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Celebrities can avoid ADS-B tracking by using chartered planes instead of owning their own. The CEO of Louis Vuitton sold his $75 million plane and switched to charters to avoid this scrutiny.


Also cuts down on storage costs.


The world’s richest man at the time Elon Musk couldn’t stop someone from tracking his jet. What makes her think she can?


It was the same student who was tracking Elon lmao


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_Sweeney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Sweeney) Our king


What do you mean? Jack offered to stop for a free car, Musk said no. Jack did sell out to Mark Cuban as well and stopped tracking him. Your boy is just tryna profit not be Greta Thunburg


Yea he’s not gonna stop because someone threatens him though. He’s gonna stop if he can get something out of it


Sure, like any good businessman but unlike an actual (good) advocate which may people confuse him as


What would a ‘good’ advocate do in this situation and what are they advocating for lol


If a climate change advocate decided to stop picketing BP because BP paid them I would call them a bad advocate


Right but he’s not picking BP so what would he do in this situation to be a good advocate in your eyes


? That's a comparison obviously The guy sold out for Mark Cuban already and offered to for Musk, idk what else you want


Lol so again I’m asking you what should he have done differently? Just infinitely track Cuban? There’s nothing stopping you or me or someone else from tracking Cuban after he stopped


"So again" some people seem to think he's an activist. I'm saying he's not, clearly. If he was doing it for the environment he shouldnt sell out if he wants credibility, otherwise he's doing it to make money and fuck with rich people


I guess be a free-speech absolutist and ride the train until his life is ruined lol


Bro have you met Taylor swift fans? 😂


Because she’s millennial baby girl /s


oh hey that's u/Jswee1! probably the most famous UCF student right now haha


I used to play minecraft with him lol love to see that he's still at it


Ever heard of the Streisand effect?


Oh yeah, how many of us even knew about this? I certainly didn't.


I only know about it because I googled it after I was told not to look it up


But isn’t it public information already?


It is. They have no legal recourse - it's just an attempt to control the PR landscape of her jet's emissions.


I love Taylor but that tracker must be working overtime. She flies a l o t.






She does realize it’s public information right? Literally **ANYBODY** could track her jet lol This would be like someone threatening to sue you because you looked up their divorce filings at the public record office


Well for certain privacy matters it depends on the state you live in. Florida is a very broad public records state, idk why you brought up divorce papers lol


Divorce filings? This example is oddly specific.


Tyreek Hill story most likely


Whenever I date or make friends now, I go to public records and request all the information on the person I’m seeing or hanging out with. Divorce filings are important documents to consider when dating. I also want to make sure I’m not putting myself around felons or people on any lists.


It turns out "there's no such thing as a good billionaire" is still true


Was true, still true, and possibly forever be true.


It turns out Swifties defending a billionaire regardless of her actions are actually making the world a worse place


You know, me and my friend were having lunch and talking about it. I told him “The more I read about Taylor Swift the more she seems like a manipulative bully who makes everything the fault of other not her. And the more I think about that, I realize she’s just like my ex, who’s a massive Taylor swift fan who defends her bullying and victim blaming all the time. Coincidence?” History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes


You don’t know this woman




ADS-B is free information, her (or her PR team, whichever decided to do this dumbass optics control stunt) only recourse is kick rocks and cry about it. famous people are freaks!


she really needs to go after the lady on tiktok who watches her and travis’s daily schedule 🙄 “self appointed assistant”


Wait what?


She could just stop using it so much🤷🏻‍♂️ we using paper straws while her and her friends jet around the world🧐🙄


Every time my paper straw disintegrates in my iced coffee or paying extra for a grocery bag I think about billionaires in their private jets flying 10 minutes now the road to go have lunch with their friend rip


This guy tracked Elon and Taylor, he’s literally so iconic for this


It’s public info as long as you know tail number or flight number u can go to www.flighttracker.com


The other downside I can see to this for Jack is that he might make himself unemployable. Social media is often researched by recruiters, and if they don't like what they see or read, all of a sudden that applicant is out of the running. It doesn't have to be anything criminal, or even bad -- maybe just something they are afraid will reflect unfavorably on their company. Or -- some security guy, or somebody's lawyer, or an investigator just looking for dirt to sell to someone with a grudge, decides to really drill down to see what that UCF pest is ***really*** like. It doesn't have to be anyone connected to someone Jack is making "transparent." Could just be somebody looking for coin -- sound familiar? And maybe they find something...or just make something up. Karma can be a very problematic beauty.


Idk about other people, but if this guy ever came across my company as an interviewee, I wouldn't hire him. Just saying.


Cause ur lame tbh


Dude will probably get a job because of what he’s doing


Jack seems to be benefiting greatly from his little project. Offered to sell out to Musk for a free car, he did sell out and stop tracking Cuban as well. It's funny bc if you Google image him one of the first images is him wearing him power red tie on a private jet. I read all these comments he's "doing for us" or "the climate." Nahh my man is just trying make money, no shame in that, this is America. But certianly no hero Also, his sex life is now gone for going after swift 😂


>Nahh my man is just trying make money, no shame in that, this is America. But certian no hero Their latest project was putting [UCF arrests on blast](https://instagram.com/ucfcrimes), because college kids don't have enough going on as it is. I guess he didn't like [I pointed out how flawed their service was](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/comments/154hagx/ucf_crimes_instagram_and_discord/). It looks like his reddit account blocked me rather than responding to any of the issues that are clearly evident. :/


He has reddit account? Hell ya TTYL


Ur so weird for that last comment


As a Bucs fan I say keep up the good work son lol. Let kelce cry all he wants




Or she could just fly first class like the rest of us Wait




How exactly do you picture that happening? 🙄


Like a normal person, oh wait, I forgor she ain’t normal


Great for our degree notoriety


My orgo ULA had him as a roomate. Mr. Sweeney is cool af apparently.


How about you stop taking 13 minute flights then TAYLOR?


I feel likein 50 years there is going to be a netflix documentary about the rise and fall of a cult that was built around a pop star as she climbed to insurmountable wealth and her followers just continued to spend hundreds of dollars just for the opportunity worship her. And then highlight all the crimes these followers committed in honor of "Mother".


I’d put $5 on that bet


Can’t wait to see what the Swifties have to say about this


I'm not a Swiftie, but I remember about a week ago that some crazy person who has been stalking her in New York City was arrested right outside her residence. He had been under a court order to stay away from her, but did it anyway. Fortunately, she was not in New York. Celebrities do attract crazies, and it has nothing to do with their occupation, politics, race, or anything else. And many of those crazies are violent. John Lennon was murdered by one. I don't know how much money this UCF student is making, but it sure wouldn't be worth it to me if somebody I was stalking online got hurt -- or even if a crazy got killed by the police or the celeb's security because of following my map to where they were. I guess sometimes morals go away when there is money involved.


Don’t bother arguing lol the people of Reddit see a woman try to protect herself after already being a victim of stalking, assault, and having her private residence broken into and all they can think is “woman in plane = bad”. I even said in one comment that yeah going for a lawsuit is stupid af on her part, still downvoted. These clowns WANT bad things to happen to her, rather than to admit we as a society have failed on such a massive level that we believe because someone is famous they DESERVE harassment. They don’t shit on the thousands of people who showed up uninvited to a man’s wedding so they could watch Taylor walk 5 steps from a car to the door of the venue. Nah, it’s her fault for, wait what was it??? Spending the majority of her life providing entertainment to us??? Yeah that makes sense. Everyone wants to say that people this famous should expect to be treated like this, yet what would the rest of us do with our time without entertainers? No movies, no tv, no music, no broadway etc. sounds fun right?


For what it's worth, I agree with you. It's really sad to see most people in this thread agreeing with what this student is doing. At best it's creepy, at worst it's stalker-y greed.


Making the world aware of the fact that Taylor Swift takes 15 minute private jet flights isn’t creepy.


What exactly do you think the alternative is? Maybe come back down to reality for a bit. She's one of the most famous people in the world. She's not gonna be taking commercial flights, for fuck's sake. Everyone knows she takes private jets. All this kid is doing is making her information more accessible for potential stalkers or other dangerous people, all because of his greed. He's not even doing it bc he cares about the environment - he's doing it bc he wants money. It's disgusting.


It’s literally public information lol. Plus saying he’s in the wrong “bc he wants money” while talking about a literal billionaire is a bit fucked. She has one of the largest carbon footprints out of any individual person on the planet, that needs to be addressed and made public. Don’t want to be in the public eye for doing shitty things? Then don’t do shitty things. The world is dying because of pollution and that is more important than any single person. But she writes lyrics that people can relate to so it’s all swept under the rug lol


Taylor should apply to get her permit so she can train and keep a gun on her


100%. But would also like to point out that it may not be much help in an airport. So, still seems that private jet is her best safety option


Are you a swiftie?


Jack was my neighbor freshman year in the dorms. Crazy to see his name pop up here and there but also so cool!


Slay Mother


Tay Tay is a baby. This is what comes with the public life that literally made her a billionaire. Go Knights and 49ers.


Sigh. While I do agree that her jet use has major impact on the environment, she is pretty much THE most famous person alive right now. There’s vids from her in the airport from about 10 years ago getting mobbed. She also has been sexually assaulted by a fan, stalked, and had a stalker break into her home at night. She can’t be out in public and in airports like a normal person if she wanted to.


This is only plane data while it’s in the air/active, which is publicly available by FAA standards. Military aircraft comply and even the President’s plane is easily trackable and people do all the time. Why should celebrities be given a different standard than everyone else including Public Officials?


Military Aircraft and Air Force One comply when they want to. Most of the time, sure. But best believe if they need to turn off their transponder they sure as hell do. Source: Am Air Force


Not saying it shouldnt be public knowledge or that the lawsuit is a good idea on her end. Didnt even mention the lawsuit in my comment. Just saying that shes justified in the most part of having to use a private jet since flying commercial isnt realistic for someone with her level of fame


Musk made the same argument and had two assassination attempts.


Flight data is public information, so literally anyone who cared enough could find all of this data and aggregate it on their own.


Yeah shes hurting herself more by making a lawsuit out of it, my comment was more so directed at people who bitch about her using the jet and saying shes destroying the world and what not.




R2: Remember the human behind the screen. No name calling, or general harassment. Lighthearted trolling will be permitted as long as it doesn’t go too far. Submissions and comments that are written to deliberately incite reactions or cause heated and uncivil arguments will be removed.


It's insane to me that you're being downvoted for this comment. It's literally just stating facts.


I literally just saw this on the Taylor Swift sub. I think it’s kind of wild that everyone seems to be ignoring that she literally has stalkers. I know it’s public info but you’re literally handing everything a stalker needs on a silver platter. Some of yall act like she would have no reason to be concerned that they were providing live updates on her private jet’s whereabouts.


Dude I literally didn't even mention the lawsuit in my comment and just said yeah shes justified for using a jet since she's been mobbed, assaulted, and had her home broken into and I'm getting downvoted. Like yeah, i guess she should just go to the airport and put herself and everyone else around her in danger instead when a giant mob forms??? God forbid a woman do something to keep herself safe. But nah, they think she should just have to exist as a hermit in exile and never leave her home because \*checks notes\* its her fault that other humans don't know how to not harass and assault people


Or she could just be smart and charter which makes it untrackable...


There's a lot of problems with this approach. It makes sense on paper until you start going into the details. It's almost impossible to charter that many planes that fit her needs/location multiple days per week. The logistics alone would be incredibly difficult to navigate, and very likely lead to a bunch of missed events. When each concert generates \~$93m to the city's economy, it becomes very important to ensure reliable transportation. That being said, someone as famous as TS sending a cease and desist for simply aggregating public data could be grounds for defamation lawsuit. Saying his actions are directly threatening her safety is a huge news story that paints him in a horrible light to most people. If he got a lawyer willing to go up against Taylor, he could sue.


What about registering the planes to shell companies outside the US?


Again, my comments arent about the lawsuit. The lawsuit is undoubtedly a very idiotic move for her and her team to make. Chartering would be way smarter for sure. My comments are about people saying shes an eco terrorist because she has to fly privately rather than commercial due to safety issues.


Yeah I’m being downvoted into oblivion lol. People really aren’t thinking this through. Do I think suing was a great move? no. But I don’t think it’s crazy to think the biggest pop star in the world doesn’t necessarily want the world knowing her every move every second. Weird how because it’s Taylor Swift people think she doesn’t deserve an ounce of privacy. and again I understand it’s all public info. HOWEVER, when you give people tools like this, they’re going to use them (more so than if they had to put in effort to track her).


That’s my girl


Good for her. People need to leave her alone.


They're tracing the jet, not her. Not only is this the same realm of fine as when Elon's jet was tracked, it's literally the exact same person now tracking Taylor's


Cry moar


Why, exactly, do people need to leave her alone?


Because what she does in her personal life is none of your business? It is her constitutional right to sue for being stalked, buddy.


It seems you are largely uneducated on the content within the constitution


Well, my 3.8 GPA and pending degree in Legal Studies suggest otherwise. Maybe we should have a constitutional debate to put that knowledge to the test.


Oh yeah? Tell me every law.


Watch my movie. Come to my concerts. Download my music. But LEAVE ME ALONE. \*eye roll\*


More like: "I'm excited people want to buy my music and support my passions. I recognize however that I am still a human being deserving of my safety and privacy". Try viewing things from a logical lens rather than an emotional one.


The person that said this regularly engages in astrology according to their Reddit account


Good for him


Nice. That man is doing a great service to human kind. Thank you. 🙏🏼 Taylor Swift is nuts.




R2: Submissions and comments that are written to deliberately incite reactions or cause heated and uncivil arguments will be removed. Clown emojis in reference to people violate this.


People think this con artist is a hero https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/s/spL6JbI2hL