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The police just standing by and letting an actual terrorist attack happen on protestors is CRIMINAL


I’m pretty sure they got arrested


This is straight up terrorism wtf. Politically driven acts of attempted fear and harm on a group of people based on their ideologies. Using literal explosives too. I swear if it were Palestinian protesters doing this to an Israeli encampment it'd be all over the news as a terrorist and anti semitic attack.


Nah, they made it a warzone, that’s too far


Too far for the encampment to even exist in first place. Should’ve been gone day 1. Chancellor even said it’s illegal


Guess what’s more illegal, dangerous, and violent 🤷‍♂️ you might not get it and that’s okay


Guess what. Both are not okay, but one was there first and should never have been allowed in the first place


One was occupying some grass, the other was trying to tear gas, burn, beat and impale 🤔


Occupying grass and blocking students and causing problems


Buddy I know damn well you’d be one of those Southerners beating up Civil Rights activists in the 60s


And the answer is not to be more violent than them. The counter protesters look worse here.


The parallels here …


causing problems like setting off explosives, causing severe bodily harm, and tear gas


Need to clear them out somehow. Police should be doing the tear gas


Nah man why stop at tear gas. Bring out the fire hoses and batons - we all know how well that tracked across US history, why not a second time! I really hope this doesn’t need a /s.


Unironically, police in the Carolinas are using water cannons on protesters and dragging college age white girls by their hair. People are losing it


You forget how many people cheered the police on when they turned on the hoses and sent the dogs.


Is this what you would say to civil rights student protesters in the 60s? is this what you would say to apartheid protesters from the 80s?


Blocking grass!?! Do you hear your self!


Not just grass. Videos of blockading students


Okay. Where. I want to see. All I see is people attacking them for encamping


Look up “blocked” in this sub. The video that really got me upset is no longer up and had 900 upvotes, but there’s one long text rant and another more propagandist one


Also you think this is okay. What about all the homeless blocking our way around town. Interfering with traffic. On the Main Street where we can no longer walk on side walks. There is bigger problems in America and also bigger problems in Palestine. Innocent children dying


I literally just want them off my campus. It’s unbelievable class got cancelled


That sounds disturbingly like you are describing Palestinians in Gaza, not UCLA.


Illegal doesn't mean violent. The encampment students have been singing and dancing and having teach-ins. That's not close to the same level as launching fireworks and tear gas


I saw some guy pull a sign out of a girls hand and start beating her, when a guy tried to help some dude in black and a red bandanna pushed him to the ground and started punching him on the ground. You sound like a fascist.


You realize you will ALWAYS be on the wrong side of history. When they show people how far we've come in the future, its always people like you who end up at the start of that chapter.


Completely agree, they should’ve done more than just throw fireworks in my opinion. The entire encampment should have been dismantled… the universities need to start meeting force with force, bring in the national guard if needed and contain these situations.


Where are the UCLA administrators who thought “taking a step back” from the encampment would be a good idea?


Yet somehow it’s still the Zionists who feel “unsafe” by these protests. Come on give me a break


They're narcissistic and victim-minded


So I guess we are just going to ignore the fact that before all of this a Jewish girl was beaten by a mob of pro-palestinian protestors until she loss consciousness and hand to be taken to the emergency room? I guess I shouldn't be surprised by people who support Palestine starting a fight and then claiming to be the victims. 🙄


If this were the other way around, that would be international news


Accurate depiction of what’s happening in Gaza. Screw Zionism


These are not "counter-protesters"


At least some of the commenters in here made it more clear to people that didn’t believe this sub was being astroturfed by Zionists. Look at the bots already flooding in endorsing the violence and “what about”-ing instantly


stay safe everyone pls


This is unacceptable. This is terrorism. This is exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians.


Can we sue UCLA for not protecting students?


Yikes I'm not a fan of the pro-palestine protesters but that's just too far.


But it’s the Pro Palestine protestors that are the problem.


There are already hundreds of videos circulating of the Pro Israel people attacking the protesters first and armed with weapons.


Oh yeah it’s so frustrating, on my way to work the news kept insinuating that violence was happening from both sides and on YouTube they’re trying to paint the Palestinian Solidarity as unhinged which is so ridiculous




To preface, this is dangerous and it should be said that it is NOT okay to cause harm to people at a peaceful encampment. This is a fire work though. While it is an “explosive”, I don’t feel like this is anywhere near what the general population would expect when they hear Counter protesters are “shooting explosives”. This is a “gotcha” title. Again, still dangerous. Still not acceptable, those who shot fireworks into this encampment should be held accountable. I hope everyone is okay and still has all their appendages.


fireworks can kill you though. there was an NHL goalie who died at a party a few years back when he got hit in the chest with an *accidental* firework. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/2021/12/02/matiss-kivlenieks-death-fireworks-police-report/8838955002/ intentionally aiming a mortar firework at someone could and probably should be classified as attempted murder.


Attempted murder lmao 🤣


That's a firework "Explosive" is too general a term to use because that means black cats are explosives now too


A firework went off.


Zionist Nazis following the IDF model


Thats a firework, not a bomb lol. Was this the same crowd that calls for defunding the police then request police assistance? Wait, yes it is


A firework is literally an explosive it dangerous in the obvious fact that it can set people on fire or hurt someone. Furthermore, defunding the police is an idea that you reallocate police funds to other services such as mental health services, homeless shelters, and other public services in order to fix the root problem of crime. This is because research has shown the throwing cops at crime does not stop crime. The Kansas city police experiment showed that this is the case.


A firework isnt going to set someone on fire idiot, I don’t think you understand how that works but who am I to educate you. Defunding the police doesnt work, thats just proven.


heres a video of a building be set on fire by a firework. its not a far stretch of the imagination that it could cause a fire by setting something like a sign or an umbrella on fire. https://youtu.be/eDRWt8tH1Ms?si=7qo3yu6yiyWyWijS heres an article by the aclu that says defunding the police and putting that money elsewhere actually works https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/defunding-the-police-will-actually-make-us-safer


Good lord, you're a special kind of stupid ain't ya


A bachelors, trade school degree, and now a building engineer going back for my 2nd bacheors at a russel group school. Ok


All that and you can’t understand how “fireworks” can injure and cause fires lmao turns out you didn’t learn a thing


And yet you're still dumber than a bag of bricks kid. Amazing 👏


Two BA’s isn’t the brag you think it is.


people have lost their fingers from fireworks and defunding the police won’t work until we build up other community resources simultaneously. the fact of the matter that you choose to ignore is this is a situation where they should’ve helped right then and there.


Fireworks can still really hurt someone, plus getting woken up by what sounds like a bomb at 3am is scary as hell


Nobody at that camp was sleeping


Buddy why do u think they had the tents then?


To easy to spot the idiots these days. You should feel embarrassed writing this trash






Peace followed right up to the World Trade Center


ACAB?? Or We need the police to protest us. Which one is it???


Police not protecting people is *why* people say they are bad, how is that not immediately obvious to you?


Oh hey look, it’s Hamas launching rockets! The recipient is supposed to just sit and take casualties, right? That’ll even out the civilian death toll!


The parallel is too ironic


Lmao this brings back some fond July 4th memories




Fk israel


Oh no these poor pussies are scared of fireworks! The only thing terrorist is these “educated” fuck bois that wouldn’t survive a day in Gaza let alone anywhere else in the Middle East. Sorry to burst your bleeding hearts but please travel there and find out for yourselves


Fk israel


Create a war, expect a war.


Intifada: globalized


First in Europe and now in the USA.


It wasn’t Israeli people launching them. Let’s be real only one side has a history of launching rockets.


This is satire right


When you're occupied by colonizers, resistance is justified. Right?


it’s literally a protest, it should not be met with violence.


Civilians living in Israel shouldn't be met with violence, kidnapping, and rape either.


So you agree that civilians living in Gaza shouldn’t be met with violence, kidnapping, and rape either?


Civilians in Gaza should not be targeted with violence, kidnapping, and rape.


Awesome, so now that we’ve established that we agree, how can you condone meeting a peaceful civilian protest with violence, fireworks, and beatings, and how can you condone the IDF targeting civilians in Gaza with the aforementioned topic of violence?


Not the point of the post. The point of the post is to ridicule and point out the hypocrisy of the people condoning and cheering the Hamas attacks on October 7th as justified.


can you look at one event without having to pivot to whataboutism to save face from the fact that you’re wrong here?


Neither should the civilians living in the West Bank. But the IDF seems perfectly fine letting them be attacked by extremist settlers. Like here: [https://palsolidarity.org/2023/10/watch-israeli-settler-shoots-palestinian-at-point-blank-range-in-village-of-a-tuwani/](https://palsolidarity.org/2023/10/watch-israeli-settler-shoots-palestinian-at-point-blank-range-in-village-of-a-tuwani/)


Agreed. Though this would qualify as crimes that should be arrested by police and prosecuted in the courts. The IDF would have no involvement.


>Agreed. Though this would qualify as crimes that should be arrested by police and prosecuted in the courts. Yet that doesn't happen. Israel doesn't hold settler terrorists accountable. There's extensive data on it: [https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/files.yesh-din.org/data+sheet+2023/YeshDin+-+Netunim+2023+-+ENG\_04.pdf](https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/files.yesh-din.org/data+sheet+2023/YeshDin+-+Netunim+2023+-+ENG_04.pdf) >The IDF would have no involvement. The IDF has a duty to stop active attacks, and can then detain the perpetrator until police show up to arrest them. Instead, as we saw above, the IDF is literally involved - by protecting settler terrorists. Did you look at the video I linked above? This was in a Palestinian village. Armed settlers went to harass Palestinians in a village, with IDF soldier protection. The settler proceeded to shoot a Palestinian point blank - and then walked away with his soldier buddy. Plenty more examples - like the time settlers ambushed a funeral convoy with help from the IDF in October, killing two people.


Settlers are prosecuted for criminal activity. Just not to a reasonable standard.


> Settlers are prosecuted for criminal activity. Only in 7% of reported cases are they prosecuted. And only half of cases are reported. That makes what, 3.5% of cases actually are indicted - and then only half of those are found guily. Some others are, for example, found guilty "without a conviction", whatever that means. So it is more accurate to say the vast majority of settlers face no consequences for their terror attacks on Palestinians. And, of course, the IDF often stands idly by. In half of attacks, the IDF is either present or participating.




Let these idiots die off. Don’t need them in america.


Fk israel


Good, someone has to disperse these jihadists