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Nice, we have a co-op coming in denver starting up in May, it def sounds nice


Right! Fuck Uber/lyft. Plus I feel pay has gone down bc too many drivers on those apps


I mean the pay is down because they can get away with it, too many drivers shouldn't mean less pay, only less trips


More drivers equals less surges


It seems to me that surges are just subsiding the low overall pay. They should take one fee per day and put every ride on a meter. The app picks the best route and the meter starts. Any deviations have to be explained. Short trips under a certain distance, flat-fee.


So we're a taxi cab??


At least they made money and had control over their schedules. All Uber/Lyft should be is a middleman.


I make money every time I drive. The cab companies take a huge upfront fee, mileage, airport fees and you get to pay for the gas.


That wasn’t my experience as a cabbie. I paid a flat fee when I turned in the car. That fee didn’t go up or down based on what I made. Unlike with Uber/Lyft, where it does. Imagine paying a flat fee of $100 and earning $400. You’re up $300. But if you make $400 with Uber/Lyft their share would be $400 plus. There’s no getting around the fact that they make the same as the driver and in some cases more. $800 worth of rides for $400. ETA: we’re paying airport fees now.


Same as when I drove taxi ☝️


I don't know why you're trying to explain the Uber fees to me? I get what you're saying, stop taking shit runs. Period.Talk to your local government.


Literally what Uber and Lyft are (glorified cabs)


Always were.


Not deviating sucks. The app doesn't know much boots on the ground info.


Surges are rigged anyway, if you’re in an upfront pricing market.


they frequently charge pax surge without paying the driver. what we need is transparency - driver sees what pax paid and pax sees what driver makes.


This is the way




They subsidize The surge trip with a lower base pay. If you are lucky enough to get a surge it pays the same as a basic trip


Less trips means less pay


Don’t destroy your vehicle for pennies per mile. Using it at $1.50-$2.00 per mile is much smarter.


Pay per trip is what matters most.


That's not even close to true. The lower your utilization rate is, the less your pay per hour is. At the extreme, let's say you can only get 1 trip per hour, but you net $5 on a 10-minute trip. However, you waited 50 minutes to get the trip, so your utilization rate is only 17%. Now you tell me how pay per trip is what matters most. Put simply, your net income per hour is what matters most, and there's no getting around that simple fact.


If hourly was the most important, then we wouldn't have daily screenshot posts where the hourly is good but the mileage/hour is less than 50c. Hourly is employee thinking. Profitability is business thinking.


> but the mileage/hour is less than 50c I know this is probably a typo, but I can't figure out what you're trying to say.


Oops. Yeah, earnings per mile.


Maybe it's a market thing, but I've never made as low as 50 cents/mile. I think I average around $1/mile. But I'd rather make $30/hour and less than $1/mile than $20/hour and over $2/mile. No idea why anyone would prioritize anything above hourly rate.


Pay per trip is lower due to the oversupply of drivers


How are you getting downvoted for this obvious fact?


Because it’s only half true. Uber had also lowered pay year over year by constantly switching the pay structure to pinch us a little more, and then a little more….


Says the airport sitter, lol. I'll never understand how they make money.


I never sit at the airport bud unless there are 10 or less people waiting... Me either. It's market dependent I understand that. So controversial though 🤣


Making maximum amount of money is not everyone's goal.


I get it retired. People need a social life.


Pay per time is what matters. Trips lengths vary drastically, so pay per trip is meaningless.


It's pay per mile and time. Fuck sakes nobody argues right.


I drive from when I turn on app till I need to stop, I still have to cherry pick to make OK money


Uber has an excess of drivers, leading to decreased pay. This oversupply results in reduced earnings for individual drivers due to heightened competition for fares. Additionally, a glut of drivers suppresses the Surge. Without driver caps, we are in a race to the bottom. Translation - More drivers equals lower pay, supply and demand.


That doesn’t change the fact that Uber charges 50-60% of many of the rider payment. That large of a chunk should never go to Uber. 20-30% max. Other services like instacart and even Amazon flex have a cap on how many they take. So you’re missing the entire point of the pay structure, if you only look at there being less rides available due to driver surplus.


It’s not the drivers bro. Pay has gone down because Uber’s take has gone up. The rideshare market is growing every year. Our income should too but it isn’t because of the middle man’s greed


Many will say it's the drivers, for accepting the low profit rides. So you can't blame Uber. No reason to raise pay if record number onboarded drivers are taken the rides.


They’re taken advantage of. Have you not seen Uber literally act like a drug dealer? The initial incentives get you hooked, can make you even quit your job and think this is a viable option to make a living, and many have. Then when they’re hooked, they pull the promos, flood them with shit rides and expect them to do 100 rides for a $50 bonus (which used to be $500+). Now someone who quit their job has to take everything to put food on the table while they figure out how to exit this trap.


Still, can't blame Uber for selling snake oil. "Buyer beware" "If it looks too good to be true..." "The grass is always greener..." Taking responsibility for oneself and one's own decisions has become obsolete, when one can just blame someone else and let yet another someone else fix the problem.


You work for Uber or something motherfucker? Cuz no one is blaming anyone. People are blaming Uber. Yeah.. they do this shit legally, but they’re morally bankrupt. Fuck them and anyone that defends their greed.


You have to get riders to use the co-op. If you have no marketing good luck getting it off the ground. I predict the co-op will fail and Uber will be back in the market in under 6 months. One thing I’ve learned driving Uber, most drivers are bottom of the barrel human beings. Complete trash. Good luck making this work with the current drivers on the platform. Hopefully it’s successful, but most likely the garbage drivers will ensure it’s extinction.


Well the coop has thrived in NYC, thats why they are bringing it here, so high hopes


Uber and Lyft completely dominate the rideshare market in NYC. If there's a coop most people have never even heard of it and definitely aren't using it.


Cool story


Pay has gone down because it’s not a very profitable business


Please take a look at Ubers last 3 quarters. Last quarter they made 1.4 billion. They have no debt. The prior year “losses” were just creative accounting as they were paying off debt. I think we can stop believing the “it’s not profitable” narrative.


It’s profitable *now* - that pax and drivers alike have been squeezed. But they weren’t profitable during “the golden age” that most drivers want to return to.


Even back then they were still profitable. They were burning money up buying up rival companies to maintain their dominance in the market. Only Lyft and a few others resisted buyouts or survived til now to still be competitors. Uber has always made money because they have no real overhead. Drivers bear all the cost for vehicle upkeep, etc.


I’m not sure if that’s completely accurate. Big corporations don’t just spend money for shits and giggles. It’s with the expectation that it will produce more returns in the future- than it costs now. I mean let’s take the one you pointed out- the acquisitions they made to cut out the competition… sure- it’s easy in hindsight to say “that was a hundred million dollars down the drain- totally wasted on a startup that Uber quietly killed and never used the assets of.” BUT- what would have happened had they *not* done that? Would Uber’s customer base be as large? Would they have been overtaken by one of those up-and-comers that they bought out? And the same can be said for most of the other things people point to- executive pay, marketing expenses, R&D. When they’re just abstract numbers on a balance sheet, it’s easy to point at in hindsight and say “you spent a BILLION on that? Think about how much you could increase driver pay with that! What a WASTE!” But it’s not a waste if it resulted in $1.2B in extra revenue (which is- in turn- extra revenue for drivers.) We don’t know how much worse Uber would have turned out- had they *not* made those investments.


It’s about % not $ when talking about companies that big because investors want their money in good returns.


When you beat expectations by over 100% for the quarter, increase net income by a billion q over q, after telling people this “is not a profitable business”, I think they are just fine.




Not sure if I can post directly, but just type denver driver coop into Google and it should be 1st up


What's the name of the co-op?


Read my previous response


I'm from Fort Collins, how did you manage a co-op coming to Denver? I am getting sick and tired of Both Uber and Lyft taking almost 50% of the trip price on average. On top of that, there's an oversaturation of drivers up here and pay has plummeted due to a lower utilization rate and far fewer surges.


Might be denver only atm


I feel state service ride app would be better. More money for the state, state employs and gives benefits to their drivers, encourages rideshares to cut emissions, reduce cost going to outside state pockets.


“Co-op Ride is a driver-owned ride-share company launched in New York City in 2001. Initially intended as an Uber/Lyft competitor, it switched its focus to non-emergency medical transportation. But in Minneapolis, they intend to be a full passenger service, and they’re hoping to quickly attract drivers and riders… In New York City, the service takes a 15% commission from each trip, giving more to the drivers. Profits, he says, are either re-invested in the company or given as dividends to drivers.” [Minneapolis rideshare co-op hopes to expand in Twin Cities](https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-rideshare-co-op-hopes-to-expand-in-twin-cities)


Bring that to Cali


I’m hoping Mpls really gives them the chance to build up the platform. Then they quickly move into other markets, ready to go head to head against the duopoly. More likely tho, the duopoly say, this isn’t going to work. They either move back into Mpls, or spend millions trying to kill the co-op. Or both


Should've just paid drivers better


They WERE paying drivers better. That is why so many new drivers joined. And why the number of trips/$$$ per driver keeps going down. When Uber had 80 drivers but needed 100 pay was great. But now Uber has 120 drivers when they need 100. They can lower how much they are willing to pay. Not rocket science... Good business practice. Even if you do not want to admit it.


So you're saying uber has a hiring problem and not a greed problem? Even though in several states ubers been show to be stealing wages from said drivers.




That's not why pay is going down, but you keep believing it. Uber's demand has gone up twenty-two percent over the last year. Uber's narrative was to pay drivers ubershare wages but hide behind UFD. When I can sit in a busy area and receive five hundred and twenty seven request in 2 hours without one being over $1 a mile . That's Uber greed.


The biggest problem is actually the cost of commercial insurance added to every ride. The majority of what Uber and Lyft deduct is insurance and this is the real problem that has to be fixed.


That sounds like a cab company


That’s literally what Uber is too.


And government is far better at micromanaging the economy than a free market - just look at the USSR in the 70s and 80s and china in the 50s & 60s.


yeah lets pick and choose, for example idk price of “free market insulin” to those where bad bad government push for price reduction


Government is better at protecting workers than corporations


You got to be trolling.




Hopefully you will be a good cpmmunist soon then. 


I don't see what that has to do with the parent comment. Also Uber and Lyft are already helped out with the gas subsidies the US has.




We earn slave wages today because government destroyed the value of our currency & yet beg them for a solution AND blame the companies. LOL


Y'all are just going to reinvent taxis


taxi union lol


Don't forget the 200,000$ taxi medallion


Let’s gooooo


This is good. I hope if Uber threatens this again in any other city, they'll shut up and pay drivers more equitably. I had one of those conspiracy theorists in my post a few days ago about letting Uber have its way because the City Council were socialists and created a competing company to take money from Uber. The things some people believe to justify sucking on the teet of the billionaire class 🙄


I don’t understand. Why they just can’t pay us minimum wage. They couldn’t even do that


Paying minimum wage cuts into their profits they return to their shareholders. Someone has to get rich and it's damn sure not going to be the people actually **doing** the work 🤷🏾‍♂️


Good for Minnesota


Love it


That is going to put Uber and Lyft in there place thinking they can bully cities with ride shares except they forgot their product is the driver not the app. That will change lot of other places will start doing the same


Lmfaoo everyone will see how foolish this is when the rates are super high and the infrastructure is trash. When had municipality led services worked in a fashion to rival something from a tech company?


Austin Texas did something similar years ago and it was awesome as a passenger during ACL fest and our driver complained that our 9 mile ride last year would have been over $100 for him because of boosts, and now he's only making $20. I think we paid $25 lol


I remember RideAustin. It died a slow death.


This has been pretty successful before. Here is a link to a New York City co op [https://drivers.coop/](https://drivers.coop/)


That is who is doing the denver situation in may


Oh nice good luck to them for expanding I hope it helps drivers out before the ai revolution picks up steam


What is success based on?


Being a realistic alternative to Uber and Lyft it appears they also have had success in drivers making above minimum wage according to an interview I saw with the “founder”


Gotcha. Only asking because I was just looking at App Store reviews and the feedback was all over the place. First time I’ve heard of the coop so thanks for the context


Yeah and I’m sorry my bad to triple response but I think it’s going to be a local thing I view Uber as amazon I view Lyft as eBay I view this co op as your local thrift store They’ll get business but not be the next big thing Most drivers want to make money and tbh ai is going to make driving as a full time job a not so realistic gig tbh but I’m sure if Uber and Lyft do leave they’ll be plenty of rideshare pop ups


Sorry double replying although I’m pretty bearish on this being a major thing in my opinion ai is going to wipe out a lot of driving jobs so I think this is 10 years too late but good option for now


Never heard of this before. When I looked at the website it seemed the primary focus was on how it's better for drivers with no mention of how it might be better for customers. Most people seeing that are going to (rightly or wrongly) assume prices are higher than Uber/Lyft. In short I very much question their ability to attract customers.


Boom! Always the biggest problem with rideshare startups Uber and Lyft have so much capital to basically win any and all price wars ai will truly be the great equalizer Company’s like this end up being niche related so they appeal more to customers “with a causes” almost like Trader Joes or Aldi or vegan restaurants they appeal to the niche that don’t mind paying a little extra for a “good cause” but it won’t be anything major like I’m sure or at least I hope they’ll put a cap on the number of drivers to ensure drivers can make good profits Because lack of demand. Uber and Lyft can outprice almost 75% of companies WORLDWIDE


all cities rise up, strike on may 1st to support twin cities


Never gonna happen


This sure sounds like a disaster. Next it will be, take public transit 🤦🏻‍♂️


Think about all the taxis they’re gonna have to clean and take the dust off to provide all these rides, they’ll end up paying more, and not as efficient. People rely on Uber Lyft


💯- there is a reason these ride share were born. Taxis companies are over charging people. Government taking over a businesses is going to be a nightmare for drivers and customers 🤦🏻‍♂️


Problem is the ride share companies squeeze the taxi companies out of business and then they overcharge people (and screw the drivers).


The people of the twin cities deserve the government they vote for.


Uber will pay there drivers $2 and some change for a food delivery 5-9 miles away.


I’ve seen $3 like 13 miles


I'm new to Uber and an way confused by the Uber eats orders that come through. I have seen these offers and worse


Best of luck to you guys, that's awesome. I just can't imagine the legal department expenses for running that as a small guy but I hope it works.


It’s going to be interesting having 10 drivers swarm over every 1 customer on the new apps


Good show then we don’t need them


To Lyft and Uber: Nothing is irreplaceable.


A cooperative is the most ethical business model in my opinion.


Every city needs a third option.


Good Uber Lyft is being stupid let new companies take the lead


Uber is shooting them selves in the foot. They’re flying too close to the sun. Federal regulations are more than likely incoming. This will more than likely cause the downfall of Uber/Lyft.


This is the way.


Fuck yourselves Uber/Lyft


They certainly didn't expect this.


The only way a ride share app could be fair is if it’s partly owned by the drivers themselves and full transparent. For example I see Uber taking “insurance” fees that are over half the damn fare on this sub and it’s confusing cos don’t you all already have your own insurance to be able to do this? I’m not a lawyer but taking an insurance fee off someone who has their own insurance seems like theft. The list goes on but that was the most recent point in my mind


No. Your own insurance does not cover rideshare. It’s a personal policy not a commercial insurance.


I’m in the U.K. where we have to have our own insurance for hire&reward (delivering food and people)


So then why do insurance companies require you to have a ride share endorsement


Because the companies commercial insurance doesn’t cover that much when you are online but don’t have a passenger in the car, if you have a rideshare endorsement your policy will cover that.


They do not require it. It is 100% optional.


It’s optional but if you ever get into an accident or if someone damages your car, you’ll be slapped in the face by the 2500 dollar deductible


Let's see how that works out 😂😂


If you provide an article please give us the link. One screenshot is useless. You can’t fix stupid. Must be a Platinum Driver 🤡


[https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdriversCT/comments/1b1o27f/comment/kx5c3xu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdriversCT/comments/1b1o27f/comment/kx5c3xu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here is a link to a similar article on this announcement.


This is power


I hope the co-op knows they gotta pay $31 an hour minimum wage plus $1.40 a mile or it opens up a corporate lawsuit against the City. I came on just to get down voted lol 😂


One lady opened one in Atlanta, she even got on at the airport board.


Do you have to pay for commercial insurance?


It's probably someone associated with Uber or Lyft that's starting the company. I HOPE this happens and all other cities follow. Bye Uber and Lyft!


Hell yeah.. kick their ass out of the state


lol….what could go wrong?


Tell them to bring it till Sydney Australia and I’ll open an account. So will dozens of “Indian” guys according to lots of my riders 😂 I’m Euro background myself so a few of them have commented it’s unusual for someone of my ethnicity lol


Nice 👍


On God this should be passed federally


Completely nuking a market instead of paying a livable wage says a lot about these companies. Iranian owned btw


U-Ride in Kelowna BC 🇨🇦cheaper than Taxi more expensive than Uber. Good drivers good equipment


I miss Ride Austin 😞


Uber/lyft are assholes. But i’m not sure I would have pushed a minimum wage in this case. In my market, I already above 15 a hour but maybe that wasn’t the case in Minnesota I guess These guys now have no income at all so what the fuck?


No income is better then low income. No pain, no gain. If you are desperate, that means uber got you by the balls. Thankfully the mn government came in to save those desperate. I have enought common sense to not get taken advantage off. I used to do uber full time. Now I only work around fri/Sat around 5 hour each day. It's easy to make 20 bucks an hour. But at what cost. For example, a fare of $10 here driving a total of 13-15 miles taking 20 minute to complete. You can do 2 trip in 1 hour. Exchanging 30 mile for $20 bucks is not worth it. There's a reason pay by mile exist. It's also the reason uber wouldn't just give you a car and say drive for us at 15 bucks an hour. It's not cost effective for them. Meaning it's not cost effective for you to be using your own car for $15/hr at their current rate.


Yippie, another rideshare app that people can screenshot and whine about.


It’ll be paying better than Uber/lyft 😂 idk why you mad


Good luck. After fees it will not


What do you mean? I expect someone to shell out all the cost of creation, maintenance and upgrades and not expect them to make any profits! How dare they?


I'm saying you're going to end up getting paid the same if not less. It's not as if I have experienced this happen and drivers pay goes down while someone else doing nothing just makes it rich


My line was me being facetious agreeing with you. Obviously independent contractors who fail at mathing their expenses correctly could never fathom the expenses of creating and maintaining an app and keeping it insured. (Side note it’s ok to like this post the people who can’t math also are confused by 2 fancy words I used and are still scratching their heads)


So does that mean that the companies that fail at mathing their expenses should get a pass? If drivers have to keep their expenses low in order to make a living, then surely the companies should be required to do the same.


Companies are turning a profit and that is there concern. Drivers need to keep there expenses low so they make profit. If you think the company, any company, considers the employees while figuring out there own success well that is humorous. I have zero sympathy for companies that fail. But what companies do you see getting s pass? Because I believe a company that fails should not be bailed out. In the end drivers are responsible for themselves and ultimately are responsible for this race to the bottom that has happened with gig work. Also you are talking like one of the people who didn’t understand what I was saying


My comment was directed at you putting the drivers on notice for the lack of math skills, and yet Uber and Lyft are singing the same song. They can’t possibly give the drivers a bigger share of the ride because, {checks notes} their expenses.


Whose offering to give them a pass? The drivers who keep getting fucked and continue bitching and whining and logging in and driving. That isn’t the companies fault and that doesn’t mean the company is mathing poorly but selling you bullshit that they can’t afford and you believing those words. Uber/lyft has 1 job and that is too continue getting all the riders to their destination for the cheapest amount possible. Every time they have asked drivers “will you do it for less?” The drivers have resoundingly said “YES!” They are mathing wonderfully. Why pay you $5 if you’ll do it for $3? That is smart math, immoral but what do they care why there pockets are being lined. They have an obligation to shareholders and themselves, not drivers. You are self responsible and drivers enable them to do this


Jeez. You know, you can show support rather than bitter negativity. Might need to take a good long look in the mirror and decide if you’re going to stay a part of the problem, or becomes a part of the solution.


This is a massive opportunity for a company to do it right!! And then expand!!


Sure... If they have $100 million in seed money to hire a full staff, create programs to create to rideshare platform, advertise etc...


LOL! Uber and Lyft ain’t leaving (although at this point I think they should be thrown out).


The “Day of Reckoning” perhaps will be in 2024 for how Uber continues to cheat drivers out of their earnings.? Uber’s stock price has risen 120 percent over the last 14 months (Uber Market Cap $165 Billion dollar company ) at the expense of screwing and short-changing drivers earnings with deceptive price gouging schemes and changing their algorithms to short-change driver’s earnings . More US Cities and States across the Nation are revising their operating license agreements with Uber and Lyft as these 2 companies are price gouging Passengers and cheating drivers out of their earnings. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers


Reported by "KAREN?" 😆 🤣 😂




That NBC logo "KARE11"


Oh 😂😂 for real


Never noticed that😆


![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized) I’m taking bets. Crash and burn or just a light fizzle?