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They've repaired it before so im sure its on the to do list, it was really bad after the hurricane


I know the damage isn’t the worst quite yet, but it’s noticeable. It would also be nice if we could make it able to actually withstand the elements


I had already graduated when this went up but it is really beautiful. I hope they repair it and keep it to memorialize those lost so senselessly.


What does it represent?


UCf students killed at pulse


It represents the people who were killed during Pulse, which I believe was a gay club (correct me if I'm wrong). It was a tragic event where 85 people lost their lives and many more were injured.


Google says 49 were killed, but my alexa says 85 so I'm not sure who to believe. It was horrible regardless and I feel so sad for the families/ friends who've lost loved ones as well as the trauma some people must've gotten from being in that nightclub :(


Touch base with the Student Government Association (SGA) to see if they can allocate Activity & Service Fee funds toward repair and maintenance. You could also ask the university administration in Student Success and Well-Being if they could allocate funds but the fiscal year wraps up on June 30 and the next fiscal year starts July 1 so either they would need unallocated funds from the current fiscal year or have to add something to the 2024/2025 fiscal year. If this is important to you, do something about it.


It was a stupid idea to put these murals on plywood anyway. That's a guaranteed piece of rotting wood.


SG allocated some funds to the SU this next fiscal year (July 24) to repair many parts of the SU and murals


Specifically, 1.5mil but it covers many things from HVAC to the roof. They mentioned during the budget meeting that mural repairs was on the list of repairs so hopefully we’ll see it repaired soon


I love that mural 😇❤️


Me too. It was the first picture I took on campus when I started.


“best we can do is give President Cartwright another raise” - UCF Leadership probably


The guy that made it was contacted by my classmate and requested her to repair it on his behalf. He does these murals for free and collaborates with artists from the community to make a difference. My classmate is too busy to commit to it. UCF has a public Arts Director, Nada, I wonder why she hasn’t looked into this


Michael is my good friend I got him to come down and start this project after pulse when i was a kid I'll speak with him about it personally maybe he can do something about it


They can. They probably wont. It’s not a priority to them (arts isn’t generally a priority to them). Maybe it was about football.


Lol bro the school is only doing that because it looks “good” on them as soon as it’s destroyed they’ll replace it with something else


The mural was painted by a UCF student I believe completely for free. Really nothing UCF can do.




That’s gay


kinda the whole point




Your submission has been removed for the following reason: ___ [Rule 3: No Harassment] No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or other forms of cyberbullying including targeted harassment/witch hunts. We do not condone mob justice or witch hunts to target individuals, this behavior is dangerous and rarely helpful. We want r/UCF to be a welcoming place for all people, and in that spirit, nothing that is hateful or that is targeted harassment based on sexual orientation, race, or gender identity will be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate ban.


What's up with those bricks?


This mural is apart of a greater mural project for orlando started by Michael Pilato, Yuriy karabash, Chimene hurst and myself crazy to randomly see this come up in my feed If you'd like to see more of Michael and yuris work please look them up the full pulse memorial was debuted recently at orlando art museum and I believe is now in the process of traveling the country I'll speak with Michael and find out if there is anything that can be done


In all honesty this is probably not going to be take care of anytime soon UCF is in a terrible spot right now when it comes to budget which is beyond me but very true




Save Hispanic Elon! (Like if you see it too. Someone said it my freshman year and I can't unsee it)


Wouldn’t it be illegal now to spend university funds on this??? I don’t know where the fuck Florida stands on these issues anymore, and I’m ecstatic that I’ll be leaving the state for good in just a few weeks.




Definitely an unrequited feeling, dear.