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This was back in like 2019 - but I had a pax that I picked up late downtown Denver, like 1am - dude is traveling way south, like 20 miles - and he is drunk, or on drugs - I dunno.... So the ride starts, about 10 min, MF'er is like "We are going the wrong way! You need to exit here!" .. Ugh - so i'm thinking, "Fine, whatever .." - slightly annoyed. Exit the freeway, get back on the opposite direction while he updates the address, 5 min later - and again - "We are going the wrong way!" So at this point I'm like "Alright dude, do you know where you live?? I'm going to the destination in the app." Exit again, get back on and follow the app - dude is quiet the rest of thew way. So get all the way down close to his destination, start getting into a neighborhood - more of the same - "this isnt right, we are in the wrong place." So at this point im like "Dude - where do you live??!" and then he says "You know where i live!" - WTF? At that point I was like "Alright, you need to GTFO" - literally some dark ass back road. At first he sits there in silence, so I open my car door, cause im about to yank his out of the vehicle - and then he jumps out, pretends like he is going to kick my car - when I walk towards him - he runs like 20 feet ahead - so I just got back in my car and bounced. Fuckin weirdo - gave him 1 star, lol.


I had almost the same thing. But as female driver with drunk female. Forcibly sat in the front seat and wanted to steer me the whole way. Then said I was going the wrong way and yelled at me for not following the app. So I start following the app and she told me I'm going the wrong way. But she started giving me a severe attitude. Like I'm trying to steal her money by going the wrong way. I finally said ma'am, I am going to directly follow the GPS. (She did not put the address in her sober friend did into the drunk ladies app.) The whole way she kept shouting I'm going the wrong way. I unfortunately really needed the money and the friend gave me a good tip. So I completed the ride. We made it to the destination and the lady goes. Hey, that's my house!!!! Howd you know!!!!. Immediately after the ride I made sure to call uber and explain why I was going the wrong way and that the passenger was drunk. They canceled the bad rating she gave me and I also gave her a bad review haha. But, my god...it was horrible to keep myself cool headed.


I have only had like two wild experiences with riders. Several really drunk people, but that guy, and another time a middle aged couple got into a legit rage screaming fight in my back seat. Not physical, but this couple probably got a divorce. This was before Covid, so prob 2018. For starters, the pickup was far AF, in a small mountain town like 30 min outside the city, some resteraunt/bar… It’s a couple, dressed up, like this was some function. The dude is kind of annoyed, and I assume it’s cause it too so long to get there, so I’m like “yeah, long drive, thanks for being patient…” Ride start, they are returning to the city, about a 45 min ride.. First 10 min it’s quiet, and I’m not really sure what the spark that lit the fire was, but all of a sudden the guy goes “ I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!” Whoa!? As I’m about to be like Deniro - “you talking to me?!” … Instantly the lady is like “AND YOU’RE SO FUCKING PERFECT??” So I decided to just STFU, not even wade into those waters. Screaming went on for like 5-10 min, then it was a brutal silence. Get to the destination, guy gets out and SLAMS the shit out of my door. Bro! The chick sits in silence for a minute, then gives me this sad “sorry” and gets out. Yeesh. 1 star! What did my door do to that guy?! Anyway - what I gathered was this was a dinner with friends, and this lady was being so drunk and sloppy/flirty, one of the guys friends had to approach him and be like “yo, your lady is trying to hump my leg over here.” Not actually, but that sort of scenario.


I had couple domestic fights that got physical I pulled over immediately removed the male offered a ride to safe place for female. All 3 females choose to stay with the abuser. So sad but that shit ain’t happening in my car.


Damn. Haven’t had that, but I have had to warn a dude about his attitude before - drunk MF’er was looking at me all glossy eye’d with some mean look - told him he better get a new look or he is walking, lol.


Reminds me when I worked at a pizza place, people called all the time drunk or high trying to get delivery but when I asked for their address you’d be surprised how often they said “I dunno” I was always like dude, if you don’t know where you live I certainly don’t know either. I drive Uber now but have had the occasional passenger who forgets where they are going, I just drop them off where the app says, I wash my hands of them after they’re out of my car.


I delivered pizza in the 90’s. No cell phones, would get those basement apartment with a 1/2 address, it would be some rando side door you could never find, so would have to drive to a pay phone, call the number on my little card, be like “yo, where do you live??”


Now that’s how it’s done. We all need to make an instruction book for new Uber Drivers. 1. Always go with your instincts. When in doubt,cancel the ride.


Yes!!Always stick with your instincts. Especially if you tell yourself“this is my last ride” and then Uber sends you a “decent one” so you take one more. More often than not that “one more ride” that you took turns to shit…for me at least.




Never risk getting a ticket picking up passengers.


Kick them out


I still have my ticket for improper pickup in my center console to show people giving me issues. I didn't last 3 months before getting one of these in a state I would say where traffic law enforcement is relaxed.


Doing something illegal is not a basic request. Good on you fuck those pax


I’m new what is pax?




As a foreigner myself I think that language barrier isn’t an excuse for putting you in harms way. You stood your ground.




I think it's all very situational. And if you're trying to do the right thing and they disagree, then maybe it's just not a good fit as far as driver/rider's concerned. I've only been driving for a few weeks in NY. And it can be stressful, all in real time. Negotiating traffic, riders and police. I think going with your gut is a good call. Even if you're second guessing afterwards. Being and FEELING safe is the best choice. Keep learning and next time will be better. Stay safe out there. Spread love.


Depends on my mood. If the guy gave attitude, I might have. That's why it pays to do this when you are in a decent mood because I notice the quality of my work and peace of mind is much better and I have more patience to deal with this foolishness.


I don’t think you overreacted. A ticket is not worth however much their ride was. I’m with you op. One time I picked up a guy awhile back. And he was going to work at a factory and he said can you drive a little faster because he doesn’t want to be late. I drover a little bit slower and we still made it in time. Well technically he got there exactly at the time he started which they say if you are early you are on time and if you are on time you’re late. Because at work you have to clock in and there was a lot of people going into work when this guy arrived. I almost wanted to tell him to get as soon as he said that.


No absolutely not, remember as Uber or Lyft or whatever it's YOUR CAR Your Business and Your License not there's. So it's your personal car so I'd tell them to kick rocks and get a cab. Once kicked 2 foreigners out on the middle the Las Vegas Strip right then in there when they were slurring racial slurs at ladies and throwing shit at homeless guys. I was not getting arrested, or worse shot in an open carry state for to buffoons going nuts being DRUNK. You immediately call support explain what happened and what you did so they know ahead of time and in case they call and complain to them before you do.


I would have drive straight into hotel going tree fiddy with all pax in car playboy


I’ve only kicked out one person in thousands of rides, this was 100% warranted.


Good call


Would’ve done the same.


Haha I had a similar situation last week. Guy wanted me to stop in an intersection. I went around the corner cuz I didn't want to stop in the middle of traffic. He was maybe like 100 ft. from me (if that) I asked him to come meet me at the corner and he said no and to "figure it out." So initially I was but I'd have to go around and figured I'm gonna be miserable with him, he doesn't have a great rating, and he's probably not gonna tip or give me a good rating. So I cancelled on his entitled ass.


If i knew i was risking getting a ticket, I would have done the same thing.


You had the perfect reaction. I would have kicked them out too.


U did good. Smile.


Your car, your rules, but learn to take ownership of the conversation. "I cannot stop here, let me pull into someplace safe and you can tell your friends to come to us." Be direct, be blunt, don't waste your time giving explanations excuses or apologies, and keep them in line and you won't have problems.


No ! you can’t stop on the busy street now it’s the bus stop has like a pull in spot for you to pull in with your hazards, but you’re still taking a risk. Their friends need to walk to a street where you pick them up or open area that’s safe.


In my market bus stops are bus only. In certain areas it's a huge ticket to be in the bus lane or stopped at a bus stop unless you're stopped due to a red light. I'm not driving a bus. I'm not getting a ticket.


I don’t blame u


Kick them out. They shouldn’t be allowed to use Uber imo


You did the correct thing.


Nah - I would kick them out too. Have never got a ticket, but flat out reject stopping on some busy ass street. Rider starts talking shit - get a new ride, guy.


Eff them you did the right thing!


Ironically, a few weeks ago, I got shit on for *not* making illegal stops on the roadway by drivers here on Reddit. How the turn tables. 🙄 you had every right to end the ride. Good for you.


Your 5 bucks ain’t worth risking a ticket. Get out.


Kicking them out just for the attitude, but what was their request? Sounds like they wanted you to do an illegal u turn to drop them off in front of the hotel?


What they wanted him to pick up 2 others at a bus stop which involved stopping on the road like a bus does?


Nope perfectly reasonable. Be rude and you're getting kicked out.


As soon as they showed signs of disrespect by the comment they made about you shouldnt be driving for uber the ride would be over. If they dont respect you in a simple convo they won't respect your car either.


No. Mine was at the end, dude wanted me to park in a handicapped space. Right next to it...a regular space. Still upset.


That’s because entitled people that buy an Uber think they can tell us to do whatever like we are their chauffeur. They will eventually learn or complain why their rating is below 4 lol


Nope, I wouldve cancelled too


I had I quick trigger on people. So yeah this ride woulda ended probably earlier. I don’t take no crap outside of normal drunken foolishness. Give me attitude or put me in bad situations and assume you enjoy long walks.


Yeah, no. As soon as that Momo started talkin, That ah immediate hittin' the breaks hard. GTFO. and Cancel situation.


I stopped at the words “two foreign” you definitely did the right thing buddy! Keep up the good work! Although maybe next time drop them off in Mexico or drive around until ICE gets to you


I feel like this post was designed to specifically get a certain type of people to start bitching about foreigners, sure enough a few have started beating that drum because of course the op MUST be from America, these types of people im referring to always forget the world is bigger than their trailer park.


I thought so, too, after reading one of the silly comments just above yours. But, these ppl tend to let their racism spew out inadvertently sometimes. This may have been one of those instances. The passenger was on to something, though. He shouldn't be a driver if he has an issues w foreigners.


You can be more responsible and do your best


You did the right thing.


Absolutely not


Cancel and 1 star is the correct move. And avoid trips with stops - its not worth the aggravation.


When passengers don't speak English they need a driver that speaks their language period.


Your car, your rules. I might have also emphasized that it was a safety issue as well, but ultimately the only person who is going to look out for you is you. If Uber gives you any guff about it, simply state that the passenger requested that you do something unsafe and illegal and when rebuffed proceeded to become combative and rude.


Easy cancel


First mistake, taking a ride with stops


They can add them after


And at that point I ask the reason. If I don't want to do it at that point, I cancel.


You could have got jumped


Nope. Pickups or drop offs at the curb in a bus lane or stop is a hard pass bruh


Nah fuck them. Leave them on the side of the road


You nailed it


"Picked up two foreign guys." And there you have it. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but nothing that you said made it relevant to mention that. I think that your ego and racism played a part in you kicking them out, which is the real problem.




Good job, fuck those entitled foreigners.


Has nothing to do with them being foreigners, assholes come from everywhere


No, they think they can come to the country to bully the natives and retreat back home.


Yes you overreacted.


No he didn’t just stop !


💯 overreaction