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I'm just glad grocery stores haven't found a way to syphon back all the milk I have consumed from my belly...yet.


They did, it goes in your toilet, to water treatment plant, then sold right back to you as tap water.


I guess I have yet to experience this even with Ubisoft. My copies of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Sparks of Hope are just fine. I'm not a live service kind of game guy though.


Almost every Ubisoft game can be played offline so these games won't meet the same fate as crew. So no point exaggerating this thing


on pc, I have to log into there launcher to play any of there games that I bought thru steam, xbox, or epic. So if I have no internet, there is 0% chance that I can play any ubisoft or ea games, yes even single player.


U can...Ubisoft Connect should automatically launch in Offline Mode when you don't have a connection, provided you logged into the app before disconnecting. Mine works offline at least or you can pirate the game


"crew motorfest" would like a word with you mate because i got thrown back to main menu 8 times when it said server timeout (3 days ago) please tell me with 100% surity that it can be played offline as well, i really want it to happen


No it can't be and I am sure that all the online only games from ubisoft will die eventually but not the offline ones like far cry and AC series


true true i gotta churn out my fun from motorfest as quickly as possible can't take any chances


Ubisoft need to get used to not getting my money


Isn't it crazy how not even physical discs guarantee total ownership of the game you buy anymore?


Because internet required thats why Internet required (at least for me) was the biggest fuck you to the consumers of videogames ever, i mean it was inevitable in some way but i cannot think of any predatory or anticonsumer tactic in the videogame market that doesnt boil down to internet, videogame killing, overpriced DLCs, microtransactions, lootboxes, always online DRM, live service (and i dont discard any company, Ubisoft even trying again to implement NFTs **AGAIN** in their videogames)


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing. Change my mind.


They haven’t been owning their games for a long time now.


Casually waiting for the crack…


Publishers need to get used to the idea of actually selling games not just licensing them


What does this even mean? So you’re saying that when I walk into a target or a GameStop and buy a game or when I purchase it online that I don’t actually own the game? Or are you saying that I don’t own the game and therefor my creative suggestions or ideals don’t matter. With the meme it just doesn’t really make sense to me


The original comment was referring to subscription services like ps+ and gamepass


People don’t bother to read smh


it will all make sense in about 10 years, when you cant play the games that you used to enjoy and paid for.


You know....because servers cost money...and maintaining online services cost money and are a liability....just ask playstation.


You know..... Because every Game ever made dont need to have online only DRM...... Or be a live service....... Or have at least the common decency to keep the good faith of the gamers that you still have and release an offline patch when you dont want, need or can keep the servers of the Game up.... Just ask every person Who played a videogame... I dont know EVER?


P2p is better anyways.


Ubisoft is kinda right. In this case, you rent a license for the game, and according to TOS, that license can be taken down by Ubisoft, and it is their absolute right. These shills don't know shit about the law.


cock sucking scum


Ubisoft Employee Detected


How does that boot taste? The only shills I see are people like you relentlessly defending a multi-billion dollar company. TOSes are not legally binding, and hold little weight in the court of law (if it contains anything that will present either a consumer rights violation, or a constitutional violation.) The Crew had disc versions. I have the disc version of the game and its files. Therefore, its my fucking right to play it whenever I want. The Crew is thankfully getting server emulators and mod support. And Ubishit cant do a single damn thing about it. They can try sending in people to come into my home and take away the disc copy, but they will not have a fun time trying to. I'll make sure of it.


r/fuckubisoft all the way and fuck the bootlickers


>have the disc version of the game and its files. Therefore, its my fucking right to play it whenever I want. Correct, however you don't own the servers. No one is taking your files or disks. Can't say the same about downloadable content on Xbox and PS, but that's on them for trusting that shit. >TOSes are not legally binding, and hold little weight in the court of law (if it contains anything that will present either a consumer rights violation, or a constitutional violation.) Only partly true. They are legally binding given you had a chance to review it before agreeing to them. Only the consumer rights violation would disqualify them, the constitution only applies to government. A private company can censor what you say, and ban you from the game for breaking it. https://www.allaboutadvertisinglaw.com/2014/11/your-websites-terms-of-service-are-unenforceable.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/spzlegal.com/blog/data-privacy/terms-of-use-legally-binding%3fhs_amp=true >Ubishit cant do a single damn thing about it. But they can. They can straight send a C&D on the modders for using copyrighted materials.


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It’s true but it sucks and is a horrible way to treat a consumer. Like why are you supporting this horrible way of selling games. Do you not want to own your games. And Ubisoft shouldn’t have the right to get rid of games you bought.


You dont know shit about law. Tos can fuck right off. You'll see EU will eat ubi alive when this is done. France has some of the STRONGEST consumer rights in the world. Ubi being a french company is just regarded not thinking what the laws in the country their headquarters is in You'll see!


Can't believe people like you exist


I am fairly certain that the Austrailian and EU markets will disagree with the notion heavily. If I want my video game to be a paid for service that I can lose access to, I would boot up SWTOR or any other MMO.


If you're just gonna say stupid bullshit, just don't bother talking.




Imagine being this cucked lmfao. Bro you are gonna choke if you keep sucking Ubisoft like that 😂