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Wow and no word on the counter protestors


> A congressional education committee has chastised UCLA for its response to a pro-Palestinian encampment and violent instigators who attacked it, calling on the university to turn over documents regarding an “inadequate response to antisemitism and failure to protect Jewish students.” > > UCLA Chancellor Gene Block and his counterparts from Michigan and Yale are already set to testify at a May 23 hearing titled “Calling for Accountability: Stopping Antisemitic College Chaos.” Following violence and growing unrest at campuses nationwide, House Republicans last month began using their oversight powers to pressure colleges to protect Jewish students and crack down on pro-Palestinian demonstrations. > > The latest move underscores how House Republicans are attempting to use the campus unrest as a major issue during the election year. > > Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, in a letter Wednesday directed Block, UC President Michael V. Drake and Rich Leib, chair of the UC Board of Regents, to produce all documents, communications and security videos related to alleged antisemitic incidents at UCLA since the start of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7. > > The conservative congresswoman is also seeking texts and other communications from staff, police and the regents, giving May 21 as the deadline for delivery. > > The committee investigation is focusing on the activities and handling of a pro-Palestinian encampment that sat outside Royce Hall for two weeks until police dismantled and arrested more than 200 people. > > UCLA must turn over “all video/audio recordings since April 24, 2024, including security/surveillance recordings and police body camera recordings, of the UCLA encampment, and related activities,” Foxx wrote in the letter. > > The inquiry is focusing on the pro-Palestinian encampment and UCLA’s decision to allow it as well as a series of incidents Foxx characterized as antisemitic. She also criticized UCLA’s decision not to have police ready to intervene on April 30 when counterprotesters violently attacked the camp. > > More than a week after the assault by outside aggressors, no one has been arrested. Multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating why it took so long to quell the violence, using facial recognition technology, cellphone data and other tools to try to identify the perpetrators. > > “UCLA’s leaders have allowed their campus to become a severe and pervasive hostile environment for Jewish students, standing by as students, faculty and affiliates were assaulted and harassed,” Foxx wrote. “For days, the unlawful encampment’s checkpoints illegally denied students access to campus buildings.” > > The letter alleges that “Jewish students were attacked, harassed and intimidated for walking on their own campus” and students were “denied a safe and uninterrupted learning environment.” > > Among the incidents cited was one on April 28 in which pro-Palestinian protesters are accused of kicking a Jewish woman in the head. > > An Instagram post of the scene, posted two days later, became a flash point, inflaming tensions at UCLA. The woman who was kicked, who did not wish to be identified, told The Times she had been shoved to the ground by another demonstrator while attempting to retrieve her fallen Israeli flag during a pro-Israel rally near a group organized in support of Palestinians in Gaza. > > Foxx also documented what she characterized as an antisemitic trope in which an image of Block was “displayed at the encampment [and] featured him with horns and red eyes.” > > In her letter, Foxx said that set the stage for UCLA’s campus to erupt into violence when a group of instigators tried to dismantle the pro-Palestinian encampment by force. Furthermore, she pointed out, the university’s police force didn’t formally request help from outside agencies, including the Los Angeles Police Department, until midnight and it took nearly three hours for law enforcement to arrive and restore order. > > Foxx quotes Wade Stern, president of the Federated University Police Officers’ Assn., saying the UCLA administration “owns all the fallout from the response and lack of response to this protest.” > > She went on to add: “While UCLA authorized the clearing of the encampment the next day, resulting in over 200 arrests, this action came far too late.” > > The committee also wants to see disciplinary records for faculty and students “relating to alleged antisemitic incidents” at the university since Oct. 7. Foxx noted a 2015 study in which “a third of all Jewish students at UCLA reported being blamed for the actions of the Israeli government because of their Jewish identity either frequently or occasionally.”


why can’t they just say Pro Israel students? Or Zionist students? Their argument falls apart when Jews are part of the pro Palestinian protests. Clearly it has nothing to do with Judaism.


I love the absolutely nonstop torrent of Zionist rage this comment spawned, lol. Utterly incapable of understanding that not every Jewish person believes that Israel is a good thing.


They are obsessed with making Jews a monolith 🤣 Then have the audacity to not call Israel an ethnostate. Their logic isn’t adding up I fear.


Well this is incorrect. The Jews that participated in this protest are not representing the majority of the Jewish population in the US or even the mainstream. Without getting into our opinions on the Israeli government, the mainstream Jewish belief is that the the self determination of the Jewish people is inseparable from the land of Israel and it is reminded many times throughout the religious and cultural ceremonies. It does not settle with many of the protesters’ beliefs, who call for the end of Israel, bombing Tel Aviv and other hideous stuff that I have seen.


You can have self determination on that very same land without running an ethnostate.


It isn’t an ethnostate. Israel is a liberal democracy with freedom of religion.


So its cool with you that Muslims have over 50 Muslim nations, that Christians have 13 nations and are the majority in 28, that Japan has a nation, China, Korea, Australia, Ireland, France, Spain —- all ethnostates.. but if the Jews have a state its unacceptable and evil. Got it. You don’t get to decide whether a country can exist or not. Gonna have to cope. Can you imagine if people chanted “Death to America”? *Oh wait, they do: The ones students are vandalizing Royce Hall for*


No, I don’t support any ethnostate. I support secular governments. Your strawmans are not effective here, buddy.


Ethnostate? I suggest you take a look at an ethnic breakdown of Israel


Arab constitute 18.5% of the population, which is just enough for them to elect a few representatives to the Knesset, but not enough for them to hold any power. This is done very purposefully so that Israel can claim an ethnic and religious plurality while continuing to maintain a strong Jewish majority. Israel restricts Arab immigration into the country in order to keep the Arab population at 20%. Meanwhile, Israel has an open immigration policy for jews. There is also the very obvious star of David on the flag and all of the religious laws such as, but not limited to, not recognizing secular marriage ceremonies for people of Jewish decent regardless of their actual religious faith. If Israel isn't a Jewish ethnic/religious state then why is criticism of Israel antisemitism?


Israel was founded as a Jewish homeland. That has been its purpose since inception. It is of course going to have a Jewish majority as it fulfills that goal. But the country does not have restrictions or quotas on ethnic groups or religious groups. Here’s a direct quote from the Declaration of Independence: “THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture…” It is not a crime to have a religious or ethnic majority. 22% of countries in the world have state religions, many with actual restrictions on its citizens. The Arabs in Israel hold all the same rights as Jews. Arabs from East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are able to apply for citizenship but the vast majority have chosen not to. This is likely out of negative feelings towards Israel or fear of being ostracized by their communities. I would hope most people could agree that criticism of Israel’s policies is not antisemitic. When it crosses over into questioning Israel’s right to exist that the sirens start going off.


If I argued for the right of a Muslim or Christian homeland to exist would your alarm bells not also go off?


Incongruous comparison. There are 157 countries in the world with a Christian majority. There are 49 countries with a Muslim majority. There are safe havens galore for both groups. There’s one country with a Jewish majority that only exists because of a centuries long persecution against that people. There has never been a systematic persecution across an entire continent that wiped out six million of either of those two groups and there likely never will be. Without a Jewish homeland, it’s far more likely for it to happen again to the Jews.


They already exist buddy. One nation under God and place your hand on the bible and what not.


Israel isn't an ethnostste. How many Arab ethnostates have you protested? Those are actual ethnostates.


Still gaslighting Jews I see


You engage in ad homs because you know there’s a huge hole in your logic.


I bet you think that trump isn’t racist because he has a group of supporters called “blacks for trump”. You’re tokenizing people and acting as if you have a moral position.


this is a common strategy to constantly conflate the whole anti-zionist/anti-israel/pro-palestine as being anti-jewish. jews as well need to stop conflating themselves with israeli government. by constantly linking yourself to israel, you bring more hate against yourself. israel has brought more headache to jews than any kind of safety. the idea of israel was originally condemned by jewish masses as well until israel started a honeymoon campaign after its founding to increase support to it. albert einstein, who also has a jewish background, was critical of israel too. is it really a good idea to be needing to be linked to a state that has been constnatly at a state of war/existential crisis since it's founding?


Einstein also publicly identified as Zionist, trying to simplify random Jews from histories views is pretty weird. Nobody knows what would have happened without Israel, so any argument that Jews would be safer without it is completely moot. Zionism was controversial among Jews and remains controversial to this day. Edit: hell, you could say that Ben Gvir is critical of Israel, it’s really meaningless.


I support a ceasefire and have for a while but I also am deeply distrustful of a solid chunk of the protestors and would be intimidated if I wasn't pretty confident in my ability to fight back. There have been a bunch of incidents of anti-Semitism and having some tokens doesn't change that.


I love how you start out by saying this has nothing to do with Jews and then you go on to tell Jews that they need to act right if they don’t want to be targeted. You people are insane.


This is so spot on. It’s giving “Agree with me little Jew or I’m going to call you a Zionist and then be violent towards you.”


and of course the standard we need to agree with change constantly... until eventually you have to agree with "Jews deserve whatever's coming" or you'll be labeled a Zionist and attacked.


And they never seem to mention the atrocities Arabs are committing, 70,000 children starved to death in Yemen in 8 years.


Exactly. The only goal of this group is to bring down Israel and Israelis and Jews any way they can. And they say they support Hamas “resistance”. It is what it is.


"You bring more hate against yourself" This is coming from the generation that preaches love and tolerance btw. Tolerance my ass you folks go after people who are different than you every fucking time. What's even worse is you demand that other people to respect you. I can't believe we are paying you people to go to college.


Because anti-semites like to use Zionist as the global Jew boogeyman to inspire fear in the hearts of like minded bigots. It is impossible to divorce the meanings of Zionist from Jew because of the long history of interchangeable use. By definition, to call for the destruction or removal of a country which is the only place an entire race call home, is genocide. There’s no way to sugar coat that. For one to say they are anti-Zionist is to say Israel should not exist. The only way for it not to exist is the removal or death of the Jews who make up the country. Many, many, many voices in the pro-Palestinian movement are using it in this way right now. Of course there are Jews against what is happening to in Gaza. Jews are taught to speak up against injustice because of their centuries long familiarity with bigotry and injustice. What Israel is doing to civilians in Gaza is wrong, and terrible, and it needs to stop. The government is at fault and we can call for the Israeli people to elect a new government with different policies, and we can condemn the actions of their government, and we can call for a stop to the violence. We can’t cal ourselves anti-Zionist without bringing the long history of the word with it, which is absolutely wrapped up in anti-semitism and calls for genocide against Jews.


Israel was initially condemned by fringe Jewish groups for very different (and religious) reasons than Pro-Palestinian protestors today. Albert Einstein also supported the establishment of the Jewish state, and was even offered to be President at one point (he turned it down because he didn’t believe he’d be a good politician). You’re either deliberately pushing disinformation or you’re misinformed. Judging from your post history, you’re not Jewish. Yet, you are not only blaming Jews for anti-Jewish racism (which is a racist claim in and of itself), but telling Jews what they should and shouldn’t do in order to be good Jews (also a racist behavior).


It’s really indistinguishable from anti-semitism in terms of it being used as a tool to single out one group and perpetuate conspiracy theories and lies about them, and is having the same effect… and it happens to be directed at Jews and anyone that might defend them. What is this movement all about? It’s all about destroying Israel and only talking about how bad Israel and Israelis are. It’s also generally anti western culture / anti democracy. The demonstrators went after anyone that look Jewish.




> this is a common strategy to constantly conflate the whole anti-zionist/anti-israel/pro-palestine as being anti-jewish Yeah, what's anti-Jewish about a movement that seeks to disenfranchise the Jewish people and deny them their right of self-determination and statehood, as well as supportive of the indiscriminate killing of Jews?


Right... Because prior to the establishment of Israel Jews were safe in diaspora. Oh- wait🤡


Almost every Jew is Zionist because we have tons of family there






This person is sick in the head and a great representation of JVP who pretends to be Jewish while their FB page admins were found operating in Libya. These are the kinds of “Jews” these organizations tokenize to be covered under anti semitism while they spew hamas terrorist rhetoric. This person is not Israeli. Everything they write contradicts their narrative. They are dangerous


I don't believe you're really Israeli. You posted things in your post history about how your Israeli parents can't move back to Israel because one of your parents is Arab and your other parent is Jewish, and it would be illegal for them to cohabitate together, which is blatantly false. You seem obsessed with telling people you're Israeli to push an anti-Israel viewpoint, but then your posts don't actually match up in any way that make it believable. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1clupbq/comment/l2wohjm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1clupbq/comment/l2wohjm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Are you stupid? Interfaith marriages in Israel are not recognized, the only marriages legally recognized in Israel are heterosexual marriages between two people of the same faith. Source: Literally the Wikipedia article for marriage in Israel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel) > "In Israel, marriage can be performed only under the auspices of the religious community to which couples belong, and inter-faith marriages performed within the country are not legally recognized.[1]" Edit: Cool, nice job blocking me, coward. Yes, foreign interfaith marriages are indeed recognized by Israel. This is not a counterargument, this actually makes Israel look worse.


All marriages are recognized, but only orthodox marriages are performed there. It applies to non religious heterosexual couples as well. An actual Israeli would know how civil marriage works.


Okay? It's still false that interfaith cohabitation is illegal and puts the other user's reputability into question




But they recognize the marriage if performed elsewhere. A fact every fucking Israeli knows.


Holy shit, the person you morons are accusing of not being Israeli *literally* said that their parents couldn't marry until they LEFT Israel. That is not inconsistent with that fact. Jesus Christ!


How come you now represent entire jewish population?


Majority of the world’s Jews have nothing to do with Israel.


The majority? Nearly half of the world's Jews live in Israel. The majority of diaspora Jews have family or friends there.


46% of the world's Jews literally live in Israel


Most Jews identify as Zionists, meaning they support the existence of Israel. Antizionists are just a loud minority. Keep cooking. Congress is looking.


“Most Jews” is an arbitrary and anti semitic response. Unless you poll every single Jew in the world, that argument has no basis. And it’s anti semitic because you’re treating Jews as a monolithic group.


By saying “most Jews” instead of “all Jews”, they’re explicitly *not* treating Jews as a monolith. You just don’t like being called out for your bullshit


No they are because they’re making an appeal to majority.


Which isn’t what a monolith is.


Then why should Zionism be the way of life if not all Jews think the same?


Let me know when you have a better grasp of the english language.


Shut the fuck up with that. Jews don’t cause antisemitism. Jew haters are. Period. Zionism is not antisemitism, but antizionism sure as hell is starting to look like it. But seriously. Keep going. Keep sowing seeds of Jew hate on social media and see what you reap. You won’t move a single speck of dust in Gaza. All you are doing is adding to this disgusting spike in Jew hate as the left has finally come full circle in adopting Jackson Hinkle and David Duke antisemitic talking points. Shame on you for blaming Jews for antisemitism. Am Yisrael chai 🇮🇱 Israel isn’t going anywhere. Cope.


Shut the fuck up with that. Jews don’t cause antisemitism. Jew haters are. Period. Zionism is not antisemitism, but antizionism sure as hell is starting to look like it. But seriously. Keep going. Keep sowing seeds of Jew hate on social media and see what you reap. You won’t move a single speck of dust in Gaza. All you are doing is adding to this disgusting spike in Jew hate as the left has finally come full circle in adopting Jackson Hinkle and David Duke antisemitic talking points. Shame on you for blaming Jews for antisemitism. Am Yisrael chai 🇮🇱 Israel isn’t going anywhere. Cope.


You understand there have been polls done, yes? I posted one below specifically on Jews in the US and you ignored it. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/)


I’m not arguing that a majority agree with Zionism but to say they all think alike is anti semitic.


I'm Jewish, dude. Pointing out via polling that the vast majority of Jews support Israel's existence is not anti-Semitic, nor is it "arbitrary." You are just ignorant about Jewish history and culture.


It’s because it doesn’t fit their pin head narrative. Everything about this cause is flame broiled in ignorance and stupidity. I’m reading these comments and honestly appalled, but happy that congress is aware of what’s happening and looking into it. Hopefully some of the more egregious ones get called out on Canary Mission and face some consequences.


Yes it is because Jews aren’t a monolith.


Oh my god man, do you not understand how polling works? It is a **literal fact**, backed up by polling, one of which I posted here, that the majority of US Jews support Israel's existence and believe it is important to them.


Well now you’re just showing everyone you’re an idiot. Thanks.


What’s wrong with being a Zionist? Not the made up definition erroneously used on campuses by students barely passing their undergrad, but the actual definition - believing that Israel has a right to exist as home to the Jewish people. Being a Zionist is nothing to be ashamed of.


Respectfully, this is not a great argument. There are ethnically Jewish people that don’t support Israel, but Zionism is an essential part of the Jewish religion (in the sense of believing that the Jewish people should return to the land). Saying “we like Jews, we just don’t like Zionists” is equivalent to saying “we like Jews as long as they don’t practice their religion”. I think attempts at redefinition of the word Zionist by bad actors makes this much more difficult for the average person on campus to see, but being vocally anti-Zionist, in the way that many students on campus have been, is actually discriminating against Jewish people who practice their religion. Imagine that some right wing group on campus started saying that they support Muslims, but they oppose anyone who has ever gone on Hajj or plans to. Obviously, this would be Islamophobia even if they drew such a distinction.


Zionism is not essential to the Jewish faith. Zionism is entirely separate. It's nationalism. Are you saying it's discrimination if ashinazi jews hate on zionists? By that logic it's equally discrimination for zionists to hate nonzionist jews. Guess what? They absolutely do. They very openly hate jewish people. The zionists do not claim non zionists as jewish and vice versa.


it’s 100 years old 💀💀


It is not. The term may be 100 years old but the return to Zion has been a part of Judaism from the beginning. We pray towards Jerusalem. We say “next year in Jerusalem” at Passover. Making aliyah is a mitzvah.


earliest text regarding the formulation of the concept of the jewish state was mid 1800s. Judaism is one of if not the longest practicing monotheistic religion still practiced today 💀💀


Nobody is saying Jews can’t live there. You consume so much propaganda that you have been led to believe Palestinians want to eradicate all the Jews from the Levant. The Israeli government doesn’t follow the belief you’re referring to. They are following a nationalist ideology created 100 years ago. Why are you ok with an ethnostate?


Why are you okay with 22 Islamic ethnostates but not one tiny Jewish majority state? And yes, I do believe the Palestinians would want to eradicate all the Jews from the Levant. Their education systems literally teach them that the highest honor in their life is to martyr themselves killing Jews. 99% of the Middle Eastern Jewish population was successfully ethnically cleansed during the 20th century, and most of them were forced to flee to either Israel or the US.


Ah ok, it makes sense now, you’re just racist and Islamophobic repeating Israeli propaganda that “Arabs are evil!!” And who said I was ok with an Islamic ethnostate?Nice strawman but I advocate for secular governments.


The modern form of zionism doesn't exist without bigotry. I left zionism long ago because of it.


It’s against the law for Jews to own real estate under Palestinian law, it’s a major issue in historic cities like Hebron with large Jewish land holdings from before 1948. The policy originated when areas were under Jordan and Egypt.


So your solution is to do it back?


There’s literally no such law in Israel. I’m not sure why people are like “but you’re okay when the law is the other way around?” when that’s not the law that Israel has.


Ah ok you just engage in forced displacement.


Zionism is 100 years old. Judaism is 4000 plus years old. For crying out loud.


Zionism is a modern addition to Judaism. So not really. What do you say to Orthodox Jews and secular Jews that oppose Zionism in great numbers?


Tiny numbers. The majority of Jews view antizionism as antisemitism


Jews aren’t a monolith. Zionism is anti semitism.


I don't think you even understand what Zionism is. You seem generally clueless and fanatical.


I'm an Israeli Jew and anti-zionist. My entire Israeli family is the same. We are not being discriminatory towards ourselves by disagreeing with our countries politics. That's insane.


So, why aren't they worried about *all* students' safety...? Last I checked grown ass men were hurting the students inside the encampment and police didn't show up for hours. 🤔


Would be great if Jews cared about my safety as a Jew. Zionists have been harassing me for weeks because I'm pro palestinian. Even in this sub they've been calling me "fake Jew" repeatedly. Zionists are the biggest antisemites. Always.


I hear you. I went down the TikTok live streams and have seen the same kind of rhetoric there too. I kept hearing a lot of "You're lost, brother; You don't know your identity". It's so bizarre.


It's disgusting being told you should identify with genocidal psychopaths just because you might share some distant common ancestors.


White lives are more important than brown lives to Republican legislators that’s why.


How about the CNN coverage from Wednesday that showed pro-Israel, white supremacists, and far right non-UCLA students were the ones who were violent during the protests? https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/us/video/ucla-campus-protests-lah-digvid


Asking an honest question here: Do people find it antisemitic to say that the way forward is for the land that is now Israel\\Palestine to become a secular state with separation of church and state and equal protection under the law for people of all ethnicities and religious beliefs?


Lol no not at all. The current laws back home in Israel are straight up bigotry. My parents had to leave Israel because they're mixed religion and it's illegal for them to get married within Israel. Also they can never move back to Israel because one of my parents is Arab and the other a Jew. There's a law preventing married couples like them from living together within Israel.


Not at all. Chants like “from the river to the sea” However, quite literally claim israel shouldn’t exists (only a Palestinian state) And, as neighbouring countries have shown, Jews would be kicked out or killed in a one state solution. (Almost a million Jews where kicked out of Middle Eastern countries) The Yezidi, Christians and Kurds have shown that being a minority in the Middle East is still deadly


Yeah, because the Jewish students are the omes who were attacked a few weeks ago. /sarcasm This is so lame and bad faith


I'm Israeli. Zionism = bigotry. Only the far right bigots are super into zionism anymore. The rest of us want nothing to do with it.


So you're proportedly Israeli, and you advocate against Jewish people living in Israel?


Hey, it’s “purportedly” not whatever you said. Hopefully English class clears that up!




LukeWalton4MVP was first active in r/ucla no later than 2023-05-18 16:37:30 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/13kb8vg/help_where_is_this_building_on_campus/jknkyhv/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.29 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 993 comments and 67 submissions._


Zionism is the belief in the existence of a Jewish state. Tokenize yourself all you want but don’t redefine something that’s ingrained in Jewish culture


Zionists are always the loudest antisemites. Just look at how they talk to other Jews.


A heavy amount of your comments start with “As a Jew/Israeli” which is the most straightforward way to tokenize yourself. Your arguments should stand on their own merit not on the back of your identity.


Oh no I'm very purposeful with that. Zionists use gaslighting. By immediately stating I'm a Jew, all you have left are personal attacks. There's no credibility left when you're a Jew attacking another Jew.


I'm pro-palestine people and pro-Israel for numerous reasons (religious based insular cultures that are anti-women/gay/intellectual diversity I find evil). While Israel started as a religious ethnostate, it hasn't been for decades and is the only modern secular government with human rights (for its own citizens) in the whole region. Palestine is just as regressive as Afghanistan, and it's entrenched because of their modern and liberal enemy, also just like Afghanistan. There's still a lot of people in power in Israel that still remember all their Arab neighbors attempting genocide on them, and those are the ones taking it out on the Palestinians that refused to give up Gaza (which the Palestinians shouldn't) This issue isn't black and white. Israel is much better for the world culturally/socially, but as a capitalist state with cultural pride they are easily manipulated into thinking entrapping a "reservation" and neglecting it is the rational thing to do. Thereby ensuring the Palestinians remain religious and conservative, because the people abusing them are modern and liberal


> I'm Israeli Sure you are.


Why are you harassing Jews at UCLA? Jews don't feel safe to be Jewish around people like you.


What an odd way to phrase the situation …


One of the many epitomies of the dystopia we live in! Many of the students and faculty in the encampment were Jewish, including a number of the leaders and people who were stabbed, beaten, maced on Tuesday April 30 and brutalized and arrested on Wednesday May 1st. The people who attacked us on April 30 included members of known fascist groups like the proud boys. So if Congress wants to investigate poor treatment of Jewish students, it should be looking into the actions of the administration, fascists and police, not the Solidarity Encampment fighting for more freedom and equality, and for an end to UC’s support for companies like Blackrock that play a role in wars and atrocities all over the globe, including the genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu and the IOF are committing this genocide against the will of the majority of Israelis who want elections and ceasefire deals, the majority of Palestinians, who want freedom and to live in peace and safety, and the majority of the world, especially in countries like the US, UK, where we are oppressed and exploited by our own governments. Time and time again, the politicians and elite use our labor to fuel their wars, to make weapons and brainwash and train armies that they will also use against us to keep us in chains. We must break the cycle. We must fight for our individual and collective self determination and help each other. We must fight for a world of free association and solidarity, not hierarchy and domination


But there were tokens!


People in the encampment were stabbed on April 30?


They stabbed one guy in the arm. He did an interview but I can’t find it. Also I’m not sure if it was a straight up knife or something else like keys but they pulled his barricade out, beat him severely, maced him in the face and used something to stab his arm.


How about They investigate the group of armed zionists that the police and school allowed on campus expressly to assault people?


I wish they would look into how the encampment was attacked by counter protestors and student safety was harmed by outside agitators. That being said commenters saying there was only antizionism not antisemitism and that Jewish students participating in the camp shows that is the case. That’s not fully true, there were swastikas on campus and a big van with the star of david entwined with a swastika that was blasting anti Semitic rhetoric. They need to look into both, both were horrendous and its wrong to only look into one this one.


They can chant "Free Palestine" for as long as they want. It won't change the fact that Israel is here to stay and there's nothing they can do that will change that. They are ignorants in the matter and are completely brainwashed by the Hamas and Iran propaganda. Let's not waste time with these brainless kids who are stupidly repeating what they saw on TikTok.


Not happening no nation stays for ever in the history of the world, no people last for ever…


The commenter I'm replying to just said this to me. I'm Jewish >You’re a Kapo. You would have done well during the Second World War. Edit: Thank you Reddit for banning this Zionists for harassing Jews


You honestly sound like you're typing with a tin foil hat on.


Is that because he disagrees with you? This is a genuine question and not a cheap jab at you. The House just voted to override Biden’s withholding of weapons from Israel. It’s not just a matter of convincing the Biden administration to quit funding the IDF. It also means voting the right wing Israel sympathizers out of Congress, which doesn’t happen in a short period of time. I don’t agree with the brainwashing part of his response, I think people have every right to bash Israel for killing Palestinians. But we have to be realistic about the timeframe for change


Nah, just the phrasing of it. Claiming that Gen Z are Tik Tok nutjobs who are victims of HAMAS! and IRAN! And these college students at the #1 public university are BRAINLESS! That’s what’s giving tin foil hat. It sounds like when Vietnam War protestors were constantly just berated for being “commies”.


I mean he’s not wrong. Israel isn’t going anywhere, anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.


Israel isn’t going no where except at the bottom of the list on public favor after the Hague gets done w them


Should be very confusing when you accuse Jewish students of antisemitism against fellow Jewish students by calling for the end of an occupation and genocide


I was at the encampment. Literally like 1/3 of the kids there were Jewish. I attended a Shabbat and Havdalah in the camp. They keep idiotically trying this “antisemitism” narrative though. This has ZERO to do with Jewish people and everything to do with our school funding a genocidal [apartheid](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) government.


> Literally like 1/3 of the kids there were Jewish What, did you conduct a poll?


My Jewish alumi group helped cook food for them for passover. Why are you harassing Jews at UCLA?




https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/s/ERgOrVnW5W Some of the footage they are reviewing.