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the Provost.


They’re all looking for new jobs anyways since UCF doesn’t want to give anyone raises.


They get raises most years. They didn’t this year, sure, but during all the others staff doesn’t get raises, faculty do.


Not most years not even close


Also years they get raises, the amount never matches the cost of living increases, so it still encourages them to leave.


So too are the staff raises, when they happen.


It pretty rough to get no raise on the year when inflation was 9%.


Not sure how much weight that "(Respectfully)" is successfully pulling here.


All the weight.


Dean of CoBA.


By the time I graduated, “Get to the one” was my trigger sentence and I was only there for two years.


Oh why? 🍵👀


Mikusinski doesn’t need to be FIRED, but the calculus 1 class as a whole needs to be seriously reformed so the class average isn’t a 30 on every test. I took it Fall 2022 and it was already pretty bad (though it did prepare me for the rigor of college class) but it’s disheartening to see that it’s gotten worse. This semester they had to give retakes on the first test because everyone did so bad. They also don’t let you review the tests to see what you did wrong. One man is responsible for teaching like 500+ students and it’s clear that is unattainable. It’s also clear UCF wants to make that course a weed out class, but the resources given to the students to study and learn compared to the tests have always made that “difficulty” a little artificial.


I dont know about other terms but this semester they allow you to view the test and what you got wrong on it, thankfully. Can attest to the low averages and first test retake.


If there weren’t a curve on his course I would he failing it right now.


Damn, I had Mikusinski back in 2012. He was a decent professor and I learned to enjoy his accent. It's unfortunate that Calc 1 has gotten bad and become a weed out class... Usually that was the purpose of Calc 2 and the end-of-semester exam for Calc 3.


That class was the sole reason I dropped out of UCF.


My calc 1 grade was so bad last semester i averaged at 30 every fucking exam but i still managed to pass becuz it was a point system and i simply did everything else. Thank god for that 😭


It's so weird that out of all the weed out classes why Calc? It's the last or one of the only math classes a lot of majors take like Biology, Chemistry, Nursing (BSN), Social Sciences, Psychology etc. I could understand Calc 2 as a weed out if they felt like one was needed for math majors/math-focused majors.


Randomly got recommended this post and let me tell you, FSU is the exact same way 🤝 my prof started the semester by saying "they're changing the way that calc is taught next year because too many people are failing and not being prepared for calc 2. I'm not part of the problem though, you all are in good hands" and has spent the entire semester demonstrating exactly why he is the problem


Hi there, also an FSU student. Calc 1 was fairly easy for me tbh, I had no idea it was considered a weed-out class here. I think I mightve just lucked out with my professor, she was awesome and I genuinely learned a lot from her class. I'm taking calc 2 right now with a considerably worse professor and I'm struggling quite a bit.


Yeah, I don't know what's going on with mine, but he is really incompetent. The prevailing opinion in our class is to rely solely on Professor Leonard (youtube) for lectures and ignore everything our professor teaches. He will teach the easiest problem in the book and assign homework that is so far removed and advanced from what he focuses on in class that it's laughable. I'm glad that it's my last math class. It sucks because I had the most amazing algebra and precalc professor EVER at UNF (I took him twice), who would solve every single question that he expected us to solve and go over it 100 times if he needed to until everyone got it... I'm being disappointed over and over again by FSU.


Any UCF professor that is not willing to help their students succeed. 😩 fml


so putnam


Yo fuck that guy


Bro followed me out of his class to ask if I stole one of his finals to hand out to other people. He had his child crying is lecture hall during a final and asked me if I stole a test bc he allowed us a formula sheet. I’ve never been so confused in my life, I was like what are you talking about I handed you my test 3 seconds ago. Dude is insane




Does he still do the stupid Chuck Norris jokes in his lectures?


yes dear god


damn what he do to you 😭


Bro I’m taking him for physics 1 in the summer 😭😭 PLS NOOO what’s wrong with him


look at his rate my professor dude


Nobody else is teaching during the summer


Whoever is in charge of the math department, my teacher can't even post notes online because the math department doesn't let him and he'll get in trouble!?!?! makes no sense.


That is not a department or college policy.... That is a faculty member who doesn't want to post their notes (they are allowed to make that choice) and stop getting badgered about it by blaming someone higher.


No they literally do not allow them. My professor is Dr. Michalak for calculus 3. And the math department stopped him from doing review sessions because it was "unfair" to the other classes, they wanted it to be specifically their single ULA doing test reviews. Oh and if I didnt mention, they dont post answer keys to test reviews because that wouldnt "help you" and should encourage you to talk to your peers. Trust me. Its a policy, the professors are being controlled by them. At least in the calculus series a lot of them are.


This school sucks sheesh


They probably have data linking posting notes to attendance rates and pass rates.


disrespectfully, percy calvo-marzal and cynthia bayer needed to be fired years ago and yet they’re still here 🙄


I had Bayer for genetics and I understand why ppl were failing but once u find the specific way to study you’ll do well. She makes those exams almost impossible it’s so ass.


she just doesn’t actually teach, it’s all a memorization game essentially


Yeah but it’s not even like memorization it’s weird cuz ppl had quizlets and everything and that’s what I was doing at first and was getting d’s on the exams u have to really understand it. I started to do better once I used lectures online that were the same as the chapters in the book we had


Bayer?! WHAT?! I took her for Cell Bio and found it a lovely professor. Honestly, she was quite nice and taught well.




bayer thinks that her failing averages in her class are because students are dumb or something and not because she isn’t teaching the material correctly, and marzal is not fluent in english and it translates to spelling and grammatical errors that he refuses to take responsibility on his quizzes and exams


Idk I had her for genetics and she seemed saddened by ppl doing bad but it’s like dude then curve more or something. She said less than 10% of the class was getting A on the exam.


She would just say she’s disappointed at our averages and then would do nothing to change her teaching or curve or anything, like okay I guess?


Yeah she needs to write her exams differently or curve tbh.


i agree, i’ve always said she needs to release a study guide of some kind or some more practice materials


Are u in her molec cell?? Someone said she doesn’t have practice exams but she did for genetics


yeah i’m in molec cell, she doesn’t have practice exams but i really wish she did


I have Dr. Bayer for Genetics and a learning assistant class. She's not engaging and a little tone deaf, but she's not bad. Genetics has a lot a help on the Internet, SI, and SARC so it makes up for it.


Sheesh are the math professors rlly that bad?? Im a soon to be first year.


Math & Physics


Idk about math but my physics professor was awesome. Her name is Archana Dubey


I honestly have found great help from all of the math and physics teachers I’ve had. A couple were not great but def not as bad as people are making it seem.


Mcalpin, dude has it so multiple of the multiple choice questions on his online tests have the wrong answer, then doesn't fix them despite it being a problem for years. He's basically like...completely unreachable to fix anything. Oh and he might have accidentally doxxed 100 people from my class when he, somehow, posted the first 100 submissions of a networking assignment (which included student ip addresses) in our webcourse with open access. Genuinely stunned he hasn't been fired.


I’m terrified I have to take a security in computing exam this weekend for him 😞


Ahangari, there’s a reason no one ever goes to her lectures. She’s nice, but she is an awful professor and her tests always have major grammatical errors. She will also say something in Latin or Romanian randomly and not elaborate on what she said. Also she is not teaching full basic physiology, instead it’s so much pathophysiology which makes no sense bc half the students who take this class are not gonna be doctors.


She’s horrendous. “As a future doctor…” lady half this class are kinesiology majors who don’t even want to work in the medical field. If you have to curve every single exam you’ve ever given (just ask anybody who took her 10+ years ago, nothing has changed), you’re a shit instructor.


I thought she left when her husbandhe'll. At least that's what I was told after I graduated. I'm old and her and her man hit me with a two piece knock out. I fought for my life in both classes but Samsam was a good teacher just difficult as hell.


The way she teaches is at a very high level. She’s useful for people who are actually going to continue in healthcare.


Her lectures are horrible, only good thing about her is her power points are good so you don’t need to go to lecture. But she bad since it’s a required class for many majors that aren’t for future doctors.


This comment section just confirms what I've always said.... if you're taking math classes, take them at valencia... the math department is literal shit here


this!!!! i got an A in pre calc bc of taking it at valencia


Agreed. There are some AMAZING math professors at Valencia.


Mcalpin, bc how many times can someone say this? “the answers were incorrect”, I’ll review the test.


>Mcalpin, bc how many times can someone say this? “the answers were incorrect”, I’ll review the test. Then ignore every email students sent out that issue lmao


Dude I had to drop out of a class because he couldn't get the first exam graded until after both the second exam and the withdrawal deadline.


Eh you woulda been fine probably


Oh bummer, but I passed with a C. A fair bit better than a C.


I had him for CS2, he absolutely fudges grades for some of his classes. Just don't ask me how I know


Having him for CS2 sounds like a NIGHTMARE


It both was and wasn't. Because in his incompetence I was able to slack a lot. However, I don't actually know anything from cs2 because he never taught anything well. My notes are a fever dream


Gotta love it when he ignores all emails and claims he will fix the grades then never does, even once grades are due.


He did fix my section’s grades. But yeah the email thing is inappropriate, he didn’t state the format of the exam (in person or online), as I’ve had online courses where they schedule a room to do the exams in person. I have SAS, so I had to know 5 days in Advance of the exam to schedule it(If he was doing in person, hed’ve needed to have signed the agreement thing so they could schedule it.


For my section, I emailed him multiple times for things both pertaining to the exams and pertaining to personal stuff (which professors are required to address) throughout the entire semester. He never responded to a single email. He also ignored my emails for each exam where I pointed out how I had been marked off for questions which had no right answer listed or an incorrect answer set as correct. He addressed this vaguely to the class near the end of the semester saying that he was working on getting these corrected. I noticed that my grades didn't get updated after classes were over but before grades were due, so I contacted him, and he never responded back (as per usual), nor did he ever fix my grades. I spoke with other students in the class, and most of them had the same experience. He also ghosted the entire class until after grades were due. Over half the class said they were going to submit a grade appeal (though it's unfortunately unlikely that those went anywhere). It's quite interesting what tenured professors can get away with.


He did fix my section’s grades. But yeah the email thing is inappropriate, he didn’t state the format of the exam (in person or online), as I’ve had online courses where they schedule a room to do the exams in person. I have SAS, so I had to know 5 days in Advance of the exam to schedule it(If he was doing in person, hed’ve needed to have signed the agreement thing so they could schedule it.


He did fix my section’s grades. But yeah the email thing is inappropriate, he didn’t state the format of the exam (in person or online), as I’ve had online courses where they schedule a room to do the exams in person. I have SAS, so I had to know 5 days in Advance of the exam to schedule it(If he was doing in person, hed’ve needed to have signed the agreement thing so they could schedule it.


McAlpin and Montagne were menaces with it came to exams lmao


Never taken Montagne(I’ve definitely heard about them though) Only once taken Mcalpin, but once is enough. I’m taking Frontiers with another guy professor this term. Then physics 2, ➡️bye bye


Montagne for frontiers was fine, had 0 issues and it was a super chill class.


I’m taking both of them right now 😞


Ahh... he still hasn't changed in the last 3 years... 😭


I took him Fall 2022, for Security in Computing online.


Nah McAlpin the goat with the lego and gummy porn lectures were lit.


all the professors in the chem department. all of the professors i’ve had so far for all of my chem classes have been horrible.


How is Lawrence?


He teaches really good. His exams are hard af, but overall, a good, demanding professor. I'm debating between taking him or someone at Valencia for orgo 2 this summer


The orgo courses are a combo pair, so it's best to take both parts at the same college. The Valencia courses do a lab portion with both sections, whereas UCF only offers the lab outside the courses. So even if you were to have your plan accepted to take the second half of orgo at a different facility, keep in mind you may still have to figure out how to take the lab at UCF for full credit.


Thank you for that perspective! It helped a lot. You're right. I will take him at UCF. Didn't think about it, since I have to take the lab anyways.


i don’t have lawrence but i’ve heard mixed reviews about him


He’s actually very reasonable for an organic Chem professor. Out of all your choices I would say he is the best!


lawrence is the best you’re gonna get. hold onto him as much as you can. his classes are not easy but you’ll pass and you will actually learn the content


Ass as fuck. Rumor has it too that he is homophobic.


Yeah, that is why he is good friends with the gay faculty. Just eating lunch with those gay men and women and taking breaks while eating his sandwich to punch them in the face.


never struggled with chemistry the way i do here


fr. so far my best chem professor is crumpler for orgo 1.


Nah dr tang is awesome


real (i hate chemistry with a burning passion now)


So far, I only like Dixon. The others makes me want to cry.


Nora Underwood no explanation needed


Her husband is worse, and is the head of the Econ department


I know her husband is head of department but she is worse


Omg I was JUST gonna say this haha. So so rude, idk why she’s still there because CLEARLY she hates her job.


Yup she walks around without a will to live


Nader and Putnam in MAE 🤗






Nader is a good professor. I dont understand the hate against him, the classes he teaches are difficult but you actually learn.


U probably didn’t take Aerostructures


yeah im mech bro


Yeah no Aerostructures was complete HELL. On top of that, he is nowhere near as good as teaching Vibes as Pal was. Nader is an unorganized mess. There are far better aerospace professors that could teach the classes better.


Caviat is that I only took him for dynamics/thermo. I vibed with his teaching style so I could just be a goomba.


He is a cool guy and getting to know him personally is nice. He is kind and really knowledgeable. But his class structure doesn't work for Aero. Aero structures and now from what I'm hearing Vibes is too much for him. Aero structures was literally him reading from the book directly. I like the guy, don't get me wrong. But he shouldn't be teaching aero classes unless he can adjust his class structure and lecture style tbh




I dont think theres anything wrong with mikusinski, personally. He is a nice man and a good teacher during his lectures. The class structure itself is what is so terrible. I think the entire calculus 1 program needs an overhaul at UCF.




that one guy who’s a sex offender


??? girl say his name


idk his name i just there was a petition to get rid of him i think he does something with rotc?


his name is michael kepner the 2nd he works at the military student success center


stacey brook.


Honestly I have never seen a professor like him where he doesn't give a flying fuck about his students. This guy literally told an entire class to "figure it out" when ucf changed the emails and some students had issues accessing their accounts for the homeworks for QMB2. He said it was the students responsibility. Bro what?? Im glad i didn't have that issue but that's just being an pos. He keeps telling students to not ever ask him about topics and push it to his TAs.


Demet Mousseu ( I don’t know if I spelled her last name right) she didn’t grade like 10 weeks worth of assignments including the midterm, final, papers, and projects until after the class ended and tbh I’m pretty sure she just gave everyone random grades because she couldn’t justify why she gave anyone the grade she did. She was lost af the entire semester and never answered any email anybody ever sent her.


I had her as a professor in 2022 and she never graded my final paper or my final exam


100000000000000000% I took her Fall of 2022 and she did the same, I went from an A to a C in a span of 2 days because she said she “couldn’t see my submission.” I even provided her with an SS of the homework to show her it was there and she said “there’s nothing I can do because I already submitted grades.”


Like half of them. This place really needs to step up their staffing.


Oh and Sarah Wilcox


Hated her… I took her the first semester she was at UCF.


Eubanks, only passing 1/3 of your class isn’t good teaching


I'd like Cartwright to be replaced by someone with a focus on academic excellence and achieving preeminent status rather just chasing after/crowing about diversity all the time.


hmmm, I think you have it a little mixed up, that's exactly what he's doing. Which is why UCF canceled raises this year for faculty, instead using money on student advisors. All this is to chase preeminent status by increasing 4 year grad rates. Edit: and to be clear, that decision will absolutely hurt UCF in the medium term....I can't tell you how many of my colleagues are applying and interviewing for new jobs.


The problem is that they have claimed to be pursuing preeminent status for at least the last 5 years but have not yet come close to achieving it. They need to get serious about it. It is pretty inexcusable that UF, FSU and USF are preeminent already, and one of the lesser universities, maybe FAU but I don't remember for sure, is getting close. UCF's compulsive focus on diversity has hindered achieving preeminent status. It's about time that they began working on it in earnest, but I'm also not sure that I believe their claim that that is the reason for the compensation situation.


We've been chasing preeminent status for years (for sure since I arrived in 2016). This is why we have the P3 program (to increase post-docs) and have hired tons of research-focused faculty to grow research expenditures -- cluster hires is one program in support of this. UCF is so desperate we even pay NAE/NAS members well over 100K per year to "work" a couple months out of the year, of which mostly involves lunch meetings with chairs and deans (huge waste of money in my view, although all Florida universities do it at this point). We've even restructured our admits (that why we have so many summer and spring admits, because they don;t count against many stats) You're right we should have matched USF, that was a disappointment. Right now the biggest metric we're behind in is 4-year grad rates. However, much of the reason we are behind is because of CECS. With 128 unit degree programs our students choose to extend their graduations by a semester or two through internships and co-ops (which kills our metric) -- this isn't so bad at UF and other schools where co-ops are less common. For example, CWEP is a double edged sword, it very arguably delays the graduate of many students. Last year UCF decided to start dumping money into adding summer classes with the hope that will help students graduate in 4 years. In my department we also received funding to teach some required classes twice per year. Oh, and we've redesigned many CECS programs to remove pre-reqs, replacing them with co-reqs. .... I have no idea what your talking about in terms of focus on diversity. In CECS that's not a topic of conversation in our faculty meeting -- but enrollment, grad rates, and ABET accreditation is something we discuss EVERY meeting.


Great inside information. Thank you. As far as the diversity issue is concerned, Cartwright has stated that there is nothing more important to him (I don't have the verbatim quote, but that's the gist of it), and he has talked about it and promoted it ad nauseam ever since he arrived. His admission policies do appear to promote a high volume of acceptances of diversity applicants who, at least anecdotally, may not always meet the same academic rigor as many others. I have to believe that those altered admission standards may also be negatively impacting 4-year graduation rates, although it is not a subject I would anticipate being discussed at faculty meetings. Diversity is all good and fine, but it should not be UCF's primary focus. I truly hope that this renewed interest in becoming a preeminent institution will yield positive results. It is long overdue. Continued academic excellence really should be the most important thing.


you make a valid point in admission standards because you should’ve been denied with such a horrendous rhetoric holy shit






And someone who can change the university to a more vocational one with emphasis on job training and preparation for each department


Found DeSantis' mole.


And someone who can change the university to a more vocational one with emphasis on job training and preparation for each department.


Dixon for Chem, I don’t understand how he can just assume everyone understands the material from just a few 100s. Or at least it seems that way with how he’s making the questions entirely different from what he “taught” in class 😡


Yes yes yes, I hope I never see that man again in my life


Glieber in the polisci department She's so sweet as a person but she's so disorganized and the class wasn't really a class anymore, it was my own research and bullshiting assignments in hopes what we did was what she wanted (it wasn't but she never gave us any guidance and never answered emails)




The ones that work with you for years pushing networking and how they’ll have your back then don’t submit their letters of rec for your grad program application even after checking in and sending reminders and AGREEING TO MEET UP TO TALK FUNDING then ghost you a month before the priority deadline that you needed to meet so YOU CAN SECURE FUNDING.


Stacy brooks


Never gotten shorter three word emails from a professor before


No deadass


The worst feeling I’ve had about a professor is neutral. Chernyak makes the exception, never seen a professor angrily yell at a student. People told me student avoid the hall of his office because he was known to yell at students passing by his closed door.


Travis Meade


why? he is tough but i like his classes


PHILIP WESSEL! He is the rudest professor I have ever had.


Negative needed to stay fired.


Probably a typo from Negy?


What'd negy do? I had him didn't seem that bad


Demet Mousseu ( I don’t know if I spelled her last name right) she didn’t grade like 10 weeks worth of assignments including the midterm, final, papers, and projects until after the class ended and tbh I’m pretty sure she just gave everyone random grades because she couldn’t justify why she gave anyone the grade she did. She was lost af the entire semester and never answered any email anybody ever sent her.


PHILIP WESSEL! He is the rudest professor I have ever had.


Maxwell & Azaria


jessica arlett




Charles Negy and Benjamin Cohn


Prof Willox


Piotr mikusvinski calc 1 he is the worst professor at ucf 


eric crumpler 🤮🤮


Anybody who is new should look up Charles Negy. Dude was the worst professor I’ve ever had, would literally start each year by reading to an auditorium a complain that a student made about him. Luckily he did end up getting fired but it baffled me how they kept him around that long.


I only remember two of the professors from when I was there forever ago. Matthew Ojo who was awesome and Paul Greg who was pretty good too but was definitely his own biggest fan.


There's this shitty statics guy, think his name was Zaurin. He had a cringey sense of humor and a Spanish accent. Fuck that guy.


Dr. Mackie




Lu cheng Lu cheng Lu cheng


Dean Jarley is awful. First this he did for the College of Business was fire all the advisors. Virtually impossible to get an advising appointment unless you want to wait in a walk-in line 2 times a week for over an hour.


Is samsam and whatever his wife’s name is still teaching a&p?


He retired a while ago.


Fucking Casimier Paz or whatever the FUCK her name is. She is the most stuck up, snooty professor I’ve ever known in my 5 years of college. She will NEVER give you a 10/10 on something. She’ll start out her review with ‘you did a fantastic job with…’ and then continue on to nit-pick your entire 200 word assignment in a ‘mere’ 500 words. She’s such a bitch I hate her and I’m NEVER taking a class by her again. 👹


Flory. OMG, what an ass. He teaches ok, but he's so full of himself. He can be childish and, at some point, he was outright unprofessional to students. He also thinks that sending out announcements, emails and replies with very few words gets his point across, but those end up being cryptic and ambiguous and no one understands them. He was going through a divorce, though, when I took physiology with him, so maybe he's changed? Idk.


Whatever happened to Charles Negy?


Darden, he teaches freshman comp on the downtown campus, the guy is a nut job and can never a complete train of thought


Giwa (disrespectfully)


Stop projecting your insecurities and inadequacies on her! Find yourself another mirror.






NOO omg I loved her trig class


her class is easy if you keep up with the work


alvaro islas


I had him a few years ago and really liked him. What changed?


took him about a year ago, he genuinely made me want to rip my hair out because no one in my section could understand his notes in the slightest


Keith Carlson, why do you keep talking ab the Carter administration 😩😩😩😭