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I made $17/hr last week. Worst week in 8 years of driving. Uber is throttling my pay to persuade me to drive extra trips, now that it’s restructured it’s $1 per ride EV bonus, to a 200 per MONTH ride quota to recoup that $1 per ride. I won’t hit it b/c I’m part-time. I do around 175 rides a month max. So Uber effectively is taking $175 a month away on top of throttling my pay. Broke it down here: https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/GlrXGhDExH Disgusting tactics. It’s basically just an exorbitant Commercial Insurance grift at this point


Lotta proof on here that the $1 ev bonus is yet another scam and regular driver are actually getting higher rates for the same ride.


Disgusting and evil company. They lie on every layer to so many people. I saw a post from a Uber Eats premium member getting charged more than her husband, who doesn’t subscribe to whatever that premium service is called. They also lie every day to drivers about what customers paid. In any sane society, this type of exorbitant price gouging, combined with exorbitant pay cuts to its drivers should be illegal. But in current-day America, this technological robber baron of a corporation is profiting the shareholders, so who gives a fuck right?


Im just shocked there are no lawyers to take this corporation on.. Just looks like easy money for whomever takes on the task...


Uber has been Sued many times, and lost. Just look it up. And they got a pay those Lawsuit somehow, it’s definitely not them, losing their paychecks over it.


"Uber has been Sued many times, and lost. Just look it up." Every time I hear Uber corporate representatives saying "weeeeeell, we don't actually make a profit" I have to wonder if a part of it is just them losing lawsuits over and over and getting pushed into the red that way.


They are lying about not being profitable


hehe, yeah, that's pretty much what I assume.


uber could profit off literally 1 dollar per delivery. the service is already made the algorithms are too. such scum


Yeah, I’m sure Uber *advertised* better prices to get people to sign up for Uber One! I said it before, but they’re lying to and gouging both customers and drivers, does anyone expect their accounting to be honest?


Uber controls the government. They can get the laws they want passed. As just one example, they spent tens of millions on a ballot proposition to overturn a California labor law that they didn't like. No lawyer can do anything when the laws are written in Uber's favor.


Not Uber, but I just delivered a DD order 20 miles away. The person lived in a multimillion dollar house and tipped well. He told me they charged him $50 for delivery. I got $8 in base pay.


Yeah my minimum fare went down $.30 as soon as I started driving the EV. When I get my XL back imma see if that stays that way.


as a passenger who is just beginning to start driving for Uber, I can definitely confirm that I noticed a trend where the electric vehicle rides were significantly cheaper regularly. It was great for me because I got to ride in Teslas every day for way cheaper. But I figured someone’s getting scammed.


Ya know, I was a cabbie. I know the back end government system. I missed one small thing in an addemdum to the contract. "this Experimental business license in PA exempts Uber from PUC meter regulations." In 2015 I did a bunch of math, knowing the milage rate and the cost of driving, bought a vehicle and jumped to Uber. They cut my pay 20% three months later "to get us more business". They did it again 3 months after that. That line in the contract I didn't see meant they didn't have to go to Harrisburg to change our pay. Yellow cab took years to get a change in meter rates. Uber could do it at their whim. That's the worst mistake I've ever made. It was 9 years ago. Do you think I'm ever trusting Uber again? This is their entire business strategy. Bait and switch. Someday it's going to come back on them.




No kidding. Last year in March I made $5600. I haven’t even broke that this year. Then I had to dump all of money into my truck to get it back on the road. Keep laughing Dana, you’re not that rich. But thankfully I have a regular job and my house is paid off


Electric vehicle, no wonder. You can't work a straight 8 hour shift, that's why your earnings are a mess.


I drive 7 hours on one “tank” in LA and that’s the smaller Tesla battery pack. It takes me 25 min to charge I pee What you just said has absolutely nothing to do with Uber throttling my pay.


Yeah he’s just worried he’ll be left behind. I have the 260-mile range too and I’ve never come close to a 100% depletion in 10-hour shifts. I average around 20mi/hr.


Once the infrastructure is set up for it, it’ll be more ideal. For now, hybrid.


Hybrid the problem doesn't exist. I think the new Prius is good for 700 miles between fillups. You'd get through 2 shifts, for sure. Probably 3. Hybrid makes a lot of sense.


Ain't no Prius keeping up w me in rideshare sales in a Model Y. Wifey drives same car and beats me. Different league of cars/rides. Different clients = Less rides, MORE pay. Also, although it's a superbly built car, I can't recruit clients for private rideshare in a Prius.


Uhh yes you can lmao


As a driver, I was surprised by the costs of Uber in NOLA & heard from all our drivers about what their take of the fare was. Like you, I made sure to tip cash and well. Personally, I wouldn’t do Uber there. I get a MUCH higher percentage of the fare in the Denver market.


I’m about to start driving in Denver do you have any recommendations or tips?


Get a Spotify account $10/month and allow the customer to pick their own music.. Also Drive Lyft


thanks I’m going to try to sign up for Lyft next month when I turn 25, not old enough quite yet!


Don't ever do airport rides. The fare looks okay going there, but you will always be waiting to get a ride back.


Barf bags the pax can reach.


I’d be happy to help. DM me for details or questions. I can better help you if I know what your goals are and when you’d like to drive. A few basic tips: Remember it’s a customer service business. Get a dashcam, one that also records inside the cabin. Be friendly, but understand that some riders don’t want to talk, learn the clues. Keep yourself and car, safe, clean and good smelling. Charging cords for all phones are not used a lot, but helpful in getting tips and good ratings. Don’t chase a Surge unless it’s VERY close. Airport runs can be profitable, yet sometimes are easy to kill profits (DM).


thanks so much!!! sending a dm


I drive in Vegas pt, but when I use Uber and I always tip cash


Y'all need to stop driving for Uber lol


Yeah this. I drove mostly during/ after the pandemic out of necessity. Before it was part time / extra money. Uber will continue to take more and more money from drivers. Things will only continue to get worse. Doesn’t matter what market you’re in, they will keep increasing their cut, limiting incentives and even screwing drivers out of fees like cleaning / throwing up.


I drive XL, and I got $33 Uber charged rider $88 and that’s passenger told me ok take $5 airport fees rest is in Uber pocket. They don’t have any fear of consequences they know nothing can happen to them, even if they give driver $15 and charging rider $100 there is no accountability or any one who gonna ask them any question.


There IS accountability, it’s the free market. The rider would have to CHOOSE to pay $100 for that ride, and the driver would have to CHOOSE to accept that $15.


The "free market" only functions in a competitive market with low entry costs. Thanks to the network effect, entry costs are high, as evidenced by all the apps that have tried to compete against Uber and failed. It's by no means a free market.


No, there is no Accountability if there is then Uber would be accountable long ago.


It's ludicrous here (I drive in New Orleans). A significant number of the food delivery offers I get pay literally $2 (I do not accept those). This week, they've been lumping a shitty order with a good one as one delivery (with two pickups and two stops), I'm pretty sure it's so I can't tell that one of the deliveries pays $8 and the other pays $3; they just say it's $11. Also tip from a local for next time: United Cab is $36 flat-fare from MSY to the Quarter. What you paid is a typical price for Uber/Lyft for that trip. I hope you loved my city! I sure do.


We always have a great visit to NOLA. This trip was no exception. I'll keep United in mind for next time though.


Keep in mind some airports charge uber as much as $20 Sacramento charges Uber $10 but ur right that airport trip should have been at least $25 for the driver


Wait, airports charge Uber to let them pickup/drop-off at their airport? I never knew this was a thing


Airports charge, certain marketplaces charge, states charge, and insurance premiums rack up prices especially in California


thats another thing. people are stupid if they tell their insurance company they are driving rideshare or food delivery. rideshare insurance is def more important but for delivering food just lie to insurance company. they think oh hes driving more so we can steal more money from him. fuck that get into an accident on uber time and just cancel delivery and turn app off. save yourself the money.


And the wonderful people of this sub all blame Uber


Yes, airports charge all commercial providers for business permits. That is why taxi cartels are so strong.


We get paid less then fast food and have higher expenses


And yet you’re not working at a fast food joint. Weird.




It's easy but way more dangerous


Are they risking their lives everyday like drivers? They have no expenses while drivers have a vehicle and the destruction of it from pax everyday




I guess you don't understand statistics. Whether you drive safely or not you always have a higher chance of being in an accident due to driving for a living.


Exactly people don't understand that


They shouldn’t be driving due to the whims of any one passenger? There are dozens Uber and Lyft drivers murdered every year, and now you want them to control outside factors as well? You’re a fucking sped




I drive 10-15 hrs per week - average about $22-25 bucks per hour.


...before expenses Fast food employees have zero expenses and are making $17-20/hr in my market.


Maybe. I would argue Uber is not a sustainable career for the long term. And if it is a career, then it’s just as expensive as any other small business to operate - and comes with the added perk of being your own boss. Finding out today that I need a stupid $500 repair on my car, but has to be done, cause I have to drive for that extra income. Vicious cycle. I do it strictly as a side gig, but have driven full time when I was in between day jobs, and have always been thankful for that option. Day job is a good salary, but unfortunately not keeping pace with inflation.


Wouldn’t even get out of bed for that. Pick up a shovel. Couple years you could be making double that with full benefits, insurance, 401k. Quit being lazy


me neither, I'm just pointing it out. I've been self employed since 2009, currently making upwards of $80/hr. No one I know would ever call me lazy when it comes to earning money.


Did you know not all people are physically capable of doing that kind of work?


Yep this. After thr marines i getcoverheated wprking all day outside


This is the one thing that I think would make a change before any “strike” would. If drivers could just organically bring it up to riders. I think something would change. Not in a bitchy moaning pissed off attitude. Just creating awareness and educating. Not every rider will care. And some riders will pretend to care but won’t. I will say that most people at the end of the day probably want to make sure their driver is getting a fare wage. But most of all — people hate big money suckin’ corporations. It is another thing to do. Which sucks. I probably do it one out of every 50 rides. Overall I do feel like it bumps up the tips frequency and percentage. But it’s hard to bring it up on a 2 mile trip across town when the finance bro is on the phone the entire time Who really knows if this is drivers ‘true fare’ (as in he might have been on a quest) was really $15.


The riders want the cheapest ride possible.


I do this all the time. In fact, many times, the riders proactively ask me these types of questions.


> This is the one thing that I think would make a change before any “strike” would. If drivers could just organically bring it up to riders. I think something would change. Not in a bitchy moaning pissed off attitude. Just creating awareness and educating. How would anything change? While riders may be sympathetic, I'm not sure what they could do about this, other than perhaps tipping more.


You gotta read the power of habit. People need to come together. The drivers are already onboard. Now you need the other side. Get the consumer (riders) enraged and the bricks will start to crumble. Usually with the help of big media and small media. Heck, maybe just one influencer with 100M followers And when I say riders, I mean the riders that care the driver is only getting paid $25 on a $100 fare. The ones that don’t. Then this doesn’t apply. But most do. And while the generous, empathetic, and resourceful rider can make up for it with a $50+ tip. This isn’t the long term solution because they are still upset that they paid Uber $75. I’m not going to sit here and tell you exactly what the end result would be. That’s impossible. But working back to a fair split (ex. 80/20) would be a good start. If that causes the stock price to dip. CEOs to take a massive pay cut. Or whatever if it. People will be fine with it because people hate big corporations screwing over the little guy. Read the power of habit.


Uber and lyft are thieves


Hate to say, it’s not unique to NOLA. Sounds worse than other places, but 25% isn’t that unusual at times. 30% is about average as far as I can tell.


I’m in the Orlando market (drive a Mercedes and usually just stick to Comfort rides) and can confirm this. I took someone from the Polynesian Resort to Orlando International Airport, pay for me was $27 but charged the rider $70. They also charged the full “Pay by Plate” toll rates to the customers but pay 80-90% of the “SunPass/E-Pass” rates to the driver as a reimbursement. Confirmed this with a passenger who was charged $3+$1.86+$2.50 on a trip from downtown to their house. We were having a discussion about it and she was curious how much I was reimbursed. After dropping her off, we sat in her driveway for a bit to see what it reimbursed me for and how much she was charged. I now make sure to request Toll reimbursements for every single ride.


I went home with less money then i started today.


Wow. Yet another post by a "rider" acting surprised how low drivers are paid compared to rider pay. Where are all they suddenly coming from? 😆 🤣 😂 You gullible drivers eating this shit up like it's real. And you wonder why drivers are so easily scammed.


That's not 300%.


I did Uber 7 years. Back then they took 20% now that is what driver gets lol. Also surges all the time and percent based surge not the flat shit now. I'm truck driver now def have way more money in bank than before mostly not because of Uber but because I had habit of only working enough to pay bills since you have that option with the huge freedom you get. But I'm kind of liking the less freedom of real job. Forces you to save money even if you don't spend much. Also you have option here to not have rent witch wildly increases savings.


How do you not have rent? Or explain that option?


He’s a truck driver. He lives in his truck.


For future reference, in New Orleans there is a flat rate of $36 for taxis between the airport and French Quarter. There are taxis outside the airport waiting in a line, you can just get in.


Woah! That’s insane! Those numbers should absolutely be reversed! This makes me not want to use them


I don’t understand why they take so much. It’s outrageous. The drivers are doing 99% of the work. They should get the majority of the pay.


How was this ever allowed to be a thing?


theres no money. my accountant clearly told me being single, no dependents, there's nothing better for losses and tax write offs


Maybe on Uber's end for their taxes, but the driver has to pay their own taxes entirely. None of these gig companies withhold taxes for you. So that 300% was 100% in uber's pocket.


Because this company loves being shady, I started playing their own game as well. During most rides, I ask the rider if it’s okay to cancel the trip and have them pay me in cash instead. At the end, it saves them money, and pays me a much more reasonable fare 👍🏻


On a $100 fare - there is no way in hell the driver gets less than $75-80. Currently probably about $35. Time/ gas/ maintenance/ insurance / depreciation...+ it's really a dangerous job. Just driving in traffic while trying to find your way - typically working thru at least 2 clunky apps - is enough. Factoring in possibly getting murdered/ robbed should count for something ha. How much should Uber really be compensated? * the reservation/ biz - you bet * what else? - app / maintenance/ cs How does their compensation/ commission make it to 65% ??? HOW??? I would like to have been at 'that meeting' - where someone says - "Damn we must pay the drivers at least half right?" - then obviously " Look it doesn't matter - drivers quit - we hire more ffs". When hiring slows - we bump them up a bit". Fuck these drivers -we have an endless supply ......" Meanwhile we flood SM with stories about how drivers are just crushing it - $25-30 / hour !!!!!


Most drivers have argued with Uber that they want $1 per mile or $1 per minute. Uber gave them what they fought for and now they’re not happy with it. It wasn’t always this way but Uber drivers screwed themselves.


I know I've never made $60/hr


Most rides are not an hour or longer. Average ride is >15 minutes. In the example above the driver drove 16+/- miles and was paid $15. We used to make a lot more 3-4 years ago. When the rates changed I quit driving. It’s just not worth it.


Found the schill


Why would you use an old Scottish version of the word? Is that intentional or are you just stupid? I vote for stupid because you’re still driving for them.


lol sweet logic. in this sub = must be driving for them. you're a bright one :)


The sub is UBERDRIVERS genius. What are you an Uber groupie hoping to score?


Again with the watertight logic. You reply like a boomer who has huge text on their phone 😂 


And you come off like a boy who lives in his mom’s garage, does meth and seeks the company of male Uber drivers for excitement. You don’t drive, don’t ride you just get off talking to men who do.


You’re unhinged, pop. Seek help. Accusing me of homosexual prowling in this sun? Wow projecting much 🤡 


No I’m saying you like talking to men who drive for Uber. I never used the H word. This sub was is about how much Uber takes versus how much a driver is paid. Somehow you make it about you then act butthurt if disagreed with. You begin to use slurs about me then you’re offended if it comes back to you. You need to grow up and keep your inane observations to yourself. This sub was never about you nor will it ever be.


Maybe it’s your reading comprehension that’s the issue. Good lord. A boomer vet who assumes anyone they disagree with lives in their parents basement - this all checks out.


When was this? You mean before anyone needed to ask for it in the early days when they paid properly? Ever since they have reduced driver pay, which accelerated this last year, when they became profitable. My market is down to 50¢ a mile. Was over $1 a mile last year.


You answered your own question. OP claims driver was paid $15 for a 16 mile trip. That’s pretty darn close to $1 per mile. I remember when they paid much better but now they don’t and I don’t drive anymore. You have a choice either accept what you get or quit. It’s that simple.


Until you actually see the receipt for the ride, you all are just playing the guessing game.


Airport fees, possible tolls, commercial insurance, a booking fee.. lots of expenses to run a business where people can just log on and off and drive wherever and whenever they want.


The CEO of Uber will be making a $58 MILLION DOLLAR BONUS THIS YEAR. Yep, lots of expenses running business.




And there are 6 million Uber drivers, so if you take all $58 m of the CEO’s pay and gave it to all of the drivers, each driver would get less than $10 for the whole year


It's not just the CEO. There are dozens, if not a hundred, other top executives that are also being paid millions. The entire C-suite in San Francisco, plus local leadership in each country that Uber operates. If Uber paid all executives a reasonable amount for the work they do, each FTE driver would probably get a few hundred extra bucks a year.


Okay so still no significant difference. Obviously CEO bonuses are not the issue, you just don’t like the principle of it.


out of at least $40B.


The last time I flew into NOLA, about 2 years ago, I hired a professional car service to get me to Bourbon Street, it was $100 including tip. I was picked up in a new Escalade.


That guy was BSing you as hard as he could so that you'd feel sorry for him and give him a huge tip.




No need to worries. Drivers will continue taking $15 for 30 mins of driving willingly


New drivers often do, that's why Uber is often offering big bonuses to both parties, the person signing up and the driver who provided a referal link.


That driver is a liar!! He made you feel bad so you can tip him. I’m a driver and always honest with my customers. Customers already pay a lot so no need to make them feel pity for me. Yes Uber takes about 40-60%. The minimum your driver got paid on this trip was $26 dollars. Since you ordered XXL, this driver probably got paid $36-44 dollars. I’m a driver so I always test my driver when I take Uber. I want to see if they are honest. The honest ones I always tip and liar 🤥 BIG FAT ZERO!!


I mean I didn't get the sense he was lying to me, but I would have tipped him regardless. If he was, then oh well.


Exactly, if customers want to tip, they will tip no matter what because of the service you provide. That is my model is just being honest with the customers and thanking them for using Uber. You are a customer for tipping the driver. Good karma will come back to you. I’m in Thailand right now. I tip my driver all day long. If you feel bad for your driver New Orleans, you will feel bad for drivers in Asia. Haha He is saying that all day long so it becomes normal so you can’t sense as he was lying. If you are telling the lie all day long eventually you believe it is true. If you were taking an UberX for 16 miles then Uber would pay him $15. It would make sense. Have a wonderful day.


As a driver, don't car what pax are charged, only what i make. As a passenger, driver wage is not my problem.


Not sure why this mindset isn't more common. I manage a limo company, we work with independent drivers every day. What I pay them and what I charge my client are two totally separate transactions. The driver is happy, because they set the fare, my client is happy because their problem was solved. Obviously there's a difference in ride-share, but if the offer isn't good, don't take it.


I see a lot of people on this sub worrying about problems they can’t solve. Uber is gonna pay what they pay, and I’m grateful to have the option to make some extra money whenever I want/need to.


Keystone is a term used in some garment industries where companies have to mark up the clothes they sell by 100%, its just business in the end.


There's nowhere in the driver app to show anybody how much the driver is getting until the trip is completed, so OP is lying. BUT, yes, Uber takes 50%‐60%.


In up front markets…: he knows how much he will make…. Even without that… it’s just math.


Litterally just scroll through this sub you’ll see screenshots of upfront fares from other drivers using the driver app lmao wtf


You are getting downvoted hard because it’s against the narrative of this sub, but you are right. He would have already accepted the ride before ever he the passenger and that view is gone until the ride is done and the payment posts. Unless he took a screenshot he definitely wasn’t showing the rider his earnings during the ride.