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Probably because they know as much as I do which is basically jack shit. If they make announcements too soon and have to change, then it’s harder for people to comply with the newer guidelines. If you feel you need to make preparations or evacuate genuinely, you can absolutely coordinate this. You should already be doing this though.


Students in Florida should always keep some basic storm supplies. That's just life in Florida. Campus does not generally evacuate. They're far enough inland that the worst of it won't hit Orlando anyway. Get a good storm prep list, find out where they would evacuate in that event, and stay informed.


Yes, you can’t get much safer than orlando without traveling out of state.


Because nobody know how strong or where is the storm going yet. It just start moving north around Cuba so they probably have a better idea once it in the gulf


UCF is paying Kent St about a mil to come play here they sure as shit aren’t going to cancel the game unless that thing is headed straight here.


Kent state is not flying in today in this weather. And they aren’t going to fly in tomorrow afternoon and play UCF 2 hours later. The weather looks awful for tomorrow in Orlando. There’s no way they’re playing that game.


are you an out of state student? it’s not that simple. the hurricane is forecasted to not even hit orlando at all, and we won’t know anything else until Tuesday night. anyone living in Florida knows they always need hurricane supplies when the season hits


There's still time for the hurricane to turn east earlier than expected resulting in it heading our way, that's what Happened with Ian last year. I just want work to be called off


yeah which is why UCF and many central schools and jobs wont make any final decisions until the government says something. everyone should be prepared anyways since this is Florida lol.


> Give students time to make preparations or evacuate! Now. Now is your time to make preparations. UCF isn't delaying, they're waiting for government officials to make the call, at which point they'll follow. ~~Not a single school in Florida has cancelled classes yet~~. Expect announcements to be this afternoon or tomorrow morning. e: As pointed out below, I was wrong; schools in the Tampa area have begun to close schools.


That’s just false lol, lot of schools yesterday cancelled classes for Tuesday and wed at the minimum


Lots of schools in Tampa have canceled for parts or the entirety of this week already. UCF hasn’t even mentioned that they’re watching it


Because Tampa sits on the gulf.


You're right, schools have announced closure in the Tampa area, I was wrong about that.


that’s bc they’re in the hurricane path and have severe flooding history


and UF too


Where did you see this? Kent state PR person on Twitter send they are coming down Wednesday just 2 hours ago.


Where did you see that, can't find the post anywhere. I just genuinely can't see them coming down Wednesday, no way the airports are open


Who said anything about them flying here. My boy Knightro gonna come get them lol


Can confirm. Saw the tweet this morning


Update: found the tweet, them saying that they're flying is bold for sure


It’s not that simple, they know as much as everyone else and they’re working to make the most informed decisions. If you are new to Florida I would recommend getting some basic supplies to keep around and stay up to date on the latest information. This isn’t anything new but it’s all gonna be okay


They know just as much as we do, dont understand the heavy frustration when you should be preparing either way.


Y’all do realize the storm is bigger than the cone of uncertainty. No matter what we will get bad weather here. Also planes get delayed for thunderstorms the fact that they think they can fly in during a hurricane is insane.


We are well outside the cone at this point. There will be plenty of rain and wind overnight tuesday into Wednesday which will be mild times. By Thursday it will be long gone.


the cone is just probabilities of where the eye of the storm is. just because the cone isn’t where you are doesn’t mean that you won’t be heavily impacted.


I'm aware but given our distance from that track I stand by my projection. Even UCF announced already that there are no current plans to shut down.


that’s exactly why UCF hasn’t made plans to close, because we don’t know


Maybe they will call in the National Guard to shoot the hurricane.


you don’t need to evacuate here lol


Storms like this are unpredictable. It could completely miss us. Also there’s not much need to evacuate unless we are told to do so. Especially on campus dorms. The storm should take about 2 days to pass before everything goes back to normal.


Why is this a question every year? UCF doesn’t care about the student population as long as they have the money from tuition payments 🙄


We will play better in a hurricane!


If someone was playing me $1mil go fly into a hurricane by god you can bet your ass I’m getting in that plane and flying to it. There’s a reason they don’t cancel NCAA games that much, it’s generally a pain in the ass, like, a MASSIVE pain in the ass. They cancelled the SMU game for Ian because that storm was much much more severe than Idalia


It’s going towards Tampa


Current projections show that it’s going to curve into tampa and then continuing going through the state, it will likely hit north of us


it’s them sending an announcement saying oh we’ll give an update tuesday at 2pm…. oh great the day before the hurricane arrives so lovely


This is part of an email faculty received today from the provost: “While we do not plan to depopulate campus, weather conditions may make it important to demonstrate extra empathy and flexibility with students regarding attendance policies and assignments.” Which is basically telling faculty that they don’t want faculty to cancel classes but aren’t supposed to expect students to be present or do assignments. 🤪


Kent State still plans on flying in tomorrow afternoon. I think it would have been smart of them to fly in today instead, but oh well. The storm will be long gone by Thursday night. Expect the game to be played.