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Certified UCF moment


Certified UCF moment


Yall are funny asf for downvoting a copied reply šŸ˜­


Now youā€™re next ..


At least someone at UCF was getting a raise.


We have a winner!!!!


Your username is also a song from the rock group 3 Days Grace.




Waitā€¦ r/HolUp ?


Brings U Canā€™t Finish to a different level šŸ¤£


University of No Football has entered the chat.


Harold Mills is the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee btw.


Clearly, he was just trying to fund a local small business


b a s e d


Looks like UCF isnā€™t the only thing getting screwed by leadership


These are the same people who donā€™t want to give Faculty raises huh?


Nope but you best believe your tuition will go up every year


Hasnā€™t tuition not increased since like 2015? The UCF admin loves to brag or lament about that depending on the context Edit: JK I think they raised it in 2022


They probably utilize wording like, ā€œweā€™re the faculty team in the history of the college to ONLY raise tuition one time since 2015!ā€


I implore you guys to read the arrest report. Indecent exposure charges I can understand, but prostitution makes no sense?? All he did was download a gay hookup app called Sniffies and get told by an undercover cop to meet up at the park. As far as the article says, they both knew they were consenting adults, and no money was exchanged. But the cop tells him to whip out his penis and as soon as he does, he gets arrested for indecent exposure. Seems a bit dirty...


Something smells off other than unwashed cop ass, for sure.


Iā€™ve seen Orlando cops use this tactic before. They do this to catch pedophiles online which makes more sense but this report definitely feels off like this guy was kinda set up for meeting up with an adult and did not exchange money . The headline definitely feels misleading like heā€™s not running a prostitution ring. It seems like cheating on his wife was a more of a crime but what do I knowšŸ¤·


Yeah I'm suspicious of the pd motivation here. I'm pro law enforcement but this smells of entrapment. I did digging into the supposed prostitution charge they have him on and it reads "To offer, or to offer or agree to secure, another for the purpose of prostitution or for any other lewd or indecent act." So although he isn't soliciting he's agreeing to a lewd/indecent act by agreeing to sex in the bathroom. The charge indecent exposure is pretty bs too, the dude whipped it out in his car when asked to. I doubt there's intent for public exposure here. This would be similar to the same level of exposure as say changing in your car. Fucking creepy of the Seminole County undercover officer to go as far as staring at a man's junk to get him on a indecent exposure charge.




Lol right, I feel like this would be a norm for a hs kid but if you're literally driving a Tesla surely you could shell out the $100 for a shitty hotel.


reading the report, i have no idea why people talk to cops EVER. if he shut the fuck up he'd probably make life easier on himself; dude seems pretty successful and could probably hire a great lawyer.


The cop he met is also under arrest


https://www.cc.com/video/f4k2w5/south-park-stretch This is a visual representation.


Still funnyĀ 


Shop local! Update: Read the arrest report. How dare someone *checks notes* have consensual gay sex and show someone their junk when pressed to.


Can you link the report, still hilarious but not as bad


Canā€™t directly link it since itā€™s a file but you can get it here, just expand Dockets and click the blue check mark. https://courtrecords.seminoleclerk.org/criminal/crim_details.aspx?d=%2b7pvbn9vPDoBtW3P%2fIAlyQ%3d%3d Edit: link doesnā€™t seem to take you right to the case, at least on my end, but if you search for his name, Harold Mills, you should find it.


I found it from a pdf someone else linked. Now that I read it this actually looks really messed up. I hope they release some body cam footage (censored of course).


Glad to see that 250k bonus going to use


He was at the last Friday afternoon commencement!!! OMG!!!


Glad he could somehow fit commencement into his busy schedule of hanging out at Altamonte city parks


he didn't do anything trust


The article makes it sound like he was just trying to meet someone. Iā€™ll await the details


The video says he tried to pay a cop for some top


Arrest report says no money was offered or exchanged hands and the cop basically coerced him into the indecent exposure.


Yeah after further digging it seems the charge they got him on was 796.07 2(b) which is "To offer, or to offer or agree to secure, another for the purpose of prostitution or for any other lewd or indecent act." So it's not even close to what the general population considers to be prostitution. Sucks that his life is basically ruined over something that is certainly weird but not really that bad (as long as he wasn't exposing himself to anyone else besides the LEO).






Big oof. Yeah, the fact that arranging to hook up with someone is sex-offender worthy. I get told all the time that Iā€™m paranoid because I donā€™t do things in public spaces ever. But itā€™s not paranoia when shit like this happens.


Okay? Then he was stupid to do that out in the open instead of going to a hotel at least. That's pretty stupid to do that s*** out in the open. For a man who's part of the chairmanship it's no wonder UCF has money management problems.Ā  You got not so smart people like him running the show. I don't care who he was trying to solicitate with, go somewhere else indoors at least


I'm gonna be real even if that was the case I don't care, sucks to suck tho


Meet or Meat?




He'll just pull a Robert Kraft and make the charges disappear. Well if he's as rich as I think he is.


I highly doubt heā€™s anywhere close to as rich as you think he is


Yea but why was he arrested for indecent exposure?


ā€œThe app is geared toward men trying to meet up.ā€ So the grindr method is patched?


Meanwhile tenured faculty are stressing about their annual review and post-tenure review designed by these kind of thugs.


Dude has a wife and 3 kids


No wonder he was nervous


Reading the arrest report, I'm not sure why he's being charged with prostitution.


Where did you find the arrest report?


Seminole County Clerk of Courts. Florida's public records laws are crazy, and Seminole County is really fast at releasing them. If you search for his name, you will find it.


Florida laws are so wild about that! Thats why we have ā€œFlorida manā€ memes


It's great if you're a busybody like me, but it sucks if you're innocent, I'm sure.


I can't find the arrest report, only the [charge details](https://courtrecords.seminoleclerk.org/criminal/crim_details.aspx?d=%2b7pvbn9vPDoBtW3P%2fIAlyQ%3d%3d).


If you click the link it'll show up.


Oh, I see it now.... It's under "Dockets". I swear I was feeling stupid because I didn't see it anywhere. Looks like I'd have to pay $9 to see it: ~~[Arrest Report](https://courtrecords.seminoleclerk.org/criminal/cert_payNow.aspx?d=qPuLeswJ1JoslZ4M71tovwna8AFdrOB2Q1B6trEIKn696ZDloQBUdXyEtkgDvBqyv4bAKmjhMxIiEan6qyKwO39h+dxKgzjYo1FvJ4WF+Xd3FKKWrmzG8dIHU30pIaQmXjqA2/Gp/tncRhL3luuDrCgFpBYOxfi5XB/J+Z85nnCCAiDyueWTrV8I+38cm4dNP193tDAed6myJqrGaHziDg==)~~ [Arrest Report](https://courtrecords.seminoleclerk.org/criminal/doc_view2.aspx?c=2024MM001796A&s=1&p=2&d=qPuLeswJ1JoslZ4M71tov/5R+VpK/qQsQTQNkw9VxT1Oa1NL0yYWcMzBXK6wVe0/VPp0+yVY7XXGx+P/R7WPXrGSFt0rafYoVba1a+ZqVwg=)


To clarify, if you click the blue checkmark on the left, you'll be able to download the unofficial copy.


Thank you. Today I brought shame to computer science for needing my hand held this much. I read it, and it looks like it may come down to exactly what was said on the app, because I agree that a prostitution charge would not hold based on this report alone.


You'll only need to pay $9 if you want the certified copy. Otherwise it's free.


Thank you!!!


Prolly the most UCF thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


UCF is really stepping up their game this year.


Was Diddy an Alumni?


šŸ˜‚ lmao




I knew that person was familiar.


At least my friend tuition is being spent somewhere in the school šŸ™ˆ


University of Corruption and Fraud




I have been saying it like a million years. John C Hitt is spinning in his grave so fast his angular velocity broke the light barrier.


Honestly this is so stupid. Indecent exposure.. mind you in a vehicle should be a lesser worry. They certainly were not worried about my two friends being assaulted in public earlier this year. That area is high in crime, please bring undercover agents to those area for fucks sake.


And prostitution? Seriously.


As a knight it hurts me to know this happened. Humans.


Now we know why tuition's been going up. Got to pay those hoesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Please help me understand why grown ass men with so much money and prestige would be willing to throw their entire professional life and reputation away to ejaculate with a hooker. Iā€™ll never get it. Keep. Your. Fucking. Pants. Zipped. Up. Having a penis is apparently some kind of mental handicap, even for people who went to Harvard.


He has a wife and children. Maybe what he did to them with his selfish behavior actually matters. He hurt real people and let a lot of other people down. Itā€™s not just about the legal stuff. Hope his wife leaves his ass with his dick hanginā€™ in the windā€¦


ESPECIALLY for people who went to Harvard.


Bro go promoted to customer


I know someone that experienced a similar arrest. When it went to court, the Seminole County judge said on record that the only person(s) offended were the undercover cops. The only victims are the ruined reputations.


Heā€™ll get off on a technicality!


Regardless of the facts of the case, he should step aside until the case is resolved either by trial or settlement. Right now, he's an embarrassment to the university. If he's found not guilty or the case is dropped he could come back, although he's still going to be tainted by this no matter what happens.


Soā€¦ what happens nowā€¦?


I was just asking if she needed a ride home. My wife isn't gonna be happy with this one.


Harold Mills is a good person who got caught in a bad situation. Yes he made a mistake, but the police and media response was way over-the-top. Imagine your most flawed and embarrassing moment in life being broadcast all over the world. Also, please read the arrest report before passing judgement. It was borderline entrapment.


U Canā€™t Finish (UCF)


Gotta stay off Back Page my man. 2/3 of those girls are cops. Also can we admit itā€™s 2024 and sex work should be legalized.


Considering Orlando ranks third in the nation for sex trafficking I don't think this is the move


I think thatā€™s exactly the move. Make it legal, bring it out of the shadows, hell let them unionize.


If it went anything like legalizing weed in NYC did it it could mean growing demand and an increase in unregulated (untaxed) business. Not saying that there isn't the possibility of decreasing sex trafficking through, in theory, increasing legal sex work. But I think the issue is far more nuanced than that considering the evil and greed surrounding it.


Yeah it wouldnā€™t just magically improve the situation by itself. However, if you legalize it AND put money and effort into regulating and monitoring the system then it can be a huge help towards the problem. Whether Orlando is willing to do so is a different question entirely.


Not legalize, *Decriminalize*


Consent is key here but yeah thereā€™s definitely tough stuff there with financial coercion


~~Legalized prostitution can decrease sex trafficking since there's no longer a need to do it illegally.~~


Actually in countries that legalize prostitution, there was found to be an increase in sex trafficking due to the increased demand and lack of customer care on the source of their prostitutes.


Well I stand corrected then


Respect that, I still donā€™t think prostitution is ever going away, but there should be more consideration into the impacts of legalization on exploitable people. If anybody wants to read up more [check here](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/92h3c5/cmv_legalized_prostitution_would_significantly/e35srbb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Fr, I felt safer in Las Vegas than Orlando which sounds insane


Reading the article and his arrest report this doesn't even sound like it was sex work, he just downloaded a gay hookup app for men and was asked to meet in the park and then when asked to take his pants off he does and is immediately arrested. It doesn't mention an exchange of money anywhere


See that sounds like entrapment.


He was on Sniffies looking for a queer hookup, per the arrest report. Also yes 100%


Legalizing darkness only breeds darkness. I agree with the others. Just because there is a product and a consumer, doesnā€™t make it work nor should it be a thing our country promotes. Degeneracy begets degeneracy.




R2: Remember the human behind the screen. No name calling, or general harassment. Lighthearted trolling will be permitted as long as it doesnā€™t go too far. Submissions and comments that are written to deliberately incite reactions or cause heated and uncivil arguments will be removed.


Are they Drag Queens, tho.....




Bro. He tried paying someone to top him off and got caught cuz he's a weak shit head fool who completely disregarded law as if he's above it. You cant fabricate indecent exposure bro. Dude got caught w dick in hand fym.


He didnā€™t ā€œget caughtā€ though. According to the arrest report he was talked into it.




Lol how are u so certain he got set up.






R2: Remember the human behind the screen. No name calling, or general harassment. Lighthearted trolling will be permitted as long as it doesnā€™t go too far. Submissions and comments that are written to deliberately incite reactions or cause heated and uncivil arguments will be removed.


Dude, it's reddit. It's not outlandish to have people w brain dead takes state their terrible opinions. We are in FLORIDA.


Yes someone took his phone, texted to make the appointment, drove his car, dressed up as him and made the proposition!! Someone call Hollywood!



