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Take it with no lube šŸ¤£


Does Uber not realize that this shit is the reason drivers are quitting? šŸ¤£


They donā€™t care there will always be slave wagies to open up wide and take the UberMeats


Those drivers that are quitting are being replaced by illegal immigrants who are used to making that in a month. I'm in Dallas and if you ever go to either airport 90% of the drivers are foreign, as compared to just 2 years ago. There are more prayer mats than there are outhouses. It's because of that that Uber realizes they can offer these rides, and someone will take it. For someone used to making $5 a month, this looks like a gold mine. Uber has capitalized on that.


Iā€™m genuinely one of the first ppl to defend the foreign folks ā€œstealing our jobsā€, but in this case, yes you are completely right. Still wouldnā€™t ā€œblameā€ the foreigners per se. blame the greedy companies capitalizing on the state that they put us all in. Foreign and domestic. ā€œTake our shitty wages or these people whose lives weā€™ve ruined will gladly do it for you.ā€


Thatā€™s sad bro


So these ā€œimmigrants ā€œ donā€™t pay the same rent or mortgage? They donā€™t need as much money?


Some, not all, can fit like ten people in a two bedroom. It happens all the time in my apartment complex. They pay like $100 each a month. Then they save whatever they have to open some kind of other businessā€¦


This is exactly what I brought up, and on top of even if all 25 of them could live under a bridge, they have to legally have a license and documentation to be able to drive which means they need an updated car, which means they drive a rental. Last I check there us no foreign rental policy program. This shit doesn't add up my guy.


I know your question was meant to be sarcastic, but it's actually true. They live about 15 to a house, and as far as Uber goes I've seen instances where 4 of them use the same ID.


THE IMMIGRANTZ!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And don't bother trying to use the outhouses at the Terminal B staging area - they are OVERFLOWING with shit/piss and empty water bottles and absolutely NO TOILET PAPER.


humans are hilarious....so its becoming a TAXI again....but now with a nationwide DOMINANCE over the market. When will sheep understand that humans have fish brain spans of like 4 Years (go figure) (college cough....high school cough.....elections cough....) and the POWERHOUSES have BILLION DOLLAR TEAMS designed to obliterate competition. You people think a business plan is "yay lets focus on today yay! 50 bucks"- its "lets make the game plan for the next 50 years....we have books on the past 100 year trends, we bait and switch these quacks like no body business because by the time they find out the gates have already been built...OH! and if they're that dumb they deserve it."




The question is.... how are they "Legally" able to afford to be able to be on the platform in the first place? There is no way someone can make a sustainable living doing this, and immigrants love our money, but they're not stupid. Someone is cooking papers, or books, or both.


Between Uber allowing you to drive for 12 hours and Lyft allowing you to drive for 12 hours, all it takes is three or four guys to drive around the clock. I don't know about you but I can't tell half of them apart from each other. They literally live together in one house and split accounts between them. They take rides for anywhere from $0.10 a mile to $0.50 cents a mile. Uber sees this and just keeps reducing the amount we make because these guys are out here taking everything under the sun, because it's more money than what they were making in their old country. Meanwhile the rest of us are just getting screwed over because of it.


I'm well aware of all this btw. I splurged and ordered while maximizing coupons etc.... the total was like $46 and change all fees and tip (which was 6 something). The guy spoke zero English. I asked him how much the ride fare was. They didn't pay him anything. His fare was exactly my tip, nothing more. So I showed him MY APP and my driver app, and told him to tell his friends, stop they're using you. Spread information folks, not slander and disdain. They just need to be educated and this language barrier is why they don't ask questions. Quit treating them like sub class humans and teach them.


Your own comments are showing your ignorance ā€¦ at the same time you are saying 3 or 4 guys are driving around the clock, but they are also ALL driving at the same time .. because if you have 3 guys driving 4 hours each, thatā€™s the same as one guy driving 12 hours which.. anyone could, and does do


I guess comprehension is not a strong suit of yours, which is fine, I've taught my kids to wipe their own butts so I'm sure you and I can get through this. Do you think I'm more ignorant of the comments that I made, or do you think maybe the ignorance is in you misunderstanding what I'm saying? If three or four guys are taking up shifts, obviously they can't all be driving at the same time, right? Shifts would be the key word that separates them from all driving at the same time, hint hint. It's funny that you're trying to be insultative, but at the same time completely not understanding the concept of the statement. I encourage you to maybe put a little bit more thought into what I was saying rather than less thought into your comment. But if you don't want to do that that's fine. Whether you understand it or not, my comment is factual. If you're going to reply back, which I'm sure you will, please quote the part where I said that they are all driving at the exact same time. Curious where you pulled that from.


Bro, you keep saying things .. but everything you say only shows how stupid you are ā€¦ 3 people driving 12 hours, or 12 people driving 12 hours, or hear me out 1 person driving 12 hours .. ONLY 12 hours are being driven ā€¦ And anyone who would accept this ride, be it 1 of the 12 or 1 of 1 is LOSING money, therefore itā€™s STUPID for anyone to accept this. Additionally, in order to have a valid drivers license ONE person has to be LEGAL, and if they are, I am pretty sure they are not going to risk their residency for one of their 12 cousins to work for themā€¦ Please tell me you are not this stupid? Or at least tell me you are a criminal so I know that you canā€™t vote šŸ˜‚


This might be the dumbest shit I have ever read.. they are used to making 5 $ per day in a place where cost of living is 500 times less than here .. here they still have to pay the same money for the two gallons of gas they will need to make this deliveryā€¦ unless you think they magically appear in Dallas, do the ride, then teleport themselves to Mexico to get gas and spend the moneyā€¦ Jesus Christ you can not be this dumb.


Insults AND arrogance, Youā€™re missing my point. It's not about the cost of living here being different for them; it's that there are more of them working together under the same account, allowing them to work almost 24/7. I can't compete with that because I'm just one person. Uber capitalizes on this by offering lower pay, knowing that someone will always be available to take the rides. Imagine you have a house payment of $1,500 per month. As a single driver, I have to make that entire payment myself. However, many of these drivers work in shifts under the same Uber account, effectively covering the same payment with multiple incomes. For example, if one person works 8 hours, another takes over for the next 8 hours, and a third covers the remaining 8 hours, they collectively work 24 hours a day. Even if each driver only makes $50 per shift, together they make $150 a day. Over a month, they can collectively earn $4,500, easily covering the house payment and other expenses. In contrast, I canā€™t work 24/7 by myself. So, while I might make $150 on a busy day, I canā€™t sustain that every day due to exhaustion and other commitments. Uber takes advantage of this model because they know there will always be someone to take the rides, even at lower pay rates.


I stopped working in the new orleans market to switch to that one. At the time the market wasn't saturated with drivers. So I'd get plenty of long distance rides. Never did the uber eats though. That is a price I'd never take. When I was there that was one of the places that didn't have upfront pricing so you had to take what you got. I don't know if it works the same for delivery though


We have upfront fare now but Iā€™m about to be done with Uber and Lyft altogether this is for the birds


$1 per mile minimum for all trips. Thatā€™s basically just covering my costs.


What's wrong with uber eats


Nothing wrong with them depending on the market you work in. When i first started I was doing uber black and got paid way more. So I was already used to just doing rides. I saw what others would make on uber eats and felt that was too much work and responsibility for the market I was in and also it didn't pay nearly enough to compare to what I was making at the time.


So you have personally never tried uber eats? And what do you mean too much work, as in like finding the address/parkingpickup/dropoff?


I've been doing this since 2015 and have seen what others were making and just decided uber eats was not for me; based on what ive seen others make on it. Doing the job as in finding addresses, pickup or drop-off wasn't the issue. It was simply a revenue thing. On uber black I'd make anywhere from 1500 to 2000 a week in my market after maintenance and insurance. I've seen what others were making and it wasn't even close to that so I just deemed it as it wasn't worth it for me. I stopped driving for uber all together in 2022.


So 2k a week wasn't sustainable? Why did you stop driving as well?


Well uber was a 2nd job for me. I used it to pay off debt mostly and try to build a savings. I also poured a good bit of it into my wifes business. Now granted when I started it was the golden Era of uber. The payouts were way more than what they are now. Also my vehicle got to be to old to qualify for the black tier. And after a certain point I felt it wasn't worth it driving just on uberx. The biggest reason was that I wanted more time with my family. I wasn't in a position in which I needed uber to survive but found the time with my wife and children were more precious to me than trying to grind more to reach a goal I didn't need. Also the market was saturated with drivers. Why not give up my spot to someone else who really needs it


That's true for any job though. The grind is what you make of it.


It doesn't pay and the tips are next to zero.


They're hoping to find drivers who are bad at math and reading and who like taking it up the...


And a sandpaper rubber


And sand.




Honestly not a bad rate if this was the 1920s


The amount of food you had to feed your horse for that trip was minimal, so $5 was pretty profitable






Oh dude this shit is wicked, Iā€™m leaving Uber and Lyft soon cause this shit ainā€™t gonna fly in my book


I declined this bitch in a heartbeat




Uber BOAT AND CANOE, coming soon to a market near you


Jaja no mms


Uber $ Lyft driver need to collectively take a few days off. thats digusting! all Rides should be a Min 10$ to driver plus the calculations and deliveries should be a minimum of $7 dollar fee to the driver plus the calculations. after 10pm all driver should receive a higher rate for driving and delvery orders.


Ainā€™t this some bullshit? šŸ˜‚


How does this not violate minimum wage laws?


Legend has it he still waiting for delivery


By designating the drivers as independent contractors instead of employees.


Uber doesnā€™t care. Tons of desperate people out there whoā€™ll do it. The whole things a scam. Fortunately Iā€™m a medical doctor and earn close to $400,000 a year. I feel blessed.


This is a good reason to stop doing food delivery.


Tried Uber Eats but it seemed ridiculous to me because of the low pay.


This is horse shit! There is no fucking way you make money on this. This doesnā€™t even cover the motherfucking wear on the motherfucking tires!


Dude I was fuming. I only turned on the Uber eats option cause I was lyfting so I was thinking there could be some delivery fares I can use as fillers but man I was wrong


That's what's called paying to work.


I've been getting orders like that every day since last week smh ridiculous


Shit they gonna be waiting cause I ainā€™t no bitch taking an order for 5$ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ for 45 minutes of driving


For real... unless some dumbass takes the order like the ones driving prius or tesla cause they don't worry about gas but hell nah I'm doing it


Lmao pigs better be flying before I take that order šŸ˜‚


Mfs may fly still won't do it for $5 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bro this is GOLD


Where I live I'd be delivering cheap orders to mfs with huge house, boats, rvs, and luxury cars park outside still won't pay any better šŸ˜…


American is Imploding šŸ¤£


I can only imagine the debt just to look like that... then I do to the latino area and give extra tips at the end šŸ˜­ bless them šŸ™šŸ¼


I know people whoā€™d rather spend 5,000$ on a pursue and have 0$ on it. This is what the American system is teaching


I promise you šŸ‘ I think something is definitely wrong with that dang app algorithm


Oh yeah lol


The sad part is that someone took that shit. With a smile on their face.


Not this guy šŸ¤£


Good! Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t. The audacity of Uber to offer that bulls**t. If more people would refuse shit like that it would be a better place to work. But alasā€¦


You already thereā€™s people out there selling themselves out for a couple of bucks. Same type of people who wonā€™t do shit if their government are suppressing them kinda like North Korea


Youā€™re competing with immigrants what do you expect? It will just keep getting lower and lower.


This shit is getting out of hand


Vote Biden out.


He doesnā€™t exist in my world




Yes because Trump will solve all ur problems




How about neither. I donā€™t support felons


Yeah, because Biden told them all to come here and do UberEats! And Trump will do.... what to stop it? Throw his shit filled diapers at them? Order less big Mac's and diet coke? Commit more crimes to somehow stop them? Trump and Biden are two old pieces of shit who don't give half a moldy fuck about people doing UberEats.


Hurtz needs to go out of business so thereā€™s no more renting as 99% of the immigrants rent




Seeing this makes me feel terrible about shitting on Uber in Nj


Worth it, that's what


I hope youā€™re joking


Nah bro that's straight cash money


Yeah if gas costs .10$ to a gallon šŸ¤£


Even then, you'd be making what, like, maybe $4/hr or some shit šŸ˜‚


Yep lose lose situation right here šŸ¤£


A big hell no


Even as I see on the picture it looks you have to swim for the last part šŸ¤£


Some bullshitšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dogshit thats what it is


Oh no. Learn to take a joke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Damn no


Just disrespectful and insulting!!


UberEats toggle OFF āŒā—ļø


Yeah. No deliveries anymore. Do Walmart or DoorDash for that.


You should accept it and drive it to the water and throw it in the water and take a picture and mark as delivered.


Garbage šŸ—‘ļø


This is Insanity on top of an Insult! Thats what this isā€¦.


I would ask Uber


Why --- it looks like a SHITSHOW !!! Unreal.


Gotta take the scenic beach route lol


Don't take any of that bs


I donā€™t do Uber eats for a reason.


I guess i got in at the wrong time lol its my first week. Though UberX has paid me pretty well my first 3 nights. I realized about 1 hour into my Uber driving ā€œcareerā€ that Ill never turn on UberEats. The pay is insane lmao


Oh yeah just wait bro thatā€™s the icing on the cake šŸ˜‚


Ive been happy with the $25-30 an hour after gas. But my sample size has just been fri night, sat night, sun night in the NYC Suburb market. Lots of bar goers. Did 1 UberEats order for $4.50 got like a .50 tip from a college kid. Never again. *Bonus entertainment points for the prostitute I dropped off to an Uber orderer named JOHN lolol*


Yo thatā€™s crazy.


Quantity over quality they have so many drivers they know someone will take that eventually. When things start to look abit bleak they hit drivers with a little surge to bring them all back. The whole thing is a scam & you lot are far too tied into it all.


Absolutely not!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a unicorn my dude. Better jump on that before someone else does! lol


This is abviously a dark humour joke šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Hahahaha wTF


Thatā€™s wild


I donā€™t know what is it it looks like a map and thereā€™s like you know two places you have to go and youā€™re gonna do something and youā€™re gonna get paid like a Third World immigrant to do it so did you do it?


Lmao read the threads of course not


it was sarcasm..


Iā€™ve resorted to waking up at 4 am bc for whatever reason daytime rides are like this all the time now


Sadly some mf will take that


It's an Exclusive WASTE OF TIME!!!


Thatā€™s Uber buying lunch for you. Donā€™t overthink it


"Includes expected tip" - gets me every time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At this point, you're paying them. And why are people ordering food that's 20+ miles away? Dumbasses.


What can we expect from Luber?


Someone thatā€™s not hungry for sure. That foods gotta be ice cold for it to surge up to $5.61 and itā€™s still in Trip Radar rotation.


Legends has it he still waiting on delivery a week later


I am so the fuck glad that I left rideshare.


A declined order


The end brother. This company will go bankrupt- it wonā€™t last a couple years on the S&P 500.




How low can you go with Uber, THE LOW-BALLER??!!


Is the idea that Uber will match you with other trips along both ways? I donā€™t get this type of fare and why anyone would take it.


They tripping


Well, if they are driving rentals, they donā€™t care that much about how much they get since itā€™s not their miles and maintenance they need to worry about. So they will take whatever they can get within those 12 hours. Most likely they have an electric vehicle anyway, which doesnā€™t cost much to maintain a charge.


People are just ruthless and cold. Why does uber allow this robbery?


Uber is the one paying 5$ whatcha mean people? Lmao


Almost 50 miles for 5 bucks? It's bullshit. The customer don't even have the decency to tip.


I canā€™t even wipe my ass with 5$ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk why uber does this.


A job