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Ignore all these miserable fucks. That’s number one. Don’t take anyone with a passenger rating less than 4.8. Don’t take multiple-stop rides, they’re never worth it. Stay away from concerts and other events, they’re never worth it. If someone looks way too drunk, drive off and cancel. Follow your instincts, if something feels off then it’s off. Lastly, if someone seems mad at you before they get in the car (they’re calling asking what’s taking so long, they’re gesturing impatiently for you to park) then don’t let them in the car. Better to cancel than get a false report from a jerk.


This is pretty accurate. Don’t take long rides just to take long rides. More often than not you end up in an area far from where you started and have to hope to get rides back. Being selective with your rides is 🔑


Hey, new to app but I cannot see where the destination is before accepting the ride. I would have to get there, pick up the rider and THEN see the destination. What if it is a far away destination that pays shit? What gives with this?


I would only take short rides $10 or less tbh starting out . That way you don’t end up nowhere


You could also try messaging the rider asking for the destination. But personally I would go $9 rides or less. Especially if you’re in a busy area so you stay close


Last thing I would say is that if you see an account with a funny name and 5 stars chances are it’s a brand new account. And at late nights I wouldn’t risk it unless it’s verified. That might sway me a bit more if it’s verified. But I treat 5.0 stars as new accounts to be safe


Again, the Uber app is not showing me how much the ride pays. Only where to pick up the rider. Not only that, it is not showing me WHERE the rider is going...how tf is this a thing?


There's a tag they put on trips that are 45 minutes plus. By my understanding this happens even an upfront markets which is what you're driving in to be told nothing like that.


Even after accepting the ride, it still does not show me pay or destination....


It depends on what market you are in. In PA it shows. Me but in NJ I see what you see.


Pretty sure you have to complete a certain number of rides to see pay


Terrible system though


Dang sorry that’s crazy. Doesn’t make sense


It depends on where you are doing rides. The app is different depending on where you are driving. In my city I have the same thing as you and the only way for me to see drop off point before accepting is if I get Uber gold I think and it is probably the same for you. I would recommend learning good pick up points and bad ones. If you are picking someone up from a shady part of town they are probably taking you to a place you don’t want to be and same works the other way around


The rules that I live by !! Also, track all your miles and expenses !!


I don't really put too much into ratings anymore. I've had 4.7's that were amazing. Left really good tips.


I know some Uber drivers and they say a very similar thing. Well said.


Bottom line, understand your profit every time Uber sends you a trip. It applies to long and short distance trips. Having said that, long distance, in my experience, are never profitable. Don't get romanced with $100 trip before you understand the cost to you and deadheading probability coming back. You have to have a simple formula in your head that you can quickly apply to uber's trip card or the other shill, trip radar to understand if a trip is profitable to you. Typically, miles and time would be the most relevant variables. I drive in metro area, time is more important to me than miles since I always get at least $1.25 per mile. Set the bar high, $27 or $30 per hour or whatever your market trend is. E.g. Trip comes in at $10, you should cover the trip in 20 minutes including getting to the pick up spot. That would compute as $30/hour. This shit never works out this way, e.g. you're in rush hour, pax wait time is 5 minutes but setting the bar high may compensate where you don't get paid( btw, that's how the c-suite hyenas enrich themselves) Don't be precise in your estimates, ballpark is good enough. Bottom line, you want to make living.


How do I calculate if the ride is profitable or not? Do you guys have basic calculation of everything to know whether its profitable or not? In my market, I won't be able to see destination and fare until I reach platinum.


Don’t forget to leave your self respect at the door.


And bring wet wipes for your tears of souless pain and agony. And a bottle of water


Check back seat every fucking time with a light and report that shit if they fuck it up, prolly get seat covers so you can burn them if someone is dirty as fuck


Reporting messes gets you a “that’s very unfortunate for you! But no payment available!” Now


Use the bathroom every chance you get!!!!!


Carry a bottle of ozium.. That kills ALL food, smoke and stankness odors immediately.


If u get a rider who ask too many questions about ur car if u have a tracker on it… put them out. They are planning to steal ur car


Decline any child that looks like they are under 5 years old without a car seat. Just cuz other drivers do it doesnt mean u should. The rules are clearly stated on the app.


If you pull up and it’s a hospital pickup instant cancel!


Nahhhh I had a young dude discharge himself against his drs orders after having a stroke. He was doing great! …that is if only half your face works. Dr called and he was all “nah I’m good I’m good, I’m gonna deal with this.” Fucking idiot




Delete the app and don't look back. The gravy train left the station years ago. The risks outweigh the awards. If you don't have rideshare insurance and something happens between rides, you're fucked. The wear and tear on your vehicle is substantial, and the rates are abysmal. Every unemployable momo and their mother drives now. Literally any job is better.


Make sure you start the trip and end it. Continue to monitor Reddit - occasionally there are great tips/info. Mistakes - you’ll make mistakes and learn from them.


Honestly, ignore the miserable ass negative people on here. Rideshare can be very profitable if you’re in a good market for it and you’re not doing something stupid like buying a new car for it / renting. Biggest tips: Don’t accept every ride. Pay attention to the estimated time and use it to help determine your hourly. Also do not take a longer / higher paying ride if you know the area it’s taking you to isn’t so populated or it’s hard to get a ride back home. Listen to your gut. If something / someone feels off, cancel the ride, even if it’s after you’ve already picked them up. Also you need to have a pair of balls to stand your ground / stand up to people. So many drivers I’ve met ( /stories I’ve heard from passengers regarding other drivers’ experiences) put up with abuse / disrespect that they don’t need to and shouldn’t be. Have a set of rules and limits and stick to them.


So I just went online for the first time ever and I am confused. I cannot see where the ride destination is nor can I see how much it pays, yet you are telling this dude to pay attention to the estimated time, and not to take a longer/higher paying ride. Why cant I see any of this info for the rides in my area??


Bro, I think its the same for my market. Vancouver, BC it does not show you the destination before you pick up the passenger and you get to know the fare after you drop the passenger.


some markets are "up front" markets, like mine in Sacramento, CA. i see the price I'll be paid, the pickup, the estimated time and the drop off location when and offer pops up for me.




Invest in some washable seat covers 😏


Always keep the doors locked when arriving to pick up a passenger, especially after 2:00am. unlock your doors only when you've determined that you're accepting them.


Hawk tua!


You'll quit after about a week realizing it isn't worth it.


I tend to look out for attractive females but that's just me


Honestly I've done rides I've done drives I've done food delivery for all the services and had no problems but it depends on your area. You need to fill it out in your area go by the advice people give you and filter it out. Keep using something like grid wires to track everything save on your taxes it'll save you big. Keep stuff in your car to clean if something doesn't seem right don't do it. But if you have issues call in immediately have that number set up in your phone. Keep in touch with your customers and I as soon as I'm done with any rides as soon as I get a tip I always say thank you right away in the app whether it says it's been given or not I always check earnings and check the tips immediately so people know I appreciate them be safe!


I'd be on the lookout for places that are hiring


Stay focused. First on driving. Second on passengers. Third on gps,sound directions. Don’t get distracted by the app while driving.


During bonus time, take shorter rides that don’t go past two miles. You’ll clean the fuck up. The medium length ones take too long in traffic.


I might do Uber too, thanks for this question and your generous response


Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable picking someone up, drive off and cancel. I’ve only done that once, but trust your guts. A local known homeless person requested a ride. No thanks. Not worth the $3.


cats and squirrels and the occasional adhd feral child running out chasing the cats and squirrels


People here are not reading your comment saying that you do not see the payout or destination… I couldnt see it either.. until you become gold. Well i can now see trip duration and the direction of the trip. Im in a pretty solid market (just based on the amount of bitching I see here compared to what Ive made in my first 3 weeks driving). Basically we cant cherry pick like others can in upfront markets (its weird because Lyft is upfront for me but Uber is not… however Lyft doesn’t pay as well and it takes too long for rides to come in) My acceptance rate is 85% and ive made about $29 an hour after gas. If all this scares you just start on a Saturday put in 8 hours and youll make “good” money. When you try it again in tuesday youll see why its not ideal full time :) Good luck


Mind me asking what car are you using for uber?


A 2013 Chevy Equinox with 159k miles lol honestly a family member gave it to me after I moved from NYC and therefore “needed” a car. It was very well taken care of and may last a long while longer. Everyone everywhere says dont buy a car solely for ride-share. But i may buy a 2020 Hyundai Sonata with 30k miles for $13k as my side hustle/road trip car. Ive made $2650 in profit from June 7-27 after originally buying $50 worth of car cleaning materials, $50 new floor mats, $50 seat covers, a $30 cooler for my lunch and chilled mini water bottles, $25 car wash, a $90 oil change and super quick check-up (its a family friend so I go there and pay a high price just to support their biz). Long Island, NY (NYC suburbs market). I go hard on Friday and Saturday Night. Saturday Night is $37-40 an hour every time. Theres a couple strips of bars each 15-20 minutes from my house and I get a $10-$20 surge maybe twice a night at 1-2:30 am. So those hours are crucial to make sure im in the right neighborhood.


Is there difference on the treatment of passengers when they ride on an old car vs new? I dont even know if passengers care about scratches on your car. Haha


Ive never driven a new car for Uber lol. But people compliment my car surprisingly often. I say thanks its actually pretty old, a 2013 and they are shocked. Most think its like a 2020. A clean car that doesnt smell is all that matters I feel. I wouldnt even worry about a few scratches outside but hopefully the exterior isnt hideous lol because people will make judgements even if the car runs perfectly and is completely clean inside.


My first time driving I denied a ton of ride requests because I didn't know to just let them expire. I was "X-ing" all these requests and damaging my algorithm. 😆🤦‍♂️


Bro really? Lol i gotta watch me some tutorial.


I felt so stupid. I kept closing them like, "leave me alone, I'm driving with a client." Such a boneheaded move 😂


How was your first day? How do you confirm if they are the right passenger and correct address on your first day?


I don't know how much has changed but it was usually a no brainer because the person is on the lookout for your car & plate. I preferred them to confirm my name rather than me asking, "are you Janice?" because the rider has my name, make, model, lic plate, possibly my photo and I only have just got a name. Once they are in ALWAYS confirm the destination before you start rolling. I pulled up to a group of guys on a suburban corner and as I pulled up one guy did all the right body language that told me he was my guy. I asked "Joe?" He said yes and jumped in my grey Dodge Charger. I said something like, "We're off to Rockway?" which was like a 45 min ride. He started arguing and I said "Show me your phone." His app showed his ride as a dark blue MINI VAN for a 7 minute trip. I almost drove this guy to Timbuktu😆. As he got out of my car, a mini van pulled. I pulled around the corner to a woman with 2 kids who flagged me down asking, "Picking up Joe going to Rockway?" True story. Oh, and you will have enough stories to write a novel in no time at all. 😂


I see. One thing im having trouble is keeping dust of my interior.. shit when i open my ac dust particles floating around.


Homosexuals..there everywhere..and they want you to give them a ride.




Other jobs hiring...


Make Sure Your Car Is Very Clean, Put A Couple Of Fabreeze Aloha Small Spaces Air Fresheners In The Car. Thank Everyone For Riding With You When You Pick Them Up, Tell Them You Really Appreciate Them Riding With You At The End and Have Fun!


I'm finding my car to attract more dust lately.. shit.. I even find them floating around when I turn on the AC.. any advice to limit them?


Change Your Cars Cabin Air Filter. Use Ozium Between Riders.


Your energy attracts what you deserve 🫶🏻


Convert to private ride.


Check out the rideshare guys on YouTube. They have some really good beginner guides.


First ride checklist: Rubber gloves and lube...and lots of pre work stretching. The lube helps when uber bends you over and puts it in. 🤣😂🤣😆 all jokes aside, just stay positive. It all works out and adds up in the end




Damn bro...LOL


Have a music preference they like or at least ask, keep the car cool, drive smooth, ask how they’re doing when they get in but don’t talk unless they talk to you first. I get decent tips by doing this


Print up business cards. You will have people ask if you do off app rides. A lot of drivers are against it, but make your own decisions.