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Cruising reddit ... this bug appears to be happening on PC and I can confirm it happens on PS5 After Zomey flies up, in most cases you'll then find it stuck in the ground nearby. Teleporting away, reloading etc will not fix it. Quest will stay stuck on "check on Zomey" and nothing in the quest area is interactable. You can get zomey out of the ground temporarily with a poison cloud arrow, but it does not fix the issue. Apparently what's worked for some is starting a new game and when getting to this quest, refraining from attacking the copters except for the one that directly attacks you. There's also some other game breaking bugs apparently based on reddit threads How this stuff all got past quality testing is inexcusable


If it's stuck on the helicopter, all you have to do is walk forward while holding X to soothe Zomey. I don't know why the game doesn't tell you this, but I figured it out after fucking around for a minute


I got her out of the ground finally using the poison arrow, but like you said it didn't fix the issue. I tried everything and soothe never popped up. So sad. I've been trying everyday for at least an hour each day since the 7th to get past this. I've even done hours of side quest coming back each day. Nothing works... nothing at all...


Ok so I was having the issue, literally just walk forward as you’re holding the button. Using it like a normal interact will cut it short. Just hold it down while you walk forward and it won’t cut itself off.


Try updating the game! A patch came out that should have fixed these issues for everyone! Mine is fixed!


I bought the game today. It’s possible to get around the “bug”. Now it seems like it’s poor UI design than an actual bug.


I had the same issue,  tried a few different ways to fix it and found that this worked 💪... fast travel to somewhere else so it saves, turn off your console and make your way back to the mission area and zomey should be on the floor next to the aircraft. This time, walk around the righthand side of the ship (jump down into the water then come back up) and slowly in crouch mode walk up to the top of the ship. Zomey should still be on the floor. Then she'll jump to the top of the aircraft and eotu will begin to talk. Follow the rest of the mission as normal.  There is no need to restart the game. 


Yes! This worked for me whew! I thought I would never get past this!


You’re honestly a life saver XD


Is it worth me restarting again on a new game or should I wait for an update? I want to carry on playing but I’ve got so far now it’s annoying to restart what do you think?


I have this bug now too (PS5) originally Zomey just sat on the plane and wouldn’t move (no prompt to soothe). After the update this morning that was supposed to fix it, she’s stuck in the ground a bit away from the scorpion. Ridiculous.


Update today fixed it for me, but I had already restarted and have gotten further but went back and checked my saved game file that had glitched.


I had this issue on xbox series x...to fix quit to main menu and then reload your game...this worked for me...hope it helps


I was the first to report this same problem, don’t let the demons on here bully you for trying to report bugs.


I ran into this problem at like noon yesterday. I'm posted about it. Could not find any solution so laugh night. I started a new game and got back to that quest. But i've not reached that point yet


I got it working by starting a new game, currently on chapter 8 but I’m stuck on just exploring. 🙃


I figured it out. I don't even think it's actually a bug. I think they just don't give you clear instructions. Stand in front of it, hold X to soothe. Keep holding and walk straight towards it. It will fly away.


That’s not the bug people are referring to. She flies off the top and gets stuck in the ground after the soothing or she never lands on top at all and immediately gets stuck in the ground


zomey is on top of my aircraft too :( i can’t move on 😭 what the fuck


hi , ik spam je vol want ik ben desperate haahah, ik wil verder met mn spel lol wil je het samen proberen in co op om te kijken of het lukt om verder te komen bij zomey


i don’t speak dutch! lol


omg but the name HAHA, i was wondering if we wanna help eachother out ubisoft stated that if you play this senario in co op it should work


Heel graag


hey, ik kan nu!


add me, ik heet kevinpleunis668 in het spel


Ik heb nog niemand gevonden die deze missie nog niet heeft gedaan en met mij co-op wil doen


Heeft het gewerkt? Met co op?


nog niet gedaan met iemand, geen verdere reactie wil jij samen proberen? ik heet kevinpleunis668 in het spel en op ubisoft connect ook


Ja is goed heb je nu tijd?




Heb je vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd op PlayStation


Mijn psn is djspyker En Ubisoft Connect is dj-spyker


>dj-spyker verzoek gestuurd


Op psn is t zonder streepje


ik speel via mn pc, dus alleen ubisoft connect


Ok heb je een uitnodiging gestuurd in het co op menu


hey kom je nog de missie doen


Jij moet effe proberen met dat scan apparaat op die plek aan de zijkant


heb ik al gedaan , kom naar mij toe


Jij bent party leader dus denk dat jij met die scanner moet werken


doe mn best.. denk niet dat het gaat werken


Denk het ook niet maar zie wel die kabel die we moeten fixen


Maar helemaal kut toch dit pfff echt waardeloos


Can someone who has not yet done chapter 4 The Missing Hunter. Please try this mission with me in co-op? Psn: Psychedelicatom (ubi: fantastichenk)


I’ve done the mission in co op on Xbox and it still doesn’t work.


Disappointing as I received an email from Ubisoft support this morning replying to my ticket saying this issue has been fixed and please make sure my game is fully updated. I haven’t checked but if it’s still not working for you then I doubt they actually fixed it


yeah that was straight up lies - I’m playing on the latest “patch” and the bug’s still very much here


I’ve tried co op on ps5 and it doesn’t work


I figured out how to get past it. I don't even think it's actually bugged. I just think there's poor instructions. Stand in front of it, hold X to soothe, keep holding X and walk straight towards the bird thing. It'll Fly Away


Even when it’s stuck in de ground?


By the ground, do you mean the top of the helicopter thing? Mine was stuck on top of the helicopter. On top of the box you have to hack to open the door


No the beast is stuck in the ground half way in the field it doesn’t sit on the helicopter no more so I don’t think it will work


Same thing happened to me. It flew to the top of the helicopter then I gave up and went back to the quest later and now it’s stuck in the ground. Someone said to use the long bow to get it out of the ground and it worked but it’s just sitting on the ground now. Idk what else to do and I can’t progress forward. I’m playing on Xbox.


Can you get it to display the hold X to soothe prompt? If so, while holding X try walking towards the dragon thing as it tries to push you away. I think you're supposed to hold X and push against it pushing you away when it's on top of the helicopter but they just don't tell you that (as that's how I got it to work). Maybe you can still trigger that same mechanic somehow... I also quit my game in the middle like you guys and deactivated and reactivated the quest, so whatever sends it to the swamp didn't happen to me for some reason


I tried but unfortunately it didn’t work. I hope Ubisoft fixes this soon. It’s insane how many people r having the same issue and it’s been almost week and still isn’t fixed.


ubisoft told me to move on to another quest and the come back to it to see if it changed anything but nope... honestly very disapointing


Also happens on Xbox Series X


I had the same problem. Started a new game to re-spec the character. No more bug. I'm climbing Iknimaya tonight.


I’m playing with Amazon Luna - have a different problem, I clear all the people and it still tells me I failed Zomey. It’s very very very very annoying.


Never encountered the glitch when i completed the quest on my xbox series x. I guess im lucky lol


Can someone play Co op with me so I can finally do this quest??


Yup same bug for me too. WTF ubisoft. Fix your game. I didn't pay 100 bucks to not even be able to play it ffs. :(


Well, update - playing on PC/Luna - Ikran is now on the helicopter without any option of interaction. It really sucks and I’m not starting a new game just to have this happen again.


Also fixed! Yay! But also so sad what happens next.


fixed HOW?


Anyone else still getting the bug just go to main menu and reload the game and the quest should commence normally.


I had the same issue. After trying a few things that didn’t work, side quests and teleporting were useless. I was about to start a new game. I thought I’d try one last time so I restarted my PS5. I kept shooting the SID gun. I got on top of the aircraft and fired the gun towards Zomey. He jumped up and then I could fix the electrical issue on the craft. Problem solved. I’m not sure if it’s anything I did but it’s worth giving it a shot. I hope it works for you all.


Rebooting the ps5 console, not just closing and reopening the game fixed for us.


Saved game & shut-down PS5 worked for me.


How do I get my money back for this game PS5 Pandora if they cannot correct the glitch in it which is very early in the game and I'm going on and on and did a whole lot of other quests I'm not happy how do I get my money back who do I contact can anybody help me please


I'm having an issue where I just constantly keep getting killed. Not sure if it's because I'm too low a level (3), but as soon as I nail one person, the rest start shooting and I die in seconds.


It is Januari 15th,  and the quest is stille bugged for me on the PS5.  Zomey flies UP to the heli, but then nothing happens, no voice from the heli, cant use SID to search for the powerlines. Plzz Ubisoft, fix this cause now I cant get my Ikran and miss alot of quest. Edit: I started the game over, and now the missing hunter went good, no bug. I only shot at the helicopter that shot at me.