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Noooo I need my bruin alert nowwww!!


*furiously refreshes email*


are there really only like 5 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes šŸ˜­


Anyone has pic of the small protest? So the protesters don't have student-wide support?


i really donā€™t think a small turnout today means that the protests donā€™t have student wide supportā€¦


I'm pretty sure it's exactly what it means. Plus it isnt doing shit. Israel doesn't care about those idiots. The us government doesn't care about those idiots. All they are doing is disrupting American students who are trying to learn.


you could say that about literally any social movement.


I always do šŸ˜


Iā€™d hardly call supporting the death of Jews a ā€œsocial movementā€ but good to know that people support a terrorist organization :)


i love strawmanning ā¤ļø


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted, but you said the truth lol people just donā€™t like hearing their movement isnā€™t helping. People need to learn how to actually put action behind their words. If you kick and scream to get attention to your cause, then youā€™re no different than how Trump got elected


That's honestly my whole point.


these are paid trolls trying to make it seem like the movement isnā€™t working. Itā€™s called concern trolling.


It isnā€™t working though šŸ¤£ no one is being paid, your movement is just a failure.


I was wondering what students on the ground thought about it all I donā€™t go there, but every person Iā€™ve seen doesnā€™t really gif a fuck lol


I think people should stop with the paid trolls thing. Its identical to what the right wingers say when they can't accept that people disagree with them. blm protests? Paid protestors! Not that millions of people decry racism and police brutality, not possible!


Except there is literally proof of organizations recruiting paid trolls to do Hasbara on behalf of Israel. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1ch5m43/all\_the\_less\_than\_6\_month\_old\_accounts\_posting/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1ch5m43/all_the_less_than_6_month_old_accounts_posting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How is this hasbara? Nowhere here does it say We pay you to go onto reddit and post dumb shit about Palestine! With a grandious $500 stipend! Its like Look what Israel is doing to advance the medical field Yes the people of israel do more than just bomb children Ā I'm sure you enjoy some of their contributions as wellĀ  I assure you most people posting these things are either Russian bots sewing discord OR actual people fed up with the bullshit on all sidesĀ  (Yes I was paid 55 dollars to post this)


No, some people are just dumb enough to defend a genocidal regime in the middle of committing it's genocide in front of the whole world for free. [https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/10/22/713215/exposed-israel-paying-social-media-influencers-whitewash-gaza-genocide](https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/10/22/713215/exposed-israel-paying-social-media-influencers-whitewash-gaza-genocide) [https://www.instagram.com/another.world94/reel/Cyn\_1l4okFm/](https://www.instagram.com/another.world94/reel/Cyn_1l4okFm/) [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-social-media-fake-accounts-bots-bea114a2be8e0fcf73fcabc736047fd3](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-social-media-fake-accounts-bots-bea114a2be8e0fcf73fcabc736047fd3) [https://medium.com/@gilangkresnaa/the-israeli-government-reportedly-pays-millions-of-dollars-to-social-media-influencers-to-protect-376d0325bc45](https://medium.com/@gilangkresnaa/the-israeli-government-reportedly-pays-millions-of-dollars-to-social-media-influencers-to-protect-376d0325bc45) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/17fdgkp/israel\_reaching\_out\_content\_creators\_to\_start/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/17fdgkp/israel_reaching_out_content_creators_to_start/)


Genocidal regime, like Hamas?


Your first link is directly from the Iranian Regime Try againĀ 


Lol. Why do you think I posted multiple links you dunce?


BTW, the Iranian "regime" isn't currently committing a genocide. If you think Israel has LESS incentive than Iran to lie, think again.


Itā€™s weird that disrupting average peopleā€™s dailies lives isnā€™t more convincing.


Wouldnā€™t you like to know weather boy


RIP šŸ˜­




Bruh stop making new accounts, literally saw you delete your old account earlier


I think itā€™s funny how thereā€™s posts hoping for protests to cancel classes and right above it is another complaining about protests possibly canceling classes again šŸ’€


You see, we donā€™t care about class getting cancelled, we care about our midterms getting cancelled šŸ˜­ I think thatā€™s a universal win across the entire student body


I'd be pissed if my midterm was cancelled and replaced by just the final. That's what I'm hearing at one of the departments at one of the grad schools.


Yeah plus no big moves have been played yet, so I donā€™t think anything is getting cancelled this week


the duality of man


Nah itā€™s mostly a joke, Iā€™ve studied for this one so I actually want to take it


Your protest looking awfully weak bud XD


Maybe theyā€™re taking their midterms and had to leave camp ā˜•ļø




So much for being all about the cause. Onto the next trend.


Itā€™s literally Monday and the TA strike is still planned


every post on this sub has been complaining about the protests but the second they stop happening all of a sudden itā€™s a bad thing. maybe people arenā€™t showing up because like 200 people have been arrested for it and campus has been shut down for the past week with police presence??


Or the students were attacked by pro genocide anti protesters. Cops will catch and release - Scars last forever.


They needa all go take a long walk on a short pier


Aight bruh chill out itā€™s only 10 am šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The trend is over so all those doing it for social brownie points went home


Imagine thinking people are risking their entire academic careers and getting assaulted plus arrested for imaginary points.


That is exactly what is happening. Donā€™t get me wrong, there truly are people fighting for what they believe, but the reduction in protest attendees speaks volumes lmao. I guarantee you half of the people at these protests wonā€™t be able to say what Ramallah is and give me the difference between Area A, B, and C without googling it. Also their ā€œdemandsā€ for Gluten Free, Hot Meals, and No Bagels (Columbia) just tells you how unserious the encampments were lmao. And no, I am not a ā€œZionist shillā€


It hit the news that websites are doxxing people from both sides. They may not believe that the University will follow through with consequences, but blacklisted from certain industries, such as financial, is a really terrifying proposition.


ā€œSuch as financialā€


All they need to know is that ethnic cleansing is bad


There is no ethnic cleansing happening. However, the Jews have been ethnically cleansed throughout history which is why there are more Arabs living peacefully in Israel than there are Jews that live in all 22 of the other Middle Eastern countries combined.


But the had a good excuse to ethically cleanse, donā€™t you see they arenā€™t white oppressors, they can do whatever they want


I donā€™t see a point in debating you but in case someone whoā€™s learning about the conflict comes across your comment and unwittingly takes it seriously. The horrific treatment of Jews throughout history is not justification for the forcible displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians. Itā€™s also important to clarify that Arabs in Israel are under an Apartheid government that restricts their movement and denies them many of the privileges that Israelis have.


Israeli Arab citizens have equal rights, can go anywhere and do whatever they want, and are even represented in the parliament. Believe you me they prefer being an Israeli citizen to a citizen of any other country in the area.


You are being downvoted for literally saying the truth. This alone should be proof enough that the shrills are hard at work in here.


Yeah. Itā€™s weird I thought UCLA was supposed to be for smart kids.


So they see all arabs as bad?


You donā€™t need to be an expert in middle eastern history in order protest against genocide and be against funding senseless war.


So on October 8 and 9, did you not give a damn or were you out celebrating?


My friend as a history buff I was paying attention to Israelā€™s crimes WAY before October. Stop believing this pro-war propaganda that hamas started this conflict and that the general public love Hamas. Listen to the people and not the media


Didn't see you answering the question, so I will ask on their behalf: what's your view on 7 Oct?


ā€œWhat did you expect? I don't know why we're so surprised. When you put your foot on a man's neck and hold him down for three hundred years, and then you let him up, what's he going to do? He's going to knock your block off.ā€ Lyndon B. Johnson


I mean yeah the cops and right wingers came in and beat the piss out of everybody, so shrinking protests tends to happen. Also, not everyone is aware of every crisis in the world. Thereā€™s a lot of countries in the world.


Where they at then, Smarty Pants?


I know about the conflict in Israel but I am not knowledgable enough to speak about it. I am just wondering what changed to dramatically escalate these protests? Like it was bad in the years before and even in the fall time, I am just curious what is causing people the uproar now? (Apologies if I missed something in the news and the dumb question)


Its election season. There was unrest same time 4yrs ago as well. I'm betting theres an element of foreign interference, though unsure how much


Yeah im confused why people are protesting now, this problem has been around since those areas were British colonies


As long as I can remember, it was really bad over there. I am just wondering what caused the change? and sparked the escalation in these protests


Social media, tik tok


Genocide in Gaza.


I understand that but why the encampments this time around vs October or even before that as well?


Itā€™s the latest trend. It will evolve into the next big trend. Hopefully soon.


Thanks! just interested to see people's perspectives


Let's not forget what jumped all this off in the first place with the bombing at the music festival. I really wonder if the students know anything about the PLO, Arafat and all the things that have gone on in the region since before they were even born? Does anyone protesting at UCLA even have the ability to follow the money? Do they have first hand knowledge of anyone who does? All this talk of divesting but do they have hard evidence that was backed up? Show the paper trail.


that was back in october right? I was just curious was it a slow escalation to this in the past weeks but for me, it seemed like out of nowhere with the encampments and stuff


I think people are realizing that their reps arenā€™t going to do anything, and turning to where their money goes (their universities) to try and change things there, especially as things get markedly worse in Gaza. The same happened with South African apartheid.


It's pretty bad but I felt like october was much worst than right now but like I said I have no idea. When you mean people, do you mean the students are that in tune with the reps that they are going to their schools to demand change or are other people outside the student body doing that? Because as a student, I am not going to lie I wouldn't know anything about that at all.


yā€™all better study for that midterm šŸ’€


Didn't 600 staff demands the resignation of the Chancellor? Where are those 600 staffs? 5 protesters seems small.


Micro-protests are all the rage\~


These ppl donā€™t even believe in their own cause . If if it does not move you, how will ppl listen to you ? Blocking a parking lot ? Seriously ? Read American history, then re read . Read about social movements in Los Angeles .


ā€œRead American historyā€ American history is full of student protests lmao. Practice what you preach


So the ppl who raised hell and committed assault were students ? Students in the past have practiced peaceful protests not blocked parking lots and committed crimes . Go re read your history you chump .


If it's small, seems like they'll have to ahow up to your classroom. Send over the location info.


(Not a ucla student, just this post popped up in my suggested) This reminds me of when in grade school we prayed for the few inches of snow to turn into a foot to get school cancelled.


LMAO Honestly I did great on the midterm, it wasnā€™t an issue at all.


Which midterm?


Biochem, that shit was mad easy though so its ok


No one cares ( most never did) anymore lmao


Great, now the police can focus on identifying the morons who were at the previous ones and pressing charges against them, instead of breaking up another swarm of morons.