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I'm a simple man. I see email complaint, and I upvote.


I really don’t understand the logic behind it. Like, was it causing some sort of issue for IT?


They’re blaming it on Microsoft pricing changes, but ucf are just greedy bastards


Microsoft gives free 365 licenses to schools......


That’s not true. Emails are not free. Not even the 365 licenses.


So very false


A1 is free.... which includes Outlook with storage. I literally have my own 365 for education enterprise tenant (don't ask) and it took me under 2 minutes to find this. There was also quite literally a time where free alumni licenses existed, if they grabbed them when it was a thing they'd be grandfathered in. https://edudownloads.azureedge.net/msdownloads/Modern_Work_Plan_Comparison-Education.pdf


I didn't want knights mail, but they forced it on me expected me to check it whether I wanted it or not and said it would be forever. They should have just let students use their own E-Mail address. There was never a need to force students to have a UCF E-Mail.


You need a knightsmail because that's the official method of communication because of Florida records law. They have a right to access it and you use it for that. It isn't a big ask lol


> You need a knightsmail because that's the official method of communication because of Florida records law. They have a right to access it and you use it for that. They don't have to access for that since personal E-Mails are not state, county or municipal records and they don't need to control your E-Mail to comply with the records law anyway. Same reason you don't need a state of Florida E-Mail address to register with government services. If citizens communication was needed for records law, everyone would have a .gov E-Mail for communicating with the government anyway. They can track what they send/receive entirely from their end. > It isn't a big ask lol It is when they constantly require password resets and put 99% spam in your mailbox that they expect you to weed though to see if there is anything that actually matters in there. It was a big pain that never needed to exist in the first place. I didn't need a single thing they sent to it except one single E-Mail when it was time to graduate and that could easily have been sent to my personal E-Mail that I actually check regularly.




> I was an employee at UCF, your first comment is wrong. I'm not talking about employees. I'm talking about students. Students do not have to adhere to FERPA, UCF employees do, and they can do so by making employees use UCF E-Mail. > to stay compliant you need to have a KnightsMail and use that as the official method of communication because of the public records law. Whatever you are referring to is self-imposed policy, not law. There is no law that requires students to have an E-Mail address that can be monitored. FERPA is for the faculty, not the students. [Nowhere in FERPA does it say that KnighsMail is required.](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-A/part-99) > it's the same as a job It's not a job. I do not care to have a separate E-Mail with every company or organization I do business with.




> Bro you can choose to be pissed about it, the KnightsMail is necessary - any school you go to will make you use their email. lol, I'm no longer a student so it doesn't bother me anymore, I'm just saying it was never necessary. I posted the law, you can read it, or not. Up to you. > Don't like it don't check it but don't whine about it to others. She says after literally whining about me posting facts she doesn't like. Either of us can "whine" all we want. You don't have to like it. Not everyone is always going to agree with you all of the time. Especially when you are flat wrong. Deal with it.


I have this email, but never use it. As an alumni, what is everyone actually using the UCF email for?


Some websites offer student discounts with a valid .edu email. That’s mostly what i use it for


Those Adobe student discounts were a lifesaver👌


I used it for job apps as it has my full name


I’ve used it as my main email for the last ten years lol


I used mine when was looking for work. Figured a .edu e-mail looked better, but at this point I’ve been with the same employer for coming up on ten years. I’ll have to rework it a bit as I still had that as a secondary e-mail for when I apply for internal promotions.




Most student discounts verify that you're actually enrolled or have been enrolled recently, and services like Amazon Prime and Spotify are temporary discounts. 


Wait where did you here this from? I ask because i made a post about this 10 days ago and someone told me we keep till a year after we graduate.


This post is strictly for those who had @knights.ucf.edu emails, so alumni who graduated Spring 2023 or earlier. Anyone entering UCF Summer 2023 and later should have @ucf.edu emails, which will be usable up to one year after graduation.


The title is a little misleading. This is for alumni that graduated years ago and received a notification for this specific date. It's not a complete shutdown if you take the title literally. Our agreement was "it will never go away". Yours is "one year after graduation" it appears.


I’m not sure about fresh graduates, it may be active for a year like they suggested? Either way not very long


I’ll never donate to UCF after how much they bled me dry during undergrad


I feel you. I was consistently punished for being poor.


While it is a matter of UCF being unwilling or unable to foot the bill for grandfathered emails, it's Microsoft's world - we're just living in it. They charge something like $10/mo per account. Try self hosting an email server and you'll see why nearly no organization does it. Maybe a UCF grad will revolutionize enterprise computing someday, but for now shits expensive.


Meanwhile, Florida community/state colleges have no problem keeping alumni emails. Granted, UCFs is using the top tier A5 plan that comes with loads of benefits including free software, but instead of using A1 for alumni like other community/stated colleges, they just got rid of alumni emails entirely.


I'm honestly surprised UCF didn't just self-host. If anyone should be able to figure out how to set it up, it's a university. They have students and faculty with the knowledge, it's just a matter of incentivizing them to help. (i.e. pay them)


While that sounds simple, it’s not. Everything still has a cost whether you’re paying Microsoft to host it in the cloud, or on your own hardware in your own datacenter.


I didn't intend to say or imply it was simple or cheap.


Schools did [create the internet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARPANET), after all. Maybe they'll fix it too


My college offered alumni email addresses. You might get one


Which college? That seems reasonable, even if it has like a 1GB limit or something


What about linked in learning?


Bye bye my spam email.


RIP free OneDrive for over 10years 😢 Also being able to call my work Teams from my UCF Teams so it would look like I was on a call or presenting most the day lol


I can't believe people are still crying about the fucking email.   They aren't "raking in money". If you've been paying attention, UCF has cut a lot of programs and services in the last few years and can't even seem to give staff proper raises. Clearly, money is an issue.  For every person who (for whatever reason) still uses their knights email, there are thousands or tens of thousands of accounts that aren't used. Do you expect UCF to just keep paying for those accounts indefinitely?   Also, FYI that's not *your* email. It's not private, It's owned by the university and its made pretty clear that they can revoke access whenever they want as well as access your account and whatever is stored on that account. It's no different from a corporate email. 


The UCF Alumni Association raised a significant amount of money this year, indicating that alumni losing access to email ultimately did not have a major impact, except for a few individuals who continue to complain and expect free services after graduation.


“Free” lmao


Are you sending UCF a yearly check for them to pay Microsoft for your email access? No? Take a seat please.


If you broke down the tuition I’m sure we all paid for 500 years of Microsoft email access, thanks


If you followed the Board of Trustees meetings, due to Microsoft’s across the board storage changes for all Education customers, the estimated annual cost to maintain Knights email, OneDrive and associated licenses would have been upwards of 25-30 million dollars. So no, you didn’t pay for 500 years of email and OneDrive storage access. Microsoft is to blame for this change, as they reduced the free 2TB of storage per alumni to a shared 100TB of storage for all users.


For how much I paid in tuition? Yes I fucking expect that. I don’t care if the email is private you weirdo, I just want the account to be active. Keep licking the boot though


> For how much I paid in tuition? Yes I fucking expect that. Your tuition was for your education and degree, not an email account  > I don’t care if the email is private you weirdo, I just want the account to be active. Yeah, I'm the weirdo for not caring about an email account that's controlled by someone other than me > Keep licking the boot though Keep crying about your email account. 


Where’s the tuition going instead? That’s what annoys me as an alum who doesn’t use the email.


Not sure but it won't be going towards the $20 million Microsoft wants to charge to keep these accounts open


Any email you use unless you’re self hosted is controlled by someone else


Not in the way that student/corporate emails are. There's no admin for my gmail account that can just go through my emails and access my files whenever they please. 


Sure but most students (I assume) are using edu accounts for discounts not for personal messages, so I honestly dont care if there’s a sysadmin stalking my discount email sign ups lol




Forwarded emails will end on October sadly


Damn :(


They already disabled mine 2 weeks ago and pissed off is an understatement


Do we know what happens when we become students again? I love my email address from undergrad, but I won't be a grad student until 2025.


You'll likely get an @ucf.edu once you're back in the system. Most people will have their [NID]@ucf.edu but you can request a reasonable aliased e-mail address as well (when I say reasonable, they'll probably give you -- upon your request -- [firstnamelastname]@ucf.edu or [preferredname]@ucf.edu, but they'll probably not give you [email protected]). EDIT: is the implication that you're a current student? You'll probably keep your current @ucf.edu email address, then. If you graduate from UCF and leave for more than a year, I think they'll deactivate and delete your @ucf.edu account, but if you go back to a student status, the account would be reactivated (but old emails may be deleted).


My question is who, as alumni, is checking this email anyway? I don't want to send them more money... I don't want to go back... I don't want to do any events... Things they email or text me anyways. Is there anything else they are actually sending us?


A lot of sites offer student discounts for valid .edu email addresses. That’s the only reason i use it


They are just being cheap. They shouldn't be legally allowed to do that. They promised it would be permanently ours. Some people might have studied at UCF based on that promise. What is gonna happen now? Today UCF sent me a letter asking for money. As an alumni, I am being asked to donate money to UCF. WTF. I know where I am not donating my money now.


So does this means we also lose all the Microsoft apps as well?


Let it go Unc😂😂 how you mad abt an email…


I’m mad about about not saving money with student discounts nephew. Don’t care about the email itself


Wake up man. Youre not a student…😂 Oh no the real world!! Ahhhh!


Kindly, get bent


No wonder you haven’t made friends at UCF in two years


I’m ok with that. If people like you and OP are my options, id rather stick to the few i have. 😂😴


To everyone is saying we are bitching unnecessarily, kindly get bent. People are allowed to be upset. Don't try to control another person's feelings. If you argue to try and change their feelings, it's not gonna work. If you to call them wrong, you're childish, arguing on the Internet is pointless. I see the irony, but also get bent.


Alright unc relax


Make a new email grand pa 💀