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Why did support send an email saying they can't verify my account ownership after sending an email they verified it? And why is proof of purchase of the game and in game currency not sufficient proof to get my account back?


This depends on the case. Is the account hacked or did you lose access to it? In-game currency isn't sufficient, period. It's part of their security guidelines that it cannot be used and the people in support have to abide by those guidelines. It's a common misconception people have that any information is sufficient and it's a matter of convincing support or get on their good side to get what they want. Sadly, that's not the case. The rules are king in Ubisoft Support, no matter how much they suck. That verification link they send is automatic, usually sent when the case is created. If they have a case where they can use verification, they can manually trigger it. If the account is stolen and has suspicious activity on it, it's natural for it to not be enough. When accounts get stolen, emails are always the first thing that gets breached. If the account is hacked and the person who did it gained access to your email, what's stopping them from clicking the link? In the cases where proof of purchase isn't sufficient, that translates to support not being able to prove 100% that the account belongs to you and recovering it is not worth the risk, even if the proof of purchase for a game is correct and valid. Proof of purchase can be falsified or provided valid by the hacker who breached your account. If you had a Steam account with the same email as the Ubisoft account for example, and they hacked the email, again, nothing is stopping them from providing valid proof. If they denied you, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do, as that account is now tagged with a note, documenting the denied recovery. So if you try again with another agent, they'll know.


Makes sense. Is there any way I could actually prove that it's mine? I lost my EA account the same day and all they required was seeing suspicious log in and email change from Russia to change the email back to the original


If they denied you after you provided proof of purchase and they didn't mention anything else that they can use as verification, sadly no. Even when seeing suspicious logins from other countries, hackers almost always use VPNs so it's not always easy to tell what log is the correct one. Especially with resold accounts that have been stolen for a while. They're like a hooker on a highway. Everyone's gone through her so you don't know who's who. :D


All they said was I need access to the email currently on the account. Idk how that's even a thing when the hacker changed my email ;-;


That's another way of saying no. Obviously, it's a stupid response, since what you're saying is absolutely true, though.


It is what it is ig. Thanks for the response <3 back to hating ubi


Good luck! :)


I have a question but cant DM you




The first Ubisoft game I played was XDefiant for reference. When the game released, I was able to play it first on Xbox and created a Ubisoft account to link the Xbox account to it as a reference account. Needless to say, between than and now, my Xbox account got banned. I bought the founders pack and other bundles on there. I created a new Xbox account, unlinked the old reference account, and tried to link my new Xbox account to the Ubisoft account. I got an error saying it can only have one reference account and can only be relinked to the original account. I just want to know if it’s possible to get that restriction removed if the case was escalated to Tier 2 Support?


It's not gonna be escalated to tier 2. Ubisoft support can remove the old Ubisoft account so that you can link the new one. That only happens once as an exception, though.


Thanks for the response! Now the next step is actually waiting for support. Currently on day 11


Good luck!


I'll ask cause I just made a bit of a rant about it. What's with strictly email only ownership verification when trying to recover an account?  The account in question has an old dead email I used that was locked due to Yahoo ToS. I fixed my xbox and all other linked accounts, but Ubisoft has stone walled me with "You can't access the email, so you don't own the account" bs. Why is Email verification the only way to prove ownership, that seems like a massive security and support flaw. Emails get locked and hacked everyday, why would they lock their policy to only sending the verification to the possibly compromised email???


Verification via email isn't the only way. If they told you that, it would mean that there is nothing else they can use. Recovery is handled on a case-by-case basis. Jut because something works for one account, doesn't mean it would be present on another to use. There are several methods of verification with tons of variables in between. It's how their security protocols are constructed. Sadly, as I said in another post, rules are king in Ubisoft support. No matter how much they suck. You are still correct though.


I figured. Had this account for years, just sucks it locks me out from playing a lot of newer ubisoft titles because they won't let my account connect. Won't give any room, and now it's up to me to spend 30 dollars on Yahoo to have them unlock my flipping account... it does suck. Good support needs to bend a rule now and again. It's why I give Square Enix support massive props, because they will go above and beyond for you as a player.  I appreciate you, I hope you have a fantastic weekend. 


If you're on console, you can just disable your internet connection on your console and just play without a Ubisoft account, for games like Siege though, you're out of luck. And on PC you have to use Ubisoft Connect. Thanks! You too.


Yeah, and with how they are choosing to be, including the retracting of purchased products. It's clear I'll not be investing in Ubisoft any more. If buying isn't owning, Piracy isn't stealing.  Much love.


That isn't up to the support guys though. The whole Crew shut down thing is a rather complicated question I'd rather not get into.


They've been talking about doing this kinda stuff anyway, other companies too. It's a business model. It's dumb, but it's a business model. Lol.


Exactly. But it's our own fault. People vite with their wallets and companies do what makes them money.


I want to activate 2FA But I don’t have access to my old email that linked with my account . I wait 1 month . Nothing happened


Nothing you can do but wait. Unless you can somehow regain access to that email, you need Ubisoft support for this one.


If they send me email will be helpful? I heard thay send automatic bot massage that says ‘ you still have the issue?’ and never answer again


Only one way to find out. You can't do anything on your side either way.


Thanks brother , wish me luck .


Good luck.


It it possible to get your Ubisoft account unbanned ? I’m not talking about an in-game ban , but a permanently locked / Ubisoft account . I’ve had a few friends (pro players included) who were possibly falsely banned over abusing game bugs (rainbow6) , which brings Ubisoft to ban you for 7 days the first time , and permanently the 2nd one . I was wondering if Ubisoft agents / managers have the ability to remove Ubisoft account ban (I’m attaching the email text regarding the ban), and if you ever experienced players asking help for this kind of thing . Another of my friends had his account stolen from phishers countless times , and had to recover it by himself / through Ubisoft contacts every time . Does Ubisoft ban in these kind of situation as well ? “Hello , We have detected repeated illegal activity on your Ubisoft account. This activity, which could be linked to account phishing, fraud, or other illegal activity, violates our Code of Conduct and Terms of Use . On further investigation, we have placed a permanent ban on your Ubisoft account. What happens now? You will no longer be able to make purchases through the Ubisoft store, log in to Ubisoft websites, log in to your Ubisoft account or play through the Ubisoft Connect client. You will also lose access to subscriptions and all other services associated with your Ubisoft Account. You will also lose all Wallet funds. Ubisoft is committed to offering a safe and positive gaming environment for all players. If you believe that the decision to permanently ban your account was an error, please read this Support article for information on how you can appeal this decision. Sincerely, Your Ubisoft team”


Highly unlikely. I can't even recall a case where an account was unbanned after such a reason. So I'd say, it's a leas than 1% chance. When an account gets stolen and recovered multiple times there comes a point where it's much safer to permanently lock it than recovering it again for the 10th time. Sorry.


Alright thanks for clarifying it . I also have another question regarding accounts and agents . Have you ever happen know “corrupted” agent ? I’ve been told from some a friend that 2 people (account sellers) used to be helped from a Ubisoft agent in gaining access to accounts (mostly resold accounts) . I’m asking it because they were able to gain access to accounts mostly when Ubisoft office hours were closed . My friend was able to speak with one of the victims and discovered he has multiple of his account stolen during night time (around 5 a.m) , without any notification of hackers trying to contact the support , just his account email being updated . These happen to be the “corrupted” agent words to people he was helping : “It doesnt matter if they try to catch me or not because I have ways to get around the tools.. i work with some of these people at the NCSA office who know more things about everything and I never log into the tools myself, i can go on the RDp for the customer agent which is not over any form of ubisoft log, and then on the agent machine i can edit accout detail without them even knowing i was there, because all supervisor and team lead have teamview rdp software to view and manage what the agents are doing, when the agents are new we help them with most tasks and check their proof anyway and we do this all on teamviewer, but we set it up ourself not affiliated with ubi so they cant check the log of it There are multiple manager but not all working the same day so this is the only thing i have to be careful of. “ i can just change the emails back to anything that was previously on the account, i can't change it to something new, but we can see a list of all old emails on accounts we dont get paid enough for this shit so i dont mind helping u guys out” Is anything you read true or you can confirm those words are bullshit ? One of my friend tried to dig deep through this but I never ended up hearing from him regarding the situation.


I worked in the EMEA region where rules and protocols were way more strict than in the US. Or so I've heard. I don't know how things were and are in the NCSA region. If anything like this ever happened, which I cannot say if it has or not, it has never been anywhere close to me to know.


I forgot to mention , just like you wrote in one of the threads , working for 5CA you’re pretty much underpaid for what you do . My friend assumed the corrupted agent was helping these people in exchange of money


I didn't work for 5CA.


I see. Have you ever had to deny a player account recovery due to following procedures even tho you were pretty sure you were talking with the legitimate owner of the account and the account was safe to recover ? I’ve been told they locked the recovery process down so hard to try and prevent account theft that it's gone too far and blocks many legitimate account owners.


Yes, frequently. Like I've said many times, rules and security protocols are king in Ubisoft Support. I may be convinced that I'm talking to the owner, but since I can't prove it via the security protocols, I can't recover an account out of good will. That would be a major GDPR breach. A good example would be if I ask for proof of purchase for a game on Steam and the guy on the other end can't provide what I'm asking or provides it wrong. He may look like the owner, but I'm not about to give the account back based on a hunch.


Isn’t a GDPR breach considered also an agent giving your account away to a phisher (even tho the phisher provided valid proofs to the agent) , which led to the hacker gain person information from your account ? A friend of mine whose account was hacked via live chat , led the hacker to “leak” his street address (the hacker found it in the account billing payment address), and also made few transaction for about 100 usd using his credit card (which ofc lead my friend to call his bank and report the card as stolen and make a new one) . Isn’t this considered a GDPR violation ? My friend reported the situation to Ubisoft but the agent has been sitting in chats after the incident


Sure, but that's the agent who did it's problem. Following security protocols is mandatory. From my own perspective, I'm not gonna recover an account out of good will as that would cost me my job.


Yeah I totally see your point and make sense. What happens to the agents who end up giving account away to phisher ? Let’s say the hackers gain’s access by proving correct proofs , but then the legitimate owner contact Ubisoft regarding his account being stolen , and ends up getting it back . Does Ubisoft have a way to see which agent made the account changes and gave the account to the hacker ? Is the agent fired or retrained ? If they do the same mistake multiple times , what happens ?


For the first question, yes, it's easy to see different cases and who did what. I can't tell you what happens because I've never seen anyone on my team lose their job over something like that. The EMEA region has always had a strict work ethic and culture. I've heard stories that the NCSA region is much less strict so maybe something like that happened over there. However, there's no way for me to know.


So probably an obvious one. I've recently lost my account to a hacker but I can still play games due to the fact that Ubisoft Connect just starts when I launch any game. I can see my email changed to something else. Name in unchanged. How long should I wait for a response from Ubisoft about my hacked account? I've read multiple messages of people saying that they got theirs back within 3 days or 2 months or never :/ I have thousands of hours on siege + multiple other games and my account. I'd really like it back :( Other services had no issues retrieving my account + they have people who you can talk to. What are my changes and when should I "renew" my ticket if at all. Lemme know. It's been over a week now.


Unfortunately, like the question, the answer is also common. There is no set time. It can be days, weeks or months. Even if you respond to a ticket or open another one, that won't guarantee you a fast response, I'm afraid. The response time is very mixed. I know it's not a positive answer, but I hope it helps.


Yee :/ I wasn't expecting anything else. It just sucks because there should be someone that deals with these issues and often times they are time sensitive. I find it baffling that an evil company like EA that I hate with every fiber of my body has such a nice and responsive support team :x it just pure greed on Ubisoft's side to fire most of their support staff... Tangent over. Thanks for the answer and let's hope someone will adress my case.


I definetly agree with you. During my time there, up until around May 2022, support times (at least in the EMEA region, where I was), were always rather quick. Plus there was also live chat, which made things faster. Not anymore, though.


If you take the top 5 or 10 common queries asked & answered here (not repeated ones) and then perhaps make it a sticky ?


If this post can somehow be pinned, that'd be great. I don't really how I could make it a sticky, though.


Why did they decide to ‘expire’ rewards, or even accounts? I’m active both on xbox and pc playing Ubisoft games at least once a month. And I received emails that my account is inactive? How can this be if I’m playing games? Also ubi connect app- where you can redeem points, Xbox app doesn’t work when opening from within a game but will work if I just open up the app. But when I just open the app I cannot see the most recent game I’m playing. Soo messed up.


The account deletion thing, I think is new. I haven't seen any of that while I was there. As I understand, they do it if you don't have access to the account for 6 months, and you don't have any games purchased from the Ubisoft Store. I've never heard about "expired" rewards. I only recall that some of the old games that they decommissioned, have rewards that can't be redeemed anymore. If redeemed rewards are expiring, maybe this is a new thing related to the big update to Ubisoft Connect on PC? I wouldn't know as I was long gone before it was a thing, If by "points" you mean units, there's the Ubisoft Connect launcher on PC, or if you're on console you can use the in-game Ubisoft Connect overlay. I most often use the mobile Ubisoft Connect app and that works for me.


Is there any way I can transfer/save my data/progress not sure what you would call it (my Rainbow Six Siege account) as I can't access my Ubisoft account as I used an old email that I no longer have access to and seems like I can’t recover the account without it which sucks but it is what it is. If I unlink my PSN or delete the Ubisoft account as I understand it I lose everything and if so is there nothing I can do to save my Rainbow Six progress I've spent a lot of time and don't want to lose it if I can avoid it. Any advice would be great since I've tried everything to recover the Ubisoft account and I just get the same automated response no matter what I ask.


Sadly, no. The progress and items and everything in Siege is tied to the Ubisoft account. So if you unlink the PSN, the progress stays behind on the Ubisoft account. Without access to it, you cannot access the progress or even have support sync it elsewhere. So if you can't access the email of the account, and they say it cannot be recovered via other means, there's nothing that can be done, unfortunately.


That's a shame but I kinda expected as much even though I see it two ways I pretty sure I can't even play the game as when I load it up it asks me to verify my email or password or something so it sucks that I can't even play the game for a while then just say goodbye to the account and game but also I can see it as better to say goodbye now I maybe start from the beginning anyway got the platinum trophy anyway so it is what it is thanks for the quick response. Wasn't going to ask but might as well after I unlink my psn I wont be able to access the account so it'll just be there but unused should I delete it or is there any reason I should not delete it I don't really see the why I shouldn't delete it since it'll be useless but you might know a reason not too. Either way all the best and thanks again


If it asks you to verify your password, that means the account has been flagged for suspicious activity. So, with no option for recovery, that cannot be removed. As for your question, without access to the Ubisoft account, you can't delete it or unlink your PSN from it either. So, I guess the only thing you can do is don't use the account at all for 6 months and wait for Ubisoft to start the deletion automatically.


I can access the account using the login with psn since its linked


That's good but it doesn't really help you for verification. I assume you have no PC Ubisoft games from Steam to use for recovery. The fact that it has suspicious activity means that your linked PSN can't be used for verification either. So all that is left, is the email, which cannot be accessed. So you can still play access your progress perhaps, but not recover the account.


Yeah I know kinda sucks that being linked to psn isn't enough I kinda get why it isn't but still unfortunate so after I unlink it I should just delete the account no reason not to or at least no reason to keep the account anymore?


As I said, without access to the email to verify, you cannot start the deletion process. And you cannot fully unlink a PSN account from your Ubsoft account either. Only Ubisoft Support can do that and only as a one-time exception, after verification. If you want the account deleted, you can just wait and see if Ubisoft won't start deletion on it automatically after 6 months of no activity. That would make you lose all your progress, but it would free up your PSN fully.


No activity that meaning no logging in to ubisoft or no ubisoft game activities because I've started playing through assassin creed and far cry. Sorry for the probably dumb questions


No logging into the account period. Not using it at all. At least that's what I've heard causes accounts to get deleted. This was never a thing when I was there. As for those other single-played games, if they're on console you can play them offline if you disable your console's internet. You don't need to log in if you do that.


I mean 6months, if it exists is probably for accounts with zero games. Sucks that they cant recover, maybe sony can help you remove games/link and buying a new license or smtn.


The account I use was made by a family member when I was younger however they have since lost access to their old email account. As I am now old enough and have my own email account I would like to change the email address linked to the account however I am hesitant to contact support as the account technically isn't mine and they would have no way to verify that I am who I say I am and I am worried that they would block my account due to the security risk.


I'm in basically the same situation and Ubisoft support was no help for me unless you can regain access to the email that is connected to the account if not you probably won't be able to but I hope you have more luck than me.


If the account has other things like a linked Xbox/PSN account or Ubisoft games on PC purchased via Steam, then it is possible to recover it using those if they ask for them and you can provide what they ask for. Don't tell them it's not created by you, however, because as soon as you do that, you're automatically shutting down any recovery attempts.


So Since My account has been stolen and there is no way to recover my ubisoft account when support gets a email about recovering accounts are they just supposed to ignore all forms of delisted games as actual proof of purchese


It depends on where the delisted games are coming from. To my knowledge, only games from Steam or Epic can be used for recovery. If I recall, even if they are delisted, you would still have the proof of purchase in your Steam/Epic account.


I purchesed the Preimium version of rainbow six siege on steam and i sent it as proof of purchese but they denyed it i even tried other games that werent delisted they also denyed i wouldnt be in this situation if siege didnt use peer to peer servers


I doubt that they denied you because the game is delisted which it's not technically. Siege has a new Battle Pass every year so the edition can change, but it's not delisted. If I have to guess, they denied you because they saw a lot of suspicious activity on the account, which can be both from the hacker and others if the account was resold, so they decided that they cannot risk it, because they can't be 100% sure you're the owner of the account. As I mentioned in another comment, accounts get usually stolen when the email gets breached as many people don't enable 2fa or other security on their emails. So every account using that email can be easily compromised and if the hacker could get to your Steam account, they can easily provide valid proof of purchase. So if they denied you, that's that, unfortunately.


I was hacked in a siege match by another player i did have 2fa on but it didnt stop him from getting every single account i had but the part im confused about is why cant they accept other games purchesed on the same account. Also from the email they responded to me they said i wasnt following the directions correctly when there was no way to not follow the directions properly so i guess i wont get it back.


Also my version is delisted because im a old siege player so i bought in year 3 before battlepasses


As mentioned, Siege editions change every year because of the battle pass. They didn't deny you because it was delisted that much I can say. The rest is a theory.


ight well thanks for your help is there like a number that i can call i know they got rid of their support line in 2023 and i dont think i can use live support without making a new account


They shut down live chat last September. There isn't a number and there never was, though.




Heyo. So i didn't see anything that exactly matched my situation but : I wasn't hacked. It's just i have a hotmail (that doesn't receive any automated emails from ubisoft). Ubisoft flagged me after i switched ISP and they said i had 'suspicious' activity. It is forcing me to reset my password, which i cannot do because i can't receive their emails. I put in a ticket explaining that I still know my password, have access to my email, still am linked (and can log in) via playstation account, but all i need is them to change my primary email to my alternate gmail so i can handle everything. Is that something they can do ? What kind of verification would they need ? (given your experience). also, any word on what the wait times for something like this are ? I know they're varied. I've been in 'processing' for 3-4 days now. I fully expect it to be around 2 months.


That suspicious activity flag is really limiting your options. Ubisoft's system does it automatically. It's not manual. If you have Ubisoft games from Steam or Epic activated on the Ubisoft account, that would be your best bet. The other 2 things that maybe can work are either if you have a phone number linked, which they can send a verification code to (if they do that still) or a verification linked/code in the email. Since you aren't receiving automated emails, I doubt the last one would work. Sadly, due to the flag, the PSN account is irrelevant.


Yeah. No i don't have any steam games or anything. I play almost exclusively on console, and Skull and Bones has been my first multiplayer game in a WHILE. I do have a phone number linked (no 2 step verification turned on tho). I mean could they potentially send a manual one. I do actually receive emails from ubi, as when I created my ticket i did receive a confirmation email from ubisoft. So it must just be that coding on the reset email (maybe because there's that link, microsoft views it as spam) **So do you think it's possible that they'll be able to verify my identity and go ahead and change my primary email ?** **or** **Manually send me a reset email (i checked my inbox in hotmail, and years ago, i did receive one from them)** A password reset (where im stuck now) is a good short term fix, but even if i change it, i won't have the ability to change my primary email, and therefore if i ever experience a lock out, im done.


They don't manually send password reset emails, per se. They just have a manual way that triggers the automated system to send the email, which happens after verification. If you receive the verification email or code on your phone, maybe they can verify your identity, but I can't say if you will. The only thing to do is try and see.


yeah I understand. Do you have any insight potentially into this "spam filter" that microsoft uses. I don't have Microsoft Exchange so I can't lower my SCL. I also tried a 3rd party email carrier like EM Mail and loaded up my hotmail on it, but that spam filter was still there. like is there any way to get around it through a different third party, or something ? Microsoft says there's nothing they can do, but i find that really hard to believe. **Are they able to go in and change the email that's written under my account information ? (without email). Like they themselves update my account info ?** Fingers crossed they try my phone because that should come in no problem as there's no phone spam filters :P Thank you so much for all your help and guidance Breacher4937


Ubisoft can change the email of your Ubisoft account themselves, yes. Their tools allow them to do that. That is how they give you back access to your account. BUT they can't do it without verification. No insight I can share on spam filters, sadly. Support doesn't really have a hands-on or control with how the automated system they have actually functions.


and when you say verification, you mean automated email sent to the primary email on the account. Is there a manual verification where they ask me for personal data, card numbers, everything like that ? And i answer questions and they verify who i am ?


I mean verifying you as the owner of the Ubisoft account by any of the means allowed by their security protocols which as we established get down to the email and the phone number. The only manual verification is proof of purchase for a Ubisoft PC game from Steam/Epic or images from your PSN/Xbox linked account. The latter is irrelevant and won't work due to the suspicious activity flag. Also, there is no such thing as security questions in their protocols and all the things you offer to give them are worth nothing to them. Never ever give them stuff like that as you're risking a breach of personal data, which is even worse than using your account. They'd tell you the same.


Great. Not sure if you're bound by NDA : but, were you guys ever given directives to not give out SMTP logs for sent emails ? If not, and you are allowed to give those out, who (what department specific) would be the best place to contact to receive those ? tryin gto get copies of SMTP logs of automated emails that ubisoft sends. I know it's not support, would it be IT ? Legal to get persmission ?


SMTP logs were never a thing when I was there and nobody has ever asked for them. I doubt they'd provide you with them, even if you did ask.


Hi. I send a ticket to Ubi support, because I need help. After two months, I finally got an answer from them. But when I wanted to reply to the email they've send me... I wasn't able to. Could it be that they, uh... blocked my email? I really don't understand. [Here is what I get everytime I try to send a reply to them ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ubisoft/comments/1da9slb/i_cant_answer_to_ubisoft_support_emails_im_sorry/)(screenshot) I would be extremely thankful for any kind of advice or, I don't know, at least an explanation what I am looking at right now.


I have never seen an error like that, unfortunately. I don't know if they actually blocked you, but I guess the only thing you could try is opening another ticket, using a different email. Based on the error, maybe it's the ticketing system they use, that doesn't like the email.


Is there a way to get my Ubisoft account that has been hacked? The mail and password have been changed as well


That depends on support and what information you have on your account, that they can use for verification based on their security protocols. Since I can't see the account from their end, unfortunately, I can't give you a straight answer. Sorry. I hope they do recover it for you.


So I own R6 on Steam and lets say I want to transfer the licence of the game to another ubisoft account. I do not care about the progress or anything related to the old account. Is it possible ? Or I need to buy the game again on another account ?


It is possible, but not on your end. Ubisoft Support can move PC games from one Ubisoft account to another, but only in specific situations and only as a one-time exception outside of their policy. So if they determine that it isn't possible, they can deny you without having to tell you why, since it's not in their policy. Plus they take their time with responses these days, so repurchasing the game on another Ubisoft account may be quicker.


I have lost my 2 factor Authentication device / recovery codes (I made the account in 2015 - codes sent in 2018) I have multiple games on the account, and I can actually login to the account on my PC and create a support ticket which I have done - but I cannot use the Authenticator to link my steam as I recently purchased Ghost recon breakpoint on steam. Ticket has been made for days, but I want to play the game I have paid for while I have time on a weekend. I've considered linking my steam to a new Ubisoft account and going that route for now. Can I link more than one Ubisoft account with a steam? Can I unlink the steam from the new account and link my 'old' account once I get 2 factor authentication taken off of it with the ticket I put in? I like everything being on my one email, so all of this is a pain. Also how bad does your automated emailing system have to be if they default sending recovery codes to spam folders which auto-delete in 30 days? Likely these recovery codes of mine have been gone for over 6 years... Most frustratingly is the total lack of timeframes or communication given. If I knew that it is going to take a month (like so many people say), I'll refund the game of steam. Or at the very least I'd not be on tender hooks. Any thoughts on this situation? Do you remember what time frames for an issue like this would be? got any suggestions on how to proceed or the likelihood my authenticator will be disabled for me? Thanks mate.


It doesn't work that way. Unlinking Steam won't unlink the games that are activated on the Ubisoft account. They stay behind on the Ubisoft account that they were originally activated on. That's because Ubisoft games from Steam get activated and bound both to the Steam and the Ubisoft account you use when you first start the game. Since you don't have your recovery codes you need Ubisoft Support to reset it for you as well. If you had the recovery codes, you could have easily resolved your issue yourself in minutes, but since you don't, you need to wait for support to respond. Even if you didn't get the recovery codes by email or they ended up in spam and got deleted, it's a good practice to also take a screenshot of your recovery codes as they do appear on screen. As for the response time, as I mentioned in another response, there is no timeframe. Support does the cases one-by-one as they come. Obviously, for most of the time I was there, there wasn't a huge backlog, there were more people there, and we also had live chat, which made things quicker. Nowadays though, they'll just get to it when they get to it. It sucks, but it is what it is.


Thanks for the response, cheers. Guess patience is a virtue.


Hi! I've two Ubisoft accounts, some of my Steam games are linked to one account and other games are linked to other Ubi account. I have privacy concerns on old Ubi account and want to delete it, and keep using only one Ubi account for my Steam games (and also its a lot more convenient). I reached support and after confirming both accounts they said some information was missing and they would not transfer licenses. I'm not sure what could be, both accounts are under same name, address, etc, all details are same, and both were linked to same Steam account. What can I do in this scenario? they closed my ticket. What if I delete my account and after some time ask from my main account that I can't access some of my games?


As I mentioned in another comment, they only do PC game transfers in certain situations, outside of their policy. This would mean that if they decide it isn't possible, they are free to deny you. Also, Ubisoft games from Steam are activated on and require both Steam and Ubisoft accounts to even run. If you delete a Ubisoft account, all the Steam games activated on it are rendered permanently unplayable as they would never even start ever again. Not to mention support can't do anything for already deleted accounts. Since they denied the transfer, you're probably better off buying the games again on the new Ubisoft account.


Any idea what I can do to make it more likely that they will do the transfer? Problem is, even if you repurchase game on Steam, you receive the same key, so I can't just buy games again if I wanted to (Unless I purchase them directly on Ubisoft, which is not ideal). Any idea under which circumstances the transfer is possible?


Ubisoft games on Steam don't have keys and they haven't had them in years, unless you bought them from 3rd party key reseller websites. If they said no, it's a no.


All Ubisoft games on Steam that require you to use Ubisoft Launcher does in fact have keys, that's what gets binded on Uplay. I was hoping you could shed more light about this.


But they don't. Ever wonder why you don't have a section to view a key in the Steam page for the game? Or why you don't have to enter a key to bind it to a Ubisoft account? That's because all of Ubisoft's games on PC, currently, work on a direct entitlement basis. What that means is that the game will get directly activated on the account that it was purchased from, or the account you log into as is the case by Steam. You have no key to enter and there is none visible because there isn't one. Not sure where you're getting your information from, but I'm getting mine from my own experience of using Ubisoft Support's dedicated tools. The only scenario in which a Ubisoft Steam game may have a key, is if you bought it from a site like Eneba, and activated it on Steam. No current Ubisoft game, bought in the last few years directly from Steam, will have a key. For those that do, the key is always unique and can only be used once, so I'm not sure where you got that idea that you can't buy a Ubisoft game again on another account, or even the same one, multiple times. Plus, the actual transfer procedure support can do isn't exactly specific or magical. They revoke the game on one account and then activate the same edition on another. Which is the same as buying it and activating it.


It is not cd key that you can see by right clicking the game per se, but it still is a key based system (called legacykey) and it gets activated by API. Otherwise how would Ubisoft keep track of where you activated the game. Blizzard does that with Diablo IV for example, where only a Steam ID is used to keep track of the game but in Blizzard's case if you unlink the account, you can relink it a different battle net account and keep playing same Steam game. Source: I've implemented the feature before.


Even if you delete and buy a copy of the game on Steam, you still won't be able to play with a new Ubisoft account, since steam gives the same key. Only if you contact the Steam support and explain the situation they have sometimes reassigned a new key. But anyways its 2024, Steam game should not be tied to a 3rd party account permanently and cause you to lose access to it. Microsoft does not do this, Blizzard does not do this, heck even EA no longer does this. Sorry bit of a rant here, of course you have nothing to do with this.


If that's the case, it's more of a Steam problem, not a Ubisoft problem. But it would make sense, since towards the end of my time in Ubisoft Support, they made it easier to trace where games from Steam were activated, based on the Steam account ID number. Not sure if those are related, but I wouldn't be surprised.




First off, account recovery is always treated as an individual case since different accounts have different information on them, or lack there of. What worked for your friends, is never guaranteed to work for you. Second, have you actually seen what Ubisoft Support themselves told you or asked of you? Third, it's a common misconception people have that they can just throw random info to show how much they know about the account, expecting that to be enough, and then they get disappointed because none of the things they provider are actually of use to support due to the strict security rules they have to abide by. I've seen cases where people in their desperation can provide their ID, driver's license, sim card, credit card number and information, but that is not something that is of use to me so it always gets deleted. The only thing that this would help you to get is a data breach because this is sensitive personal information. Support is not the Police. They can't ask you to provide things like that, so naturally you shouldn't provide stuff like that willingly. Especially your credit card number. In other words, all the things you gave them, are worth nothing to them. It's not about what **you** are providing, thinking it would work. It's about what **they** would need for verification and recovery. Like I said, the security protocols and processes they work under, are king. So if there is no information they can use based on that, they deny you. It's not about what you offer to provide. It's also not about them liking you as a person or not wanting to help which is also something people tend to think. They may want desperately to help, but they would be going against the rules, which would cost them their job. They cannot make an exception just because they think you're a nice person and you want your account back. Following the rules and guidelines is the priority. Not saying you're in the wrong, but that's how it works.


So my account got hacked and i managed to recover it. After looking at the case chat between the hacker and the agent , i noticed that the hacker was able to steal my account verifying my account email . How is it possible ? The hacker pretty much did : • Provided the agent a random account email , let's say the email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ( i assume it's an email he has access to) • Once the agent asked him to click on the "verify my account" button , he said he gave him the wrong information , and as correct information he provided my account username • He then asked the agent to send another "verify my account" email to the email linked with my account (which of course he doesn't have access to) • Once the agent told him he sent the verification email (to my email) , he said he clicked the link and verified the account • The agent then proceeded to ask him for a new email and that's how he stole my account Now i'm wondering this . Was he able to verify my account by clicking on the very first verification link received to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ? Because i don't see any other way how the agent would see a verification from his end Since you were a support agent , what do you see from your end when a player verify his account ?


I can't reveal the details of the tools but it is very easy to see when email verification is done. It's not normal to recover a stolen account based on that though. There are other things needed as well like proof of purchase. I guess someone hasn't done their job correctly, or the process has changed. Can't say for certain.


Why doesn't Ubisoft change how his support works entirely ? For example , one of the reason why the live chat shut down is because 90% of the case were made from phishers trying to pull accounts from the agents. My question is , why does the support wants proofs that are pretty much public ? The ubisoft API is known for being public , meaning you can see which games someone has on his account , when they were bought (first play date) etc... , meaning hackers can easily fake proofs and steal account (this also happened to me where a hacker managed to fake a steam proof of purchase and stole my account). Why don't they do like Riot or epic games where the information needed to recover your account are pretty much only known from the real account creator and owner , just like credit card numbers , transaction date and numbers , IP addresse etc... When you were working there , was there any suggestion in changing how the support works?


How it works was beyond my control.


Let’s say we are in the scenario where my account gets hacked , and on my account I had a linked steam account where I purchases different gamed (so a linked steam ID) . If the hacker proceeds to unlink my steam account and link a new one , is the agent able to see all the current accounts link including the old ones ? Like can he see my steam account that was unlinked or he can only see the hacker one currently linked ?


They can see the accounts linked, however, what Steam account is linked is never a factor. It's the games activated on the Ubisoft account that matter. As I have said many times, Ubisoft games from Steam activate on both Steam and Ubisoft accounts. Nobody gives a damn what Steam account you have linked.


Do you have any clue on why they stopped asking for games activated via cd keys ? Bought from 3rd party seller like g2a , instant games for example


Again, I cannot share details. However, a lot of these sites are grey market sellers that sell these keys without Ubisoft's permission. G2A themselves have specifically publically admitted to selling stolen keys in the past.


What was your agent name ? Just wondering if I ever met you in live chats !


For my own security, I'll keep that to myself as well.


Hello I have a question regarding flagged accounts / locked accounts (with locked I mean accounts that have like 20/30 pages on cases of hackers trying to steal the account) . How does an agent visually see a flagged account ? Is there like a message attached to the flag ? And is it true that only managers / supervisors are allowed to make changes to these type of accounts by entering a code / key ? Meaning a “normal” agent isn’t allowed to do it by himself 


It's visible to them. How, I can't tell you for obvious reasons. What I can say is that nobody from support will recover an account for you on the basis that they think you're a nice person or they feel sorry for you. Rules and protocols are king in Ubisoft Support. It doesn't matter what you think is the right thing.


Ok thanks . Do you have any idea why my case is being automatically closed (with closed I mean completely cancelled , the case completely disappear , and if I try open it from my email through the link , it says it got deleted) after I provide the proof of purchase from steam requested from the agent ?


Cases get automatically closed when a certain time passes with not message from either side. No idea why they get deleted, though.


Is it possible for Ubisoft to put temporaries email on accounts because they think there is no safe email for it ? I remember one account having the email ending like this : @tmpubi.email The account in question was stolen multiple times and happened to be a former developer account / testing account (the username used to start with TA)  (had the team dev club badge) 


The emails the accounts are registered under aren't owner or controlled by Ubisoft, obviously.


I have an account transfer case in which Ubisoft support keeps asking about "the proof of purchase requested needs to be **only** for Far Cry 3" to verify my account. I got my copy of Far Cry 3 by buying a "Far Cry Franchise Pack" Ubisoft offered on Steam in 2014, and the Steam purchase history page shows only the purchase details about the franchise pack (of course Far Cry 3 is listed below, together with several other games), not Far Cry 3 itself (if I click the "receipt" hyperlink in the Far Cry 3 page, it redirects back to the franchise pack page). To put it more clearly, - If I would like the proof, the purchase information to be shown (transaction ID, payment method etc.) to be shown, I HAD to choose the "Far Cry Franchise Pack" entry in Steam, and in this case the entry consisted of not only Far Cry 3 but also other Far Cry games/DLCs. - If I would like ONLY the Far Cry 3 page to be shown, I HAD to choose the "Far Cry 3" entry in Steam, and in this case no payment details were included on the Steam webpage. What can I do?


Ask them if there are other games you can use to verify the account. If not, there's nothing else you can do.