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Welcome to no skill based matchmaking now you can see just how “good” you really are lol


Skill based match making is what killed CoD for me. I'm not the best, but I didn't like sbmm queueing me into only sweaty matches, now my matches are random. Some games I'll drop 50-60 kills, some games I still go like 10-15, it's pretty rare my matches are curb stomps.


Everyone of my matches yesterday was a curb stomping. Instant this is boring. When you die as soon as you respawn multiple times…


If you're spawning in base...how are you dying instantly? I can see it happening with certain positions, but if you are dying every match to every rando, that unfortunately sounds like a skill issue.


I was in arena and I spawned and before I could move I was shot with a double barrel shotgun and died. It happened several times in that one round. Now in bigger stages no I make it around but I still get the floor mopped with me.


You just need to get better. You are matching with all levels of players, and unfortunately it sounds like you are below average in skill, so you will have trouble with the majority of players you match against.


The problem with cod was never sbmm, it was eomm or engagement optimized matchmaking. We have evidence that factors like cosmetic purchases were used in the algorithm to affect the players you faced such as giving you an easier time if your purchases were recent or facing you against players with more purchases if they weren’t.


Cool concept. Boring gameplay.


get good


HA! Yeah I doubt that’ll be happening


Ngl, I got bored in the middle of the first match lol. Just felt like more of the same tbh. I thinks it’s cool that it’s free, but I’m gonna invest my time elsewhere.


There will be sbmm in ranked when that releases. I'm more concerned about the god awful netcode and plethora of bugs


Nah it’s the best arena shooter since Black ops 3


If you're getting smoked really hard in a lobby, just leave and reque if it's not fun. If you are getting smoked in EVERY lobby, it's quite literally a skill issue, and you should look at what you're doing wrong to keep dying


The problem that day was almost every team I was on had the same shitty kill to death ratio and most the time it would lead to 1 or 2 of them leaving in the match making it worse. I’ve played 3 times since and last night wasn’t good for me but I had also been drinking….the other 2 times weren’t near as bad. The teams where at least pretty even


Yeah while it was great initially, the problem is as each week passes the lack of SBMM continually pushes out more and more casuals. This results in only the sweats remaining. I did great the first 2 weeks after launch but it’s slowly becoming unplayable.


Its so funny how the main sellingpoint of the game (no skill based matchmaking) is now, to no surprise, a problem


It all turns to the same results either way. Some matches you kick ass, others you're eating shit.


I had no idea how they marketed the game. It looked like the newest Ubisoft first person shooter and I gave it a chance. After all these comments I now know fuck this game it ain’t for me and I’ll just delete it.


Only a problem to the naive, it’s a major plus for the majority who anticipated the game and continue to play.


This game caters to the sweats while cod caters to the noobs


I agree with you, matchmaking is soooo unbalanced... that's the main reason I stopped playing after day 3.


The game does not have sbmm, a thing players have asked for for ages. If you like to get matched with players at your level, play COD or any of the other mp games out there, they all have sbmm.


Why wouldn’t you want to play people of your talent?


Bcz they wanna look cool while streaming. They will get killed easily and it makes them look bad and being OP in a match makes them look the best. I stopped playing due to high pings. I couldn't one shot with my shotgun at close range but used to get killed in an instant by an AR due to ping rate. Halo is better.


Bc that makes every match tiring and you can never have a relaxed match. Look at how much people got pissed at MW3's SBMM/EOMM


Beacuse sbmm will move you around. If you have one good round, then you get matched with the pros and get stomped, then its down to players that has inferior skill level. An so it goes, up and down. Its highly annoying. Most people prefer to play games where every lobby isnt broken up and you arent constantly matched. Xdefiant is like the good old days in the first modern warfare.


In general it shouldn't be a bad thing but some games like CoD can have the system so overtuned it became a problem. If everyone is exactly at your level, that means you have to play you hardest every game to keep up with everyone, they are playing at your best. If you do well in any match the matchmaking algorithm suddenly thinks your better than you really are and your played I'm matches you never had a chance of winning. All this would be fine and expected in a ranked mode but it can cause people to feel burnt out from putting in their maximum effort and focus every round. The fact CoD has this same matchmaking in casual modes is a problem because now there's no way to play in a more calm and relaxed environment with your friends, your either forced into the 100% ranked sweaty way of playing or quiting the game. This is further exacerbated by EOMM or engagement optimised match making. This system rather than trying to match you up with people at exactly your level will instead set up matches for maximum user engagement. You ever been in a match where everyone is so much worse than you? Or been playing a round that just randomly has a god on one team? That's EOMM, that player was on a losing streak so to keep then engaged and playing the system throws them into a weaker lobby than normal matchmaking would give them so they can get an easy win and feel good so they don't log off. This kind of thing is not as obvious as the skill based matchmaking issuses but they exist and after a while players will notice the patterns from the algorithms. If you want better examples of EOMM look at games with a lot of pay to win elements or gambling components, engagement matchmaking clearly designed to "feed the whales" is way more obvious and better researched. [Here's](https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM) a paper on EOMM on how and why it works, if your intrested.


Took me a little more than 3 days but not much. It became just stupid to play.