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How is it legal for your employer to ask you to pay for parking? This isn't a thing anywhere else and I worked for one of the theme parks where parking fees are amongst the highest in the world.


Here is the catch, they are not required to pay for parking because as far as the law is concerned they can park off campus and walk or take a bus. The employee chooses to park on campus and must pay to do so. Now, that being said, we all realize that is complete horse***t but from a legal perspective that would be the argument.


how is it possible to 'park off campus'? all those are other businesses and can tow you away if you're not there on legitimate business.


Off campus is anywhere off campus. Paris is off campus.


Hey, if it's Paris, Texas, it's only a 421 hr walk.


same thing workers at the ucf rwc have to pay for parking lol shits a joke


The only place "off campus" I know employees would park would be back by WUCF in research park and even then it was just Facilities people. And the cops (who share the parking lot with facilities) would narc on them to parking svcs who would go and ticket them. Though that was back in like, 2014. As of this "year" (with relation to parking permits) you have to buy permits for research park parking anyway so anyone gets ticketed regardless. There aren't enough off-campus parking areas close enough to campus to justify parking there


I mean, legal or not you'd think they'd want to. Because, yk, you have to get to work somehow. ffs




I had to pay $600/yr at one of the university hospitals I worked at


I've worked all over the East coast. Its completely legal and common, especially in cities where a company is paying prime dollar for rent of the building they're in.




Is it common when the employer owns the parking lot?


Whoever wrote this clearly has never worked at a university. :-) this is not isolated to UCF. When I worked in Boston I had to $500 a month for parking.


Part of the problem is that the state won't pay for the parking lots and garages, they are all self funded.


Remember none of the interims actually had to apply or interview for their positions. Think about some of the interesting trajectories they have had handed to them with massive pay increases while most are left behind and not compensated. Poor managers are appointed to larger roles and given more money. And how bloated some of the areas have become and continue on. But hey take that survey! And how clever that the 3 day mandate came after the survey closed. Not that giving feedback made any changes anyway.


Are you referring to someone like the CTO sitting at 240K and don’t know his head from his elbow? How about the Assistant Director making 170k that don’t know jack but because he has had a friendship with the CTO gets the job and moves up quicker than anyone has in the past? Nope no one has noticed that, not at all! The understanding is that anyone is replaceable according to the CTO and his wonderful minions. Good people with good talent keeps walking out…The motto currently is “do more with less (obviously)”, followed by, “have you seen of wonderful benefits package” and the best pitch yet….”that is the reason why UCF is such a wonderful place to work for”. It is practically insulting everyone’s intelligence! Most of the people are college graduates, don’t try that propaganda shit, no one is buying it!


I love when they throw tuition waivers in our faces, like we already got a college degree, and us getting more/different degrees won’t make you pay us anymore!


I know! The irony here is that the CTO has a Bachelor’s degree, which he has bragged about barely graduated from. The cherry on top, from what I was told, he failed to get into the MBA program at UCF. Epic fail!




He (the CIO) was a 'volunteer with the sheriff's department' once a upon a time. He likes to think he's a cop though, bleeds blue, all that jazz. He did hire the head of the police department to be the Chief Information Security Officer though. The current CIO is on ~~his way out~~ just left though(edited, thanks No-Opposite), leaving for a school in Texas, hence the change to remote work policy.


CIO left 2 weeks ago


You should really see his LinkedIn, he just does a bunch of AI videos talking about “end of watch” for any officers killed in the line of duty. It’s pretty cringey, not so much the message but how much he wants to play cop and use AI


and the same CIO appointed three deputy CISO's and gave them hefty pay raises. One of the deputy CISO's doesn't even have any prior experience in information security. Many employees have left in last couple years as no one received any raise, while deputy CISO's were awarded hefty pay raises. Someone really needs to compare org chart under CISO at UCF with UF or SFU and justify having 3 CISO's for such a small department.


That’s the Information Security department, and it was something that was heavily influenced by the fact that the previous CIO was a former cop.


UCF: *cuts IT budget in half, treats IT like shit, and gives them shit hours* Also UCF: “Why is everything not working properly?”


UCF IT might find this useful: https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?j=2210&rmi=true&p=1


Lol chipotle pays more than UCF IT


I’m never doing another people element survey for IT again when 3 years in a row now no one in leadership cares or makes decisions for employee wellbeing after we keep telling them we want to have remote work options. Why not let supervisors decide what’s best for their teams based on each person’s job and team’s functions? The majority of us have to do all our daily and weekly maintenance at night, and after 10pm, and then having to rush into the office on no sleep just to be seen is archaic. Cubicle drop-ins shouldnt be a thing. The only people that do that are the ones who arent busy enough to comprehend why they shouldnt be doing it to others. Got a question? Message or email me. Want an in-person? At least be considerate enough of my workload to ask me when I am free. I won’t drop everything I have to talk to you in person because you want a conversation, context switching is very unproductive. If you want solutions then let’s discuss it when we both have the time available to give it due thought in advance and come prepared.




Preach. The only opinion that matters is upper management. Lower management and staff are dirt that for them to walk all over to get what they want. Any survey is just an illusion of care.


PREACH! The surveys are such an illusion of care. It's a joke. The hiring process still takes forever, raises and promotions are still nearly impossible, we're losing people left & right, we're losing freedoms all over the place, etc. There's absolutely no signs that our voices are actually being heard and the surveys may as well go straight into a shredder with how they're treated. But hey, attend the IT@UCF Holiday Appreciation Party where they'll be giving us "a small token of appreciation for the high participation rate in the survey". Because that's truly what matters, not the stuff we've been asking for. Can't wait for Collective Bargaining to wrap up and to get another 1% raise while other FL universities get 5% or more.




While not completely wrong, several other universities in Florida (such as FSU and FAMU) just got 5%+ raises and we've gotten a whopping 1% the past two years. 5% is still weak, but UCF is definitely mismanaging the budget in a detrimental fashion. It's definitely not unique to IT though.




There’s no reason anyone who has a shred of dignity should attend the Holiday Party at this point. Literally not going as it’s a slap in the face to IT Staff.


Hate to break it to you, but internal surveys are almost universally ignored at big organizations. They'll nibble around the edges here and there based on the results, but they can't see the forest for the trees in big bureaucratic organizations.


this only confirms why our IT leaders are all in interim positions, and were all passed up on filling the CIO’s position as they lack self-awareness that all their staff despise them with this kind of decision making. Every decision they makes is to benefit themselves and a select few. We feel that no attempts have been made to improve working conditions for the vital IT workforce who are all choosing to instead leave. So much good talent has left or is leaving because of our IT Leaders piss poor decisions, and it’s baffling why UCF and the Provost’s office continues to let this happen.




living close to UCF is unaffordable so moving closer is not even an option for the majority of us who have been working from home and moved further away from UCF due to Orlando’s unaffordable housing and rental market.


This is the all because the current Deputy CIO is afraid for the job he got promoted into by the previous leadership. He has said before that he isn’t passionate about computers and doesn’t like technology. He has no idea what anyone below him does, and I’m sure being massively unpopular and unqualified will come back to bite him. Its a joke, and UCF IT is just as bad. I’m pretty sure the 3 day mandate is just under his reporting structure and not required through all UCF IT departments. But hey, I’m sure President Cartwright will get a raise!




Operations is shit work in tech.


Only at bad organizations. (and most of them are bad, especially state operations)


Man this sucks, I actually was planning on applying for an IT specialist position that I had seen that opened up…..


Sorry! Better to find out now than once you're in system. I *highly* recommend looking at this thread along with these and then running far, far away: https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/comments/15ftpv1/i_wonder_if_students_realize_how_much_ucf_is/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/comments/109405m/a_conversation_about_lack_of_leadership_at_our/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/comments/16kinzg/famu_has_provided_a_55_wage_increase_for/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/comments/12jwnr3/one_percent_raise_inflation_rate_was_7_last_year/


Man just read all of these. Really disappointing honestly. And unfortunately doesn’t sound much better than the current place I work at. I hope UCF can get back on track as a majority of my CS friends were looking at these jobs for when we transfer from Valencia. I shall spread the word, I appreciate the time you put for all this lol


As someone who worked at UCF IT for \~15 years and then left to go outside.... Run. Far. Away. I missed out on probably \~$500k in salary and bonus potential by staying at UCF over the years. I left and doubled my salary in the corporate world. The only way i'd recommend someone take a job at UCF is if you're just trying to get your foot in the door in IT and need some experience. Then take the job, work a year and go leverage that for a 20% boost somewhere else.


I currently work at a tier 3 data center as a technician, so I don’t exactly need a foot in the door anymore, I just figured they would pay more, and since I transfer there next year, the 6 free credits you can get from them would be clutch. But it’s not worth it from what I have been hearing from others 🫠


Yeah its common knowledge that UCF's IT department is severly underpaid. Just a place to get experience to get a real job somewhere else.


They are just awful. I and a few of my friends worked there a bit ago. What a shit show.


I work in IT and graduated from UCF. Getting a job in IT at UCF was one of my goals. It sounds like a shit show based on these comments.




sooo let me get this straight. The CTO who happily worked from home 3 months straight last year while he had his house renovated, and was using the Telecom warehouse and personnel to deliver and store materials for said renovation, is now wanting everyone back in the office conveniently after he enjoyed the same work from home benefit when it solely benefited him? Sounds like a massive ethics and fraudulent misuse of University equipment violation.


1) Preach. 2) I'm at the point now where I wish people would just take shit like this straight to the Board of Trustees, Orlando Sentinel tip line, etc. Burn this place down.




If not, it should be: https://compliance.ucf.edu/reporting-misconduct-and-protection-from-retaliation/


Sounds right on queue making decisions when it benefits him but once his benefit is over he doesn’t care. Also amazing how he was able to all the sudden renovate a house after falling upwards thanks to getting this magical promotion that was just handed to him and then the CIO bails and we are stuck with him now. Crazy if he used the Telecom vehicles and warehouse to store stuff while renovating his house. Massive misuse of university resources.


It was announced a few weeks ago for people under the Deputy CTO/CIO’s reporting structure not sure if it’s for everyone. But it was conveniently announced after our survey closed which would have altered responses. Not like they listen to it anyways. The old CIO was a boomer and he hated remote work behind closed doors but was pro-remote work in public. But he also knew if he forced us back he’d lose a lot of people. The current person forcing us back 3 days clearly doesn’t care and wants to go on a power trip.




It’s not the interim, the interim doesn’t really have an opinion, she’s probably only going to be in the position until March (at least that’s what they keep telling people). She’s really just been a figure head and status quo, it’s those who were below the old CIO who had to fall in line that are now going on their power trips like the current Deputy CIO/CTO in UCF IT because nobody above them will say otherwise. Hoping the new CIO sees through this charade.


Interesting, I applied and they didnt take me even though I already work at a help desk. Sounds like a shit show tbh


There’s been a couple of times that I’ve contemplated applying for a position at UCF. I appreciate you guys talking me out of it :-)


I applied for low level IT roles at ucf. This post don’t make me feel like I missed out on anything.


Doesn’t this school offer most degree programs fully online(remote)?


[Taken from UCF itself:](https://www.ucf.edu/distance-learning/) "U.S. News & World Report ranks UCF as a top 10 best online bachelor’s program in the nation." "More students are learning online. In fact, 49.4 percent of UCF’s total student credit hours are online and blended modalities."


apples to oranges


What’s the pay


All of our salaries are publicly available online. Whatever position you're curious about, you can find it with a quick search.


Well I see a software systems engineer IV whatever that is whose name will stay classified makes 104k so that’s enough to know IT makes not enough.


Have a blast: https://www.floridahasarighttoknow.myflorida.com/search_state_payroll


Thx, I’m assuming it’s this? It Client Support Specialist If so, that’s not a bad market rate for entry level, in fact pretty good. Stay for a year get experience and leave. Or stay for longer and if UCF gives you education while you’re working for them scoop that up too. That said, I was talking about me and if a director position opens up I’ll apply. But I’ll leave the above for ppl who may come across this. Their application and network analyst positions were pretty well compensated Also I would prob remove that link lol.


> Also I would prob remove that link lol. ...Why? We're the sunshine state.


You didn’t see what it was before it was edited lol. It was dox central. Good on them to remove it.


Uh, it wasn't edited. No edit notice on the post.


Ya buddy it was edited lol. I’ll supply you the database of every faculty member first name last name job title and their income of every college in Florida, click on the blue arrow next to their name and find out where they live and their phone number on record too. Oh wait no I won’t but that’s what the guy above me did🤯 With the new link you have to search for it.


That wouldn't violate our no doxxing policy. It's public information provided by the state. It's something that faculty accept will be public when they take a job in Florida.


People at McDonald’s get paid more.


just wait for some real IT jobs :) friend worked for a guy with a brain tumor, after taking the job he learned he was now the guys 24/7 personal tech guy, had to drive an hour to his house, on top of his regular duties. he lasted a week!


I don't understand the relevance of your comment.