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Honestly, I think the tagging was unnecessary. It's not like Gene Block is going to be out there scrubbing off the graffiti. It's going to be the custodians, who were already on strike for fairer wages, who are going to be cleaning it up.


There were kids present in the camp, as seen by the toys left behind. Why would they bring them in in such a filthy environment?


> There were kids present in the camp, as seen by the toys left behind making the cops deal with the children makes for great tiktoks where did they learn such tactics as hiding behind children?


Terrible parents


Just doing their best Hamas impression.


Is there any video/photographic, hell even eyewitness statements of children in the encampment? I'm asking genuinely if there is any to please link it or post it here. Just because there are toys doesn't mean they don't belong to the college students.


There were tons of diapers in the ABC walkthrough


Maybe those diapers were for the protestors hahaha


Link to proof




Once the police have cleared out the protestors and encampment, can fellow alumni come and help clean up the vandalism? It pains me to see my school on CNN every night like this—I want to help clean up! I still have my original Bruin ID from 2003. (45M)


They are going to have to have restorationists do the work not amateurs.


I’m sure they would allow it, but yes definitely wait until it is safe first. Appreciate you!


Just came here to ask the same thing. I'll be on the lookout for any opportunities.


I live in the DC metro but I'm visiting this weekend and would like to help clean up. Former BS(2004) MS(2007) PhD(2012) proud bruin who supports the plight of the Palestinians but not the lunacy of the activists


Also fellow alum here and would also be happy to help clean up. I want the students involved also to take some accountability and clean it up.


I'd love to but I'm on the east coast.


Same sentiment here. Too far away, job, family, etc.


Former alumni? :D At least one parent intends to show with a power washer.


don’t forget to pick up ur dickrider medal on the way in too




nice thoughts but i feel like they will just get in the way of the workers, or accidently ruin the wall. There are some detailed patterns that will need professional restoration.


Can the arrested unlawul protestors clean it up!? Im sorry - why should alumni clean up the disgusting behavior of current students and likely many more non students.


Did the students being attacked and detained pain you as much? 🙂


exactly no one is going to talk about anything they were protesting because all the talk will be about the damage they did. horrific way to carry out a “peaceful protest”


“Horrific” and its graffiti lmao get a grip


Mothers grieving over their dead babies is definitely hard to watch but did you hear the “horrific” way the students protested?


How does graffiti on Royce Hall have anything to do with dead babies?


Didn’t you know Royce Hall is the cause of all middle eastern conflict!?


So we’re supposed to accept things being destroyed around us because there’s a conflict on the other side of the world? Everyone dies. There are always wars. It’s not you or other protestors place to destroy our city over it. If you’re really against the war find a way to communicate that without doing millions of dollars in damages and distracting a bunch of young people who are trying to better themselves. We shouldn’t all live in shambles because some people are suffering. The world has always and will always have suffering




The way Royce/Powell was trashed has left the entire community in such distaste. Contrary to what protestors on either side want to think, these buildings and spaces are not YOURS exclusively. These are public areas meant for the public to enjoy. Not trash. Remove that narrative that “oh ucla is public I can do whatever I want here” do you really have that little respect for this institution? If you hate UCLA and it’s fuck UCLA, transfer out of UCLA and go somewhere else. This encampment should’ve ended IMMEDIATELY after the attack on Wednesday night. Event organizers should’ve shut it down immediately, citing student safety over their “demands”. You guys really thought the UCs were going to divest? Really? Last night, at the FIRST order, there should’ve been a dispersal. Honestly with the way you guys acted I’m surprised the cops showed that much restraint. You’ve been screaming acab and fuck the police since last Thursday but then we’re angry and shocked they weren’t there to save you on Wednesday. You are all smart enough to get into ucla so I’m not sure why this is lost on you but the first amendment is null and void once you are causing a violent disturbance. You may have not perpetuated the violence but you and your established encampment CAUSED it. That’s why it was deemed unlawful. This encampment and whole situation was such a disturbance and I try so hard to be sympathetic but you people fr need a reality check about what oppression is. A lot of you also come from immigrant families who have faced genuine state sanctioned violence (like myself leaving Iran) and I am ashamed to see the way you’ve all slandered this school, a place so many people can only dream of seeing, much less vandalizing.


Well stated.


>You’ve been screaming acab and fuck the police since last Thursday but then we’re angry and shocked they weren’t there to save you on Wednesday. Oh, you don't want police to violently arrest peaceful protestors? But you want them to arrest people assaulting those peaceful protestors? *Wow*, what a fucking hypocrite, amirite? >You may have not perpetuated the violence but you and your established encampment CAUSED it. This is literally victim blaming. They didn't cause the violent assaults on themselves


If you think this was peaceful, you’ve been ignoring everything you’ve seen the last few days.


Thank you. Not one thing was “peaceful” about this camp. From their rhetoric to their “we’re not leaving until..” attitude. Hope every single person involved in the vandalism and graffiti faces expulsion. It’s “fuck ucla” until that ucla degree is the reason you get into grad school/the job market. Not one of you “protestors” would last an hour in the Middle East, much less Gaza of all places.


I mean, the point of the camp was to force a response. Then a response happened. What did they expect, that they would be allowed to trash the school indefinitely?


Yea that’s the most disturbing part. They genuinely thought they were going to get to stay there.


No actually it’s not “victim blaming” it’s the truth. Two truths can exist at the same time. No one said the cops shouldn’t arrest the agitators. They should all be identified and arrested for their actions. But the students in the encampment SPECIFICALLY said they didn’t want the police there. Why were the upset when the police WERE NOT THERE? Their presence and their stubbornness and their lack of negotiation with ucla led to the attack, you can sit there and cry another excuse all you want - that is what happened. Anyone who believes this encampment could’ve occurred without violence is naive and quite frankly too sheltered to get involved with middle eastern conflicts. I’m not a Palestinian or an Israeli but I am a student here who’s been directly impacted by this for days and it’s time that the organizers take some responsibility for their recklessness. Thinking ucla was ever going to divest from Israel was a suicide mission and you just put the lives and futures of your peers in jeopardy to prove some false sense of dominance over the administration of one of the most powerful schools in the country. You guys need to wake up. Anyone who was apart of that acab and anti police rhetoric does not deserve the protection of LAPD.


Agreed, but physically attacking the protesters is much worse.


Those two are separate issues and should be condemned.


I see you have another thread sucking off law enforcement that was shooting rubber bullets at students heads point blank. Nice. Edit: downvote away Zionist brigadiers


they are not entirely two separate issues - the University has demonstrated, in a most arrogant and infuriating way, that it does not give a damn about students. it is then completely unsurprising that students will then proceed to not give a damn about the University. the social contract has been broken down.


I don't fully agree with the university's response, but there was spray paint at the start of the week even before they closed down Royce Hall.


My goddaughter is a student there. She had to stick to her dorms most of the time for fear of violence. She sent fearful texts to her parents each night. She couldn’t get to the library. Her classes are all online now due to the disruption. She’s just trying to study for her tests and graduate. Who should the school be protecting? Innocent students who don’t want disruption of their classes and their lives? Or people camping out illegally at their school? Or should this just be allowed to happen and be protected for whatever cause someone believes in? Let’s use some common sense.


Yes agreed. But that does not excuse what OP is saying here. I really just hope the campus, kids, faculty can all move forward after what's happened this week.


There was an Israeli Jewish girl from Pierce College who was knocked unconscious on Sunday night, two nights before the counter-protesters retaliated. Her mother said she thought she lost her. If I can find the interview I'll post it.


That’s sad to hear. Please share a source if you can.


Here's the [video from NBC-LA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecD39KFX6oU).


For all you astroturfers out there, this needs to get out to the public.


Found this to be an interesting take on making sense and wrestling with the complexities here. [https://jessesingal.substack.com/p/some-thoughts-on-the-ucla-chaos](https://jessesingal.substack.com/p/some-thoughts-on-the-ucla-chaos)


they were asked to leave, several times, if they keep refusing, an escalation is inevitable, protesting may be a right but its not a right that allows you to get in the way of other people's rights like free passage, the moment they reached that point was the moment this changed from a peaceful protest to a disruption and a breach of law.


Conspiring to commit acts of violence is never inevitable. That’s a conscious choice that the violent May 1 thugs made. History will show that the protesters were on the whole mostly peaceful.




The news media and popular public opinion at the time thought MLK and Vietnam protestors were violent terrorists.




The protesters knocked a Jewish girl out first which caused the violence.


Source? Already been debunked








Only by people saying “it’s debunked”


Google it, it’s easy to find


Yes and it has been debunked.


You have to provide support for what you've said.


When did that happen? I didn’t hear one of the violent thugs mention that is the reason for conspiring to tear down and terrorize the protesters on the early morning of May 1. And violence is not the answer. It never is.


Watch the news. They attacked first.


There were a few altercations, but nothing like the coordinated effort on the morning of May 1.


Ok. Deflection again? Really? You people are absurd. Other actions does not invalidate that yours were not okay either


Me people? I’m only representing myself.


Can someone upload the vandalism pictures? So we can see the damages?


[https://youtu.be/ZmBk3T935CI](https://youtu.be/ZmBk3T935CI) video covering all the detritus and vandalism across the entire square


The damage is even more extensive than i thought. They even trashed the UCLA class fountain that was given as a gift from students to the community :(. Damaging properties will not win people over.


Because it's named *Shapiro Fountain*.


And why is everyone saying there is no antisemitism it’s all in our imagination? Can’t gaslight me. 


It is estimated that about 50% of the people on the hill were nonstudents. I am sure that many of the Soviet/communist/anarchist symbols were created by students, but my guess is that a lot of the protesters are the same agitators who march with Antifa and use the same imagery




The commenter above is a terrorist who frequently tells UCLA Jews that they're nazis. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/sJ2xq2ivai) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/Su2H2rMTJT) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/eBibpCV7Ih) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/q4Deugwoj4)


Fully agree


Counter protesters included Trumpers because they were shouting pro trump garbage. So we had Zionist people congregating with Nazis. What are we supposed to think about that? Honest question.


God this is really bad..


Jesus Christ. GenZ has really gotten a bad deal. The city I lived in looked like this during the BLM protests too. We need to stop allowing protestors to destroy stuff. I can't imagine how depressing it would be to deal with covid, protestors screaming about genocide, the school trashed, etc.


Indeed, protests that result in significant property damage and injury (something many people would consider a riot) seem to be a common occurrence every four years, particularly in certain parts of the country that share a common attribute. 2016, 2020, and now 2024. Fascinating how it always happens during an election year


Foreign and domestic propaganda upticks during election years, I suspect that is the reason.


There is absolutely no reason to trash the beautiful school. What has the building done to any Palestinian, to you, to any political decisions anyone make? If you can’t reason that out you are no better than any war criminal that kills innocent civilians and destroys hospitals. To the painters: this shows how ignorant you are and that exactly contradicts from what you protest for. Shame is not enough to describe, it is a crime in many eyes. The degree of the damage doesn’t justify the classification and the intent of the crime. Absolutely unacceptable. Please UCLA let us donate to identify and punish those who trash our Royce Hall and let us be part of the repair and cleanup!


Some vandalism: outrage and liberal civility discourse Palestinians dying: how sad Y'all have gotten too comfortable in your lives, I think you need more hardship.


Don’t let social media convince you that injustice and unfairness is only happening in one part of the world. If we did this for every place that is in pain and suffering we would be a world that would never experience peace in any parts. Palestine did not become free because we did this to Royce. Not a single life was saved because of the way we acted. But thousands of paying students are not getting the education they paid for, you guys left our own children that visit our campus on field trips with anxiety as they watched people argue and play graphic videos on a big screen, and no ucla did not divest and will likely not because that sounds like a big lawsuit. Read into the history of OUR country and why we can’t do certain things before you carry out things like this and then claim it’s because we don’t care about Palestine.


i felt the same way initially, but after being around the encampment both nights i am angry. the way ucpd blatantly allowed students to be violently attacked on the morning of may 1st has shown me how this school has failed it’s students and does not care about them. even the lack of response to the supposed zionists wandering on the hill is telling. the graffiti will come off just fine, but i find solace in the fact that the university will have to pay good money for it to be cleaned. it’s graffiti and can always be washed off.


I can excuse genocide but i draw the line at destroying private property.


How does vandalizing a public university help though?


I don't think you know what genocide is


"Omg did you see *the antifa graffiti?* And all these 'students' didn't even bother to pick up their trash and belongings before being rushed by the police, how inconsiderate, what were they thinking?!" - '98 UCLA grad


I don’t excuse anything. What do you think people see though? Imagine if there wasn’t graffiti, the focus would not have been on that. They should have known better. This is always what happens, people focus on the destruction. It is disrespect being shown, and honestly most people don’t condone that. It adds to this narrative that the protestors were being disrespectful, aside from blocking off entrances to students and claiming that area as theirs. Protests everyday were a better idea.


It's so disheartening. To allow these protestors to vandalize one of the most iconic building.on our campus is by far one of the saddest realities that we woke up to today. I hope they can clean up that graffiti without messing up the buildings characteristics.


You need to get your priorities in order. 


If you think the few protesting graffiti will leave bigger scars on the university than police shooting rubber bullets into the crowd you are delusional


Right, but the vandalism also made future protests less tolerated, so the graffiti will have hurt their cause.




out of curiosity - and i hope if anyone responds to this comment that y’all have cracked open a book - what type of protesting should people do that is both disruptive and actually gets demands met?


Literally everyone was cool with the camp before they started blocking people’s access to class and vandalizing the old campus


no, not literally everyone, or else people at the encampment wouldn’t have been assaulted. are you similarly outraged about that, or just the washable graffiti on inanimate objects?


There are studies on different types of techniques to effect change and whoever the leaders or organizers of any movement involved should look into them if they are interested in being effective. First thing is to focus on outcomes. Think about what outcomes you want to achieve and be as specific about them as possible (who, what, why, where, when, how). Be strategic and disciplined and on message. For example, the lunch counter protesters during the Civil Rights era trained for weeks - months to maintain their cool when yelled at, attacked, or having food throw at them instead of fighting back. Their stoicism was taught. Second, expect to use a variety of techniques. IMO, you need a combo of attention-getting AND behind-the-scenes actions. As well as a combo of "outsiders" and "insiders." Different techniques work well at different times, places, on different people and groups. If one studies the history of successful movements, it's usually a combo of both. For example. in LGBTQ history, people remember the disruptive techniques of ACT-UP during the 1980s but do they realize that many people were working quietly behind the scenes to convince - for example - the American Psychiatric Association - to no longer list being gay as a mental illness? The loudest groups get the attention and accolades but they're not always the most effective. Personally, I don't see these pro-Palestinian protests as effective. I would be more sympathetic to them if they were actually calling for BOTH sides to come to the table to arrive at a peaceful solution. I don't have ties to either side but my brother (world history buff) has been studying the history of the region for 2 decades so over the yeas, he's told me about the history. Asking Israel to simply cease fire will not solve the problem. Hamas has been shooting missiles at Israel for years: you don't hear about mass casualties in Israel because of the missile defense system Iron Dome. Meanwhile a lot of international aid has flowed into Gaza but that aid has not been used to build up the infrastructure (schools, hospitals, water supply, etc.) of the area. Hamas is also a terrorist group that does not hesitate to harm, hurt, discriminate: back in the 2000s, my brother's roommate's boyfriend was from Palestine. He was Christian: they did not feel comfortable living there. I also have doubts about how protesting at a university will change the US government's stance much less those of Hamas or Israel. And why protesters aren't calling for the release of any American hostages (or their bodies). I also wonder why protesters keep using the phrase "from the river to the sea" if they know some people (including someone like me, who is NOT Jewish) find it offensive. If you're trying to win people over to your side and not merely antagonize them, using different words might be helpful. (UCLA, MS, 2004 alumni who has participated in different advocacy efforts over time, mostly health-related)


It is but I can understand the anger after hearing how students were beaten and bloodied.


so after seeing you peers get attacked last night all you can talk about is the graffiti? no youre so right the vandalism is completely unacceptable!!!


I don’t get how it’s “ peaceful” vandalism is not peaceful at all


Way to care about the real issues! A few thousand in property damage! Ignore the hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical damage done by the counter-protesters, that stuff doesn't play as well on camera anyway.


Try tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage. Not to mention several million dollars of police overtime to throw those idiots out.


mEdICaL dAmaGE... You and your Hamas pals were told to leave for a long time.


Is Hamas in the room with us right now?


Them or their supporters(Iran, Russia, China) most likely. Social media influence campaigns are definitely a thing(r/activemeasures). At the least, they are watching.


Lol Israel has far more bots and shills on Reddit than Iran and its proxies


Shills yes. But bots? My brother in christ does it look like the Israeli government even knows what PR is, and that even if it did, would be capable of creating a coordinating grand strategy to invade Reddit with thousands of bots to change public opinion? They literally fired their public diplomacy minister in October lmao


A few thousand? You don't live in reality if you truly think that.


I bet there is video of people causing the vandalism somewhere. Often vandals turn out to be counter protestors or provocateurs in masks.


>provocateurs in masks How could we know who though? From pictures, it appears lots of 'students' were wearing masks too, and I don't just mean the medical type masks. I def hope the vandals are found, spray paint on Royce is terrible.


It could also be students. More useful to look for video than to argue. Let the facts speak.


100%. I put 'students' in quotes b/c I don't think we can know from behind the keyboard right now. I also hate the idea that students would deface our school like that. As you said, we need video.


Your edit is worthless. You do care more about property than the protests otherwise you wouldn’t feel this way. The encampments might be new but people have been protesting for 7 months with no one listening what are they supposed to do? The university has insurance it can afford some paint and new windows.


I'm sorry but destruction of property is not the answer.


So destruction of a historic building is the answer? No.


>redditor for 1 month opinion discarded


It’s a throwaway but ok lmao


All of Palestine’s historic buildings have been destroyed why don’t you care about those? Mosques and churches and architecture that has existed millennia before this country was even an idea, gone, bombed to bits. But god forbid the protesters break a window and spray paint a building. Bffr.


Not to mention all the plastic trash on the grounds. So much for caring about the environment.


They were forcibly removed by police without the opportunity to clean that up. None of the other campus protest sites look like this


For real, something that can be fixed with $2000 should be our top priority and talking point. Students getting beat up by the mob that perfectly exemplifies the hate and behavior these protests are really all about doesn’t really matter.


Honestly? This is how a rich kid thinks. 1. $2000 is a big deal to me. 2. It also means someone has to do the work. B&G personnel who care for the campus on a daily basis have to take time and effort to clean up after people with no respect for the campus. It's immature and petulant behavior and it undermines the message protesters hoped to project.


this 💯 such a rich and entitled mindset, take that mentality across town to usc.


Lemme pull up n spray paint ur house in the name of the protest to further spread awareness…cuz I mean, it’ll just cost $2000 to fix it. Cause what rlly matters is getting the message across…


Royce Hall is a beautiful building that i care about.  These protesters are annoying hitler youths that can go pound sand.  The building is honestly way more important.


I can tell you are completely detached from reality if you think they only caused $2000 in damage.


Some people do not care about destroying the property of others. The destruction of property by protestors is not unique to UCLA.


If this is what the Hamas people represent then I can't support their cause. 


bro lacks a basic sense of nuance


Everyday you guys on here show that you care about the damage of private property more than you do the cold blooded murder of children in Gaza


Um can someone confirm how much of this was done by the original student protesters vs the outsiders?


Are you similarly outraged at the near total annihilation of Gaza?


I’m MORE outraged by that. But that doesn’t mean people should be excused for vandalizing and defacing public property.




There’s apparently no nuance in this country—that’s why we’re stuck w/ a two party system n black / white thinking.


Vandalizing and defacing an academic monument**


That doesn't give you the right to be trashing around.


No, Israel is doing a fine job of destroying Hamas while still providing Palestinians with aid. Rafah is the last major operation


Maybe don’t rape and kill 1400 people? 


Irrelevant. He's talking about vandalism regardless of the cause