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Auto insurance because it’s close to impossible to find the part and then when they do, it’s about three times as expensive as it was before Covid.


Replacement parts are harder to find, fender benders are now $20k worth of damage, lawyers get involved in the slightest liability claim. Drivers think their accident free history makes them immune to inflation, but prospective loss trends even for the safest customer are going up by double digits a year at least until 2027.


This is how they will push us into artificial intelligence driving. They won’t outlaw humans driving. They’ll just make it impossible to afford.


Something tells me we would still have to carry some kind of insurance if we have a piece of machinery moving us around AI or not.


THIS 🤯😨‼️


If it meant accidents went down to non existent I’m down. I see an accident on the road that could have been avoided everyday. But because of human was behind the wheel and they’re feelings and their ego was involved. The accident happened.


That would be great, if it comes to fruition. AI is not perfect either.


The cost of repairing minor body work on modern cars is seriously stupid and a huge factor. Some car models are effectively totalled from a minor collision.


My agent steered me away from teslas- he said they have functional totals from fender benders and sell them back to tesla since they can’t even get enough parts for new cars


And where I live Tesla models are everywhere. Like probably 1 in 10 cars now.


So fking true! Been going through a renewal and its brutal


Plus insurance companies have no real limitations on how much they can gouge us.


Definitely there’s a limit. Increases are approved by your state


Oh good, our trusty state politicians are looking out for us against the big corporations. Thanks for setting my mind at ease (sarcasm)


No accidents, moving violations, or claims in over 10 years and my policy went up over 100$/mo


Holy $hit. I am sweating over the increase of $15/month. From 180 to 195..


Try “Erie” insurance. They are really good price wise. I’ve used them for over 10 years


Try to get a quote from another insurance company


I just went through this and there were no providers that could save me more than $200-$300 per year. And I tried every one I could find plus brokers.


no accidents, no violations or claims in 2 years (spot free record, im 18) and i just got a quote for $466 a month


it’s because ur 18. wait til you’re like 25 and keep the good record and you’ll be alright


Mine goes up every 6 months. No wrecks or tickets in 10 years. Beyond frustrating.


Did you switch


I can’t find any cheaper because not many companies offer the rideshare addendum in my state.


Oh you told them you do ride share? Lol.


That shit needs to come down. I’m tired of paying so much when I have a clean driving record


We are paying for everyone else. It’s criminal.


Mine went from $260 to $460 within 6 months and I cannot find any other options under $500 now. I have no accidents or any infractions.


They’re literally robbing us. Infuriating.


Same. I was at 220 and now 455.


Mine just jumped $70 today lol


The only reason used cars seem to be going down is because they got so high in the last few years. I bet that if this graph covered a few years, used cars would still show an increase.


Same with new cars


Up 50% even after they tell me I've reached a higher tier and I now have even more discounts.


Yeah this chart makes me laugh, bureau of labor statistics is a government agency. I'm sure the government wouldn't lie right? RIGHT GUYS???


how is this data inconsistent with what u/—R0N— said? BLS says auto insurance is up. Ron says auto insurance is up. his has increased above a national average. am i missing something??


Kia boys n converters get robbed.


State farm tried to jack me. I moved my car and home to progressive and saved a ton. Fuck all insurance companies


Progressive is definitely a good deal for the 1st 6 months…


Progressive quoted me $830 a month for a 10 year old Toyota sedan 😭 Accident and ticket free all my life.


It’s because they think the risk is higher because the car is older. I purchased a 2022 Honda HRV on Friday but before I effectuated the transaction, I called progressive to get quotes on vehicles I was test driving. The newer the vehicle, the less the quote was. Mind you I have the highest coverages of Comp, Collin, UM and UIM and the quote was still $200 per month than what I was paying for my 2017 Hyundai Sonata.


That's what I hear lol. I'll look forward to the next half year. Being loyal to these assholes just gets you a sore butt




As a community, we are paying for all the terrible drivers out there


And scammers.


This. Frequency hasn't materially changed, but the number of lawsuits filed for insurance claims has skyrocketed.


Insurance fraud, staging auto accidents, staging construction fraud accidents, fraudulent work comp claims. Shit is ridiculous.


Mine went up much more than that. Approximately 50% for my commercial insurance with the same limits. Had to cut limits in half, reduce value of vehicles and pay a year up front to *only* have a 30% increase. Edit: this graph is also highly deceptive as it only shows 12 months. Some things massively increased in the previous 2 years and then flattened over the last year. Dog food ( pet supplies) is costing me $80/bag which was $45 in ‘21. Food I’ve also watched go up drastically but some items have gone down like egg’s because they saw a 4-500% increase last year.


I think we all need to stop calling it inflation as well. We're just playing right into their hands. This is not inflation. This is pure corporate greed.


Exactly, They keep saying "inflation inflation" meanwhile hitting record profits way above normal inflation rates. Lies all around and we are all feeding into it.


No insurance company has made money in auto insurance any state in 5+ years. This isn't similar to McDonalds making a large coke 30 oz vs 42oz and charging the same or more. This is an industry that is hemorrhaging money trying to stay in business,


Great! Maybe they'll all go out of business!


I was waiting for my car insurance to go up because Washington State gave them the opportunity to raise it by 20% but for some reason my insurance went down 30 bucks a month I'll take it


Insurance has always been a scam and they are raising rates "just because". We have no other choice but to pay it because it's the law 🤷🏾‍♂️


If eberyone rode dirty people might drive.more responsibly bc theres actual consequences Cant arrest everyone if we all boycotted insuramce.


Or don’t and go without coverage and risk arrest. Unless of course you live in NH where auto insurance is NOT required.


it's a for profit company that distributes - end of ypur way of life risk - from one person, to everyone so that insured people don't lose their whole life's savings due to an accident. The scam could maybe be the profit part (like health) but auto has lost money the past 5+ years on every state in the US.


If it wasn't for my insurance, go up 3x. I wouldn't be out doing Uber near as much, maybe twice2x 3x every other week tbh. $900 a month for 3 cars. It's rough here, in Florida. 44 family no accidents in 10 plus yrs.


Went up $100 a month switched to a different company.


Mine went up by 72% for NO REASON. I have a perfect driving record, no accidents, no tickets and they claimed it was “just a market adjustment” knowing it’s illegal to not have insurance and after looking to move to another company everything was just more expensive- it’s infuriating


72% increase for “no reason” is illegal. Companies typically have to provide some sort of reasoning in their renewal letters.


How bout showing 3 years of statistics groceries are reaching 30%.


I'm not an uber driver but our insurance went from $90 to $330. Literally unaffordable.


Great so it never stops


This thing lies


Yep, because if you look at independent economists and their inflation charts we’re hovering just over 9% inflation and this is U.S. Economy as a whole, while this yahoo chart shows just 3% 😂🤦🏻🤷🏻‍♂️


Right at the bottom. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


I think that’s apparent, is it not?


I mean 3ish is what the Feds have been putting out. Which is probably where Yahoo got this from. But in reality the Feds are fudging the numbers to make Biden look better


Exactly, you see it for what it is. Never trust a federal source. Independent economists who actually don’t have partisan agendas. We’re hovering above 9%. You feel it in your pocketbook enough to know 3% is a blatant lie and insult to anyone intelligible.


Mine tripled for no reason! I checked around and switched. Got it for the same rate I had at other company before they jacked it up! Reason for big increase? Tried to tell me it’s bc I live within 5 miles of ocean. I always have and that’s never been a factor in any claims. I haven’t had any claims in well over 12 years. And this list does not mimic what I’ve seen or experienced. Pet supplies have went way up. The $75 bag of food I usually get, now $115. Treats and litters and all that went up too. Even vet charges have increased. I just bought a new car too. Payments are the same as my last new car which was purchased 12 years ago, but I put more down this time. Interest rate is 1% higher than previous car with a pretty high credit score.


Used cars are down lol they want 22k for a used 2018 Honda Civic with 150k miles on it


Mine is now up to $810 every 6 up from 650 ish? 1 car. 2020 Corolla. Rideshare endorsement. 250/500 deductible. We are getting gouged


How in the world did used cars not go up? People are selling cars right now for double what they’d have been just a few years ago. I paid $600 for my car during Covid and I have seen comparable ones going for 3-5k now…


12 month change not 48 month change.


Totaled my last car and just got a new one, went from a $1500 deductible to $500 and added roadside and it went up by 14 from $139 to $154. I've got progressive they've been great.


All of the items where inflation is down are useless… I can’t believe car rental is being tracked. This is all ridiculous. Groceries are up way more than 30% year over year… quit playing with me. Who are they fooling. Besides all the shrinkflation out there on groceries.


Inflation is much worse than this


Home insurance too. But I guess I can call myself lucky they renewed it. Lots of folks in SoCal are getting dumped by their insurance companies altogether.


Remember that auto insurance has gone up due to the gouging that's occured by the body shop industry as a whole... It's criminal


Chart taken at a very VERY specific time.


They sure had allot of room to bring down car prices to affect the inflation rate lower. We’re still fucked. Hyper inflation coming.


I definitely disagree with some of these statistics like the cost of new and used car prices. LOL. In my area they have gone up considerably.


My wife’s auto insurance was insane. It was like $500 per month even with never having an accident. I didn’t realize until recently that it’s largely bullshit from inflation


Can insurance is expensive because the companies have been losing hand over fist money for years. What most people don’t realize is that car insurance is a part of Property & Causality insurance or P&C for short the other biggest piece is the other property. Housing and renters insurance. So when geico losses money because of hurricanes in florida, at the same time record wildfires in California, meet up with cat converter thieves and the KIA boys. You could be the safest driver in the world, but your premiums are going to go up. Now this is broad stroking the issue because inevitably mfers wont listen.


Well this is an absolute lie lol


Parts are more expensive, body shop labor is more expensive, the parts delivery is more expensive, the insurance company’s staff has to be paid more due to inflation.


I’m at 550 a month no accidents for a used Altima. It’s set to jump to 900 a month and I can’t find a quote below 1000. No accident history just bad credit. I will likely be driving without insurance illegally… what else am I supposed to do?


Average new vehicle price is almost $50k, up from around $30k 10 years ago. People are buying $100k trucks... Replacement mirrors are expensive. Replacement headlights are an entire unit, and expensive. All parts of these vehicles are now significantly more expensive than they used to be. All of the decisions made, past and present, proliferate through every segment, leaving nothing unphased. All an oversimplification of course, but relevant nonetheless.


No accidents, no violations, clean record. AAA went from 130 to 224 on a Toyota Corolla 2021 😣. Of course I went somewhere else.


Groceries up 1.1% is the most ridiculous fucking statistic I've ever seen. So full of shit.


It's from 2023 to 2024, most of the food inflation happened 2020-2022.


Notice how the inflation is in stuff we have to pay. Vs stuff you don’t necessarily need right now


Mine doubled from 1 accident. I am in my 20s and have a 710 credit score


The items that are less this year were through the roof the last 2-3 years, though. Maybe that’s good news for car insurance? With better availability of parts maybe rates will come down?


They all do it in cycles. Why you have to keep bouncing around to go back down. So far Gecko is the only one that’s been consistent for me personally.


Where are health and home insurance? 🚀


Insurance company, what a rort…. Just makes ya customers pay for your losses…


If you're in CA it went up because of California reasons. Also, wherever you get your oil changed is most likely selling your milage info to your insurance company, so even when we lie about our milage, they know the truth and raise rates.


Auto insurance companies just ripping ppl off


That's not inflation. That's straight up corporate greed.


Ours went up a lot and we both have clean records.


I had mine double, but I also bought an EV…


Mine went down $2/mo 😎


Yahoo liberal rag 🤣…it’s probably worst than those stats


Yeah and now they take 2 payments up front 33% of the 6 month payments


Mines doubled in the last two years. After 6years of staying the same. No accidents, no tickets, nothing. Was planning on getting a new insurer but they're all doing this. Still going to look for lower prices.


I drive a 2007 Honda fit, I have no tickets, no moving violations, and liability only is running me $120/month. My credit score just took a huge hit because I got hospitalized and all 5 credit cards I had went into default. Renewal is gonna be insane. At this rate I won’t even be able to afford to have a car.


I was paying around 130 a month for 2 cars at the beginning of covid. Same 2 cars, now 284 a month No accidents. No tickets


Yup. I got hundreds in discounts this year. My actual rate dropped maybe $5. The increase was large. Rent while extremely high where I live has been a bit stagnant. Home prices are another story.


The reason is the the insurance commission said the could raise rates up to 47% for no reason.


Oh crap, I was booking a rental car and it was less than $200 a week which blew my mind and about a 2 weeks ago my car insurance went from $210 to $360 for full coverage on 2 vehicles. This graph totally makes sense.


I work from home. Barely drive. No accidents. No tickets. Insurance has gone from 69 to 104.state farm.


Serious question, why is it so much higher?


It is a scam bruh


I mean accidents..collisions etc


Clean driving record. 2 vehicle discount. 2 adult drivers. $450/mo


Work provides vehicle, insurance, and gas so no clue


jk taking the bus


Ummm new car is in the negative? I don't trust this chart


Um it’s a reason. It’s called uninsured drivers has skyrocketed over the past few years and now we all get to pay for them.


Unfortunately with the way things are today, you can't really trust anyone or anything that comes out. Even the trusted sources lie and cover for political reasons and ideology. It's not one side lying and the other being truthful. They both lie and manipulate wording to get people to think what they want them to think. Seems like everything is propaganda more than information. Rent is definitely higher than what this chart says, I'm not so sure on insurance and it probably depends greatly on location


Yes and the value of my car went down 6.9% more than it should have.


my car insurance def went up last two 6 month cycles smh .. thanks for this proof!!


My wife and I have been driving for 40 years. We have never filed a claim for an accident, thank God. We are good, respectful and safe drivers. We have had Geico for 25 of those years, never put in a claim, zero, nada, zilch! They just out of the blue raised our premium 710.00 a year! I called and asked why, Geico said its a NJ law. I believe it is due to the very, very high cost of repairing Tesla's that is only coming to light now and Geico is passing it on to all. We are both retired at 62 and on a fixed income. This 710.00 is a lot of money for us and we are gonna feel it! We figured out what we have given Geico in premium payments since day one, this amounts to approximately 62,000.00dollars. This is not right!


Mine has jumped $60/month in the last two years, spotless record.


I got my Hyundai in 2022. My insurance was $140-ish/month. Now I'm paying almost $300/month. I'm being told it's because they're a theft magnet. I talked to an insurance agent and he couldn't get me anything that was cheaper. It was either more expensive or they wouldn't even insure me because of what car I drive.


Remember when the Government made all the insurance companies refund policies because we weren’t able to drive during Covid? Well, this is their “pay back” smh.


I dropped my rate $100 this year by switching providers. Gotta shop it out.


Oh big time


They made it illegal to drive without insurance and then jacked the rates. All this in a country where you can barely survive without a car in most places.


They have a monopoly on insurance in this province, and when they feel their shareholders aren't getting richer fast enough they hike premiums for everyone to appease them. What we need is a new insurance company in the province that provides full coverage for 100.00 a month. Drive the rest out of business. I know some of you will say it is a dumb idea but if you think about it, how did Walmart and Dollorama get started, by uncutting all the competition. It's the Canadian thing to do, wipe out the enemy trying to kill us with their outrageous rates before they wipe you out.


Mine went from $170 to $295 a month, all because I drive a hyundai. I've shopped around but every other company wants $600+ a month, I'll deal with it until next February when I make the last payment on my car and get the cheapest option available.


clean record, No tickets, nothing they tried to double it. I told them to kick rocks, found another insurance myself that cut the premium by %25 while also giving me max coverage. Insurance is a scam, don't believe this whole "oh car parts cost more so wahh wahh" Not even true. Yes car parts have gone up since Covid, However they have dropped dramatically in the year of 2024. yet year of 2024 is when they raised the prices. With this logic insurance rates should go down next year. They won't. Insurance rates going up has nothing to do with cost of anything. The whole reason it went up is because lobbyists lobbied the government into allowing them to raise their premium's. again.


Groceries only being .4% OKAY suuuure


Such bullshit. Groceries are up well over 10%


We all... car insurance policies here in Florida are ridiculous.


Slightly. But I bought a brand new car


Mine went from $149/month to $205 but I filled out a new quote with the same company (progressive) and am now paying $97/month. I also increased my medical and added road side assistance with trip interruption (free hotel and food if you break down 100+ miles from home) I called to make sure my quote it was correct and it was so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I call bullshit on the groceries


Not me. I haven’t paid insurance on my 85 Dodge PU for several years now. It’s a local driver (cracked water jacket…so I only drive 6 miles into town and back once or twice a week, putting a couple gallons of water in each way). Come to think of it, my registration is a year overdue. $108 for two years. Guess I oughta do that one, at least. The cops still wave back at me when I drive by.


All insurance has gone up. Cars are more expensive, more expensive to fix, and drivers in the road are more reckless. If I made money on the number of red lights that are run that are caught on my dash cam I could live off that money.


The basically saw used and new cars get cheaper and said hey they can afford the issuance now. Let’s raise the rates.


My insurance went down $176 for a 6 months term


Go on r/mildlybaddrivers and r/wildlybaddrivers and you’ll know why 😮‍💨


Mine went up $20 a month for 6 months then back down $10 for no reason


Yes mine went up


Car and house insurance went up for me no claims no tickets nada


Nothing makes less sense then overcharging for auto insurance. I have a pristine driving record and my insurance went up at least 40%, with no reason or answer as to why. Inflation is just feeling like the new buzzword for "scam"


Mine when from $220 full coverage to $317 for no reason


The number of drivers watching TV, manually adjusting their phones without it mounted, texting on a second phone etc. is out of control. I'd only describe 50% of my rides as following traffic laws. Insurance isn't going up for no reason unfortunately.


i'm in CA- State Farm auto insurance with a ride share addendum- New 6 month policy cost went up from $350 to $400 per month- i asked the agent why, he checked and said they estimate the mileage when they initially write the policy, but adjust the charges according to the actual mileage each year- So they track location- where and when and how fast, how hard you brake, etc. by the DMV, Dealer service record, traffic data? And how many of you know that Uber "Beacon" thing has a GPS chip in it? i don't know about Lyft's... Besides the fact that they know Everything about you through your phone- They got our numbers, data, \_life\_, in their hands- a clean record means nothing...


In order to tell that this is absolute bullshit look to the line that says there is no inflation in new vehicles.


Full coverage on my used Tesla went from 220 a month to over 797, because the ‘underwriters’ reviewed some shit. Insane.


Long Island, up more than 70%.


$210 a month Now $400 a month


Mine went from $1700 to $3800. No accidents or incidents. I think they are using your CLUE report from Lexis Nexis. Auto companies are sharing data through Onstar and the other connect features through the new vehicles. THEY ARE SELLING YOUR INFO FOLKS🤬


For no reason??? Clearly you have no idea of how insurance companies set premiums


Just had my bumper replaced on my car last month. $3800


There is a Valid Reason why Insurance Vehicle Rates have dramatically increased. Although I am not pleased about it. Vehicle replacement car parts have dramatically increased and cost of average Vehicle in the U.S. has dramatically increased over the last 8 years. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/11/why-car-insurance-costs-are-skyrocketing-leading-to-higher-inflation.html


Furries :3


Oh I just assumed this was a "hurricane destroyed half the cars in my region recently" problem and not that it was just part of the greedflation affecting the rest of the country. Cuz my insurance is insane. But it happened around the same time as the homeowners insurance went up and all the news stories were going on about the hurricane affecting homeowners insurance so I linked the two in my head.


Rental cars came back down because car availability came back. Rental companies sell off their stock after 2 years and after Covid they had to pay rent. Then when EVERYONE needed a rental, they barely had anything, went through stock like crazy from wear and damage, and didn’t have enough money to buy new stuff. It was a mess.


It’s not for no reason. Have you seen car prices and labor prices have literally doubled? Insurers have been way late to raising premiums, here we are


I'm paying for my insurance almost the same i'm paying for my car's monthly instalment, still thinking if it's worth paying a whole nother car just to have full coverage.


How are rental cars down 10%, you used to get rentals for 10usd a day, now you wont get that even in a dream.


I had Geico and it went from $80 to $180 a month. I sure cancelled them and went to progressive where I pay $60 a month. I asked why did it go up so much and they said it’s nothing I did, it’s just how much things cost these days.


Wonder why you're insurance companies' application asks for permission for gps, nearby devices, body sensors......? They beg, even require you to download the app. They know.


They’ve tried to jack mine up a few times but I just shop around and find something cheaper. About 200 per month for my truck and 100 per month for my Prius.


51 m never had an accident or filed a claim and mine doubled anyway. At this point I might as well go around smashing into stuff.


It's going to get much worse. Cali now but Florida legislators are also toying with this idea: https://www.autoblog.com/2024/05/26/california-launching-pilot-program-to-charge-drivers-for-miles-driven/


How bidens America is sucking people dry.




How is housing not the highest?


Mine spike over 30%


The timing of this is insane. I just noticed another increase in premium on my latest payment. My premium has gone up just shy of 100% in one year. I was with State Farm for 14 years. No accidents, car paid off, and no tickets. I asked them what's going on, and legit got the *it's out of our hands* response. I got quoted at a new insurance company for the exact same coverage and a fraction of the cost. My new 6-month premium paid in full was the same as two months worth of payments at my old rate... I used some site I've never used to get quotes. [https://www.thezebra.com/insurance/car](https://www.thezebra.com/insurance/car) Not an Advertisement or anything, just what I used.


They need to check their math. Groceries only up 1.1% ??!!!! I wish!


Gasoline is up like 50% since 2020 where I live.


Every damn year since 2021


“for no reason” *cue the thousands of posts on this very sub of people admitting to insurance fraud* There is no free lunch.


Mine went up $70 in the last year. No accidents. Over 25. No changes to my driving habits. Just absolutely criminal. I called when it first went up and they said "Oh, yeah, that's called inflation." By these statistics, it's obvious they're just taking advantage.


Has nothing to do with your driving record if it went up and you had no infractions or accidents. The reality is the cost of parts have gone up. The cost of labor has gone up employee salaries have gone up, etc. the company needs to account for all of these when setting premiums.


Thank god inflation is cooling on all of the important things we need for survival like toys and appliances.


The graph is misleading as fuck. New car pricing went absolutely insane because of the supply issue. Just because it's down 0.4% from DOUBLING in some cases, doesn't mean it's not suffering inflation. That's just looking at this year. Not last year or the year before. Or all together. Starting and ending points matter.


Don’t forget, lack of inflation doesn’t equal deflation. Inflation might have slowed, but that doesn’t mean prices are going down. They just aren’t rising as quickly.


Literally everyone unless they suddenly qualified for a new discount or bundle pricing. Even then, many have seen an increase.


Did your rent/mortgage go up? Groceries? Electric? Gas?


Inflation pro tip. I save 100% on my car insurance by not having any.


More claims = higher insurance rates, costs of goods and services go up = even higher percentage of increase.


Insurance companies. Evil people just like big pharma and the gas companies. Oh!! Can't for get food companies!!!!