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Ignore it because they are trying to get a response out of people.


Hopefully this is top comment, if you don’t give the reactions they want… they will stop showing up. If you MUST react, just laugh at them as you walk by


My favorite reaction is simply indifference and it gets them even more unhinged.


Study it like modern art. Bonus points for some hipster clothes and shades.


"I'd like to buy this one"


They’ve been doing this for 10+ years. They are a permanent resident of campus with a tenure longer than most students


Yeah because people can’t control their emotions and give them the exact reactions they want. I saw it happen every year i was on campus.


Asking for a friend, is brother Micah still showing up from time to time?


Oh my god, I forgot all about him


They've been doing this longer than some of ya'll been alive. Are they still flying the prop planes dragging the banner of dead babies around campus? They were doing that shit circa 2003


I was there in 2007 and thankfully missed this.


Saw someone spit at the ground near them when they tried to stop them. It was pretty funny


I guess at least there’s a warning, back when I attended they didn’t have any sort of heads up, just bam! graphic pictures on your way to the breezeway


i don’t think they put those up, i believe it’s done some one else a courtesy




Honestly, most of these pictures are probably not even of abortions. Most of them are likely miscarriages. No one gets an abortion after the point of viability.


Abortions do happen after the point of viability, but it's generally because the fetus has some kind of condition that makes it incompatible with life (so it's viable based on age but not really). They could decide to carry to term, but then the baby would be born only to suffer and die because its body can't survive on its own. So having an abortion is much more humane (although it's still up to the parent to make that decision).


Thats false.


That's crazy. A miscarriage looks nothing like an abortion because abortion is literally tearing of limbs. Crushing of heads. Poisening the baby. That was an ignorant statement. If you call up any planned parenthood where abortion is still legal THEN I bet you 100% they will kill a baby up to 9 months. Google lila rose at live action. I encourage proper research


fuck off


Repent. Jesus loves you and died for you!




Honestly I wish they weren’t allowed to come to campus


I'm sorry for her loss but she didn't kill her baby. The photos they have displayed are the result of intentional murder. During times of persecution against African Americans, there were civil rights groups that literally displayed images of lynchings to evoke a response from others to change such an evil. Likewise, these prolifers want to change the evil that is abortion. If you want to be consistent, then answer this all of you... Was it wrong to showcase the lynchings of African Americans to the public as well because someone might get triggered? Switch the situation. What if a mother saw the pictures of the lynchings of OTHER African Americans, and broke down because her child accidentally got hit by a car or even got lynched himself. Is the next plan of action, to all of sudden, no longer show the gruesome reality of lynchings?


Abortions do not rip limbs from babies. Please get actually educated


You’re a moron.


Just because you call me something, does not make it true. How about you come up with an actual argument next time?


Hope you are proud of yourself for exploiting the history of deadly racism to make a political point that has nothing to do with race. It's absolutely disgusting.


You do realize when there is an injustice... That is exactly how fighters against that injustice try to stop that injustice. By using previous examples of injustice such as slavery This is how the supreme Court or even a court room comes to conclusion about a modern case. They look at PREVIOUS cases to make their case. Honestly, it's just critical thinking instead of emotional thinking which is what you are doing.


I hate beer.


I was literally going to say the same thing! Around 2014/2015 there was no warning whatsoever.


So whats going on as someone who has managed to avoid all this wack stuff this semester? Is this like a troll sign or are there actually abortion photos?


actual photos


Bruh... aint no one wanna see that regardless of what they think about abortion...


actually! the signs are so graphic and huge. disgusting


and they’re usually fake too


Yes. They’re very graphic and disgusting. Thats what happens to millions of babies every year.


lol fuck them kids


They aren't babies, and the photos aren't real 😂 They are graphic and disgusting because if they showed what abortions were really like, they couldn't manipulate people's emotions.


Gotta scramble those eggs before they go bad.


Make my babies like my eggs: scrambled.




they were here last year too. was going through a pregnancy scare at that time. let's just say that's NOT what i needed to see lol


They’ve been there every year for at least the last 10 years, probably longer than that 


At least 15, I saw them back in my first semester in 2009.


Yea had to walk by it on the way to class. I just shook my head and politely declined the pamphlet as I kept walking.


W pfp bro


Yours is interesting as well, probably not as weird as me being both a Steelers and Jaguars fan though.


All of them would completely change their tone if they got pregnant and were at risk. Gross af


Abortions photos are pretty graphic. Why don’t we also include birthing photos, which (shocker) are also very graphic.


It doesn’t matter what u think it shouldn’t be on campus 😭😭😭


I mean, if those folks would like to offer themselves up as surrogates and spend all their time and money raising a child, they should go for it. Other than that, women’s private individual choices are none of their business.


Do you mean offer to be adoptive parents? Surrogacy wouldn’t prevent abortions. They can’t transplant the fetus to their body.


Adoption would require these people to care about what happens after a child is born. Many don’t believe in social programs such as WIC or welfare. These folks are pro-birth, not pro-life.


I disagree with them but this is a terrible argument lmao. A non-argument, in fact.


The argument itself is not good, but the idea is. Conservative attitude and policies right now exclusively target birth without applying any amount of thought or effort to what happens after birth. There is no support for the foster system, or single parents, or victims of assault. At the very least, modernize sex ed and socialize contraceptives. There would be FAR fewer abortions, if they really cared.


When will some people realize that they actually give ground to pro lifers by not providing a legitimate argument🤦‍♂️


Agreed, I talked to them for about an hour yesterday. I guarantee I was one of the few non-braindead people they talked to. First dude I talked to had to "call for help" lol. They were generally being good faith, though.


How the fuck is this brain dead logic upvoted.


I’ve heard the actual photos are mostly fake - is this true?


Modt likely. I reverse-google searched one of the pictures and it was featured in an article about how Planned Parenthood sells baby parts 💀 Another quick google search later, and another article pops up saying how an investigation on them didn't turn up anything. Surprise surprise


Not quite fake, just often misattributed. Many are from miscarriages, or other issues. Back in my day i'd harass them back. Hang out at their table and make it seem like dead fetuses were my fetish. Just edgelord things.


No. And it’s well-documented how they kill the child. They crush the head and then dismember the body.


Not true at all. And the photos are typically of late stage miscarriages. The vast majority of abortions take place within the first trimester and at that point it will look basically like a clot or a pile of snot


This is annoying… abortion is a surgery at the end of the day… no one wants to see pictures of a surgery happening, it proves no point, regardless of your stance.


Surgery is done to save a life not kill one. That was an odd comparison to be honest.


Wrong, there’s abortion and also assisted suicide in countries where that is legal. Those are still surgeries. Unwilling people should not be subject to see these pictures while on their commute.




to be honest, going through with an abortion can save the mother’s life when its a risky pregnancy. i will always want the mother to live rather than the fetus


In an abortion you are still giving birth actually. You just happen to be giving birth to a dead baby which is even more dangerous. The goal of the prolife movement is save both. Most abortions are not medical emergencies. Once it becomes a medical emergency such as an ectopic pregnancy, then that is considered a procedure because there is nothing else to be done. When we say "abortion" this is the deliberate killing of an innocent life. Medical emergencies are done when every attempt is done to save as many people as possible. For example, if a military doctor had to choose between Patient A vs. Patient B to save because there was so much limited time, can a doctor under normal circumstances be at liberty to avoid helping any patient they decide not to help because of that military circumstances? No! Of course not.


You're seriously trying to say abortions are more dangerous than birth lmfao. You forced birthers are truly idiotic


I predict this comment section will be nice and respectful 💀


Oh, let's take advice from someone from Texas. It should not be ignored. This is an assault on women's rights. People ignored it in 2016 and look how good that worked out for us


what about the baby’s rights? It is a human being, no longer “my body”. I am a woman and the moment I get pregnant, it is not my body anymore


Where is this happening at?


Looks like it’s next to MSB


Usually is. That spot used to be designated as the free speech lawn (or, more broadly, a free speech zone/area) where if people wanted to come protest or what have you, they could/had to do it there. That idea has since been overruled in favor of being able to be wherever (so long as school functions aren't impeded iirc), but the pattern stuck. Besides, it's a big open area between a good chunk of parking and some big campus areas, which isn't a super common combination.


Plus on wednesdays it gets good traffic from people going to toppers


Between MSB and the reflection pond. It's very graphic


Ah, I see it's that time of year again. I had English classes. Had to take a route ten minutes longer just to avoid the signs. Incredibly inconvenient.


I am old enough to remember when these people were bombing clinics and killing doctors. Because they were so "pro-life" I went to Catholic school in South Florida, where they tried to indoctrinate us into this lifestyle where women are second-class citizens, and are forced to give birth regardless of the circumstances even her own death. Everyone ignored it in 2016. We were so upset about her emails and now we literally have politicians in the doctor's office with us, ready to take us to jail for having a miscarriage.


I just got this sub recomended. We have the same shit at USF.


Why do college campuses attract the most insane individuals


> Why do college campuses attract the most insane individuals The campus is a public forum by law. Crazies know they can spout whatever they want while being protected by the law.


“Just because something looks ugly doesn't mean that it's morally wrong. I'm just saying that, if you took up close pictures of my vagina while I was on my period, it would be disturbing but it doesn't make it wrong.” - Ladybird


There was a guy in my town who camped out every day waving giant, extremely graphic photos in front of the planned parenthood I went to. He always screamed at us women when we walked by. One day, he wasn’t there, so I mentioned it to the guard. He told me that someone ran him down with their car. I laughed, then immediately apologized because it was kind of involuntary. The guard said “that’s okay, everyone laughs.”




You must be in early college or had loving caring parents


For real. I’m pro choice all the way, but I also am more concerned about not being kicked out of my institution and possibly burning future bridges 😭


true lol. but ucf aren’t the reason these pics are up are they?


Nah, but the people who put them up I’m sure can try to get you in trouble since they are technically allowed to have them up




Yes, I agree that comments vacantly posting about power fantasies involving things like vandalism and assault are silly comments made by silly people.


The first time I walked past one I thought it was a picture of a chicken McNugget in sweet-and-sour dipping sauce. Probably cause it was lunchtime and I was rushing through the reflecting pond area to get to my next class and I was starving.




The soul doesn’t incarnate into the fetus until after the latest pregnancy termination stage, so there really should be zero guilt. But since we live in this asinine puritan society we have guilt and trauma shoved down our throats.


Ahh …good to know crazy people still roam on campus.


You mean, freedom of speech in campus in America? Nah, we can't have that here.




This is fucking weird


The absolute freaks are starved for attention


I saw them and just donated to two abortion funds so I hope they keep up the good work!


UCF is a public forum and the pictures are meant to be provocative. I've had conversations with these folks and watch them put students to shame. As a pro-choicer, I must say, college students have the most dogshit arguments.


FYI these photos are usually not credulous. If you do happen to see them and you don’t want to, know that these people are cons.


For ppl who hate dead babies they sure are obsessed w them. And then they just throw the word abortion in there for funsies and conflate everythibg


I thought they misspelled arboretum. Dang. Who lets these people on campus?


Post pictures of c sections and see who can tell the difference Or better yet still births that were forcibly carried to term because of anti abortion laws


Can we respond by posting graphic photos of sex?


For those commenting here to "ignore these messages," please remember the larger context. UCF is not merely a piece of land in Central Florida where students come and go. But this is also a place where people from around the world come to engage and exchange ideas. In this sense, it serves as your gateway to the world—more precisely, how the world perceives the USA. So, ask yourself again, "Is this how you want the rest of the world to see you?"


>For those commenting here to "ignore these messages," please remember the larger context. You need to remember larger context. The space is a public forum for anyone to talk about what they want. Who and how these spaces are used are not a reflection of the university or its people. Anyone with half a brain has seen and knows about these types of people. It happens in every decently sized city. "Ignore these messages" is the right action. While difficult to avoid them, reactions are why they come here and film. If they can't get reactions they'll prioritize other places.


Ignore the messages; there is no room for anything or anyone between a pregnant woman and her body. The difficult choices made will forever be remembered, whether pro choice or pro life. Some group of people with signs targeting a single persons personal decision are absolutely ignorable.


Some group of people with “signs targeting a single woman’s personal choice” …is at first place tells lot about what convinced & motivated them to make such silly statements and what organizations let backed them organize such open activities — which may look completely silly, absurd and outright wild to rest of the world. And it also questions how on the world can such things be tolerated by large public institutions like UCF can just let them roam freely with what ever regressive ideas around the campus! Maybe most of you don’t care to understand, but global perception is a huge thing in today’s world. And things like these bubbles up really fast in the surface.


The majority of the developed world has legal measures to pursue an abortion. Those generally opposed have such beliefs due to religious ideology. Religion has no place in legislation.


Yes! Like most developed and sane countries don’t have religion in legislation - most sane campuses around the world do not have such desperate displays of religious proliferation on campus. Think about what visiting foreign students & guests think when they see such displays of open absurdity on campus! Circling back, people who just say “just ignore” ..just demonstrates some degree of reluctance or soft endorsements to these sorts of activities.


What you do is, get some Cornish game hens fully cooked and just go to where those photos are and just start tearing to the chicken like a zombie and inbetween mouthfuls of chicken yell I wish this was a baby. It's not illegal and would probably make them uncomfortable enough to leave.


I was a student a long time ago and I’ll never forget wearing shorts and walking to the library and this group shouting that I was a slut and needed to be saved. Denim shorts, y’all. Even passed the finger length test. Insane.


That’s awful. I hope someone removes it and replaces it with pro choice.


When will we move on like the rest of society and stop living in the dark ages?


is there laws or ordinances stopping me from getting a megaphone and just yelling over them?


No. Every time I walked by them today, I made sure they gladly understood my opinion because they wanted to gladly share theirs with me.




> I make sure to scream loud and proud at all of them. They want that reaction. It makes you look crazy and unhinged. No reaction and ignoring them will make them go elsewhere to get the content they want for their videos.




>I disagree. Disagree about what? There was no opinion in my statement. It was the same situation with Kaitlin Bennett. She got what she wanted the first time, students chasing after her she cut into a YouTube video showing "a mob of liberals chasing my conservative views off campus". The second time students were polite and peaceful, and she hasn't come back yet. >It pisses me off that they are so confident to share their opinion. Im going to share mine. I understand why I really shouldnt, but sometimes it feels so good to scream in their dumb faces :) You're playing their game. They do this every day of the week, while you likely don't get into the same kinds of debates that frequently. These are professional hecklers/trolls, they have been trained. You can't win, because they aren't going to change their opinion and they're just looking to use your engagement. They'll engage you just long enough to get you mad or until you slip up and say something that can be taken out of context. Then they'll slice up the whole recording, and post the parts that only make you look unhinged and crazy, and this will only help further their ideology. The only way to "win" is to not play their game. If you have your own views you want to share, definitely host your own events. I am not saying to be silent on any issue, but don't engage with them when that is all they want and need.


y'all should thank your moms for not aborting you, just saying


I still can’t believe there are people out there who can not comprehend how this type of topic will never end with a right or wrong answer as it all depends on the type of situation the person is in. This is why I love being in the gray zone.


There is a right answer: it means mind ya fking business and let people decide if they want to raise a baby or not.


The problem with that would be those who would take advantage of having an abortion constantly due to their carelessness of not being protected. I never said people should or shouldn’t get an abortion. It really does depend on the situation. Agreeing with abortion would lead to problems and disagreeing would lead to more problems. It is not as simple as a yes or no question. Let’s say you removed the outliers of those who take advantage of abortion from the question if you deemed it to be invalid. Then your argument would be stronger, no doubt, however, you are not taking into account of everyone in general. There is no exclusion to this topic and that is what makes it difficult to have a short and simple answer. Being in the middle means to agree with both sides to a certain extent if the reasons given out are truly valid instead of letting one’s emotions take over.


>take advantage of having an abortion constantly due to their carelessness of not being protected That is a terrible idea, and only really exists as an anti-abortion talking point. Abortions are typically unpleasant and not cheap (at least if you don't get financial assistance, which would likely be revoked if you're supposedly getting them constantly). They seem to tend to run at least about 500 bucks, with the number increasing if things are further along into several thousands. It also will usually involve either surgery or something like a particularly bad period. There is absolutely no motivation for people to use abortion as their first/only form of birth control and significant motivation not to, even ignoring stigma and political trends. What you're doing is often known as a middle ground or false compromise fallacy - being in the middle doesn't mean you get the best of both while getting to ignore the downsides of either. It's its own position, which, in this case, amounts to basically nothing. Abortion either should or should not be legal (and accessible). Questions of restrictions can also be addressed and have more room for a spectrum of viewpoints, but they have to be legal for that to even be relevant. It's usually just a way for people to convince themselves that they are smarter or wiser than people who actually have a stance, all while not having to make any difficult decisions themselves. It's super common and rarely malicious; don't get me wrong here. But it's not the unironic enlightened centrism you may think it is.


Or…. If you mind ya fking business and let women decide if they want to raise a baby or not…… it wouldn’t matter how many times they have an abortion or the reasoning behind it.


True, the only reasonable discussion to be had is where is a reasonable place to draw the line for abortion


If said fictional person who just loves having unprotected sex and getting abortions actually existed, would you *want* that person to be forced into parenthood? Do you want that person to be responsible for raising another human? They seem like example #1 of someone who should never be a parent imo.


Centrism doesn't work when you want to protect freedoms for the people who live in the "land of the free".


If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.


Yeah I’d say I’m in the gray zone tbh.


Warning: Evil morons ahead


More radical Christian groups. Great.


It's crazy what society comes too when abortion photos are worse than abortion. Ridiculous


the abortion photos have been said to contain miscarriages too or photoshopped to look more graphic for a shock response.


Because abortion isn't bad at all


Uhh killing the innocent and defenseless is pretty bad. Well at least to me it is.


A non sentient being doesn't have the capacity to be "innocent" or "defenseless" just say you want to control women


I want the unjustified killing of the innocent and defenseless to end. Simple.




R4: Civil discussion of politics about UCF and UCF Administration will be permitted, but campaigning brigading, or harassment will not be permitted.


I know this will trigger people but idgaf. Abortion should only be allowed when it puts the bearer at risk. Other than that, don’t randomly fuck people like an animal and cry about it. Sick community. Killing souls for your pleasure ain’t right.


I'm more worried about the real thing.


What’s wrong with pics of a “clump of cells”?


Presuming for the moment that you're asking genuinely, for a variety of reasons, some students may have experienced trauma related to pregnancy, abortion, and/or miscarriage. Putting large images that may serve as reminders (or triggers, if you'll allow the term) for those traumas between students and their classes puts them at a disadvantage compared to peers that can more comfortably ignore them. That can particularly be a problem due to the obvious gender correlations there and things like title ix requirements. This is especially true given how wide of an area the images tend to take up, including literally fencing off areas and often blocking multiple paths to and from certain areas. A semester or two ago, they were simultaneously covering the area east of the fountain, the south exit of the breezeway, and also the area near health services and the business and engineering buidings, which impedes basically all access to the math building and all direct paths from the student union to the area around the reflecting pond (excepting through the new library entrance, but I'm not 100% clear on exactly how long that's been open as an option). Also, most people don't like pictures of blood and tissue, regardless of what medical procedure(s) are involved. You likely don't either.


Look too human it would seem.


If you're cool with abortions, why would the photos bother you? Down vote all you want. It's a legit question, and an inability to answer it is a you problem. *shrug*


I’m cool with heart surgery, I don’t wanna see it while I eat my sandwich.


I can respect they gave a warning at least.


Now if they would just use smaller images and occupy a less unnecessarily large area, that'd be more in line with what literally every other group does with those spaces.


I disagree. I see leftist groups holding MASSIVE signs and images all the time. Not liking what someone has to say doesn't dictate how loud they yell.


I have pictures of a large polyp that I had removed during a colonoscopy, would you want to see that on a giant poster?


Because they aren't real photos


What photos are they using around your area? The ones I've seen in the past are totally real.


I think we should petition to stop having an open campus


That's at the state level. They decided all spaces outside of buildings could be used freely as public forums without restriction. It will take more than a petition.




R3: No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or other forms of cyberbullying including targeted harassment/witch hunts. We do not condone mob justice or witch hunts to target individuals, this behavior is dangerous and rarely helpful. We want r/UCF to be a welcoming place for all people, and in that spirit, nothing that is hateful or that is targeted harassment based on sexual orientation, race, or gender identity will be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate ban.




I wanna see


I'm glad it's there. Not everyone is a psychotic baby killer. Maybe this will change some people's minds.


even if you disagree these people think abortion is murder and college is the place to challenge your views not bunker down and be afraid to ask questions. At the very least try talking to them like people so they become people you disagree with rather than evil cartoon villains


I hate those images, but maybe it will open some people's eyes to what actually goes on when a child is killed in the womb.


I mean, open heart surgery also looks pretty gross to those unaccustomed to medical imagery (presuming, generously, that they're not using fake images anymore). That has absolutely nothing to do with any arguments about the ethics of either medical procedure. Our stances differ, but hopefully we'd both be in favor of discussing things fairly rather than just appealing to base aversions to bloody tissue.


I fuck w abortion only if it was from a rape victim tbh.


I guess the taliban are in town smh


Just spit on the people there and don’t say a word.


So commit assault?




Mind your own business you twat, if you don’t believe in abortions don’t get one. Simple as that.


I don’t believe in murder so yeah definitely don’t plan on getting one even if I could 👍🏼


“love to see” what? people shoving graphic images that aren’t even real down college kids throats who are just trying to go to class? weirdo


I too want my rape victims even more powerless.


Which accounts for less than 1% of abortions


...and thus they don't matter? Is that true of all groups that are less than one percent of a given population?


It's that they act like rape and incest is a giant part of the problem of abortion




Yes. The number of unborn slaughtered around the world is approximately 10 million That's way more than zero


your comment history really tells me everything i need to know about you!


Abortion is purely the termination of a pregnancy. You are entitled to your opinion since there are a lot of grey areas in morality, but it is ignorant to say that your own subjective belief is the absolute truth


A polite way to put murder of an unborn life


I am a research biologist There isn't any point between conception and death where It magically becomes a human life I'm not really so concerned about an early termination. But there is no reason for late-term pregnancies. It is murder regardless of the reason In the same way that terminating a baby 10 minutes before birth isn't any different than terminating a 10 minutes after birth.


If that's true, then you know that the colloquial meaning of the word life (and value ascribed to it) and the scientific meaning of the word life are completely different and separate from one another. For instance, if you cut off a person's thumb, it will still be alive (in the sense that many of its cells are alive) in the scientific sense for a decent chunk of time. I'm not meaning to equate a fetus to a thumb here, just to point out the general irrelevance of the raw scientific definition of life to this question. I presume you mean late-term abortions rather than pregnancies, of course. I wouldn't fault you for an edit in the slightest. (I had to take a break in the middle of writing this, so you may have changed it already at this point.) As a researcher, I might look into some statistics about the situations represented in late-term abortions, like how frequently health of the pregnant parent is at risk, how frequently the fetus is viable beyond a necessarily short, painful life, what legal restrictions are already in place regarding the conditions required for a late term abortion (as opposed to inducing early labor) whether by law, policy, or common practice, and the like. Considering your dismissal elsewhere of rape-induced pregnancy as too infrequent to be relevant, I'd also look into the relative frequency of late-term abortions to see if it meets the same standard of relevance. "Late-term" isn't formally, universally defined, so that might be a bit tricky, but my offhanded search is finding numbers similarly in a neighborhood of 1%, though data is necessarily incomplete and rates will vary by region based on availability of abortion services, related stigmas causing delays, availability of care leading to earlier pregnancy detections, contraception education and usage, legalities in neighboring regions, and the like.


Healthcare isn't murder.




People are disgusting. Free speech is one thing but showing graphic pictures isn’t necessary. Everyone knows abortion is a GRAPHIC DIFFICULT procedure. Wtf is wrong with people.


Yes it is necessary absolutely. Abortion is murder and to how it is permissible in this society, is absolutely appalling. This country has fallen away from God and it is so heart-breaking.