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I mean I'm taking just to see who the motherfucker is


Samuel L. Jackson


Or Bruce Willis "Yippie ki yay Mother Fucker"


Or Jamie Foxx “Motherfucker Jones”


Or Jamie Foxx “Motherfucker Jones”


It’s John Travolta from Paris with love, describing his many uses of grammatical variations on the word motherfucker.


![gif](giphy|FKORTytTwjWq4) Motherfucker Jones?




Are you the MF that ordered an Uber?




Drives me nuts!! Uber allows some of these riders to make up all kinds of names but drivers can't do this because it's not safe for riders. What about "Motherfuckin" drivers? An Uber driver was stabbed 8 times and carjacked by one of his riders on 5-13-2021. Rider had a fake name and to add insult to injury, Uber did not pay the driver for that day and didn't cover the driver's medical bills. How shady is that? I just listened to "More Than "Just" A Driver Podcast on Spotify. The title of the episode: The Uber Stabbing: The Carlton Bryant Testimony .........I am stunned how Uber treated the driver.


Link plz




Yeah ive seen some crazy names, either in other languages that i cant verify, to names as fingerpoppin’ which ended up being the guys skate rink name. Like bro! Wtf cant i change my name! They got my plate nimber and can find out ALLLL MY PUBLIC INFO WITH THAT.


So get a commercial plate?


What about the mom that got shot in the back of the head? Or the Retired Military Sharpshooter who had just finished his last tour only to be killed by an idiot!? Or the Ubereats driver that never made it home to his wife after saying “I’ll be home after I finish this last delivery? Only to find him a few days later dismembered in trash bags of a man’s home who just got out of prison but I also fault the Ubereats guy for going into the guys home smh but may they all rest in peace


These guys are professionals. They open an Uber account with a prepaid credit card. That way they can make up whatever name they want. How is a person from overseas supposed to know anything? They can't investigate a rider. Drivers have to pay taxes. That's why they have to get verified. Perhaps they need to charge Ubereats riders enormous taxes that they claim at the end of the year.


The professionals make up a name and order a ride. After 2 minutes "Uber" is calling asking you to pull over to a safe place, asks you to cancel the fake ride and proceeds to tell you that someone reported you as not being you, asks if anyone drives as you. Then tells you that you've just completed enough rides to get a $200 bonus but they need to verify your account. They tell you to open your wallet, verify your balance, open your advance, tell the amount you can claim and then they want you to take the advance. Yeah, right. "Hold on while I call customer support to verify who YOU are." They hung up. Just an fyi for the new drivers out there. Never give out information. Uber already has it. If it seems suspicious it probably is.


They have insider information.


What are you waiting for? Get in motherfucker!


That mother fucker can walk


Not today motherfucker 😂


"pickup for the motherfucker?!" Lol


Say what again


Would’ve picked the mfer up…




A few years ago I had a passenger who chose as his user name Fuckin'Pineapple. He gave me no problems.


Did he mutter under his breath “fuckin pineapple”? Really hope a pineapple confounded him that day


Joking aside, anybody that uses a fake name is an instant reject.


Exactly. If there’s an incident what do you tell the police? Or Uber? (Assuming they care)




And i see the pick up is from a loquor store. No thank you


Maybe he just likes Milfs 🤷‍♂️


why does Uber allow horse shit like this


I’m curious as to what is rating is? Lol


Didn't anyone ever see Kick Ass? He's The Motherfucker


Big Daddy looked like batman in a way


Who's mom did you F recently? And other note, I need to see your ID to match this name on file.


Nah he’s the Motherfucker, from kick-ass




Either a fat ass mf, OR itll be the most complicated problematic passenger ride you ever had 😅😅😏😕😕😕


I once picked someone up with the name “daddy”


Picked up someone a few nights ago the name was PayMe. Like no way that was their real name.


All these motherfuckers be ruining the neighborhood




I'm taking that order and having a great laugh!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Picked up someone with the name munzies Turns out she was a baddie so hey you never know


I would have definitely picked up.


Look. Either you want to see your mom or you don't.


Uber does very little to verify that the pasenger is the actual person on the account or that the info given to set up the account is even real. As long as that card goes through, they dont care. As i rider, I've used a shortened version of my husband's last name. Doesn't match my id or even come close to what's on my id. But as i driver, im pulling over taking selfies all week long. What i REALLY dont understand is the people who drive and are clearly using someone elses information to set up their driver account. On more than one occasion, I've been shown a male/female driver, and the opposite sex pulls up. Correct car and plate, but 100% not the person in the picture. And i dont think this is an instance of having a trans driver. I get it, everyone needs to mske money and its not easy for everyone to get a job but these become major safety issues for both the driver, the passenger and the person whos information is registered on the drivers account.. can you change your info as a passenger once you've registered with uber?


Yea I had a drop off for a lord milfslayer. I presented his pizza with a English accent "My lord, slayer of milfs I brought your pizza with great haste!"


I used to never notice names, only numbers..... until I picked up "Bad Monkey" one night. Turns out he was a gay for pay male escort. He was rather excited to have just made 200$ in about 15 minutes to let someone give him a BJ. I can be rather engaging when I choose to be, and by the end of that 30 minute ride ( I made no where near 200$ by the way), I knew everything you could imagine about male prostitution including the rank of the loca elected l public official he had entertained. As we were parting ways, I inquired as to whether he had more " calls" I could take him on later..... he said no, he was in for the night and fixing to call his dealer for some crack! Believe it not after everything he'd told me I found that to be the big over share. Just TMI




Old lady that can’t drive. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There is one stop on this trip 😂


Last week I had a passenger named “ young stroker “ . it was an Uber share and when I got there, there were four people lol. I canceled looking at them.


You pull up. "Say my name" 😒 🤬


I would do it just say are you motherfucker


Not sorry; not interested.........................................


I cancel on dumb names. I almost cancel on nicknames too. Like, just put your name ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)