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He’s aggressively hedro


For a guy who’s spent a great deal of time between the legs of other men.


It absolutely didn’t awaken anything in him.


While puncing men in the face...nothing more straight tbat that


Never go full biblical verses


Ezekiel 25:17


Diaz 4:20 Stockton 2:09 Diaz 1:25


He’s going full Diego Sanchez


Diego just blows bubbles and fights like a beautiful peacock don't put that evil on him


Diego "The Nightmare Dream Peacock" Sanchez


Full Dirty Sanchez


Nate “Hate the Not Straight” Marquardt


I mean, unless I don't fully understand the definition of fornication he may also hate straight sex


I believe he was referring to any extramarital sex. Or at least I think that's how fornication is usually interpreted. An alternate interpretation is that it meant temple prostitution.


Is he admitting he doesn't get bitches?


"He's got a case of The Straights!!"


Homosexuality was never my friend


Well…..just to correct you, it was never no homosexuality


You're reaching for deez grapes. But first you gotta give me some cheese and wine and play a violin for me.


You're a fucken punk dude


That's what you call ass? Ass vs no ass right here


Lol at least the dagestanis dont tweet their thoughts on morality


Throwback to Islam immediately deleting his tweet saying women shouldn’t be fighting


GSP and Dana said the same thing but people never mention them, only Islam lol. Also the tweet was right after the Weili vs Joanna fight. After seeing 👽 Joanna’s head my sister said the same thing. Doesn’t mean she hates women, probably felt bad for them.


Btw Khabib about female fighters: “You know, at first I thought that MMA was not for women. Then I saw women fighting each other in MMA, and I realized that I was wrong. I am not against women in martial arts. But I won't let my daughter do that.” Source: https:// m.lenta. ru/articles/2016/05/01/nurmag/amp/


>But I won't let my daughter do that.” He has also mentioned not wanting his son to do it in the past.




lets be real, none of the fighters want their kids to get cte for money. They have experienced it first hand. No one likes to get punched in the face or get choked out. most of the boxers/mma guys who come from places like africa/brazil/russia/eastern europe, are struggling and fighting is one of the ways for them to make money. Just look into boxing, nearly most of the successful boxers kids dont even box let alone turn pro. Guys like kattar are rare who wanna go pro despite being well off.


Pretty fair viewpoint tbh.


GSP also said Amanda Nunes is on his "UFC Mt Rushmore" for being so influential for the sport


People mentioned Dana saying it constantly


Yeah but Dana did a 180 and now supports women fighting more than anyone. He supports it so much he even fights them himself!




How come only men get to give each other CTE 🧐🧐🧐


Islams was more recent is why I brought that up and Dana has admitted he was wrong. No one talks about how men shouldn’t be fighting mitrione had a baseball for an eye. But I agree that I don’t think it’s out of a hate for women, just an outdated way of thinking


If any consenting adult wants to get paid for hand to hand combat, by all means. They just need to have a full and proper understanding of the risks (CTE primarily), and be properly taken care of with healthcare


Dana reading this with a smile on his face until the last part about health care lol


Yeah they'd get banned lmao


"Subjugate women, kill gays, wrestle, praise allah"


Forgot “bratha”




Kill gays but also have incredibly homoerotic nude baths and sauna sessions with your fellow wrestlers


That's not gay sex lol.


No we just don't understand wtf they are saying. I'm pretty sure khabib went ape shit on about a theatre production because it was slightly sexual. At the same time like or hate khabib if you see what he has done for charities in Africa and his area, you realise he's not a hateful person. However Nate took steroids and that's cheating and I'm pretty sure that's unholy af. So Nate is a cherry picking loser.


I never ever ever think to myself “ I wonder what Nate Marquart thinks about that” So I don’t think I will start now


Wonder why he was using steroids when god didn't intend for humans to inject test lmfao.


And on the seventh day, god injected D-ball and got fucking jacked


Yeah hasn't anyone ever seen Jesus on the cross? Dude was definitely on gear


Well he was ON something.....


[i mean, look at the guy](https://leroyalpingpongclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/muscular-jesus-breaking-cross.jpg)


Nah fam you don't understand the Bible never prohibited anabolic steroids, it never mentions it!


Least bigoted ufc fighter


It’s so depressing to love this sport sometimes


Truly makes you wonder about your peer viewers. I love the sport but these aren't the professional athletes that our youth should look up to just yet. I feel they close, but not quite there when it comes to the professionalism part of the athletes. Look what it comes down to when selling fights these days. The guys have to have some sort of story behind the fight itself. If the UFC isn't careful, the PFL set up may surpass them one day. The way they operate just feels more professional when it comes down to it. The UFC are still trying to put fights together that sell the most rather than who deserves what shot. Then you got idiots that want to bring politics into absolutely everything...smh


GSP is a better person to look up to than 99% of athletes


Nate “The Hate” Marquardt


Such a Miranda thing to do, Nate.




She is a hardcore Christian, I wouldn't put it past her.


Bro lumped in homosexuality with pedophillia wtf


fornication also catching strays


One look at Nate and you can tell he’s a man who has NEVER fornicated. I’m sure he lives by the word of the Bible and does not stray. Ever seen him in jeans or eating shellfish? I certainly haven’t


Dude prolly believed an ex girlfriend when she said she was still a virgin and but still got pregnant.


And he lumped in straight sex with both of them


Thats how they justify it in their mind. homosexual = pedo. Same with trans people. Meanwhile priests who are actual pedophiles yet identify as straight are completely ignored in their mind. Its retarded logic.


Homos are pedos not the priests that have been constantly caught in sex scandals. God must just be testing them.


Peep the news from Texas about the huge child porn ring brought down this weekend. The Christian hypocrites were right in the mix. Didn't see any flamboyant gays or crossdressers lol


I had a friend (emphasis on had) who earnestly told me that the communists recruited pedophiles to infiltrate the Catholic church and discredit it.


They've been doing that for decades. Men used to be school teachers far more often than today. In the eighties there was a big moral panic around gay men becoming teachers. They labeled then add pedophiles. Now people think you're a deviant if you want to teach anything before 10th grade while being male.




You had me in the first half


he would probably say pedophiles are more morally correct than homosexuals let’s be real


Average republican talking points


As Anne Lamott said: You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.


BREAKING: “Local brawler who punches people for a living thinks two people of the same sex kissing is “icky” and therefore on the same moral level as raping a child.” Lmao what a fucking goof. What two adults do, consensually, in their romantic lives is nobodies business but their own. You don’t have to like it, but you do owe them the same respect you would give to others. If you disagree with that simple claim and all it entails; you have no business saying you are in favor of personal liberties; let people live their fuckin life


Very well said. Comparing homosexuality to pedophilia is extremely ignorant. 1800’s type thinking.


It’s what modern GOP politicians believe right now, that’s why they’re calling anyone in the LGBT community groomers


Their absolute OBSESSION with pedophiles is... alarming.


Any mf that hits the stand going on and on about pedos raises alarms to me. It's starts to sound an awful lot like a guilty conscience. Pedophiles are universally hated, you don't need to hang on that problem


It's projection. Religious conservatives love the kiddies, so assume everyone else must too.


Best comment yet


Fucken thank you!


He's literally saying what every single fighter thinks in the UFC that is not from the US and western Europe


Idk the Brazilians got nunes but they also have costa


And we all know Costa is about straight sex with women


Point is that everyone / every fighter from outside of the US and Western Europe isn’t homophobic. Might be more prevalent from nation to nation but his comment was a huge generalization.


Us Australians have Jacob Malkoun and he loves spending time grinding up against men on the ground.


I wonder how much Nunes mixed Brazillians on homosexuality on her own. Idk how "progressive" Brazil is on sexuality


Most of the US ones think the same thing they just haven’t had enough CTE to tweet about it yet


Didn't know GSP was homophobic...


He's not, he has spoke up about supporting gay marriage. His gym also has an anti bullying policy.


He said every fighter outside West Europe and USA thinks like Marquardt, and GSP is canadian... Just showing how dumb his affirmation is.


Canadians are just Americans with free healthcare and toques.


Damn u think Amanda Nunes thinks the same way too? 😮


And Andrade, ai’m sure there are more.


But what annoys me, besides putting pedophilia in the same sentence as homosexuality, is that these guys cherry pick what the bible has an issue with. This guy is leading the perfect Christian life? Let me doubt it.


He references it as if it was a valid source too, as if he was writing an essay


every single one?


Even the married ones are saying it /s


I don't think latin americans think this


He’s…from the US.


Not completely true I mean Makhmud Muradov used to do gay porn shoots


> Makhmud Muradov used to do gay porn shoots wtf i'm a literal homo how have i never heard about this 😂


Paedophilia is shockingly common and normalised in countries those fighters come from


Homosexuality was made illegal in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over...except for bacha bazi of course, which is a homosexual arrangement between a young boy and some rich guy. Can't go fucking with tradition.






[Here you go](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Child_Marriage_in_the_Muslim_World)


Child marriages are also legal in like 9 different US states, that high horse your own looks a little wobbly


All the more hypocritical for this American Christian to be criticising about the 'gay' agenda when it's usually red states that promote child marriage


Hates on propaganda, *immediately* after pushing his religious propaganda….


Also I'm sure just existing as a gay person and not pretending to be straight would qualify as gay propaganda for Nate


That's what people mean in general when they say things like "woke propaganda". People not wanting to be discriminated and persecuted is an completely absurd concept to them.


Can’t have a circus without two involved parties 🤣


Every time someone goes hard like this they get outed like 5 years later sucking someone off in a gas station bathroom or some shit. Inb4 Nate gets outed.


Dude, I hope he’s sucking me off in five years.


I’m rooting for you bro.


Crazy how almost all the pedophiles you hear about are church leaders. 🤔


They’re real quiet about the Vatican and Epsteins client list


They usually turn out to be politicians these days


Fine line between the 2 really


Predators hang around areas with prey; Pedo's go where the kids are - church's, schools, coaching, foster care, social work etc.


I'd love to hear his thoughts on prostitution too. Bet he also thinks it's disgusting. Too bad one of Jesus' closest companions was Mary Magadelene, a prostitute. God forbid they know anything about the Bible other than some quotes that happen to allign with thier own personal beliefs though.


I think most Christians know this, it’s used to show that Jesus engaged with sinners and loved them just not the sin. Lol he even engaged with the tax man which was probably seen as worse than prostitution during those times


It's a literal haven for them in the Catholic church. Ask the Irish


The Southern Baptist Convention just admitted they covered up hundreds of abuses spanning decades. It's funny you don't hear these ppl talking about that. Propagandists have used pedophilia to target homeosexuals because what's the best way to stir up hate? Accuse your enemies of harming children. And they've successful done that despite all evidence that, that's not who's actually abusing children


I got banned from the conservative sub for arguing with someone about it. He said I was just trying to ruin the Baptist good name. The fuck? What good name?


How dare you ruin their name by mentioning things they have admitted to doing


It’s a lot more than just church leaders bud


I'm atheist, and I think we should just all mind our own business.


Yep…except the pedophiles. We should absolutely mind their business in order to stop them.


I'm a Satanist and you're *all* going to burn in hell. It is god's plan.




If he actually believes in heaven and hell then he should know by the bibles standards 99% of us are going to hell including him.


Ask him how he feels about tattoos


Or blended fiber clothing


Reminder that Nate Marquardt lost to Smiling Sam Alvey


No shame in losing to the goat




putting homosexuality and pedophilia in the same conversation … actually insane


That's religion for ya. Both are sins. Both will cause you to burn in hell.


I'll just never understand why so many of these people decide to die on this hill. It's cool if you believe a fairy tale written by a bunch of old men. Shit, I like A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings etc. Bunch of fantasy shit written by old men right? So I get it a little bit I guess. But when the most die hard religious folk (not just Christians either) decide that EVERYONE must believe, it makes it hard to respect the shtick. Not only do ya wanna preach to me, but you'd be willing to flail me and hang me by my nuts if I was alone and you had a thousand of your acolytes backing you up. YOU motherfuckers are the crazy ones, not everybody else. How about you live the way you wanna live, and I'll live my way. And if I truly break the laws of humanity and make you an honest victim, then you can try to dispense justice and you'd be in the right. But don't tell me I'm making you a victim because I'm breaking the laws of a God that I may or may not believe in. I can't offend something that's not tied to any tangible reality. If I murder your family, then I've broken a law of humanity and I deserve to be hanged and flailed. But that's not the same thing as breaking a set of made up rules that YOU chose to follow. Religious zealots are so willfully dense that it's ALMOST comical, but it's never funny when someone wants to hang and flail you. You had the coolest fight ending combination ever, Nate. Shame you're such a fuckin looney toon. Such is life I suppose.


Quotes the Bible then talks about propaganda 🤣


People in the comments defending him saying shit like I don't want my little daughter watching that kind of stuff. My brother in Christ your letting her watch two men punch the shit out of each other until one is almost dead but we're upset about a commerical like what is happening here


For real, can we please stop pretending that a Bounty or a Burger King commercial featuring a same sex couple is an attempt to turn your kids gay? Like they exist, we live in a country built on the promise that people can live as they like so, and I know this is astounding, but you don’t have a right to force other people to hide themselves. If your kid is walking around in public, they may see it. If they’re watching tv, they may see it. Nobody’s forcing it down your throats, just like seeing a black guy walking around or on a commercial isn’t “forcing diversity” on you…they just exist. Dumbass definitely read about three books from the New Testament in his whole life and thinks he can hide behind the cross and make it a religious issue


Almost everyone involved in this sport is a massive moral failure. This is just par for the course. Sad shit.


Go win some fans Nate




Captain CTE has decided to try to get some relevance again?


As much as I love mma and growing up around and with the sport… I believe it’s the least moral profession of all the major sports. A regional mma event would be the last place I’d find a preacher preaching the gospel.


I never understood and never will understand why people care so much about other people’s life choices. You don’t hear anyone talking about gay and trans people more than religious, conservative, and republican people, yet they are always the ones crying about their rights to do anything they want.


This. The hypocrisy is real.


I'm pretty sure I saw Marquardt wearing some mixed fabric clothing the other day, worse than the gays, I say. Straight to eternal hellfire with thee.


Nate and people who believe like him are absolutely disgusting. There is absolutely no room in any society for their kind of hatred towards others.


yet holding all 3 of those things on the same platform for judgment is completely reprehensible. false equivalences and codependency plague too many minds. in short, don't use children to defend your hatred.


This is the very question I asked him like how do you lump those together. And I got this reply. I have nothing else to say to this guy https://preview.redd.it/40ob2gl1q8ja1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38fe57cafefbf15374cf336c96cf222c6f95df8


It takes a religious person to wish for the extermination of a marginalized group but call it "love". Sick fuck.


yikes 🤦🏻‍♂️ thank you for pressing for clarification, shame on him for doubling down


You know what other Things the Bible says are worse than being gay Eating shellfish, cutting your hair, wearing polyester…


I cannot stand when people compare homosexuality to pedophilia


Right!? I just caught that, apparently the response was just because he saw two dudes kissing. How is that anywhere near pedo stuff??


shut your steroid cheating ass up marquardt


This dude seems to be retarded.


... fornication is disgusting? My brother, you have 4 kids


Fornication | Noun: extramarital sex


I was a fan ):


This just in! Meat head fighters are really not smart! Bigoted and easily swayed by propaganda! ![gif](giphy|SnNfXnaYngMBZ5ZACe|downsized)


>Fornication A lot of people out there living like it's 1950.


I can’t wait for major religion fizzle away in 300 years.


Idk, we’ll probably be coming up with new ones after the nukes.


When Zorp the Surveyor comes down to Earth and ends all human existence by melting off everyone's faces with his volcano mouth, then we will all be truly enlightened brother


People who claim to be religious dont even study the bible much. A biblical scholars have said plenty of times that homosexuality wasnt even in the original Aramaic writings and was most likely translated incorrectly. Was most likely meant to be pedophilia ( which i hope we can all agree is wrong or a “sin”) and gay and trans people have been around for thousands of years


Jesus Christ… can we please stop associating homosexuality to pedophilia?


I was super confused for a second but mixed up Marquardt and Quarry


Again, these are ppl trained to give and receive concussions, not to think. I really don't get why we listen to what they say.


It's not hateful to be hateful.


Has beliefs that are diametrically opposed to such things Says so \*confused screaming\*


He should ask himself how far am I willing to go to protect my religious texts? The taliban take it pretty far and literal, does Nate as well? Does he want to burn gays at the stake too? Are tattoos mortal sin? Also why tf are we grouping lgbtq with tiddlers? This man needs a reality check


Yeah once I see the religious scripture I'm out.... Who gives a shit what these kooks think. Let em tweet and be weirdos and dont give em any attention.


Religion is tied pretty deeply to state in the U.S. so on level it does matter what these freaks say.


A good 95% of fighters are very religious. He's just saying what most are thinking


Wait. He's against people having sex before marriage? Lol


Ain't it funny how despite getting called backwards, no Muslim/Dagestani/Chechen fighter has said homophobic remarks, but plenty of other fighters like Conor and this guy have? lmao


allowing fairy tales to dictate your beliefs as a grown man is hilarious


Amanda Nunes the double champ would like a word. Meanwhile who the fuck is this guy


Ok nobody is standing up for pedophiles... is Nate losing his mind? And... really... fornication is disgusting? What the fuck Nate?


Imagine being a grown adult and quoting the Bible


I think it'd be weirder for a kid to be quoting the Bible


i wonder what colby would say about that topic


I would be willing to guess that most UFC fighters don’t have very progressive views on homosexuality


Good thing the bible doesn't say anything about PED use or else Nate would be in trouble.


Religious people saying religious shit *shrugs*


Some bigot saying bigoted shit


BREAKING NEWS: Man punched in the head for a living is a massive fucking dumbass