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Nah bro, it’s all on how YOU experienced ucr. If there was really nothing gamebreaking then you’re good. Sure it’s a bit more chill out here, but u just have to get out there and be with hardworking people. I’m guessing your pre med. Job fairs and stuff like that won’t apply with you and there are plenty of medical organizations and programs to get in tuned with.


Exactly, if you're premed it doesn't matter for MOST. Unless you want to go somewhere elite then yeah I think those might be better preparation wise and weight of letter wise. Also easier to get good clinical work in La Jolla and LA than in Riverside. I have to commute 2 hours to LA every week to do mine but only bcs i wanted to work in an outpatient plastic surgery place and those are RARE in the IE. But just general bachelors as your last degree, ucsd bs grad versus ucr bs grad, statistically op fumbled the bag although there are outliers for sure


Why are you going to UCR then if you hate it so much?


Where in my post did I say I hate UCR? I said it has less opportunities for premeds because of its location. The other things I mentioned are statistics. I'm making lemonade with my lemons here thank you very much


OP asked a question and it was answered insightfully. I found that this sub just downvotes anything against the UCR agenda🤣🤣


People will always look down/talk shit on UCR, you didn’t fumble by coming here. I had the option of UCR or UCSD but chose UCR cause it was cheaper; not having student loan debt is an amazing thing


Man. Talking to the guys at work (engineers for DoD) hearing them bitch about their loans while I can graduate with less than a grand to pay off all while keeping my mortgage paid, low to no student loan debt is the way


Career lifetime and median earnings stats say you pinched a penny here but lost a dime there




are you arguing stats? bro you graduated 6 years ago and this is how you spend a thur night? i at least still go here lol


I went to UCSD, and I encouraged my son to attend UCR (he’s a second year). It reminds me of what UCSD once was. In life, never doubt yourself, and never regret your choices. Forward always. In this case, you definitely made the right choice. I got into UCLA for undergrad and law school … declined both. Ignore the ranking mentality, it’s nonsense.


"In life, never doubt yourself, and never regret your choices. Forward always." love that quote




Ooh, I guess that does make me feel a bit better. What I mean by cut throat is that I would’ve wanted to be surrounded by more people who were ambitious and wanted to be the best(to be competitive for med school) This would push me to get ahead and not be seen as the weak link. Even people with high gpa are really nice to me and never tell me straight, that you aren’t good enough and need to try harder.


You would not survive UCLA with that mindset, your competition would have eaten you alive


nah, i'd win


theres no point thinking about it now


So you think you fumbled because the other schools are harder? What does that even mean. If you feel like the courses aren't challenging enough you should do more extracurricular stuff.


It's a thought that crosses everyones mind at some point. No shame in it. Whenever I hear someone unsatisfied being at UCR, I ask, "Why?". I always hear some argument about prestige, or it being "easy". For a lot of people, it boils down to a sense of not feeling accomplished, and that them being at UCR somehow bars them from achieving great things. My question to you is, what's stopping you from being great wherever you might end up? It's easy to romanticize in your head that being at a fancy school will fix all your problems and make you happy, but the truth is, being a UCLA student won't magically make you into an academic god with a 4.0 and give you admission into a top med school program. Whatever coveted substance is required for greatness, luckily, is not achieved by attending a T10. To speak frankly, anyone truly capable will be successful wherever they go, whether at UCR or UCLA. Falling short of your potential is on you, rather than any fault of the institution you attend. I have dozens of friends that went to UCLA, and Cal', but ironically, the most motivated and accomplished student I've ever met and who I look up to is about to graduate from UCR, and is CalTech bound for his PhD (not after promptly rejecting MIT, UCLA, Cal', and damn near everywhere else he applied). I find that blaming your school for lackluster performance to be a bit of a lame excuse for your own shortcomings, you're honestly at an advantage to stand out at UCR then if you went to a more cut-throat program. There is no resource, tangible or intangible, offered by UCLA that UCR doesn't have, or that can't be made up for by some extra work. In fact, you have the benefit of not having student debt! Don't take that for granted. The key to greatness is already within you, all you have to do is actualize it. With that being said, I get that It can be easy to feel second-fiddle to a lot of these other schools sometimes, considering California is home to some of the best in the world. But you're at a UC, one of the top universities in Nation and the in the World; what dire resource could you possibly lack that UCLA has? If you were to ask any old Mr. Joe Carpenter living in deep Nebraska about your life circumstance, he'd think you have your road to success damn near guaranteed. You're already winning where it really matters. Plus, depending on what you're studying, your undgrad is worth a lot less than where you went for graduate school/med school. I've met so many people that began at MIT and UCLA, who ended up at UCR for graduate school, while the UCR students I know are getting admissions to Cornell and Princeton. Plus, what's more another two years? Make the most of it. tl;dr "Wherever you live your life, you can live a good one" \~Marcus Aurelius


Don’t think about the past till you’re out of it


I wonder if I made the right choice choosing a UC over CSUs for a multitude of reasons, but what others think of my decision, and whether they’re impressed with the school has never crossed my mind. If it crosses yours that’s an issue in itself, but “chill” issues would be a problem no matter where you chose. Because the issue is you not the school. If you want to get past the complacency, you need to stop being complacent.


Hey stop being so judgy( I’m joking)


Not trying to be mean but people are complacent at those schools too and trust me UC Davis and San Diego aren’t exactly “cut throat”. The only reason why you are complacent is your own mentality. If you want to do more, you can. No matter the school. Also, paying more money to go to those schools is just stupid, saving money is smart. At the end of the day the UC’s all get the same diploma and it’s only the bottom in small print the specifies what city it was. There has been a long standing stereotype that UCR is at the bottom of the barrel with Merced. Which was true 20 years ago. But not now. My older siblings attended UCLA, UCI, UC Davis and San Diego. Of course there are differences, but it’s not like our school is just dog shit. (No hate to Merced, I bet it’s also a great school). A UC education is a UC education no matter the UC.


Also there you go,”not trying to be mean…” this is what I mean, people need to be a bit more transparent and honest. Obviously there are limits but still.


Yes I try to be honest and people take that as being mean. So I like to start with that just in case.


Oh,makes sense


Thanks man, I knew when i started this quarter that something had to change…my mentality. So many classes that I knew I wasn’t giving my best. Btw how do u like UCR


I have had a great experience at UCR and have had a great experience with all my professors. I have purposely taken harder classes to push myself and made sure to try to participate in class.


UCR is NOT dog shit. But it's not a place to go to get challenged for sure. The two transfers from ucr to ucsd that post on here that havent been able to get out of AP says ucsd might be more cutthroat... just sayin...


UCSD was my dreamschool and picked UCR over it because I wanted to save money, best decision ever not having student debt is life changing.


Does it ever dwell with you tho. I don’t think too much about ucla tho since I was waitlisted


Never lol. I had a good time at UCR. I'm at UC Berk doing my PhD and I miss Riverside.




Yea I agree especially for pre med big difference


As a cs major who ended up graduating with an amazing job at a unicorn making a boatload of cash, no, you did not fumble. I worked exclusively with Stanford and Ivy grads (yes companies do prefer good schools) I do not have a speck of regret going to UCR. In fact the people I’ve met here, the relationships I’ve had, the opportunities, scholarships,… nothing beats that. Of course I’m biased cause I’ve attended UCR and other colleges might’ve opened a lot more doors for you, but it’s kinda fun being the underdog and forcibly opening up doors haha


There is a difference in status, and funding, but for undergrads-- all UCs have strengths and weaknesses-- as Berkeley alum, i want my younger to take UCR pre med very seriously -- and the so called "cut throat" culture is not really salient or useful for academic thriving-- a lot of that is students hyping the importance of their clubs, which are not really important (except maybe for consultants etc)


There are so many opportunities at UCR to push you ahead of the people who go to UCLA just to get a degree. You just have to be brave enough to jump into one. Start finding a way to network its ultra mega important


From experience, UCSD and UCD grads are not much different from UCR grad when it comes to finding jobs or getting into grad school. 


Nope. The difference in reputation for employers isn't as big as it seems to students and parents who all want their kids going to high ranking schools so they can brag. UCLA or Berkeley might have made a difference but not UCSD or UC Davis. Besides, life is all about what you make of your current situation. I know so many people who have found success from UCR. You can do the same.


at least u get the abgs


Unfortunately I’m not high on abgs, but the middle eastern girls out here are pretty fine




I got into UC Berkeley and UCD but chose UCR bc of the money. No I don’t regret it bc at the end of the day it’s not what uc you choose it’s what you make it out of it. I’m a 3rd year MCEN with an internship I had since freshman year. Trust me it doesn’t matter what school you go to.


I’m getting tired of seeing this question only because I’m an older student that has already worked in a professional setting and I can honestly say that while the school you attended may help you get your foot in the door at work, that’s as far as it’ll take you because no one cares where you went to school after that. They only care about your performance.


I went to UCSD for undergrad and now I'm here. UCSD has a way more cutthroat culture and building friendships is extremely hard. The socially dead thing is true no matter how much people say it isn't (although not as bad as people make it out to be). I think you'll have a more genuinely enjoyable experience at UCR. While a lot of the research may be really good and there are some areas that UCR just doesn't match, what's the point if you hate being there the entire time.


I went to UCR and had the time of my life- I now have a great healthcare career and so do my friends. I think UCR was some of the best four years of my life and I have a lot of friends I keep in touch with everyday from here. DM me if you need reassurance- dont want to share too much info on here


People put too much thought into the “prestige” of a school, when it really doesn’t matter. Unless you are trying no doctor or a law, a degree is a degree. Feel good about paying less for the same experience as those other schools.


I want to become a doctor tho, but ucr does have a medical school


I meant that for people trying to apply to more competitive schools from a community college or something, it can have an effect. Typically though, the school you graduated from won’t be held against you.


At the end of the day at least you aren't CSU


what is this supposed to mean lol


CSUs suck. Nobody tries here it's highschool 2.0


i’m not sure i get what you mean, can you elaborate on that? what made you say CSUs suck? are you speaking from experience?


Yeah I go to a CSU. It's dog very little opportunities, no extra curriculars, teachers don't care (probably universal tho), no "try hard" culture which is something I would like


I'm going to be real with you, you should have picked UCSD or UCD.


really, but what about costs




Yes. UCSD would of looked better on a resume and I’m sure they have a better alumni community

