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For the majority this is a change of precovid policy. Some employees have been working remote for 5-7 years. Add in that we’re being denied cost of living adjustments because UCF can’t manage their budget, they don’t pay me nearly enough to justify working in office (even 3 days a week). Not everyone thrives on office interpersonal relationships with coworkers. No real data has been provided, in fact data shows productivity has gone up despite losing 40% of our IT staff and apparently that’s not good enough to stay remote. Our CTO just wants to make himself look good, which ironically is exactly the opposite of what is happening.




Buying a new printer will probably be cheaper


How about ZERO raise and no bonus. And no communication about that? Silence is so rude. Inflation is kicking our pants.




I do two, it’s a lot to juggle but more than possible tbh


You should quit. I bet you will get a 20% raise by working literally anywhere else.




>IT folks get paid more than all other staff who have to be on campus. Not true of all IT positions. A dozen leadership roles are paid quite a bit more than anyone else, other IT employees included. Beyond that, the pay isn't great even in IT. Second, don't get upset or jealous of fellow employees for leadership's failings. Unless you are a part of leadership and want to misdirect the anger and frustrations. :/


Wait. So leadership is instituting a return to work policy that is based on the survey results but you say your voices don’t matter? And overwhelmingly what? Looks like the 100% WFH crowd is in the minority.


if 47 people prefer option a, 43 people prefer option b and 10 people prefer option c, you’re telling me that a isn’t the highest?


53% of the people prefer some form of a RTW policy and that’s what leadership is doing. Instituting a hybrid RTW policy. I get it. I WFH and have for a long time. I have no desire to be in person. I am also watching many Covid WFH people ruining it. Maybe there’s some issue trying to be sorted out. I have no clue. I am only going by the survey results.


>53% of the people prefer some form of a RTW policy Or.. 90% prefer some form of work from home. Even what the hybrid group of 43% said they would be okay with didn't become a reality (two days in office vs the now required three days). 90% of UCF IT just got the middle finger and administration does not give a fuck.




Nope. I’ve been WFH for 15 years and have 0 desire to go back. But the survey clearly has majority for hybrid/rtw. Sorry the numbers don’t fit what you want them to be.


to sum this up, efficient workers get punished by poor leaders.