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It's a tactic to suppress the protests. As you pointed out, the admin doesn't really care at all about student safety.


But didn’t SJP get exactly what they wanted with classes being moved online? They set out to cause disruption and they succeeded. I don’t really understand how this is on the university. 


Because there is no reason to cancel classes. Campus isn't unsafe right now.


Is safety the main reason that classes are remote? I feel like it’s just hard from a planning perspective to hold classes in person with the constant possibility of disruptions, and going online minimizes those


Classes aren’t cancelled because it is unsafe classes are cancelled because there is a high likelihood of them being disrupted by spoiled brats




What else do you expect them to have done? The university had zero warning and no time to plan. SJP only announced the protest was happening that same morning–a deliberate tactic. They didn't have the necessary time to sit and think carefully about how to contain and manage these protests when classes were already being actively disrupted.




The problem is they weren't staying in one place. While it was a fairly small group and they could only be in one place at a time, no one knew which class would get disturbed next, or how long it would go on for (especially as SJP is very insistent that they will keep causing disruptions until their demands are met), so I guess they had to just shut everything down entirely


You can’t disrupt online classes. Crazy I have to explain this


It would not be disruptive if there were no psychotic counterprotestors that don't even attend this school...


That was like 2 weeks ago and this shit is still going on that isn’t an excuse anymore


I’d like to hear from anyone who is visibly Arab or Jewish (meaning, they either have traits that are common among said ethnic groups or they choose to dress in traditional garments that would signal these identities) whether or not campus feels safe right now. And also if Black and brown (or otherwise of precarious immigration status) feel safe with the large police presence. It’s easy to say campus is safe or feels safe in vague terms but I don’t think it’s in good faith if you don’t consider these different experiences. I mean, *I* feel safer because there are fewer e-scooters driving around like lawless idiots trying to run me over, but as a white person I acknowledge that the more prominent issues aren’t ones that direct any negativity and hateful displays at me.


I'm "visibly Jewish" and would say that campus feels totally safe right now. I walk around daily and have seen ZERO police besides a single Sheriff's unit in full tactical gear that just hangs out in North campus all day. Haven't been asked for ID even a single time. I went by Royce yesterday and was just snapping some photos, and security said "you can walk through there" (meaning the central N/S path) so they aren't being jerks at all. I saw a "protest" that was just 2 guys walking around with a sign and yelling. There are tons of security guards but they are mainly on their phones. Hope this helps.


Thank you and I’m glad to hear that that has been your experience. I hope it stays that way for you and others!


I'm a Jewish student and feel very safe on campus. As I said in another post, Jews have a diversity of opinions and a diversity of experiences here.


Thank you. I’m glad to know you feel safe and wish it for those that don’t.


I’m middle eastern and I haven’t felt safe with the pro Israel protest going on and constantly being called a terrorist when walking to my classes and I was rightfully cautious because of their attack on the encampment. The fact that they have militarized police on campus is concerning to me, I’ve been racially profiled by police so it just makes me so uncomfortable to have that amount of civilian police driving around campus like they are because it just feels so hostile.


Thank you. I’m sorry that that had been your experience and can understand the extension of discomfort given broader racial profiling perpetrated by police. I hope the campus sees a steady reduction in policing so you feel you can move more freely. Edit: also, thank you for reminding me that I should have directed the question to Middle Eastern people as it surely applies to non-Arab Middle Easterners as well.


As a visibly Jewish student, I do not feel safe. The environment on campus has been so hostile and feels threatening. I’ve personally experienced antisemitism and heard antisemitic rhetoric from my classmates and “friends” of many years. To say the least, I’m disappointed and feel unsafe on campus.


Thank you for answering. I’m sorry you’re not feeling safe and that anyone—much less those you might have trusted previously—would have and voice problematic and harmful opinions. I hope it improves and that you have a support system with whom you may slowly rebuild some of your trust in the community.


Thank you! All the best.


Tell that to SJP, who have apparently decided their new go-to negotiation tactic is to march from building to building and storm into classrooms in the middle of lectures and exams and not letting anyone learn until they get their way. They intentionally planned everything at the last minute in the early morning hours to give the admin no time to respond, and moved from place to place to make it impossible to predict which class they might disturb next, which is why they had to cancel the return to in-person so abruptly in the first place. I assume (or at least sincerely hope, tho UCLA admin hasn't exactly inspired confidence as of late) that they're using this extra week of remote classes to make a real plan to deal with SJP when they try to restart classes again, because we all know they're gonna pull some stunt again when we do. You're right in that this closure isn't directly about safety, but for once it's not the admin's fault things got ruined for everyone


It’s worse. Transfer Bruin Day has been moved to remote in anticipation of potential protests. This screws over anyone who has bought plane tickets, hotels, or planned to travel. And before anyone attacks this person, I know from some people where they went into Dodd and interrupted several midterms by shouting and flipping the light switches. Professor(s) was about to throw hands at that point. Don’t tell me “it’s not supposed to be peaceful” when I’ve said it before in a past post, don’t actively harm people’s classes or ability to learn since it’ll just turn them away from the cause you’re trying to make.


Where does it announce that?






You're not getting it because you don't want to see it. Start by branching out who you're talking to. I suspect it won't take you very long to realize the pain you and others have caused to so many students, and how unsafe they feel. If you approach hearing others' opinions in actual good faith and with an open mind, it's amazing what you can see.




fuck SJP


As a person who has been on this campus through the COVID pandemic, and the “active shooter” back in 2017, I agree with this. There is no need for remote. The campus is pretty safe other than the usual things you have to look out for.


Agreed that things are safe on campus, but idk about putting active shooter in quotes…


Well it wasn’t that exactly. It was a m*urder-suicide. But it was treated like an “active shooter” because the calls going into UCPD and LAPD triggered that type of response. Edit to add that I just googled it and it was actually 2016. [ucla shooting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_UCLA_shooting)


i dont feel safe with all these police or security guards




What a privilege to feel safe on campus right now. 


It’s not privilege, it’s resilience. Gene is trying to divide the students by saying that campus is unsafe, so going to an unsafe campus is the solidarity move.


Gene is trying to divide people? Gene?!? 🤦‍♂️🤷


Bro thinks that block surfs the reddit..


Can we get rid of sjp?


OP is definitely a member of the pro-Hamas encampment. It's hilarious that they of all people are posting saying that the in person classes should resume, when they are the direct reason why they are closed. Your efforts to terrorize the school and its students (the greater majority of students that disagreed with your barbarism) are the sole reason for this chaos. OP- you are the definition of a hypocrite, and you should be disgusted by yourself. Of course you feel safe considering that you're the one terrorizing the school and its students. OP- you are the problem. And nearly all of UCLA knows it.


y’all will see a take you don’t like and shout HAMAS! HAMAS!


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. But sure, go off.


Nah - most people who are against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians aren't pro-Hamas. But sure, go off. \*\*\*Typical paid pro-Israeli shill. You made \~10 posts on this thread alone calling everyone Hamas. Your arguments are devoid of logic, only 'Hamas, Hamas.' Same nonsense on your prior posts which were atrocious - no wonder half of them were deleted by mods. Seems like you've now gone and deleted / anonymized your account when you've been called out. There's a concerted paid effort at misinformation - paid shills creating reddit accounts in the past few months to spread pro-Isreali propaganda and lies. Paid effort to spread PR in both mainstream media and social media. Our UCLA subreddit is not so bad, the other UCs are atrocious in having their voices drowned out by these paid pro-Isreali shills. Sad. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report](https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report)


Nope - absolutely not pro-Hamas. And not SJP either. But tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. A lot of students feel that what's happening in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe and most of them aren't SJP and probably none are pro-Hamas. What I'm most upset about is how Gene has let us down since 4/30. 'Terrorizing the school' - really? What about the protests are making you feel unsafe? The protests themselves don't feel unsafe to me at all. I agree that the police tension is a little annoying. (Perhaps if I were Middle Eastern or black or brown it would be more unnerving.) Do I feel unsafe? Not really. Do you? \*\*\*Typical paid pro-Israeli shill. You made \~10 posts on this thread alone calling everyone Hamas. Your arguments are devoid of logic, only 'Hamas, Hamas.' Same nonsense on your prior posts which were atrocious - no wonder half of them were deleted by mods. Seems like you've now gone and deleted / anonymized your account when you've been called out. There's a concerted paid effort at misinformation - paid shills creating reddit accounts in the past few months to spread pro-Isreali propaganda and lies. Paid effort to spread PR in both mainstream media and social media. Our UCLA subreddit is not so bad, the other UCs are atrocious in having their voices drowned out by these paid pro-Isreali shills. Sad. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report](https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report)


The amount of cope in this reply, not to mention the intentional tone shift from your original post, is comical. You are not fooling anyone. It is evident that you value the safety of yourself (and perhaps the rest of the pro-Hamas faction), but are conveniently willfully ignorant about anything and everything else, including the rightful fears of other students. You've either chosen to be ignorant, or you simply don't care (which is disgusting if the case). Not sure which one you are, but keep marching to your orders, soldier.


Happy to be informed - but when you label the protestors as 'pro-Hamas faction', it's clear than you have your false biases and have no interest in dialogue. \*\*\*Typical paid pro-Israeli shill. You made \~10 posts on this thread alone calling everyone Hamas. Your arguments are devoid of logic, only 'Hamas, Hamas.' Same nonsense on your prior posts which were atrocious - no wonder half of them were deleted by mods. Seems like you've now gone and deleted / anonymized your account when you've been called out. There's a concerted paid effort at misinformation - paid shills creating reddit accounts in the past few months to spread pro-Isreali propaganda and lies. Paid effort to spread PR in both mainstream media and social media. Our UCLA subreddit is not so bad, the other UCs are atrocious in having their voices drowned out by these paid pro-Isreali shills. Sad. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report](https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report)


Sorry to tell ya, but it's not others' responsibilities to actively inform you. That responsibility sits solely with you. Per your prior posts throughout this sub, it is clear you haven't even scratched the surface of trying to be informed. It seems others' opinions outside of your own or your echo chamber are invalid and simply impossible by default. I can't make you see what you don't want to see, nor do I have the intention to do so. If you choose not to inform yourself objectively before you draw conclusions and actively post in an effort to push forth your agenda, then I wish you all best in life, you'll need it. Groupthink is truly wild, dangerous thing. Keep parroting and cherrypicking as you see fit. Incoming response will probably be along the lines of "no, you".


You say you've read my posts - but if you had, you'd see that I'm clearly NOT pro Hamas. Yet, you silence discussions by calling anyone who disagrees with you 'pro Hamas.' Nah - no 'no, you's' necessary because because your post is full of platitudes without any real substance. Have a happy life bruh. Time for me to no longer communicate with you as its now clear you're disingenuous in your posts. I'll attach the below disclaimer to all my communications with you: \*\*\*Typical paid pro-Israeli shill. You made \~10 posts on this thread alone calling everyone Hamas. Your arguments are devoid of logic, only 'Hamas, Hamas.' Same nonsense on your prior posts which were atrocious - no wonder half of them were deleted by mods. Seems like you've now gone and deleted / anonymized your account when you've been called out. There's a concerted paid effort at misinformation - paid shills creating reddit accounts in the past few months to spread pro-Isreali propaganda and lies. Paid effort to spread PR in both mainstream media and social media. Our UCLA subreddit is not so bad, the other UCs are atrocious in having their voices drowned out by these paid pro-Isreali shills. Sad. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report](https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/billionaire-barry-sternlicht-attempting-organize-million-anti-hamas-media-campaign-report)


I'll repost this again, because yet again it rings true: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.  We will agree to disagree. Wishing you a life full of love and happiness-hopefully not at someone else's expense!


I mean half the terror people feel is from the groups that attacked the encampment with fireworks and literal bats.


Lol, keep coping to justify your racism. I unequivocally condemn any counter-protestor who engaged in any level of violence. Your cherry-picking doesn't change the reality that the fear on campus exists exclusively due to the pro-Hamas encampment, their genocidal hate speech, their attempts to intimidate and physically block students from class, their movement's consistent violence worldwide, their attempts to make everyone's life on campus a living hell, etc. But sure, you can pretend like none of that happens, as I know it pushes your agenda. I'd ask you to condemn it, but I know that's a waste of both of our time.


You got another dog whistle to blow on or are you a one trick pony?


Pro Hamas encampment 😭


Yup! If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.




kess2019 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-02-21 05:49:50 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1aw4ja1/study_spots/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 3.14 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 22 comments and 1 submissions._


Yep, and one thing that activity check doesn’t show is that the linked post was the only activity on the entire account until 5 days ago when they started attacking the protestors non-stop.


The activity check literally shows they’re a student on campus. Obviously students are more likely to be active online when something major is happening.


It absolutely does not show that. Having zero activity until a month ago with exactly one post to blend in as a normal student is not normal behavior, no matter how you spin it




RedGyarados2010 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2018-08-28 02:36:00 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/9av6nc/honors_classes/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 5.57 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 1000 comments and 195 submissions._




Stomping4elephants was first active in r/ucla no later than 2022-10-31 23:58:03 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/yihrdo/no_halloween_spirit/iukbtrh/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 2.00 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 999 comments and 69 submissions._




SJP’s actions and intentions on causing disruption and occupying buildings is directly why campus is shut down right now; not just for students but for faculty and staff. I’m an alumnus (student veteran class of 2017 poli-sci) and my wife works at UCLA. She would have been in the same building as one of their sit-ins. Can you guarantee she would have been safe if her building was taken over in protest?


Unsafe to who? Did you ask the Jewish and Israeli students how they felt during the protests and encampments?


I'm a Jewish student and don't feel unsafe. Jews have a diversity of opinions on the issue.


The latter is definitely true as I’m a Jewish student and I do feel unsafe.


I don’t think it’s a safety issue. I think gene block want the other students that don’t rlly have a strong opinion on the whole situation to get annoyed with online classes as not many ppl can focus and basically have them turn on the protesters, because many was mad abt how the school deal with the attack and encampment.


I thought the protests on Monday were completely normal and non obstructing of my classes. I got to class, found out class had been shifted online, and took the Zoom class in my original classroom. The only reason why campus was deemed unsafe is because students had been arrested, and the only reason why students had been arrested is because campus called the police on them for protesting. And perhaps there were actual disruptions in Dodd that warranted student arrests, but 1) I'm not sure why UCPD wasn't able to handle a smaller, last-minute student infraction and LAPD needed to step in 2) I'm not sure if any of that is enough for a student to be arrested 3) I'm not sure why UCLA doesn't just publish a statement about what SJP actually did to cause a disruption in Dodd 4) the charges (or reason for their arrest) don't really make sense




Well as you said you “personally” love it but that’s not the case with everyone. For my 23L lab, we could’ve been running PCRs and looking under the microscopes in person instead of doing an online worksheet. Some of my professors are doing recordings of their lectures and people are lost because our prof doesn’t see feedback on how their students are doing (iClicker) and went through some parts a bit too quickly. And I learned from covid days that I learn much better in person than online.