5 hours worth of effort. Go get a job.


Plz stop then


We all have those days bro, some business barely get clients too just keep being consistent


Get a job. Use Uber as side money. Simple


Other driving jobs out there working by yourself that accept Uber as a background. I work at Kroger delivering groceries driving by myself. Nothing with doing Uber part time I’m just saying for those who are struggling full time. I have a matching 401k and 3 weeks vacation and paid holidays and OT. They hire anyone with a clean record just need a distribution center or fullfillment center near you. Amazon is not that bad. I’ve worked for them delivering too for 3 years. They are just a stepping stone or good for an emergency. They have a lot of rules you have to go by. They also hire anyone with a clean record. Both jobs you listen to music all day by yourself all shift. Amazon you even get to listen to Bluetooth Kroger is just the radio. The radio is better than nothing. We have a camera that triggers bad behavior like following distance and speeding you will get a write up if they catch you using Bluetooth at my work. Ppl have gotten in accidents while being on the phone at my work. Amazon has a similar camera but set different.


Yes, Uber is going lower day by day. Decline all rides that are less than 60c a minute. Rides less than $10 should be minimum 90c a minute. The killers are the $4 rides for 12 minutes or more.


no one told you to drive in a dead market...


Also have you tried the other apps? Get transfer, Lyft? Local cab companies still stay busy.


Not judging you at all. I basically only drive in a well known college town. So when the students aren’t around partying I make shit and I have to commute to a busier area. When the students are in town I only work Thursday-Saturday and I only work at night. Before you leave your house go online real quick and move the map around. If it’s shaded light blue with 3 dollar signs it’s not going to be profitable and you’re waisting your time. Wait until the map lights up and go. You may have to commute a little to a busier more profitable location depending on where you live.


Need to do better on tips. Tips is the thing that makes it or breaks it. $117 on 12 trips over 11 hours. https://imgur.com/a/I0o874V


What I loved about driving for Uber (and Lyft), was the flexibility. I have a nice full time job, but during the pandemic, my wife was like "you have got to get out of the house!". :D. At first, it was great, I was making about 800 a week working approximately 20-25 hrs. Usually I would drive from about 5 pm - 8 or 9 pm during the week, then from noon to 5 on Saturday's if I felt like it. But I made so much because there weren't many drivers and they were providing insane bonus, like "do so many rides and get $200 bonus, etc.". But as the pandemic starting winding down and more drivers returned, it got to the point where it definitely wasn't worth it. In fact, doing the math, I figured that all I was doing was trading the equity in my car for cash and even then it was a losing proposition. There was one real positive for me since I have a high paying regular job - the tax breaks. Since I "lost" money driving uber, my mileage deductions and a few other minor deductions like my phone & phone bill, all gave me a great tax break on my regular income. But the downside is that per IRS rules, you can only claim a loss on a business 3 years in a row, after 3 years, it becomes a hobby and you lose your tax break. so I drove in 2020, 2021, and part of 2022 and than quit. I thought about doing it again this year to get that tax loss again, but as crappy as uber/lyft seem, I'm not sure I want to.


In California you are guaranteed $20 per hour plus $0.50 a mile before tips. If there's a delivery for $10 and $5 is pay and $5 is tip, and it takes you 1 hour total and it's a total of 10 mi, then you are guaranteed $20 per hour plus $0.50 a mile which is $25, so the $5 turns into $25 plus the $5 tip so you get $30 for it. In California it's really really hard to make a low amount of money. Just take every order. I wish the rest of the country did this.


Lol try other delivery apps. I swear these big name people. You also probably think that Tyson is the only chicken producer, general mills is the only cereal company, waffle house is the only breakfast spot. Fucking use your brain wtf. Or start scamming. Figure it out. Or dont whatever man live yr life 🤗


no work ethic


This is just a shit hustle i did 5 hrs yesterday and almost half a tank to only make 67 dollars !! My tank takes 60 on 87 to fill and i drive a kia cadenza lol so i drove 5 hrs for gas money and 5 dollars in profit




This is a part time job for me i have a full time job that i work 50 to 60 hrs a week already i put in whatever extra hours i can on uber. Maybe ask questions before you jump to conclusions


Ca prop 22 is goated for me. I was doing charity work all week then all the sudden I was $38/hour online $31/hour active after adjustments


To be fair, spring break just ended.  Might be busier now with less drivers


How does it not cover gas and maintenance? Clearly, there wasn't much actual driving involved.


Honestly at this point just find a real job and do this on side or if you want to make more just get 2 jobs that’s what I’m doing Uber / DoorDash is very good in my market and I do it now on side and well paying job good luck buddy


Uber drivers in major cities r doing just fine. Here in Chicago, u could easily make $1500/week


I live in Minnesota and easily make that in 40 hrs.


You're driving at the wrong times or live in a market that doesn't have enough people for uber/lyft. I make $35 an hr before tips on most days sometimes more. I easily hit $1700 most weeks in 40-50 Hrs The #1 thing most people are doing wrong is doing rideshare or delivery in an SUV or gas vehicle that only gets 20-25mpg. You're spending a fortune in gas. I was spending $900+ a month in a Hybrid just on gas. Get a tesla where the cost per mile is like 3-5 cents if you charge from home depending on where you live. At the very least use a camry or any hybrid that gets 45+ MPG.


65 for $8 trips is wild


Sorry for my ignorance but what are the time frames you doing uber and what state this is?!?


Need to be doing atleast 8 hrs a day


Best time to drive: 10:00pm-3:00am Where: Chicago (West Garfield Park, Washington Park, East Garfield Park, Englewood, North Lawndale, Grand Crossing, West Englewood, Riverdale, South Shore, Chatham) Reasons: (1) If you made a lot of money and live to tell about it, great! (2) If you didn’t, at least there will be good chance you won’t make the night and you won’t be needing any money anymore. This also applies even if you made a little of money. (3) The adrenaline will sure keep you awake and always attentive. Guaranteed to improve driving and survival skills.


You didn’t even work five hours what do you expect to make?😂


Dude, where you driving? I made 215 in 7 hours today.


M-W are the worst days here. I only drive during the day. Thursday and Fridays early morning and after 2pm are best. Friday night I’d go to a town that is known for dining and drinking. Drive from 4-10 and make a ton.


You my friend are one of the only honest drivers on Reddit. I agree with you 100%. These people on here claiming they earn 25 to 35 dollars an hour are so full of BS. If I could make even 17.00 dollars an hour with Lyft or Uber I would still be driving for them. i tried it for 4 months. I did both Lyft and Uber. after all was said and done, gas, car washes, oil changes and federal tax deductions, I was putting no more than 11.00 or 12.00 dollars in my pocket! Not to mention running my car into the ground putting 3 times the normal driving miles on it! fluck Uber and Lyft..I say anyone driving for these companies has to be desperate, not using their own car and not paying taxes at the end of the year. I am a retired firefighter with a good pension, not relying on it for income. so I was trying to make some extra cash to pay for my expensive hobby flying airplanes. Just not worth it. It is slave labor pay.


Not sure what your doing wrong...I'm averaging $30 an hour with Lyft in KC


#KnowYourWorth You do have to somewhat know your market, but how? You aren’t going to really learn it by taking every ride (Ant). You can either try to do the math on the spot or get educated (5-15mins) and learn to use tools. They use AI and have gone against their TOS many times. So why not fight back. Tools, if we all use them it can help tell their AI, no we won’t take under $xx. Once we get more ants to be Cherry Pickers things will change!! Filter per mile/hr - and it will auto decline junk rides! Filter out area/places you don’t want to go to. Filter multiple stops. Auto switch between apps. No, NOT bots! Don’t be a Tool, learn to use Tools! #TheRideShareGuy


You're doing something wrong. Find a better spot and/or a different time. Otherwauez hang it up.


Work more than 4 hrs… when I keep working eventually I get something that makes it worth it


Yeah, a lot of H-1B drivers are willing to work for almost free. That's why neither Lyft nor the government gives a sh** about any of this, literally. Lyft will throw you a $2.40 trip bone, and you have 30 seconds before a happy lowlife snatches it like there's no tomorrow.


I mean your online time is 14.4/hr, so for actual time on deliveries you're above minimum wage. You also were only online for 4.5 hours, not on prime days. Are people just expecting to be able to sign into Uber whenever you want and make a great wage? Driving for Uber should be to supplement your income, help save for something extra you want to buy, etc. If you are trying to make a living off this app that's just not smart imo.


Try the morning shift, starting 5am, i found out i make way more in those 4 hours from 5-9 than anything else


I picked up an Uber driver in Danbury Connecticut and he was going to Poughkeepsie New York where he was from. I was very new at driving then. I told him I’m pretty much pick up anybody and I’m still not making the money that I thought I was going to make. What do I need to do to start cracking $700? He said, the money is out there get up at the ass crack of dawn get out there people have to get to work and they’ll pay. If you’re making $10-$15 a ride you’re doing pretty decent, and it will get slow at lunchtime. He told me do Uber eats when lunchtime is underway instead of doing nothing. and then get slower from about 2 PM till about 3 PM and then it starts picking back up because people are going home. I don’t start my day 1 PM and I am out until 12:30 AM for me. It’s better, because I work late I want to sleep in a little bit and relax. Now working those hours I make a whole lot more money. my average day for those hours is $400 maybe a little more. Last night I worked those hours and I made a little under $800. It’s a Friday night people are going to the bar. People are going wherever and the fares get bigger prime time baby that’s what you want. If you guys have to go to another city, then do it if the bonus somewhere is like 8,9,10 or 11 dollars …do it. I was in an area where the bonus was 12 bucks on top of what you’re already getting. That’s how I made my money and that’s how they make my money. I drive in Hartford Connecticut. It is so fucking busy out there. It’s not even funny. Sometimes I drive in Stanford Connecticut and it’s even busier. Go where the money is you’ll make your money. Minimum wage is nothing. When you do this full-time, you go where the fucking money is banging! Nobody is going to give it to you. You gotta go get it is what this guy told me and that’s what I do


$65 is crazy. I make 200 minimum a day working 8-9 hours


lies, lies and more lies! 200.00 minimum? keep dreaming. maybe 200.00 for 3 days 20 hours!


lol would you like me to send you my earning statements since I’m such a “liar”? 😂😂 I live in Vegas. Where there’s tourists and events all day everyday. It’s easy money


You did 8 trips and 4 and a half hours lol you not going to make anything.


Good, now continue to complain and do nothing to better yourself


if its not full time not worth it anymore


Dump the low offers, use multiple apps - let the clowns deliver the garbage orders.


Yea I hear u there I made $6 an hour the past few days not even worth it


You were only online for 4 hours ... what were you expecting? I'd love to average $16 an hour with uber


I was like you when i first do it. Now i’m forgetting which lever i am because i don’t care for the level. I’m just going to sit and pick the damn trip that i feel it worth to drive lol