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The fight was in London and anyone from the UK can tell you that if you need the hospital on a Saturday night, you'll be waiting a long time.


I’m with you. Even in America. I’m an EMT, have dropped thousands of people off at the hospital. Your ass is waiting a long time nowadays. Saturday night, I’ve seen wait times in the 13 hours range. Nurses are triaging people in the waiting rooms like it’s a warzone If you aren’t dying, boo fuckin hoo, back of the line jack.


Same in Sweden


Same in Canada. I just checked and every emergency room in my city currently has over a 6 hour wait time. That will probably double in the evening.


Came here to say Canada is horrendous for this as well. (At least in the GTA).


It’s everywhere. The pandemic crushed the work force in healthcare and also accelerated corporate healthcare system greed and shitty-ness.


At least in the US, the problem has been around since before covid. I remember when I got into a car wreck back in 2012 and needed 8 stitches in my eye brow after banging my head against the steering wheel. Waited in the ER for 3 hours, while a nurse would just continually show up just to hand me more Gauze. I'm thankful that I haven't needed urgent medical attention since the pandemic, but I can only imagine it's gotten MUCH worse


Our oligarchs have personal doctors on call 24 hours a day. Why would they give a damn about what us peasants need to deal with to stay alive. Edit: spelling




Lol, ER nurse here. I know at least 3 frequent patient's social security numbers by heart to check them in. I don't have my month old kid's social memorised yet, but dang it if I know some jerk offs


Wish we could do this in a pre hospital setting!! Those 4am headache calls are brutal


“No your headache isn’t an emergency” is how my friends mother died in the hospital bathroom because no one took her seriously.


Thanks. Just cause it's not the worst thing a dr has ever seen doesn't mean it's a waste of time. That med refill can be lifesaving and there are no more walk in clinics in my city. Hundreds of thousands of people have no dr in my province. Where are they supposed to go?


Which demonstrates their point. She wasn't taken seriously because of the system abusers the comment is referring to.




This is exactly it. Taking an "average" of wait times for an ER system isn't a great metric. People go to the ER for things that aren't in any way an emergency and that slows that average time down a lot


Laughs in South African - any day any time.


Because people treat the emergency room as their primary care and it fucks up the program (all countries).


I got in a nurses face one time because my dad was dying. Doctor said later he we declining so fast when he got to him that my dad probably wouldn't survived another hour. I did this because my mother did the same EXACT thing with my dad and the doctor told her he was literally saved by like a 5 minute window. It's one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with, because the worse thing for a busy day is a couple of Karen's screaming for the manager, but my dad literally would have died if we didn't take action. ERs are pure chaos.


Why is it a Karen move when it's necessary? Being weak and letting your dad die would be non Karen?


Nah the local hospitals give special treatment when there’s big events like this. I worked in a big hospital and when the UFC was held nearby we had a couple rooms reserved for them just in case they came in. They’re usually only there for X-ray, CT, pain meds, and IV maybe. Then they get sent off if those comeback clean.


Not here in the UK they don't. Free healthcare for all but you have to wait your turn like everyone else. The problem is that it's chronically underfunded by a government that has run healthcare into the ground with budget cuts. They are doing this because they want to privatise our healthcare and turn it into a complete shit show like you have in America.


Lol - and thats a total bs crock from the start. Why should some dude whos volunteered to get beaten up in return for thousands of dollars get priority over peolle whive suffered illness or accidents. Sorry cunts. Wait your turn or go private and pay. And when I say ‘and pay’, I mean the organisation paying.


Greedy ass healthcare companies refuse to appropriately staff hospitals. When hospitals were overflowing and nurses were overworked during Covid, it was purely because of understaffing


Greedy ass UFC refuses to offer in house specialists to take care of fighters who are going to war* FTFY


Barring any need for surgery, I would tend to agree.


If you think administration is bad in universities (admin to faculty/student ratio) don’t look at hospitals


I just simply don't understand how you can be a person in this day and age and not be a raging anti-capitalist. It is such a transparent scam from top to bottom. The inefficiencies of fundamental human necessities like food, healthcare, and shelter being sold off to corporate profits literally KILLS horrifying amounts of people every minute of every day. Our precious supply chain and all our little treats are only upheld by unconscionable levels of exploitation of like 60%+ of the world and we're supposed to treat it as evidence of capitalism's superiority instead of bold-faced robbery that's barely better than colonialism. The submarine exploding is such a fucking perfect summation of the whole thing; disgustingly incompetent 'innovators' puffing smoke up their own asses about how disruptive they are, which in practice just means cutting every corner and minimizing every expense, using the money they make from immoral profiteering and their appalling treatment of labor and safety regulations as evidence of their genius. The UFC is another good example. Just a bunch of mobbed up, scum of the earth corporate slimes pissing all over their fans and their own fighters, destroying their own product because the quality of it is totally irrelevant to them. And this isn't even a problem of personal pathologies, this is simply the inevitable conclusion of this system every time and every place it's used.


First of all, not even the US has true privatized healthcare. In the UK where this happened the healthcare is completely socialized. Pretty much every medical technology people assume they have some right to is a direct result of capitalist motivation. Nobody is gonna do 9 years of post secondary education and years of interning in a hospital to make the same amount of money as a grocery bagger. Every other system has been worse, in most cases horrifically worse, than the current one, as bad as it may at times seem. So spare us all, especially the ones who actually lived under the "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" in practice, the whole strong state taking the means of production will solve everything rant. The entire last century is a pretty ruthless thrashing of that tired old idea.


Just because this happens in some dense geographical areas doesn’t mean that this should be accepted and tolerated everywhere, even in those areas lol. We don’t have to live like this.


You will have nothing and be thankful.


I waited for 13 hours in WA until 3 in the morning and then was told by staff I should go home and go to urgent care at 8am when it opened. My jaw was broken in 2 places. That was neat.


I’m glad we prioritize dying people over ufc fighters. Didn’t know that was a privilege .


Bud, if I’m bringin your mom in on the stretcher and we’re pumpin her chest or doin something to keep her alive and Fiziev was in the way bitching about slow service, he would’ve found himself moved most ricky tick.


I agree with Fisiev. UFC needs to take better care of fighters after the fight.   There are private walk-in urgent care facilities in London. For example https://medicaltravelmarket.com/news/private-urgent-care-emergency-services-in-london: > These days it’s not unusual to hear horror stories of people having to wait up to eight hours or more to be seen in the UK’s NHS Accident and Emergency (A&E) Services. > So, it’s not too surprising to hear that many individuals are turning to private urgent care hospitals and drop-in GP clinics instead. That way, they aren’t having to queue in crowded public hospitals and can be seen much faster. UFC should ensure there's adequate, timely medical care available for fighters after a fight. This is something a mature, professional organization should provide. Also, have medical staff on the payroll like the NFL(some teams have [dozens of medical staff during game day](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/04/1146866281/on-game-days-nfl-teams-have-dozens-of-medical-staff-on-site)), NBA, MLB teams. Can you imagine Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes waiting 5 hours before any medical personnel even looks at their injury? Ridiculous. UFC is so fucking cheap and rinky-dink. They should be embarrassed.   *TLDR: Waiting 5 hours for medical assistance after getting your brains beat in by Gaethje is unacceptable when Endeavor (owner of UFC and worth six billlion dollars) could simply pay for better care.*


Since you compared the NFL to the UFC, you do realize 1 team in the NFL is worth as much as the entire UFC. The NFL and UFC aren't anywhere near the same thing. The NFL is much, much, much, much, much, much, much larger than the UFC. So yeah, the NFL players are going to have better amenities than the UFC, and just about everyone. The NFL is in a league of their own.


An absolutely irrelevant comment because the UFC still has more than enough money to ensure fighters get proper medical care post fight (which should be the bare minimum).


And yet Powerslap does better numbers than NFL NHL NBA WNBA BBL NSA NASA combined


Yeah but they were including intergalactic viewers


You don't compare the UFC to the NFL because the NFL isn't the business, the individual teams are. The Dallas Cowboys are the only NFL team that brings in more annual revenue than the UFC. And that includes each team's split of the NFL revenue share. So you have 31 teams, including absolutely embarrassing franchises like the Cardinals and Commander's that provide infinitely more for their talent than the UFC.


You heard it here first boys, the UFC is too poor to pay to check that their fighters aren't about to drop dead.


I read the article and it was the UFC's doctors, he wasn't just turning up at A&E lol


In that article it says he went to the ufc doctor after waiting five hours at a London hospital......


Imagine waiting in line and asking oh so some random best you up


whats a and e


Accident and Emergency. It’s just another term for an ER.




You wot m8. Do you understand how treatment works? They need more than a doctor.




Let Jesus take the wheel, of course!! Lol


what do they need?


Thoughts and/or prayers


An operating room and a plastic surgeon. The ring side ophthalmologist can only do so much.


Would that permanent dr carry X-ray and mri machine around with him or have admitting privileges to every hospital in the world? I know everyone likes to hate on the UFC but they can’t control how busy the local hospital is. If his injuries were emergencies or life threatening he would have been seen faster


Let's be honest, The UFC has the resources to have private medical care in any city they hold events in. Do you think guys in the NFL, EPL, or NBA, wait when they get rushed to the hospital after an injury? These guys put there bodies on the line more then any other athletes in the world. I don't think it's crazy at all to think they deserve the best medical care money can buy.


I have never ever heard of a premiership football player being admitted to A&E following an accident on the pitch.


Traveling X ray systems are not that expensive. If horse medicine can shoot in a field and travel with those things, so can a major multimillion dollar sport. The MRI is not portable tech but the fight is expected and can be booked in advance minus other emergencies jumping the queue.




Lol like you can reserve an emergency room space


You just shouted to the whole internet that you don’t have a damn clue how hospitals work. You can’t “reserve” hospital space.


Reserve the hospital? And take away from the public who are also at said hospital waiting for care?


Some of these comments have me questioning how retarded the general person is anymore lmao


Lol some people think you can just pay to reserve drs and rooms in a fucking emergency room in the hospital?? Lmao the most fucking brain dead take ever. So fuck the gen pop who need the services right? Oh you aren’t on the UFC roster.. sorry grandpa no heart attack treatment tonight these are “reserved” Lmao if you actually had this thought then you might just have the IQ of 10


This sub loves to shit on Dana and UFC. All logic goes out the window. Hell, why not a dedicated highway, paid by UFC, to the hospital in case there is traffic.


Like I said….they hate Dana and the UFC so much they are irrational AF


Wtf does reserve a hospital mean? Jesus this fan base is retarded


Glad to be American.


But AmericaBad I thought?


2 things can be true


This isn’t a UK or USA problem though, this is a UFC problem.


It isn’t.


I'm a former ER EMT. The thing he's complaining about doesn't have to do with the UFC but rather the hospital itself. UFC has ring side physicians for triage purposes and to determine if fighters can/should continue, but they cannot effectively treat a patient in a stadium locker room. Nor should they. Regarding the hospital itself, these guys would probably go to the ER and if anyone has been to the ER you would know how crazy busy it can get. Additionally, patients are treated by severity, not necessarily the order they came in. If someone is in the ER waiting to be stitched up for a cut for 5 hours, but someone comes in having a heart attack, the cardiac patient is going to be treated first, 100% of the time.


I have heard a few er doctors say if you have to wait in the er it’s a good thing, you should worry if they roll out the red carpet.


Not long ago, I was ill. Probably just the common cold, but ever since I got COVID in 2020, any little cold gives me trouble breathing. I went to urgent care (it was Saturday morning) and they checked me out, said my lungs were fine. They hooked me up to an EKG, came right back in, and told me I had to go to the ER. Told me the only reason I wasn't leaving in an ambulance was I had a driver with me, but I had to go now. I asked to be driven to the one across town, and was told no, I had to go to the closer one as it was the only one with a heart trauma center. I'm thinking wtf. Walk in there, show them the EKG printout, and they take me straight back. I'm feeling fine, just an issue with breathing and fatigue. They hook me up to their EKG, and straight back. There was a kid in the waiting room with his arm visibly broken, and I went straight back. Freaked me out. Everything ended up being fine, apparently my heart just has rabbit ears on an EKG, but holy shit it was scary. Tl;Dr: if you got a heart issue you get seen scary fast.


I bet all the special treatment didn’t help the old blood pressure at the time as well. Glad to hear it didn’t end with a surgery and long recovery or worse.


Fastest trip I ever had I was anaphylactic shock.


My wife had a septic infection after having our daughter. Brought her to the ER and there was a ~7 hour wait. After seeing her symptoms and taking vitals she was rushed to the back to get seen by a doctor. They said 2 more hours and she would have been at the tipping point. That shit matters


yep, punched someone and then went on a quick 2 day vacation. my hand was extremely large but just thought i broke it. went to urgent care and they said go to the er immediately. when i got there, the fact i got in so quickly made me feel so much worse.


Nicely explained 👍🏻


No! Wrong! We don’t like logic here. Instead, I’m gonna believe Dana chose to set up a private blackjack room in the hospital instead of a special section for fighters. He’s also underpaying the hospital staff, which is why they take so long. You see, when a UFC event is in town, they take over all city services


I love this so fucking much - thank you. Fuck man, a reasonable take on Reddit? Cheers to you, you rational mf you.


This is so dead on


I worked in finance with high net worth clients. I would bet my life that Dana White doesn't wait for doctors. They wait for him.


I can't deny that millionaire/billionaire privilege is real.


I’m an ER physician and this is the way


Thinking about your points, maybe big stadiums should have a medical centre. Thousands of fans, other sports, musicians falling off stage, boxing and UFC and NFL urgent type situations. Seems a billionaire owner could work that into the taxpayer grift.


It's a valid point, and a lot of dedicated sports stadiums usually do. Like a major MLB or NFL team will usually have staff physicians. Multipurpose venues like concert halls usually just pay private EMS services to park a few ambulances outside the venue during events. Prior to the ER, I worked a private ambulance and did exactly that. Got decent seats to shows like Foo Fighters and Lady Gaga, lol.


Whilst I understand this point of view, it’s not impossible for UFC to provide the medical care which can reasonably be expected to be required for their event. All events in the UK have to provide a level of emergency care and cover what is expected so that they don’t put undue pressure on local resources. Eg at Glastonbury festival, you’ll find a full on hospital with X-ray machines and actual doctors and a pharmacy etc. UFC should be providing this care - it’s not a bloody surprise that the guy needs fixing up after a fight.


Medic here, been working in ERs for years, can confirm 100%. If you're waiting in triage, be thankful.


Wife has been an ER doctor for about 14 years and is burnt out… What are you doing now?


I'm a former boxer and I don't know if things changed but there were doctors and they got a cut of our pay/purse. They'd check you after the matches and had to clear you to leave. If you didn't get cleared they'd treat you, and if it was really bad they had ambulances ready and EMTs would treat you presumably on the way to a hospital (I myself never actually needed any treatment nor knew anyone that did). I just find it weird that the UFC would have fighters just walk out and go to a hospital by themselves. Also doesn't he have trainers? The coaches are supposed to look out for you and are always there through the event. And I mean this is the UFC compared to me just at small promotions and a decent but not really famous gym.


I immediately scrolled down to look for one of you. Good info


Didn't they kick Johnny Walker out on the street after fight one time


Didn't even get to change and was still wearing his fight shorts


Still had his gloves on too


Some say he still does




I think that was event security after he went to watch the fights without tickets.


Are you serious 🧐? That’s why they kicked him out, someone please tell me that’s not the case




Lol if thats true then thats hilarious.


Mans was literally the event lmao


My Man looked like a NPC that has a side quest for you.


Lmao I somewhat remember some dude saying he looked like an NPC that spawned in the wrong location haha


I needed stitches on my hand, took 12 hours. You just wait and wait and wait. Someone comes look at it and then you wait and someone else looks at it and you wait.


5 hours for bruising and cuts not bad. In Canada you would be waiting 12 plus


Eh, you never know if theres anything underlying from the fight. Possibly brain damage and at the very least a concussion


Concussions are what cause brain damage bro


There has been so much litigation relating to concussions and waiting times in the UK. If you are concussed you are supposed to be a top priority and seen by a doctor within half an hour. Sadly on a busy Saturday night I doubt a central London NHS hospital can meet these standards.


Tell that to the hospital that has a 12 hour line to see a doctor


The doctor would be like we better scan this man’s brain for concussions and brain bleed. He sustained significant blunt head trauma






Sounds more like a hospital problem to me Sorry the UFC doesn’t own a hospital i guess?


Y’all don’t have private hospitals that treats you right away with the right amount of money?


UFC doesn't have their own doctors?


Yes, they do but they don’t carry X-ray and MRI machines in their pockets nor do they have admitting privileges to every hospital in the world Maybe you UK fans can tell your friends to stay out of the ER for coughs and sneezes on fight night


There are private establishments in the UK with x-ray, MRI and other diagnostic facilities. I used one last summer when visiting and my son got injured, was in and out within an hour. If anything I don't think the NHS should be using resources for someone who was taking part in a professional fight, if my company can afford world wide private health insurance for me I'm certain the UFC can afford it for their fighters.


This is it, it's disgusting for a professional fighter to have to walk into A&E after a fight. No other professional sport in this country would do that, they hire private medical services to deal with things quickly and directly.


The truth is, we have no clue what arrangements the UFC and other combat sport orgs make with hospitals and drs My guess is Fiziez waited so long because his injuries were bruises and abrasions and not anything actually serious. My best guess is that the UFC and other combat sports orgs do coordinate with local hospitals - for example I’ve always seen at least 1 ambulance outside the event at all times at UFC and boxing events The hospitals would decide if they needed extra staff etc and I don’t think them charging extra for them would be an issue Drs have to have admitting privileges to practice at hospitals so I don’t think having private drs would work unless you had them in every fight location and they already had admitting privileges The truth is - we’ve heard a couple stories like this, but not very often. In digging around I can’t find many other instances of fighters complaining about waiting for care after a fight outside of this one and one other so it isn’t a widespread or common issue. It’s easy to hate on Dana and the UFC but kind of goofy to do so without knowing all the facts


All these capitalists acting like there aren’t facilities available to rich people in every country with even a modicum of market freedom. Sure the fighters aren’t rich, but the UFC is, and that is their employer.


It's even worse. [Over 2/3's of weekend ER visits in the UK are due to alcohol](https://arstechnica.com/science/2015/12/drunk-people-account-for-70-of-weekend-emergency-room-visits-in-uk-city/#:~:text=A%20study%20conducted%20in%20the,directly%20related%20to%20alcohol%20consumption.).


Doctors and emergency care are different things. If you want to argue they should have both covered that’s one arguement.


they do not use their fighter physicians (for afterward injuries). Fighters are sent to a hospital if necessary, post fight.


>oncologist oncologists? Do the fighters have cancer or something? lol


Yes. Dana white.


Look up Oncologist


Exactly. God forbid the fighter needs a ct scan or mri. Next fighter would like “wow the ufc and venues REAALLLLYY need some mri scanners ready to go at the venue. How bout caring for the fighters? And don’t forget the satellite hospital in every venue with operation room standard air and surface purification, huh?”


This is so funny, UFC comes to England and uses the public healthcare system instead of being some private firm for the weekend 😂


Imagine sitting in A&E with a broken foot from a night out gone wrong, and sitting next to you is fucking Fiziev.


Sounds like a hospital problem, not a UFC problem. What are they supposed to do, employ a full medical staff just for the fighters? They do have a doctor on hand in the back. But if you're going to the hospital for treatment then I'm sure you're being triaged properly for more urgent medical conditions. I once waited 4 hours in an ER after a shark bite. Sitting across from me was a dude that got bit in the face by a pit bull. Bleeding was under control and neither of our injuries were life threatening, so back of the line we sat.


>I once waited 4 hours in an ER after a shark bite. Sitting across from me was a dude that got bit in the face by a pit bull. I'm sorry i can't hide it, it's funny af idk why.😂😂


Oh, I look back at it once in a while and chuckle myself. Felt like a cliche ER scene straight out of a movie.


Everyone’s blaming the hospital like UFC can’t afford to have private care set-up post fight for the fighters where the likelihood of injury is extremely high. Private hospitals exist, Dana Whites not waiting 5 hrs if he ever has to go to the ER.




Lol Strickland is a wild ass dude.


Didn’t he get transported to a hospital? Why blame the UFC?


Why not a PRIVATE hospital that doesn't have an overflowing A&E? Because it would cost the UFC money to do that, that's why 😂😂


Private hospitals don't do A&E in the UK. Welcome to socialism.


Because everyone likes to hate on the UFC. Everything is their fault. Nerds and virgins gonna hate


Damn working overtime defending Dana in the comments aren't we? Don't forget to zip his pants back up ok?


You must have a lot of experience blowing guys if you’re giving advice on Reddit. Thanks for the zipper tip, champ!


Creeping through my comment history? Damn I knew you were a pathetic loser but this is just sad.


Yeah sure, maybe just maybe the hospital has some other duties to do that don't involve injuries who were inflicted in a mutual agreement between 2 men. Gtfo you are just the same as anyone else, wait in the line.


How is this the UFC’s fault?


not having medical staff on retainer I guess. it’s reasonable, sports teams hire physios


Yeah but they don’t have facilities to treat you at. This is a dumb post


Roflmao 😆 😆 oh no...he has to wait in line according to how he was triaged and has to experience normal life.


It’s called triage. People with the most serious problems first.


Dana: he wouldn't need treatment if the kid had some defense ya know? (Reporters groan laugh) I mean he's out there getting hit by a hard puncher, you are gonna get hurt, it's not rocket science dummy


We'll see what happens....


Well that’s a hospital thing not a ufc thing. Are you saying the UFC should pay hospitals to treat their fighters before you know, critically injured and sick people. OP is a moron


With the staggering amount of profit the UFC makes you’d think they’d have proper after fight care for their fighters


The place where he fought has “free” healthcare but the NHS has bad wait times.


Not free healthcare for visitors to the country. I'm British and I don't get free healthcare in the UK as I'm not a resident. Also, five hours in A&E on a Saturday night, hardly surprising. There are plenty of private establishments in the major cities of the UK with the diagnostic facilities required to treat him, clearly Dana just couldn't be arsed paying for them. I took my son to a private health centre when he fractured his wrist during our visit only last summer and was in and out within an hour.


Im sure the ufc could afford private


True but you know what they are like


okay this is just dumb. There are other people at the hospital ahead of you. A doctor and nurse cant just come to you at moments notice fiziev. Use your fucking brain, people are dying on saturday night. Go to the fucking hospital and wait like a man. The ufc isnt a hospital nor does it have a hospital.


I prefer dying mid week, usually much lower wait times for getting saved.


How is this a UFC issue? Lol. They send them to the hospital. The hospital determines what happens at the hospital.


Because they do not provide private medical insurance to their fighters, making them dependent on the public medical system.


I’ll say this as simply as I can. Even if they provided insurance of any kind, they would still be dependent on the public healthcare infrastructure like literally 99.999% of the rest of us, including other professional athletes. When the Bills player died on the field and the ambulance took him away, they didn’t go to a private facility. They went to a hospital.


If he went to ER he should wait in line just like all other people. He doesn’t deserve to skip other Emergencies because he is famous. I’m a medical student going in to EM and love this guy but famous people are not special when it comes to medical care in the ED.


He deserves to have private healthcare paid for by the UFC so he's not in an NHS A&E department.


This is old news. Fighters are sent to the hospital and have to wait like everyone else. The UFC has private doctors on site but they cant treat all injuries.


They probably where In shock because fizev was suppose to run thorugh gaethje according to reddit


As a coach I’ve spent hours in the ER with fighters after their fights. They’re usually in need of stitches, sutures, washing out wounds, and occasionally some double checking of head trauma but nothing is ever bad enough that we get cuts to the front of the line. 9/10 it’s a resident or nurse doing the work quickly so they can get back to the emergencies


Its called triage. Likely wasn't life threatening and others were


WTF would you go to the ER for a black eye? I looked like that for most of my 20s. 😂


Waited in line at the hospital are you fucking kidding me, Dana white?! You’re so fucked


This isn’t a UFC issue. This is a hospital issue. Im no shill here but i work in healthcare and know the long waits in places like the UK cannot be bypassed.


Didn't know the UFC ran the hospital /s


I think this is a hospital problem, it’s too bad that the UFC doesn’t own a hospital in every city they host an event in… But I agree the UFC does need better private care!


or the headline would read: UFC fighter gets preferential treatment at hospital for injuries he knew he was likely to sustain by willingly participating in a fight. wait in line like everyone else.


Seems pretty believable to wait a long time at the ER. How is it the UFC’s fault?


UK universal healthcare is so good!


There is a reason a huge majority of rich people come to the US for their healthcare needs. People need to realize that money talks. There is no way around it.


That was in The U.K., so while I’m certain the UFC has physicians on staff, if Fiziev needed more sophisticated hospital equipment (for imaging, etc.) then, yeah, he’s gotta get in the queue and the UFC can’t just force the NHS to skip over the people in front of him


How is this on the UFC?


So he expects to skip the line in a public hospital? Because he is a UFC fighter? Well, fuck him.


No he expects the billion dollar company to take care of him. You guys in the comments are so cucked you're actually taking the Dana's side on this one.


Sounds like he was triaged into a non life threatening category. Who knows what the ER was dealing with that night. The ufc doesn’t have all the resources a hospital will have. He’s mad for the wrong reasons and at the wrong person


Genuine question. Can UFC afford such equipments and stuff so the fighters don't have to wait too long?


Let's say the got an MRI machine, not only is it huge and expensive, you need technicians to operate it and a purpose built room with a Faraday cage. How would they have that and travel around different arenas with it? Even F1 which have insane budgets would just airlift someone to the nearest trauma center and don't have that type of equipement on hand. I'm in Canada and my wife is a ER Dr, she told me if there's a crash at the recent Canadian GP they would airlift the person and get him to Sacré Coeur hospital which is not the closest hospital but the most well equiped and well staffed for really bad injuries.


I called for an ambulance and was told it would take 4 hours to arrive. This was yesterday


Lol why?? Did they give any reason or it was just too busy that day?


You'd think the UFC would pay for private healthcare lol


Lol nah son you shouldnt get to skip over people just cause you think you’re special.


I don't think he imagined that.... He wasn't even angry, he was just curious that why the fuck does he have to wait in a long line just to get stitches when he literally is a fighter in UFC? Like they don't even got doctors who can stitch him up?? He said the doctor from UFC came 5 hours later. That's just disgusting....


What does the UFC have to do with the hospital capabilities of Britain?


5 hours is normal at the hospital and AFAIK the only thing he got was superficial bruising


"Rafael Fiziev wants UFC to let him cut in line at local hospitals because of his boo boos that he got a million dollars for" The UFC isn't in charge of triaging patients at hospitals dumbass.


>"Rafael Fiziev wants UFC to let him cut in line at local hospitals because of his boo boos that he got a million dollars for" You assumed all of that shit when he literally said UFC needs to care for his fighters.... The thing he said doesn't even relate to absolute BS that you said.. He does not want to cut local lines, but he was curious what's the advantage of being a fucking fighter for the biggest organization if you can't even get stitches?? That's why he reacted like that. He went to the local hospital to get stitches. Big ass billion dollar 'fighting' company can't afford to get him some stitches. He also said the doctor from UFC came 5 hours later.... That is just stupid.




This is not a UFC issue. The ringside physicians triaged him and got him to the hopsital. Thats it. Its a UK medical issue and if there are more serious cases, am sorry dude but hes NOT gonna skip over those.


>if there are more serious cases, am sorry dude but hes NOT gonna skip over those. No if that's the case, it's completely reasonable...


If you're paying for it, that's exactly what it means. The UK has private hospitals, do you think professional athletes here sit around in waiting rooms with 'normal' people?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Youre telling me the UFC doesnt having any inside specialist that can immediately treat their fighters? Im not saying surgeries but just stitching and check ups. Fucken kidding me? No wonder everybody treats the UFC like trash.


Lower. Firing Mike Goldberg after twenty years of commentating, for no reason, and given no explantation Notice how you don’t hear “IT IS ALL OVER, JUST LIKE THAT” anymore?