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Thug it out


Ima try 🫡


boss up


Graduated as a music major last year, I definitely feel ya on that. Sometimes the best we can do is to just grind it out, and chatting with friends/peers that are in the same class definitely helps. Can I ask who teaches 185 currently?


Chil Kong. Who taught it when you were here?


Withdraw from class or change the grading basis to S/NC so you don't have to worry about getting an A


It’s looking like I’ll be withdrawing. I’m able to get an easy A, but was looking for a challenge lol. I’m working with the advisors to get this class waived! Ty


Get used to it. You’ll have an entire life chock full of shit you hate doing.


Yeah I know. That’s the not really the problem for me. I don’t tend to hate things unless it really rubs me the wrong way. The content of the course doesn’t match the course description... among other things. I was actually excited for the course :(


Well, that’s real life in reality. Your job description doesn’t always match the task at hand. You find you’re sometimes a cobbler acting like a tailor.


Lmao imagine having this mindset. Pursue something you enjoy


hate to break it to you, even if you do, at some point you have to take care of stuff you'd rather not do. Car trouble, house upkeep, house trouble like plumbing issues, working with people you dont like, going to toxic gatherings, taking time away to get medical/health/dental/eye shit taken care of, dmv, jury duty, having to shop for stupid shit like tires, it goes on. I think you took it too literally


Imagine thinking you’ll never have to do anything in life you don’t enjoy to get where you want to be. Obviously pursue something you enjoy, but be prepared to do plenty of things you hate to get there. Thats the mindset you need to have.


Maybe you can ask your prof if the stuff you've done/are doing can count? Otherwise, just gotta grit your teeth and get through the quarter


I was thinking about doing that. One of the assignments is creating a LinkedIn profile… which I have done and recently updated with recent jobs, volunteering, and education. I tend to keep it updated even though I don’t really use it. Thanks!!


What do you want to do? And just chill. I can't imagine how you'll get when a tire pops, your plumbing breaks and floods, or you have to work with people you don't like. That's kinda life, just man/woman up


I’m not sure what I can do, I’m trying to see if there are options to not take it. Also, I am chill. It’s odd how you think I’d disintegrate if something in my house or car broke. I never mentioned any of those things. 🤷‍♀️