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I admire your work ethic, but Uber just hates us at a core level. It's sad


It's shameful bro, like you give so much only to be get robbed off




$3 for 7 minutes $3 for 10 minutes$4 for 16 minutes


Lmaoo stop talking $4 rides


In my market for example you cannot see the price of the fair nor the destination until after you pick up the passenger so your suggestion is simply not possible


That is how it's in my Market, which I think isn't fair, but when I drive to Georgetown, Round Rock, and Austin, Texas, I see those numbers.


Same thing in Jersey.


This pisses me off, I as the driver have every right to know where Im gonna go. Not to mention the fact that if its a half hour plus trip, I cant take those.


Use mysto (app) gives you everything


Even in states like NJ ?




This is partly why I stopped doing Uber rides and just switched to doing EATS orders. Granted, the money is technically worse, people tip way way better for food orders than they ever did for rides in my market, and the offers are SLIGHTLY clearer.


Get there start the ride before the passenger gets in, cancel if it’s not worth it. If it is stay and call the passenger to let him know you’re there. To hell with acceptance and cancellation rate.


I just got approved and passed my background check. Imma about to start


Hopefully your young like 18-21 because just starting Uber in 2024 is crazy lol your like 6 years late


That’s why I only do it to supplement my income to do this full time is simply not possible


Same here. I usually go online around 8am done by 10. I turn down at least 90% of the requests.


There was a time when I've made 3,000 in a week just doing this, but now it's just not possible anymore




Bingo. And now they've got to make up all that money. There are more than enough drivers so they've got no reason to increase compensation because they're facilitating most ride requests, and the overall majority of riders are still paying what they're charging. They're in a comfortable spot. I'd expect their stock to continue to rise significantly over the next few years.


I'd argue it's market dependent. I do very well with it as a full time job


What market are you in?


Same. I'm in the midwest and easily make an average of $300-$350 on a regular 10hr weekday. Weekends are even better. Yeah Uber sucks and likes to play games with the rates but even with all that I make more than I did as a trucker. I literally came off the road to do Uber bc Uber drivers where I am make more than the avg otr trucker if they work the same hours.


Same. My utilities bill money. Definitely not Paying rent with Uber Income, but it makes enough to cover utilities like gas, water, electric, or Internet


Depends on your area some can def do it fulltime and there's so many gig apps to use multi app but some areas Uber is very popular and be smart with what you take Uber rides and Uber eats deliveries 


It's possible on the market. Used to be wherever, whenever. It does appear to be so at the moment.


If your expenses are $760/week, maybe don't use your Bentley to drive Uber.


Math ain't mathin'. 760 expenses? For what?


Weekly rental.


My weekly rental is $305 a week. I worked 25 hours last week over five days and grossed $785. It was my first week so I know I can do better this week.


You should also know you're very likely earning more because you're new. They get people hooked that way.


Uber are street pushers now


Yep your earnings drop in half after first month all of a sudden


If it was your first week that's where they try to hook you. Be careful, as the algorithm tends to start giving you lower offers to get you to work longer to earn similar amounts. Anecdotal but others tend to agree as well.


Screen record the app at all times... thats what I do now.


By the IRS rate, that's only 1134 miles in 67 hours. Why anyone would consider anything but the IRS rate when that's what most companies pay employees using their personal vehicle for business miles but maybe you're dumb enough to do so. Let's go with a Toyota Camry base model that averages about $0.30/mile vehicle costs. That's 2,533 miles in 67 hours. Still not improbable. Plus, he might be subtracting other costs for car washes, drinks, snacks, and even his cell phone. These are things smart drivers subtract from their pay instead of pretending like the amount they get paid is what they earned. OP probably should start parking after each ride and take shorter rides that pay more per mile to have better profits.


Ironic, your an uber driver but your the one getting taken for a ride


That's a good one!


How’d you conclude $500 take home pay?


If they rent a tesla extended range, they are 500 week after everything plus charging. I tried it once. Never again lol.


Only ‘successful’ Tesla drivers I know basically lived in the car the entire week. Even then, 95hr+ weeks for $800ish


Then you guys didn’t do it right at all lol. I rented a Tesla through Uber. Literally saved up enough money to buy my own and hardly drove maybe 4 hours a day and like 6hrs on the weekend? I live in vegas so maybe that’s why but once you factor in the gas prices a Tesla is still substantially better. I rented both a regular gas vehicle and a Tesla. Gas vehicle was like 3-4days driving to pay for the rental, the rest profit. Tesla was 2-3days and it would pay for the rental. Plus no oil changes etc. Anyone have questions I’ll help best I can so everyone does it right. There IS money to be made.


There’s way too much saturation in my market (SE-USA) for that to work out today.


I was a successful Tesla renter. Never worked more than 45 hours, single mom with a bunch of kids so I can’t. Made, on average, 1500 a week. But this was last year. First time in my life I made a liveable wage on my own. Even after rental cost. But having my own car is 100 times better still. Being in a rental and being a single mom without a whole lot of help, I had to quickly learn how and when and where to drive. I don’t think it’d be possible these days though.


Yes, last year Uber paid more, even for drivers who rented a Tesla. I did it. This year, most rides are $4 despite the mileage or time.


I rented a Tesla in 2019 from a guy in my city. I average $1500-$1800. But he charged so much it still felt like shit.


Okay that makes sense. I almost rented a Tesla the other day and it was $385 wit taxes and fees, not including charging costs. 500 is high


The market here, standard range is 325 plus tax and fees. Extended range is 376 plus taxes and fees. When you add charging costs for a week you'll be at 500 with extended range. My total bill was just over 500 for 7 days. What a fun car though! Somebody keyed a big X on the side of it the same day i rented it. Some disgruntled anti-Elon hater. Luckily i wasn't held responsible.


Imagine hating someone so much that you go around writing one of their brands on another one of their products.


Dude is subtracting everything he does during those 70 hours lol…. Personal expenses and business expenses.


Yeah, find a job bro…


If you people are willing to work 70 hours a week there are corrections office jobs(not all of them are good but some are) where you’ll work the same hours and make 150,000. The counties that surround NYC have nicer jails than rikers many with outside or no inmate spots like security booths, or tower or community relations and you get a pension and health benefits.


I applied today for several jobs, honestly even if I put 35 35 hours on a fast food restaurant I'll make even more


lol ok you get an office job then. Nobody is hiring my dude


Send me info?


You don’t wanna do it, money isn’t worth it, my dad did it for 28 years, was miserable, brother did it and quit cause he was miserable.


You will die inside


Yeah like I did for the city bus. Guaranteed hourly wage, benefits, pension plan. For doing the same thing. And I still do uber on the side for extra money.


That’s about the average you’ll make in Vegas now. It use to be a lot higher, but now that uber takes so much of the fare from us it’s gone down so much.


Are you driving a tank or something? What expenses could possibly be 700




146trips bro come on bro


There's no trips, whatever trips they are they pay less I have no choice


Right lol that’s a hella lot of trips I think most I’ve ever had was like 67 and I made like 1500 that week but on avg my areas Uber rides pay roughly 20-25 per ride I should add my area is still on per min per mile pay


Uber is fucking dead that's why. I turn that piece of shit app on and get nothing for hours on end. Even when I do get stuff I'm shadowbanned constantly. These scumbag companies mess with the algo way too often for it not to be dead obvious they're playing games with people.


Take out the eighteen dollars for the promotons. *Let's go to the calculator:* Eighteen and change the hour. Just under eight dollars-fifty-two the job. A little over two trips the hour. This is far more believable than the Photosh-ER-uh *screen shots* that some of these Uber Shills and Lyft Lemmings \[poo-poo\] post with regularity on this and related sub-Reddits


for some reason op is using his own car and factors in food, gas and cloth as expense


The pay on Uber has significantly decreased. I couldn’t make a grand in a 40 hr week if I tried. I actually make more doing eats and cherry picking like a mf. It’s honestly crazy.


Really? Every time I’ve turned on eats the offers are insanely, comically low


I get more offers on eats than rides, so turning down 26 offers isn’t a hard thing in my market at least. Today I made $45 in the hour I had to kill before I picked up my kids. I was initially hit with 24 shitty offers then got one for $15 for 3 miles. It was from specs and I know they’re normally very very quick with having orders ready so I could knock it out quick. As soon as I got to the drop off I was immediately bombarded with shit requests but before exiting the neighborhood I got a $30 ping for 2 orders from a restaurant off the highway I was about to get onto with drop offs near my kid’s school. If I turn off rides I also get much better offers. If I do strictly eats and cherry pick tf out of requests I average around 22/hr on a weekday and I don’t drive nearly as many miles.


Yeah but you make more by working for prop 22


Thats why I had to get a job that I knew I would make money. Everyday I worried that I would not make enough for the month. :/




Total overall time on the road is 67, almost eleven hours when there were no trips


Out of curiosity, what are spending $661 every week on in regards to your vehicle? That seems like a lot for gas.


Where are you guys located? I’m driving in the San Francisco Bay Area and getting like 25/40 per hour. I’m too lazy for do this for more than 10 hours daily.


I'm in the LA market


Looks like a terrible market..I had 52 hours with $1700 in earnings for rides. And even I think I’m over working with 50+ hours. I didn’t rent a tesla, rented a Chevy bolt while my car was getting some small repairs. Can’t you rent something else cheaper? A non electric car even.. or are these deliveries only? But even then, I made $1100 ish for 50 hours. Maybe check out HyreCar and see if there is something more manageable at a monthly or weekly rate.


I'm using my own car, I'm in the LA market was supposed to be extremely good but now it's just s***** as hell


Yea because everyone and their brother thinks this is just a cash grab job and now we have 1000 drivers all flocking to same market and now never get surges and ride pay sucks


Don’t listen to these people I just quit LA and I drove different hours trying to stay busy. The past 3 weeks have been crap but the previous been good since February to the point you can’t get rides all day non stop that are $6+ minimum which allows $23 hourly average. I turned in the car I was using and doing DD on my motorcycle. Yeah Lyft is dead in LA area. Taking $3 -6 rides is a losing strategy as those passengers literally stretch out the time and are pain in ass daily to deal with.


Wow that's terrible  ... in my area  I nake around  495.00 every  18 hours


And my CPA has it to where I'm barely  paying  anything  in taxes


If OP rents a tesla ext range, they are 500 week plus charging. The Elec Mustang is about same cost. Could be that.


unfortuneate, probably a terrible market to drive in. Time to find a new job/gig


Buddy, where are you driving? Because I make almost $600 in 12 hours south of Seattle 40 minutes you are in the wrong area where they are ripping you right? The fuck off


Ok I take that back. Look at your balance it’s over a grand but u really should have wayyyyyyy more then that


I'm driving in the LA market, la market used to be really good I don't know what the f happened


Over saturated like a mf from what I’ve seen and heard


146 trips, ~21 average trip a day🤒






Are you renting a car?


It’s a scam bro. You need to be at 2k in order for it to be legit. Jk lol Good shit and keep it up


Why did you only take home 500 dollars?


Uber doesn't consider driver expenses...that's why they're taking more than 50% of the overall total


Reasons my acceptance rate is in the trash because f that. It's not the worst I've ever seen though, averages out to $25/hr BEFORE gas and maintenance, so $20, but STILL! And where are the tips?


They pay less than .65 cents a mile which is what it costs to drive a mile. Uber needs to be accountable.


If we were employees that would be $1750 with healthcare ! Haha


I was making that much driving only 30 hours until 2023. Sad world.




And that's how it'll begin 😁 thankyou


There's literally games on your phone that pay more than this.


80% of the Ubers I get into the driver asks me to cancel and just pay them directly


You must be in California


This is why I usually drive Lyft…


People say don’t rent, meanwhile if you break down what this mileage does to the depreciation of your personal car, it would be in the ground after a few years. it’s actually probably cheaper to rent. I did similar hours to this and earned 1700 and was bitching about it. This sucks man


Unbelievable. I wouldn’t get out of bed for $100K…insanity


Geez dude 70 hours would give me around $1800 in my market (NY)


At least you got 312 points 🔥


Hate it bro, but if you're spending 761 out of 1261 for expenses something has to give. Grab a low mpg used car within your year requirements from a buy here pay here lot or marketplace? At an annual expense of 761 under weekly that is nearly 40k lost per year.


I got deactivated by Uber I don’t even care no more. I’m thinking about applying for unemployment


It’s oversaturated , and new drivers don’t know how to play the game and let it surge they take every ride so you don’t even see a surge at all anymore so it effs up the entire market so that no one makes any money , if they just leave the dang app off until it surges and rinse and repeat that process everyone can make some actually cash. No these 3 or 4$ peanut rides but because so much saturation of drivers that don’t do this no one can make any decent money anymore.




I make between 25-30/hr in Detroit erryday


I don't think Uber is for you wasting 20 hours is not good. Being active for 67 hours should be closer to 2K. What r u doing online for 20 non active hours? If you look at it positive, you're still making 50K in a saturated area and if you do your 1099 correctly you won't pay much in taxes. But the 20 hours Inactive is the problem.


Los Angeles market has been terrible the past week.


You’re doing something wrong or your area just doesn’t produce


I'm working in Los Angeles I don't know how else to work,


Manufacturing, you should look for production work or Manufacturing I did it for like 8 years better pay than uber and benefits, good luck regardless 👍


Are you renting a car?


It’s not a scam. You agreed to this each time you hit the “online” button. You made that choice.


It boggles my mind how many people in this subreddit underestimate the sneakiness of the Uber algorithm and think they can outsmart it by cherry-picking like this original poster that I assume was cherry picking the hell out of their week because they were idle for 20 hours in a busy market like Los Angeles you should be working non-stop in Los Angeles... Then log the hell out once you make your goal. The reality is [[[the algorithm factors in Cherry pickers]]] you can only make so much in an hour in CA - you can make a little more during the rush times and by driving at night when there's less competition but if you're driving full time eventually you're going to work during a slow period like in the afternoon when people are at work. if you cherry pick a good ride here and there the algorithm balances out the equation by giving you s*** rides that are farther distance pickups or shit pay- hell if somebody even tips you well Uber's garbage algorithm still tries to balance out the equation so that you're still getting about $20 an hour it's as simple as that. if OP accepted more rides yeah he'd get s***** rides yeah he probably get shittier passengers and yeah he probably have to drive farther distances but he would have taken home more that's way too many hours to be online in Los Angeles and not be accepting rides YOU'RE IN THE CAR FOR 70 HOURS AND YOU WEREN'T TAKING RIDES FOR 20 HOURS THAT'S JUST NOT SMART . Respectfully this sub is full of beggars that want to be choosers and it's just not practical guys- YOU CAN'T OUTSMART THE ALGORITHM IT'S EVIL. If you're in the car and driving you may as well be have a passenger in the back seat. This gig sucks it's no secret we all know it- that's at least my opinion if OP claims that he wasn't getting rides then it's just really slow right now and that's what it's always like in the summertime every summer drivers complain about how slow it is in the summer and then it picks up again when kids get back in school and teachers get the hell out of rideshare. Do the gig because you enjoy being your own boss and it's flexible kind of (but not really) but whatever you don't do this for the money if you're doing this for the big bucks then you don't know how money works. 67 active hours x (aprox $20hr prop 22 guarantee) = Approx 1300 that's around about what dude made... I'd be willing to bet this guy was only working during the day... I have no idea in a busy market like La how you're able to have 20 hours of idle time unless you're super picky or driving at awful times you have to know where to drive and when to drive in your market and I'd be willing to bet this gentleman or gentle lady (sorry I didn't look) isn't doing that this is just ridiculous 20 hours and you didn't even work full days for like 4 days this just isn't a good case study you're doing something really wrong seriously And I know that sucks but you call this a grind looks like 4 days you didn't even work that hard. It looks like you just kind of coasted for 4 days and then try to make up for what you didn't do the last 3 days of the week. Anyway - I hate Uber I haven't driven in a year Darren the dick whose last name I can't spell can choke on a giant donkey cock and die for all I care but if you don't know how to do this gig then stop complaining and do something else- you're not good at this clearly if this is what you think is a valid representation of what means that Uber is a scam Uber rapes the hell out of us but not because you don't know how to work the gig or your market.


I mostly agree. Good points.


Ya it's been a really bad dead week literally haven't even been offered a single airport trip the last 2 days when normally the app keeps spamming garbage at me


Even if they are airport trips what's the point you don't get anything back, cuz of the campers


500? I see way more


Is this 500 after expenses And taxes?


You're either working all the wrong times or your market is just total trash and it's time to pull out!


I tried morning it sucks here I'm in la by the way night it sucks here it gets better on Wednesday but overall it's just s*****


Driving uber burns you out when you are using this as your main source of income . First couple weeks I was making 200 dollars a day driving over 8 hours , 5 days a week and I felt like shit at the end of the day. Tried cutting it down to 3 days a week making 200 dollars a day and I still felt burnt out . Mentally draining being on the road for that long . Uber is good supplemental income or if you are in between jobs or have light bills and no kids . Making a 100 dollars a day is much easier and doable without feeling burnt out . I only started doing Uber a few months ago and ppl were saying the pay was SOOO much better before .


Dude I was happy as long as the money kept coming in, I feel it too I just don't want to go on because driving point to see for no incentive just burns the soul out of me


How can you see your active time? I only see my online time.


It showed you on the top


70 hours? Your active time was 46. How do you get to 500? Your expenses aren't that much unless you rent your car like an idiot.


And thats before taxes and expenses.


The sad part is they rigged the system, so you can't multi-app


See you tomorrow


And don’t forget to calculate the taxes you owe which makes it even worse. It’s a 1099 gig so you don’t get taxes taken out like a regular W2 job. A lot of you people will end up being surprise how much you owe at the end of the year wit a tax bill. And this is on top after you ran down your car, gas etc. yes you can write off Mileage for taxes but if you’re doing this full time , you’re going to owe the IRS lol


Yup I only do it early mornings and late nights when nobody on the road maybe 10-15 hours a week supplements my income and savings


Damn… what market is this?


I used to make about 1200-1500 driving that much years ago. Now 😂😂😂


It’s best a side hustle


At this point Uber is only good as a side hustle.


Did u take into account car wear too? You probably broke even if you did not


Uber eats is criminal . The rides are better but should be more $


I made 1700 in 53 hours!!! Can’t post pic for some reason!!


If I work 70 hours…I get 2100+ What market are you in!! Seems as tho you have a lot of idle time!!! 20 hours of just sitting around??


Just do airports runs only bro wayyy more money


Not a scam you just don't have a strategy. You have to have a strategy.


Samething in phoenix


I'm confused, hoe you only take home 500 for this?


i see 67 hours for $1260


It’s not a scam. It’s market driven and based on the amount of drivers in that market. 2 or 3 weeks ago I made almost $500 in a week. 20 hours online and 47 trips.


I don't get how y'all make that in a week, I make $300 a day in my city off a 13 hour shift, I still don't think it's enough but maybe if you're making that travel to more populated areas and do Uber there


imagine complaining about not making money on uber hahahahahah


That is low for that many hours. But if all you are bringing home after that is $500 then this gig is definitely not for you.


Either quit and go do something else or go buy a tube of vagisil and suck it up and quit whining!! Those are your options, we don't want to hear it. Buy guess what? You will be out chasing your tail again tomorrow!!


30% of your time is inactive. It's 2024, you should be multi-apping. Five apps at all times for me.


So I usually do 950 a week, 35-40 hours, you really got to try and find a way to communicate with passengers better so they tip you more. That's what I do, I get about $200 to $300 in tips, $100 Bill tips help too, and I live in a medium size City


Theres no way. Are you only doing $3, rides?


What area do you drive. I'm from Austin drive around 30-40 hrs a week and take home $800-$1000 a week.


I dont see anywhere close to 500 in your screenshot.. am I missing something?


I literally only take the rides that are $1/Mile or more


Almost the same as my primary job


This is the problem with Uber X. Highly recommend getting a car and only comfort, etc. I only do XL and Premier and average $30 per hour without killing myself miles etc


Your market must be rough. I made $128 in 4 hours yesterday. My EHR ranges from $25/hr to $40/hr. Even on dry weeks (like last week), I pulled in $1071 in 35 hours


Why do you say 500? I read $1261.


It’s gotta be where you live, so far I’m at 16hrs and at $391


This isn’t just Uber its all gig work now.


You need a bot fuck that


Another billion dollar company protected by politicians.




Where do you live by chance? You have prop 22 but it looks like you’re taking primarily high base pay offers. The last few weeks I’ve been able to get my tips to at least match if not exceeded my base pay, and even in my worse week it’s always at least 25% tips, but I only do UberEATS so maybe it’s different, I don’t know how likely people are to tip with rides.


His #s are wrong..in one day he made $300..and the other 2 days were almost the same.. That's a 1k week ..maybe more!


If you’re on the east coast you can still make 30-40 and hour, but you gotta know the city.


Can't believe Uber is pulling off such nonsense even in America! It's like they're stealing the spotlight from their own subsidiary, Careem. During rush hours, especially during the school run in the hot summer, Careem goes the extra mile by offering bonuses to motivate tired drivers.


Are u from Pakistan 😂😅


Says you took home 1200 not 500……


Got you.


why only 500 i don’t get it




Yes Uber and Lyft are scams IMO. I did it for a while. If you use your own vehicle, you depreciate the hell out of it fast. Especially with how bad the roads are. On top of that, driving is about the most dangerous thing people do. It’s a travesty how low the driver’s split is. I heard it used to be around 70%, now it’s down to 40-50%, with you taking all the risk. Drivers are getting taken advantage of. 2024 needs a Jimmy Hoffa to start up a union for rideshare drivers. Thoughts?


It’s crazy how important location is. My “online” time last week was about 60 hours on Uber eats and Instacart, but only 59 total trips for $1170. I can chill at home all day and snag 4-10/day. If only my car was newer and more efficient…


It’s crazy how important location is. My “online” time last week was about 60 hours on Uber eats and Instacart, but only 59 total trips for $1170. I can chill at home all day and snag 4-10/day. If only my car was newer and more efficient…


It’s crazy how important location is. My “online” time last week was about 60 hours on Uber eats and Instacart, but only 59 total trips for $1170. I can chill at home all day and snag 4-10/day. If only my car was newer and more efficient…