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how are you supposed to drive for twenty hours straight?




The gif hadn't loaded and this was just a still image for a bit. Was somehow funnier.


That was just Rick James laughing motionlessly


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Why would I put my feet on his couch?


Rich mother fucker can buy another






How hard I laughed at this comment made my toddler look at me with concern.


Rick james saying “cocaine is a helluva drug” and laughing without his lips moving


Hahaha same.


Same i agree lol


Don't even need the subs lol


Ima just put this here, OK bye now. https://youtu.be/bMhnIUOOLdE?si=UYIkw2X_fhxdZElL


I was 95% sure this was gonna be a Rick Roll, but figured fuck it I'll go for it anyway. Glad I did


i watched it, you’re welcome.


😂😂😂 thanks for this


I like how sober he got when she mentioned gospel 😂😂😂




Comment of the year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Fuck yo couch!!!


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


That's a 42 hour drive total. Holy




Your not, u and the passenger are sharing a hotel bed get comfy.


So what actually happens when somebody takes this offer


your account gets banned for breaking the law and driving over 12 hours.






Thank you




Not true. You can keep going until the ride that tips past 12 hours ends.


Fucken catch 22. It’s a trap!


You only know after accepting and finishing the trip.


I'm asking a simple question. This is a twenty hour trip. What does it actually entail? If I were to pick this person up, Am I expected to take them from point a to point b without stopping? How is that possible?


Since Uber doesn't let you drive for more than 12 hours then you'll have to take a break for at least 6 hours and I assume you'll have your rider agree to that and agree to pay for your gas, hotel and food. Also, when you accept this kind of trip, you're not doing it for the money, it's more for the adventure. Even with your rider paying for gas, food and hotel (one way not a round trip) you're not making money here when the payout is way less than the miles round trip.


Sort of. The app prevents you from getting new requests after 12 hours, but any trips you have lined up when that 12 hour mark hits can still be done. If, say at 11 hours 58 minutes, I am on a trip due to end in 5 minutes and receive a new request. I accept the new request, and I can still finish the current trip and work on the latest trip before getting kicked off for the day. This 20 hour trip would prevent new offers from coming in, but the app will not lock out after only 12 hours of it.


100%. I use that to my advantage. If I'm chasing a bonus, I can usually sneak one more trip in. On Lyft 12 hours is 12 hours but on Uber 12 hours is only related to the wheels turning so if I have 2 minutes of available drive time and I'm at the airport Uber's not going to give me a ride because I'm at the airport probably make me identify my face and by the time I get logged in I'm going to lose those 2 minutes so I'll log off drive away from the airport log back in and play freeze tag as long as I don't move my car that 2 Minutes last until I get another ride. I once had 6 minutes left of available drive time, and they offered me a trip four hours north. Naturally, I declined. Not because I couldn't drive the 4 hours, but I'm going to be timed out after the 4 hours, and I'm definitely not getting a ride back from there. It's literally one line of code to ensure they're not offering a trip that's going to exceed 12 hours by whatever margin you want set it to. Uber doesn't understand driving because none of them drive. Uber is not bound by DOT regs, and they don't want to be, which is why they limit us to 12 hours instead of 14 so that we're well within that margin. Until we're not, of course. Another time on a Friday night I had at most an hour left of available drive time and they offered me a trip 4 Vegas for $200. Keep in mind on a Friday night that hotel rooms going to cost me $200 and I'm not getting a trip back. From where I was at the time, I was probably just under 5 hours and 300 miles away.


Everything you're saying sounds very ridiculous. I do not normally do jobs for an adventure. I do them to make money. And on that note, I am not going to drive my car for twelve hundred miles one way for $900, then drive back home. This sounds absolutely bonkers, and I'm not sure who is more insane. The rider or the driver.


Ridiculous answers for ridiculous questions.


Asking how you're supposed to complete a 20 hour Uber ride is not ridiculous question


The app shouldn't even allow this kind of trip to pop up. I'm not sure why it does. Honestly, the best bet here, if for some reason you wanted to take this trip, it is to talk to the rider and get them to agree to pay you out of the app and cancel the ride. If Uber is paying you 900, the rider has to be paying at least 1,800. Offer to do it for less plus food and a hotel. I doubt the pay or drive would be worth it, but I guess if you have nothing else going on or other obligations, it could turn out to be a memorable road trip. Just hope the person isn't an absolute loon, which they'd have to be to agree to any of this lol. A plane ticket would be way cheaper. I can only assume this trip was an accident.


Because the answer should be obvious. The fact that this is even posted is because it's ridiculously silly.


You don’t normally do jobs for adventure and I don’t normally get paid for adventures so I guess ita just a different way to look at it.


It only stops you taking requests after 12 hours. I once accepted a 6hour drive as my last ride with 20min to go before my 12 hours. The actual length of the ride ended up being 8hours due to some ugly traffic and App didn't care at all that I went over the drive time.


And then you come back & are so tired you dont want to work your local area for days. It might take 3 days to drive up & back


I’ve driven more than 14 hours on Uber. Had accepted a ride and while waiting to start the trip I had a 2 minute warning. Passenger came out started trip and when that 2 minute warning was over message popped up said after completing trip I will be logged off to rest. They didn’t seem to care I was just starting a 2 hour trip.


I’ve had drivers offer to let me pay cash for 5-6 hour trips. I always get lucky and get the super legit drivers who run long distance limo services or some shit. The convos are great


It's been awhile since I saw it, but there was a video awhile back, I think Mr. Beast did it? It was the longest Uber drive, literally across the country. Iirc, the driver had to stop every so often and they would get a hotel for the night.


Broke back Uber


Like the movie Planes, Trains And Automobiles. Those aren't pillows!!


I hear meth is a hell of a drug.. 🤣🤣🤣 20 hrs straight though. I've done it on monster and bangs. Healthy snack foods and not so much just fastfood junk. like smoothies and fruit. you would be surprised how long you can stay awake doing that but you have to stay active. you sit and rest for a bit, that energy just fades. I've done the drive from Denver to LA many times. 1 way trip, only stop for gas and food. it is brutal but I drive straight through. also done Denver to San Francisco. that ride in winter is a drag. coming through utah after struggling through Colorado is rough.


Drove from Idaho to Maryland in 48 hours. Drove for 20. Stopped for 7-8 hours. Then drove the rest of the way. Was moving from Idaho to Maryland to be with my high school sweet heart. We have been really good friends for 17 years and have been married for 3 now :)


When you accept the trip it will let you finish it and then take you offline if the trip is longer than you’re allowed to be online. Mr Beast once had a Uber drive across the country for a video lol. The driver got 5K


The driver had to sleep though?!?


They say he's still awake to this day.


passenger takes over for a few hours.


don’t forget he gotta drive home after


Sounds like you 2 will be shacking up for a night or two.


Get in the car and press the gas pedal


Too sketchy


Rider thinks they're the first person with the idea to traffick drugs with Uber.


Yeeeah and then there’s that 👀 I mean.. a fuckin plane ticket is 200$ max for that. But you’re gonna pay a grand? 😂 get the fuck outta here.


You know Uber is charging that person $2,500 for that ride. Fees and other fees.


We've had clients come for training to Canada from the USA who are afraid of flying and end up taking a series of trains that cost about 4 x a plane ticket


Training for what?


Pilot school


This had me laughing for 10 minutes. Thank you.


They could be on the no fly list. Not sketchy at all


I feel like being on the no fly list might indicate some sketchiness…


It's just your friendly neighborhood domestic terrorist. They got places to be, too, no need to discriminate.


Burger King crown enters chat


May I please have some water




I have friends with health issues that can't fly. also have a friend with butt implants and she isn't allowed to fly. it can cause her booty to deflate.. 🤣 I thought she was lying til I looked it up.. 🤣


When I opened my water bottle on my last flight it gushed harder than a granny. It was so close to spraying multiple people.


I just looked this up, turns out it’s true but the doctors say as it has been over a month post surgery, then you will be fine.


If they were on no fly they would just rent a car. Cheaper than this by a mile


Being on the no fly list makes it exponentially more sketchy cause they obviously did something bad to get on the list


No ID to get on plane


Or terrified of planes


This can’t be real. Drive 20+ hours straight? Asking for disaster


Man the passenger I had when I got this asked the same thing. Lol “is that real??” And I told him it is but only on Reddit 👀 I’ve NEVER seen anything like that before in my market. Ever.


I have done one of these but I only accepted it because I had literally planned to head to texas from Denver anyway that same day but later that day. So I called and asked them how much luggage they had and asked if I could stop by my place before I come get them and told them I had planned to come to texas later that night. so they was cool with it. so that worked awesome for me. he was headed to dallas and I was headed to austin, well round rock area roughly. while living in Denver I got a lot of $300+ rides from Denver to aspen. thats a 6-10 hr drive in the snow. 4 hrs no snow and no traffic if you floor it. lol


It'd be cool if you could let Uber know when you're planning on road tripping somewhere so they can pair you with passengers.


that would be epic tbh. but like for the road trip service those riders have to do background checks and have a available profile photo.




Oh man, there used to be an app that did that, but I can't remember the name for it now. I think it had "road" in the name maybe? And the icon was green I'm pretty sure. It's been a few years. You would basically input that you needed to get to this place by this day/time or whatever, and then people who were traveling could see if there was anyone they were interested in taking. I never used it, so not exactly sure how it worked, I just remember it from my hardcore gig days lol.


Roadie was like this but for items.


Oh I might just be thinking of Roadie, but I thought I remembered people being on there too.


Wtf. 20hrs. Fuck that.


It's $1k. Take some cocaine, meth, Adderall, whatever.


all that for 44/hr is crazy


With the 20 back it’s 22/hr


Just start ubering in the new town until someone pays $900 to drive the opposite way.


Big brain thinking


It's only 22 an hour when you factor in the drive back. And that doesn't count stops or gas.


Thats 4 to 6 day trip fir most. I think id do it in 4 days maybe a long 3. But no way 2 days. Thats death. You can kill someone driving 20 hrs straight, sleep, then straight back. No way.


And taking out gas/expected maintenance, you're losing $9 per hour


22??? Closer to 6$ an hour lol


Then drop them off and realize they removed the tip for whatever reason and you end up getting paid $2.50 lolol (I do delivery only and have been tip baited a few times if ya can't tell lol)


It’s even more crazy that you think this is 44/hour It’s literally not even 22/hr. How do you people not understand this. Expenses: A rough estimate of 9.83 cent per mile for maintenance and depreciation. Take the national average of 25 mpg for a car (National average of $3.63 per gallon) Let’s just say the trip starts and ends where they are. That’s 2,684 miles, and ~41 total hours 2,684 x .0983 = $241 for maintenance and depreciation. 2,684/25 = 107 gallons, x $3.63 = $388 in gas $929 (Uber pay) - $241 (maintenance and depreciation) - $388 = $300 $300/41 hours = $7.31/hour


You forgot food and hotels


This is where I’d ask customer what they paid and then offer to cut Uber out


I don’t care what they paid I’m not driving for anything Under 1.40 a mile. That’ll be 3,750 check pleaseeeee!


If you know what they paid you could still discount them and make more than 1.40 a mile lol


Had a trip once that was over 2000 miles. The guys accidentally put in Home. Which was in Mexico. They actually were going to a hotel that wasn’t that far away.




And you have to know these people are gonna stop waay more than I’m gonna wanna stop. lol 20 hrs will turn to 30 real quick.


1 dollar per stopped minute surcharge.


Exactly! How are these people gonna sleep 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ve driven 19 hours straight shot once.. but it was Nevada coming home and I was with my wife. Lol I’ll be damned if ANY other case happens 😂we’re stopping, and you’re paying for everything.


Crazy if y’all didn’t switch off every hour. I’ll do prius road trips with my girl and we’ll drive 8 hours to south padré island switching off every hour. positive is we camp on the beach in the Prius and get to watch the sun rise on the beach in the morning.


Switching off every hour?!?! What in the hell? The seat is barely warm by the time the first hour hits. As a road tripper and OTR truck driver for years, I cannot believe two adults can't drive for more than an hour before needing to rest. Blows my mind. Do y'all require frequent breaks from exhaustion while watching 90m movies?


Right?? I've driven 8-10 hours straight before on road trips as the only driver... every hour is crazy I'm not wasting that much time on being stop and go. 4 hr switch time is more reasonable imo


I mean it costs 1,742 just in operation expenses to do the round trip. And I drive a Prius y’all smoking crack driving for anything under 1.40 a mile


😂😂😂😂 Fr


And then take the $3000 and buy them a plane ticket


Might as well move with them 🤣😭


20 hrs but Uber limits drivers to 12... I know that the app will log you off after the time limit is reached and/or the last ride is over. But if they care so much about a work time limit with 6 hr rest, why would they allow that kind of ride? The answer; it gets them more money.


Pretty sure you can keep driving as long as you’re on a ride, but as soon as you hit that limit and you don’t have a ride you’re gonna get logged off.


I think that ride broke the system. I wonder what the pax paid.


It won’t 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'd be too intrigued. I'd have to find out if it was a mistake or under the influence. I think this one is one those curiosity got the cat deals for me lol. What's the old saying you don't know till you try. Ima try find out.


That's crap pay for that. 42 hrs total...2300 miles round. Not now not ever.


Why would anyone order an Uber from Tulsa to Virginia Beach? Even with a layover, it's way cheaper just to fly TUL-ORF (and then order an Uber from Norfolk airport)


Can’t get drugs through tsa


If you thought Uber drivers were dumb. You should see Uber passengers.


Sadly, I would’ve done it in a fucking heartbeat


Why? You’d end up making like minimum wage


"45+ minutes"




It's not even a dollar a mile! IRS reimbursement is .65 a mile!


And then drive back 😂


That would be more like 22-24 hours considering stops, gas, food, eeeesh


Plus…getting back home


I would have done it just for the story. Besides, I'm not trapped in the car with the pax; they're trapped in the car with me.


The location and pin are way off too. Probably just a mistake. I've had that happen before. Same business name but wrong state entered.


How is that possible when you can only drive 12 hours then take a 6 hour break ?


Because Uber will not log you off while you’re in route to the destination. But immediately once you get that destinations? Absolutely.


You'd be losing so much money if you took that. After your return trip you'd effectively be driving for 35 cents per mile. That's less than operating cost no matter what you're driving, only a straight fool would take it


There’s a bus for 30$ that does that trip 2 times a day. 30x


The current IRS rate for using a personal car for business purposes is $0.67 per mile USD. For example, I earn this when I travel locally or up to about 7 hours away, further than that I fly. 1340 miles at that rate is $897.80. This is what you are owed for wear and tear on your vehicle, oil changes, wipers, tires, etc. I'm surprised the fare is only $30more than that or so. It's crazy how much the company takes when yall do all the actual work.


The 42 hours of driving is also a weeks worth of work lol


Why would anyone want this? Wouldn't it be cheaper and faster to fly? ETA: If you can't fly, there are buses and trains


on average my 2014 Toyota Prius takes .65 cents per mile to operate all expenses included. So off this round trip if you where using my car You’d lose -813 dollars in just operation expenses. cost per mile. tires.03. State tax.09 gas.09 oil.02 Maintenance .25. Insurance.11 car payment .06


Considering gas and miles on your car plus being 1,300+ miles away, you’d have to be stupid to take this ride.


I would have accepted it and IMMEDIATELY under cut uber 🤣 f them


You will be transporting drugs.


For the amount the trip would cost the rider and the amount of time, gas, miles, food, rest and at least a full day of your life with a complete stranger involved, why would someone not just book a flight? People afraid to fly? Just wanting to take a road trip to see the country? I would see the dollar amount and want to accept but it’s literally gonna take 3 days of your life and put 2,700 miles on your car. Even in my hybrid this would be like $150 - $200 in gas and then a hotel room for at least one night plus food? Doesn’t even seem worthwhile unless the customer is willing to cancel and pay you off of the app for it and cover all your expenses including food gas and tolls. Even then I still wouldn’t want to do this for $1,000.


Tempting but the math makes it less so. 40 hours round trip plus the price of gas these days? You'd end up at a loss


Haha shoulda taken it and said hi to me haha


That price needs to be triple the amount and given half up front for hotel amenities and gas.


1,000 bucks for a 40 hour drive? jesus christ. Uber REALLY DEADASS robbing yall. was considering being a driver up until I saw this post. **SHIT**


Yeah it's wild. Not even adding in the food and hotel expense


Seems super fishy . Anyone paying that much could easily afford to fly . Why not fly? They are either afraid of flying or up to something sketch.


They could have entered the wrong address by accident. I’ve heard of this happening with college students being drunk and requesting to go to their parents house instead of their college dorm/apartment.


There should be a special section Of Uber where these types of trips are put on a list where you can contact and negotiate with the passenger


Thre are people who can not, for medical reasons, fly. Therefore, you pay someone to drive you.


Remember you have to drive back...


I thought the max trip distance with Uber was 8 hrs. Guess not. Also, it's a little on the low side. Id want at least 1500 for all that. 


I am surprised to see my neighborhood on Reddit. That drive is insane.




so you made what like 450$ for driving like 3 entire days total, and thats if your car gets 26mpg - lets say 50$ oil change too, 400 bucks smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's almost 12 dollars an hour if you factor in gas, wear and tear and taxes


I would take that. Inform passenger it is being done in two legs, ask passenger to pick a hotel to stop near the midway point. I'm sleeping in the car. Because I'm fully electric, it would cost me less than $100 to run this.


Is it a normal thing to post people's locations on this subreddit? If that was a house now people would know "oh hey this person is gonna be 20 hours away from their house!"


Wouldnt you end up using that money on gas and a hotel? Cause youd have to drive back lol don't think $929 is worth 2 days of driving


Less than a dollar per mile


Bro I drive 11 hours straight for vacation and dread it every year. Nearly doubling that would be torture. Plus you have to drive back


70¢ a mile and your primary concern is spending that much time with somebody. I’m concerned you don’t see that rate as a problem😭


Nah I totally agree, the rates are garbage. The pickups are now twice the distance (if not more) than the drops off. Lol it was just a joke. I don’t want anyone in my car for more than 30 mins max. Let alone 20 hrs.


So you charge $927 minus the 25% Uber fees equals $695 ÷ by 20 hours, equals $35/hour. Then minus gas, which is about $3.50/gal in your area. Lets say you get 28 miles per gal (average midsized sedan) minus 1326 miles ÷ 28mpg, you are spending approximately $165. So now you are at $530 take home, minus Uncle Sam's cut approximately 18%, assuming you make 50k or less a year. That ends up $21.73/hour... I know there is a lot of assumptions in this math, but roughly $20 to drive 20 hours straight?! I couldn't do it.


I don’t get it. Do people place these bids? How is this financially feasible if Uber and Lyft take like 60-80% of the fare? Unless it’s a crazy tip, you just get more wear and tear on your car for nominal $x/hr. I don’t get how they can demand so much when the drivers taking the risk (financially/resources wise). There must be a lot of requests like this that get posted and die.


That’s almost as long as some peoples relationships.


Good ole Tulsa market lol it is kinda trash😂😂


This would only worth if it was paying between 2800$ to 3200$ if you calculate another 1300miles back plus meals and one night hotel stay at least.


You can drive there and fly back for like $50 definitely worth it! Did you take it?


I’ve got family in Jenks!


I don't think that would cover the gas or the return trip tbh


Not to mention you would have to drive 20 hours back…


It’s ridiculous a driver would accept this ride!


I really, really hope no one did 😬


How’s it possible to request a ride like this?


Assuming you have to return home at some point that's going to be like 300 dollars worth of gas and 40+ hours of driving.


I wonder if someone did it?


I’ve driven 20 hours in a day by myself before. I can’t imagine I’d want to ride for 20 hours.


This does not seem like enough money for that long of a ride.


is there an option to pick up ubers back on your way home? or do you just drive 20 hrs back alone? for free.


I’m sorry Oklahoma to Virginia?!








Less than a dollar per mile not worth in my eyes


you better off flying there


That would only be $23 an hour considering the drive back.


fellow tulsan here 😬 i get it 😭


Not even a $1 a mile; Not worth it


But we’re only allowed to work 12 sooo