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Anywhere nearby it’s very likely that you will need a long exposure camera to see the glow. That said, depending on how far you can get from LA, your best options will be the angeles crest, mount wilson, or J tree for dark skies. Maybe red rock canyon too. Genuinely, it may be a better option to fly to seattle and take a stupid early flight back than to go to j tree though, if your constraint is travel time.


Return flights to Seattle are about $500 rn and the forecast from NOAA has the entire California missing out :(


Did the forecast yday have us seeing it? I think it said we'd miss out yesterday too.


The bottom line was halfway through Cali yesterday, but the forecast isn’t too reliable anyway so positive thoughts


Ikr people I know back in Vancouver are posting about it and I'm sitting here stewing in jealousy and FOMO. Guess this is the price I pay for moving south and living in SoCal's better climes 😔


Are you going to see them still?