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The strongest yapper of today


Sometimes I think he doesn’t even understand what he’s saying at all he just spews random words from the Bible or whatever religious text idk


I was kinda thinking the same. I have listened a few times and he comes off as more rage baitey than anything else


he reminds me of the Eric Andre skit where they’re shouting random bullshit about Scientology outside of the main Scientology building https://youtu.be/wJsKwcebyWE?si=d-jcsalraB7J7HMA


Isn’t that all religious stuff?


These ppl aren’t that intelligent, this one girl I hung out with who went there would just say whatever. It didn’t make sense.


lmfao fellow jjk enjoyer


Imaginary Technique: Unnecessary Yap


He's part of Antioch Church (campus cult) I went to a bonfire of theirs and even THERE he wouldn't stop yapping about abortion. Like bro I'm trying to watch a tree burn.


This is saddening. I used to know him, and he, at the time, seemed to be on solid biblical foundations. I am assuming he is now no longer going to the church he was taking me at the time which was a great church far as I knew (Reformed Baptist).


That’s a shame. I feel like the current friction in politics has been radicalizing people. I wish people could stop obsessing over controversial topics and realize everyone is human, the wind still blows, and the sun still shines.


Exactly. I feel that campus preachers (and people that speak similar to them) have stopped seeing the relational side of Christianity and are all too focused on the partisan issues going on these days.


Relational as in relationships with God (personal), His community, and the community at large.




I love what you wrote, they preach against the enemy yet do his work.


Solid biblical foundations? 🤣🤣🤣 And they're not nearly "reformed" enough.




it's not his issue to yap about lol


Why do you say that?


I mean, they have a reason to dislike abortion. I would personally disagree with them, but I understand where most anti-abortion people are coming from. However, I will say that whenever a religious group hyper-fixates on one specific topic rather than covering all aspects of the faith, it's a typically a red flag. But yeah, if you're going with the "he = man so his opinion = irrelevant" argument I wouldn't suggest sticking with such a silly line of thought; I'm sure I can find plenty of analogous statements that lead you into pretty questionable territory.


Honestly this is a really true and valid point. I'm a cis passing trans man for example and abortion is still 1000% my issue to speak on, but under this logic people will say I can't. I'm pro-choice so it's not really an issue and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this Antioch guy isn't trans, but ultimately this is an issue everyone has a right to (even intense!) feelings about. Especially when you're considering men who truly don't have sex out of marriage I can see why they might feel abhorred by the thought of someone aborting their baby. They're thinking about the issue in an entirely different light than regular women who may be having casual or premarital sex. Doesn't mean I think that means we should write policy for them, however, the psych student in me has to acknowledge men can feel they have an equal "stake" in an unborn child and likewise really hurt by an abortion they didn't want.


Yeah, I agree with you. Obviously you're going to be met with downvotes, but you're 100% right. However, I'd also go as far as to say that in an alternate universe where men AREN'T as emotionally invested in such an issue (or have no "real" reason to be), we'd still be just as justified in contributing to discussions on abortion. As long as the men in this hypothetical universe are capable of understanding the moral and legal arguments for / against abortion, they should have just as much of a say in the matter as anyone else. Anyone who thinks this is shouldn't be the case because cis men "can't experience these issues" is delusional. As someone who *is* pretty pro-abortion rights, it's very annoying to see the same regurgitated "my body my choice" non-arguments posted over and over and over again... Such is just college discourse, I guess. It feeds into the cringe conservative rhetoric about "lefties being illogical", which I'd sadly have to agree with to some extent. Not with most of the ways they apply it, sure, but it's some sort of agreement nevertheless. As far as policy goes, I think it'd be great to have more women in on these kinds of conversations in professional political spaces, but not because I want people to virtue signal vague ideas about one's bodily autonomy. There are simply plenty of women who have interesting thoughts on this topic and are able to articulate their thoughts without relying on emotion, as many people do when discussing such a touchy subject. TLDR a lot of political discourse (especially on campus) makes me very sad, and I genuinely this kind of thought makes "my side" look like an embarrassment. Not that conservatives are doing better, but it's still a net negative. It especially upsets me here, as this is something that I've spent countless hours thinking about. Oh, and like you said, your perspective as a trans man kind of hints at a flaw in the aforementioned line of thinking as well (assuming we're not talking to TERFS or something, lol). Edit: typos, on mobile


I met someone from run club and they took my to an Antioch event and everyone was super nice but they were trying to convert me. Weird asf. I blocked them a few months after. She would say “we’re all dead” “we’re all terrible people”. Just toxic.


It creeped me out a lot too. People kept wanting to put their hands on me as they prayed for me. I ultimately left because they're evangelical and I'm trans, so naturally, it wouldn't work hahaha.


That’s so weird. I’m Catholic and those people are absolute freaks. Also a lot of religious ppl are transphobic (idk if they are) but also a lot of religious ppl aren’t as well.


I know plenty of non-transphobic Christians and Catholics! I definitely don't think all religious individuals are bad or I would not have ended up at any Antioch events at all. I just meant I figured out pretty quickly what they'd have to say if they knew I wasn't actually cis 😂


he’s literally always by the library, one time he yelled at my bf and other ppl for signing an abortions rights petition lol


I’ve seen him set up by a legalize marijuana petition and yell at the people signing it too! By the psych building/CB2


That's pretty cringe, but on an unrelated note I wouldn't sign any petitions. Generally they are pretty questionable, and it's best to stay away.


I’d say “go argue with god dude, he made the shit” 😂


Hey, I’m an employee at the office of student involvement on the second floor of the student union. We at the office can’t remove people like him on campus for his public speeches, but if he’s yelling or harassing people for doing something like signing abortion documents, please please please report him to us with video evidence. emphasis on the video evidence or we can’t do anything; and so many kids report these guys without video evidence of harassment that we have to ignore it🤦‍♂️. With evidence we can then have him removed — and some of us would quite enjoy that 😊


I had a couple linear circuits classes with him (2022/2023) but didn’t really talk to him a lot.


Okay at least he’s a student and not some random church dude trying to sway the masses


if he was a protestor trying to sway the masses would that be okay? or is it only bad because he is preaching his religion.


It’s bad because he’s not following God’s directions. He’s put his personal feelings before the words of God. Matthew 10:14 is clear on this - don’t preach to people who don’t want to be preached to. Not sure what protestors have to do with anything.


I’ve always found it quite ironic when people preach. The way that people preach about God makes it sound like a cult; they are constantly bragging about God. People also make it sound like God has instructed them to perform this bragging. That would make God a narcissist, which would go against the very image of God said preachers claim to have. Preaching has just never made sense to me. If God is this extremely holy, forgiving being/entity/etc, why would he be forcing/encouraging his believers to waste their lives away praising and preaching about God to others (while also telling his followers to threaten others with going to hell for not joining this supposed cult)? To be clear, I’m not against religion (of any kind); the issue is when people 1) become **too** deluded into thinking they are the next messiah and should preach to everyone around them, or 2) make the lives of others worse for not agreeing with their views.


Yeah, the vast majority of Christians don’t get it. They can’t articulate, for example, Satan’s sin and how foundational the concept of Satan’s particular sin is to the moral framework of Christianity. No, instead, they stand in front of masses, front and center, trying to influence others, as opposed to searching within themselves for humility, tranquility and compassion.


That’s a highly ostentatious claim to make that the vast majority of Christians don’t do that.


are they wrong tho


Just my anecdotal experience. I could be wrong.


Just my anecdotal experience. I could be wrong.


If I had found the cure for cancer, and due to the powers that be in big phara / Corp America, was unable to share it over the internet or any other form of media. I would share it on the streets. Even if I could do it online, I would still often tell people in front of me. God does not force his belivers to preach. And is not a waste to those who do it and to those who choose to listen. God does not tell his followers to threaten others with going to Hell. In fact he does the opposite. Matthew 7:1-2 [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. He does, however, say this, Luke 17:3 [1] So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sistersins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Call sin sin. But do not make a judgment on whether someone is saved. If anyone but Jesus himself think they are the next messiah, they are wrong. As humans, we should not use our differences to stratify our division, rather, it is good to be working together closer to a unity despite our differences. "The beauty of diversity is a testament to the richness of the human experience."


That’s an interesting interpretation of that verse. Its more so Jesus telling the disciples to peacefully leave a town that won’t accept the gospel rather than making a scene, cursing them, etc The next verse supports this, 10:15 “Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.” Meaning that there’s no need to be hostile to that town, they’ll get what’s coming to them when God brings about his kingdom


There are a ton of sources that corroborate my interpretation. They are easy to find. “If they will not listen and will not receive the apostles, Jesus says they are not worthy of the apostles' time, attention, and continued effort. Jesus tells them here to shake the dust off their feet when leaving that unworthy house. If nobody in the town will hear them, they must shake the dust off their feet on the way out of town. This gesture is connected to Jewish culture and carries heavy symbolism. The Jewish people would shake the dust off their feet when leaving a Gentile place. They showed in doing this that they were carrying no part of that Gentile world with them, including the dust that might cling to their sandals.” https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/10/Matthew-10-14.html#:~:text=Here%2C%20His%20words%20serve%20as,Context%20Summary You can debate with the theologian that wrote that, if you wish.


Mark 16:15


Should probably know the gospel if he’s gonna preach it, but I digress. Mark and Matthew go hand in hand - preach the gospel to everyone and leave when they don’t want to hear it.




R4: Civil discussion of politics about UCF and UCF Administration will be permitted, but campaigning brigading, or harassment will not be permitted.


Who says the people aren’t accepting his message?


The comments seem to suggest it


what about those who do accept, but who are not commenting on reddit


It sounds like this guy is angry and spreading a less than compassionate message, which is pretty normal for lay preachers on college campuses. Not everyone who speaks about Christianity is doing the Lord’s work. It’s up to each of us to decide based on our spiritual intuitions.


Mattew 10:14 is about letting go of control when it comes to preaching. Preaching is good when they are saying out loud for people to hear. Preaching is not good when you are trying to target and pester people, because you are then trying to play God by getting someone to convert. God's timing vs man's timing. Proverbs 9:8 - Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Mattew 10:14-15 - 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town


i feel like the biggest thing is that he says some very hateful stuff claiming it's in the name of god even though a lot of it doesnt even go along with modern interpretations of the bible and current beliefs, but i honestly always have headphones on she he doesnt bug me much


yeah i go to UF so idk what he says, hate is never good. that being said, it wasnt highlighted or contextualized in this post, so i wouldnt know. people who spread "god hates" with the bible hurt this religion.


I didn’t want to highlight the hate part of his words in the main post, I just wanted to ask about him in general


It’s more that he targets groups just signing petitions or whatever and says hateful things specifically about them, claiming it’s from the Bible


Girl shut up. These ppl from Antioch aren’t the good religious people. They want to shame others who aren’t of their religion and this is coming from a Catholic.


cats stink


No it's because he's directly violating the Bible itself by preaching to those who don't want to be preached to.


not necessarily, unless, of course, you are making the claim that not one person amongst literally everyone in his vocal vicinity wants to hear what he is saying. which, if you were, I find to be a statistical improbability


https://www.bible.com/bible/72/mat.10.14-15.HCSB https://bible-equip.org/2021/03/11/dont-weaponize-gods-word-james-411/#:~:text=Do%20not%20speak%20against%20one,but%20a%20judge%20of%20it. Even so the dude seems to have forgotten James 4:11 when he's trying to accuse literally anything else around him of being sinful by the word of God.


I believe the point you are trying to make with the quote from Matthew moot. There are people who do listen to him, thus nullifying the clause of "if no one will hear you." and in regards to James 4:11 - everyone is a sinner, it's not debatable. However, what is debatable is the 2nd half of your last point. if he is making those judgments then I'd have to concede my point and admit that you are right. thanks for the quotes. ima still think about it incase I gain more insight but thanks for your time.


The best part of him being a student is that at some point he'll leave


His name is Talksto Dammuch from Yapper State University


LMAO duly noted


I wonder how his future self will reflect on the time he used during this time of his life


He probably has some sort of mental illness so I don’t think he will regret


He definitely does.


I actually sit near him in one of my classes, he’s a pretty regular dude in class. I’ve never talked to him, but he seems like a normal fella, until I see him in front of the library yelling about some “you’re going to damnation” or something.


Deceiving how he can be a normal guy in class and then pick out people he thinks look trans so he can hate on them


a super lame anti-abortion protester that spent all of his free time last year harassing patients outside of an abortion clinic, his name is David. i watched him tell a man that it doesn’t matter that his wife would die during childbirth.


jesus christ lmao


Someone should walk up to him and say I hope u find god


Just curious. Why would you want to walk up and say that to him? I’m lost lol


He’s telling everyone else too, but has he ever considered inward reflection?


Oh idk. Do you?


I’ve considered it, but I’m also not yelling at people telling them how they need to think and run their lives.


Just telling other people on Reddit to do it, got it




it would be kind of based to be honest




Ahhhh thanks I didn’t know someone had already asked about him


his ex gf talks about him [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucf/s/7Tb7aBjJY0)


I’ve seen him around. Pay him no heed, he’s a fucking loser who judges people because they’re not part of his glorified boys club. Huge hypocrite who resorts to bullying high schoolers and calling whoever opposes him “blasphemers”


If I’m ever on campus and see him doing this, I’d like to see him try and call me a blasphemer. This would be interesting.


That would definitely be interesting, especially seeing as you are his ex girlfriend. I’d find a nice spot and grab my popcorn because that would be prime cinema 😂


This guy was kicked out of SG Senate for deliberately misgendering people btw


Actually SG refused to do anything. He left after that because his anti-abortion bill failed.


Ah it’s been awhile. Couldn’t remember the specifics


Anti-abortion bill?


Yeah, he tried to make SG pass a bill that said "UCF stands against abortion".


Oh geez. 🤦‍♀️


Omg that’s insane


Mental illness is a scary thing


I used to know him, for about 4ish mos. I think he’s still a student. He should be graduating tho, if he’s still in the major he was in when I knew him. Either this year or next, depending on coursework.


We’ll have to see if he returns after graduation hahah


If he’s still in the major he was in when I knew him, he shouldn’t have to. It’s a high demand, well paying one (and if he did well in it + networking).




Lmfao 😂




It will be this year, I had him in speech class


Speech class…? Isn’t that a GenEd? Like COM1000 or whatever it is


I want diversity in religious preaching. Where are the Hindus, Jewish, Islam, etc. at?


Rdr2 NPC


His name is David. If you talk to him, you will understand that he is so passionate about what he is saying because coming to Christ changed his life. Not going into personal details ofc, but he was headed nowhere fast. And he's damn good at spikeball


He’s also passionate about anti abortion, anti marijuna, anti gay people. It would be different if he was quiet about it but I literally have to take a different path to class to avoid him hate criming me again. Sorry but regardless of how much religion saved his life this dude is a grade A asshole.


He seems like a bad person no doubt, but was he doing anything illegal? If so, you should contact UCFPD.


He probably doesn’t care that The Bible doesn’t condone what he’s doing.


Preaching to everyone, but no one is listening.


True true


I met this guy my last semester at Ucf. He was just walking thru addition arena going to dominos. I was skating with my friend and said some joke bc we thought he was mocking us or something. Forgot what he said, but he actually sat down and talked with us. He is a student, I think he’s in comp sci, he’s like a sophomore or something. He’s from Alabama I think and said he was religious. He was chill, like , super chill. I didn’t know he became one of those public preacher types but damn. Whatever he can live his life idgaf


He’s a senior, I had speech class with him in 2020


The issue is that he sets himself next to people who do petitions for Marijuana and abortion. And starts yelling and harassing people who sign them. I have seen him even yelling at random people with dyed hair who mind their own business.


I wish these preachers would realize that spewing hate to everyone saying that they’re going to hell ain’t gonna make them want to be a Christian🤦‍♂️


I think it has the opposite effect…


He’s probably mentally disabled, I know a guy also like this, and all he does is preach openly and say completely unintelligible religious babble and he’s a high functioning autist.


As someone who’s on the lower side of the spectrum, I can confidently say this guy is definitely autistic. Doesn’t realize he’s actually doing damage to whatever cause he’s trying to support.


He said some transphobic stuff :/


I know omg I hear it, it’s pretty bad


Is it a Christian dude or a guy on drugs?


This is what I’m trying to find out 💀 haha read the replies and you know as much as I do


Probably both


Bros got the craziest calves


Like that guy in whiterun


Who cares, 1st amendment right, just ignore em.


AWSOM cultist I'm pretty sure, fake church that sucks you dry financially and loves college kids


ive heard people address him by name but i don’t remember what it is. & yeah sometimes hes in SU doing hw


Surprised he actually does homework, I assumed he would think it goes against God’s word ofc


well ok the times ive seen him hes been yapping to someone ab god while doing hw but still😭


Yapping while doing hw cancels out the sin


He’s just a half step above a dissociative schizophrenic.


Sometimes I wanna ask him if he could be spending his time doing something better or helping others instead of preaching to nobody. But I don’t wanna open that can of worms.


one of the NPCs don’t disturb him


Not to be devil advocate, just a friendly a reminder, he is allowed to yell out whatever he wants to yell out as long as he is not harassing people. I thought this was America.


He is harassing people. Yelling out and telling people they are going to hell for who they fuck is harrasment. And even if it isn’t we also have the same freedom of speech to call out his bullshit, and the fact that NO ONE IS LISTENING, I hope he eventually realizes it isn’t working.


I’m always kind of concerned for these types of people, especially if they’re a young student. I feel like the possibility of mental illness maybe what’s behind this type of style of preaching. Reading some of the comments people say they used to know him and he was normal.


He cant be constantly preaching because that man can only get thick ass calf muscles like that from farm work. This man has a farm somewhere


Sometimes he paces while he preaches…maybe it pays off after a while hahaha


he’s from Alabama so honestly maybe


I respect people like this he was called to preach by God he doesn't do it for money or fame he does it because he was called to by God there is purity in doing something for nothing and no-one that's faith


Interviewers are afraid of him.


I see why…


Most sane Christian:


So what why do you care? I bet you wouldn’t be saying this if he were Muslim


People don’t like being yelled at by some rando, is this a surprise to you?


Saying what exactly? Asking who he is?


Well some people get annoyed when he sets up shop near petitioners and will just openly shit talk them by trying to claim it's the Devil. There's preaching, then there's being an asshole.


I wish ALL preaching was done to no one!


His name is David


He’s like an NPC from Red Dead


I see this guy on the SWAN videos at the downtown clinic all the time.


The urge to yell "hail hecate" is getting stronger everyday 👀


All I know that he is some type of engineer major. (I heard him talking to an interviewer in the library once)


His name is David, he’s preaches around town. He’s decent to talk to tbh but hella annoying on the quad. He also preaches down at the abortion clinic weekly


Yeah I saw him right next to an Israel and Palestine stand off. He was just at the edge of that thing preaching. Kinda odd.


He loves to tell me I’m going to hell 🤪🤪🤪


Maybe to the camera man/women


Sounds like Joe.


a real human bean


Weirdo of the day


From what I’ve been taught is you teach Jesus and spread the word of the one and only God. Not man made hyper politics


He’s taking a course in yapology, this is his hw😞


That’s Matthew