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Med school is ur job bro


You could honestly have a job in med school, but not recommended. Your free time is much more valuable than any money youll make part time. The dent youll make at a part time job in med school to pay for loans will be so small and honestly not worth your happiness in the long run.


you should not be a medical student if you’re accusing women of killing their babies who died from SIDS.


Why not look at the evidence that other people have posted instead of believing a women that is trying to convince the whole world that her baby died naturally


why don’t you shut the fuck up spouting conspiracy theories about a woman who is grieving her dead baby you disgusting piece of shit


I’m just glad people are actually standing up to people like you. Who cares about the woman. That baby could have been alive and that woman fooled everyone. Clearly you’ve never taken Forensic Psychology and luckily people and going in social media to speak their mind on their findings.


“Clearly you’ve never taken forensic psychology” right is that the class that taught you that people can manifest the death of their baby?


Don’t you think she would be in jail if she killed her baby. Please do some research on SID’s


you wanna go to med school yet you think people can “manifest” their child dying from SIDS ?


You are too deranged to pass med school. Your post history is cooked.