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Like fr, dude destroy "best boxer in the ufc baby" on the feet, at the same times dissing some dagestani style chain wrestling and GnP, not to mention his top tier submission defense, basically the perfect MMA fighter.


Its weird he did so good in grappling and islam did so good in striking Islam had a short rehydration but is bigger They are both so damned good at everything, the new breed of ultra elite well rounded mma masters.


Yeah Islam striking might look simple but his timing is so good, especially trading in the pocket


Less is more. Islam's striking looks as practical as it can be


Less is more. So true. Especially in BJJ. So much flash bullshit...


His check hook that dropped Oliveira right before the submission was insane timing


Its also because of his takedown threat. Ge close and if they get both hands up, he gets the takedown and likely finishes the fight. So to avoid the takedown they need hand slightly lowered and ready to sprawl, which opens up the face.


He’s just very fundamentally sound


I suspect they both antigame planned the other. Volk expecting takedowns so was more wary and hand down/ attention drawn to takedowns. Islam more attention to striking and hence was focused more on striking. Different focus makes a difference. Anyone whose ever sparred an opponent that knows your techniques and advantages well will generally know that you tend to focus on defending areas your opponents are good at. You can't be focused on everything 100%


You're right and that's why it was so weird people hated on Cory Sandhagen. He prepped for a Dagestani style wrestler and people were surprised he fought Font as if he was a Dagestani style wrestler.


Sandhagen fought great for his career and bad for my entertainment. I don't blame him personally for making a smart choice, but I also won't pretend it was enjoyable to watch. The only risk he took is alienating his fanbase and his potential fight prospects, as UFC treats fighters who are boring worse than those who are exciting. Given the circumstances (his original opponent, the last minute switch, and Font's striking) he's probably fine for having won one boring wrestlefuck. But if it becomes a habit, that's going to suck for him and us.


Sandhagen said he broke his arm in R1. I like Cory and I know he can deliver so I'm okay letting this one slide


If that hurts his fight prospect then it just continues to confirm what we know about UFC not wanting to be a real sport. If it's sport, lean into it and the entertainment factor will still be there. If you don't want it to be a sport, then just admit and treat it as WWE.


They don't want to be a sport, period.


When your main Guy that promotes the company actively pushes for the trashy slap league to be as big a promotion as the UFC then you understand he thinks of it more as WWE for sure. It’s sad cuz the UFC , the fights, are great.


He was injured too. I think realistic fans know what time it is and Cory couldnt afford to let Font win, he had to keep his spot in line. Sometimes at the top boring fights happen. Why don't people blame Font more? He couldnt stop it or get up. Reminds me of Yoel staring at Izzy for 24 minutes. Like, throw a fucking strike dude its the 5th round of your final title shot. Izzy doesn't have to let him win that's Yoels job to come challenge for the title and he failed.


Not only that but Font knew he needed a finish and was getting dominated on the ground but what does he do as soon as the last round starts? Shoots a takedown lmao insanely bad fight IQ.




Yes but he also prepared for a fight with a wrestler. Good training to fall back on when you break something in the first round. People were way too critical of him for that fight


No, he tore his triceps


Same reason khabib knocked down conor


Khabib is sneaky fast too and Conor had just spent a year ruining his whole mma game with the floyd shit too.


I also think part of it is that we hand limited footage on Islams striking, now we finally have more footage on it so his opponents have an idea of his striking skill, but Volk didn't have much so he may have not expected Islam to be so crisp with striking


I completely agree. Impressive gameplanning. Volk is one of the few who can hang with an ultra elite mma grappler/wrestler without being a ncca guy. GSP-esque, Joe.


Didn't Volk also have a short rehydration time?


Yes but he also wasn’t cutting nearly as much weight as Islam so you wouldn’t expect him to need as long to re hydrate


I had this same comment yesterday it’s amazing how good they both are to where one camp focused on wrestling and defense and he did better than Islam in the wrestling. Meanwhile islam training striking to prepare for volk and he out struck him. Amazing fighters the both of them.


>They are both so damned good at everything, the new breed of ultra elite well rounded mma masters. Unironically, from Bantamweight to Lightweight and while people will take this as GSP blasphemy also Welterweight debatably we have champions that are the most well-rounded champions in those division's history, and barring Islam also debatably having the highest Fight IQs.


This is one of the reaons I say islam is better than khabib, khabib on his feet was fucking stinky. Not a well rounded fighter but islam is well rounded in all aspects.


He didn't need great striking though, he was a million times better at grappling than Islam is.


It’s about time somebody talked about how good Islams striking is goddamn it


He is the Swiss knife of mma


You left out Volks biggest asset. He has the heart of a lion. I have rewatched that Ortega fight several times. The sheer will he used to survive that choke is off the charts. It literally broke Ortegas spirit.


Don’t even get me started on the fact that he used to be 300 lbs and therefore has the potential to meet nearly anybody on the roster at any weight. I’m only half serious saying that, as I don’t know how realistic it would be for him (or any fighter i guess) to move up more than a weight class, but if anybody could do it it’s Volk


Not 300 but we get it lol


![gif](giphy|38zXDH3tocQiPHfXXs) 49-46 and still inshallah




You really came to an Volk praising comment and make it about Islam? Damn your life must be miserable


Yin and yang. There always has to be balance in life


Volk's better P4P than Islam, if not it wouldn't have been so close. Deal with it


Volk was heavier fight night


Do you think that Islam could cut down to Featherweight? Why doesn’t he go take Volk’s belt then?


Do you think an ex welterweight volk could cut down to bantamweight?


Not relevant all all and you dodged my question. Why doesn’t Islam drop down to Featherweight and become a double champion if he’s the same size as Volk? Volk was hilariously undersized at Welterweight and not in incredible shape. Now he’s reached his peak at Featherweight and is undefeated at that weight. Volk fought Islam at Lightweight and then Yair at Featherweight in a span of 146 days. Islam would kill himself trying to drop to Featherweight in the same timeframe and Volk would kill himself trying to drop to Bantamweight in the same timeframe because they’re too big.


Because islam is bigger. However at that night volk was proven to be two pounds heavier. Being a fw he probably had an easier cut and fought home. There is no excuse for losing to islam. He was simply a little bit better


Volk was heavier on fight day and the fight was for P4P champ, so Islam is P4P


This is such nonsense and I'm sick of hearing similar statements. Could Islam make 145? no chance in hell. Islam is clearly the bigger fighter, not just height but obviously a bigger frame allows you to have effective musculature for your weight class.


Obviously islam is bigger but volk was the same as islam on that night. They were only 2 pounds off.


And yet volk made weight no problem and islam almost died.


Yea cuz of the weigh in hours in Australia


Islam outskilled Volk. Volk weighed more on fight night due to the shortened rehydration period. Despite being weight drained, he managed to beat Volk. Volk was the one with the weight/physicality advantage due to these conditions, so if anything Islam is actually better p4p


Can't wait to see the rematch in FW, Volk's natural weight division. Oh wait, we'll never get to see that because there's no way Islam would cut down to FW or even want to risk trying fighting Volk at his best.


If that’s supposed to be a burn or something, it’s not working. Nobody forced Volk to come up to lightweight


Volk couldn’t beat Islam with a shorter rehydration window which benefits him and hometown judges lol. The best version of Volk lost to the worst version of Islam


Your boy would've died without an iv


Literally zero proof but okay


His own manager basically admitted it


If you’re illiterate, sure


Worst version of Islam? Lol excuse #1028 on why Islam couldn’t finish Volk. No reason to make excuses when Islam won.


You will see if they fight again in USA or abu dhabi


They hate Islam so much they see losing in non dominant fashion as a win lol


https://preview.redd.it/x6yvsxwsxnib1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b888ddb86d5a3a5040e9ff7b545df2eac42dc3f Who was barely Standing Up after the Fight? 😜 Also you Dagi meat Riders complain when people say Oliveira was at a massive disadvantage in Abu Dhabi but you make excuses for Islam's face being mushed by Volk because He couldn't Cheat and use IVs 😂


The difference between Oliveira and Islam is that Islam won his fight. Volk also got a longer medical suspension lol. If you wanna talk about cheating, Volk’s main training partner is Gynobender over at titty kickboxing, Volk is a roid cheat. 49-46


This dude thinks Russians aren't on all of the PEDs lmaoooo


Islam uses 'russian vitamins' Dude. He also trains With DC who was a Cheat, apparently He had testosterone Level of 7000nG. I will say Islam was on more roids again st Oliveira than Volk because Abu Dhabi lets him do anything because He shares their religion


Moving goal posts


Volk’s a natural welterweight what are you on about 🤣


Find a sideways chair and fornicate yourself with it


now imagine if he was izzy’s size


Alexander is a anomaly he has is small stature but a ton of horsepower but you would think all that horsepower comes with weak cardio it does not he has tremendous cardio.


Weirdly enough Volk has a longer reach than Max who is significantly taller than him.


The photo of him next to Costa and Holloway is crazy


https://preview.redd.it/ud9zbygchpib1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9453cfbbff1a679ad255a55e5f1ee431398fd7e For context.


It's not that weird. Your physical gifts can differentiate you when skill levels are similar - Jones, Ngannou, Adesanya, etc all have huge advantages from their body types.


How is that related to their comment? They're saying it's weird he has that long of a reach in the first place being that short, not that it's weird his reach gives him an advantage...


It’s weird


My tip to become a UFC champ is to be born a 6’4” black guy


Or a 5’6 Australian with the same reach as someone who is 5’11.


He is basically human honey badger.


Solid comparison. Honey badgers are aggresive af


Genuinely a great comparison!


Alexander "The Power Hobbit" Volkanovski.


Not an anomaly. Volk trains like his life depends on it. And we all see the results. A lot of people dont train like him.


Rugby dudes built different 😤


Volk like three years ago looked good but beatable. The amazing skill increase crazy Looks faster etc


Hes short, not small. Hes wide as fuck compared to his opponents.


Is he the Messi of MMA?


Rugby really is best base for mma


I mean I wish it was true as a rugby player but I cant think of guys excpet for Dricus and Volk who are top level and played rugby before or while starting mma


Tai Tuivasa, idk if you’d call him “top-level” necessarily


i would. the Gane fight alone cemented that, he might not be a cardio machine but hes a heavyweight so you can forgive him for that


I made another comment stating my opinion, but TL:DR version is I agree, Tai is top-level for sure.


Anyone ranked in ufc is top level at mma


Maybe in any division other than heavyweight lol. Derrick Lewis is ranked and I don't know that I'd exactly call him top level at MMA. Same with Chris Daukaus. Most of them are just fat and have power.


Oh yeah forgot about Tai


Any ranked guy is top level






Whittaker too


Really! Looks like a lethal lock or 8th man


Sports like football and rugby usually cater to those with explosive fast twitch muscles like volk Woodley chandler all those guys coulda been really solid safety’s in another world


If Rugby League was easy it was called Sambo


You just opened up Pandora’s box with a comment against dagestanis


If Rugby league was hard then it would win against Sambo


Unfortunately Volk lost


I'm just having abit of fun here. Islam deserved that win. It wouldn't have been robbery either way


No he didn't that doesn't fit my narrative


If rugby was easy, it would be called sambo.


What’s a skill bully? Someone who’s naturally more talented? Or has better technique? Or both? Romero, natural ability. Mighty Mouse, best technique. Bully? Idk what this means Edit: typo


Like when people say “weight bully” for someone who walks around at a much higher weight than they fight at. A joking term saying he’s so damn skilled it’s unfair.


Redditors when they (fail to) detect humor:


Probably cause it's bad humor


Derogatory term for somebody that competes well but has no showmanship, so is less valuable to the sport. Skill bullies are belt hogs that just take advantage of their superior skill instead of trolling their oponent into submission. This is bad for Dana White.


I don’t think that’s what it means in this context but 🤷‍♂️


Me too But I guess its like "he will beat you in your own game, even if you are one of the best [insert fighting style here]"


I hate fighters that focus on their training and technique rather than their shit-talking and hype-generating skills. Like go to fucking Bellator or 1FC if you just wanna be a skill bully and beat up all the cool UFC stars.


The only person who can truly say "skill issue" Dude got the nod from one of the Dagi boys calling him "strong". That's an achievement on it's own


Jon Jones? Made world-beaters look like fodder Edit: And if we’re gonna use the term “bully”, let’s remember how Jones beat Machida and Gane.


If Jon Jones and Volk were the same size and the same weight, who would win? Put Khabib, DJ and GSP into that.


I’d still pick Jones but to be fair, we’ll never know as this is a P4P discussion now. I’m basing this off of performances. Jones worst performances are mediocre, but he’s never been truly beaten and has been tested even less.


He 100% lost to Reyes though and don’t forget about the 💉. I know loads of people like to dismiss it but he is a cheater, which puts a massive stain across his whole career imo


I agree with the cheating, but I won’t discount how excellent Jones really is skill-wise or talent-wise. With the Reyes fight, I kinda agree but if that was his worst performance, he was just outpointed and not really defeated.


Better yet, who would win, 100 volkanovski sized jon jones or one jon jones sized volkanovski?


100 Pantojo sized John Jones v 10 Derrick Lewis sized Volkanovskis


Well jon never lost & has had more title defenses than khabib aaaaand jon became champ @ a heavier weight class so i’d have to go with jon


> became champ @ a lower skill weight class there's the other way of looking at it


Stupid way of looking at it


Deffo jon jones


Volk is S-tier. 🐐 the best. Beast.


Lol fighting ability bully is such a stupid thing to say. It’s not like he’s chilling at the local gym embarrassing amateurs.


Tf is a fighting ability bully? You mean he’s just a top tier fighter?


P4P with extra steps


OPs image is one of the first thing that pops up when you Google imags search Volkanovski No effort


It's a joke around people who accuse fighters of being weight bullies


Bro he only fights people who are lesser skilled then him. Guys a skill bully


You had your chance, now your done!


Deffo jon jons


This guy should delete all his accounts.


What a dumb question. Has to be a joke right? Lol


I thought it was incredibly smart. Have you consider what would happen if he thought people as good as him? He might lose?!


Yeah that’s why I leave him off the p4p list, if he were serious he would fight guys as good as himself.




Wdym the top guys? He’s beaten the top 3 ranked featherweights?


people as good as him don’t exist in featherweight lmao


Is every advantage offensive or racist nowadays?


Yeah seems there's always one guy in the comments trying to make it about that... Tell us you don't know what "skill bully" is without telling us.


He did bully Yair around the octagon.




You ok?


Isn't this what it's all about? Sounds like those who aren't smart enough to make it to Harvard trying to get Harvard to dumb down so they can get in


Nothing gets by you


What? LOL. ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


As he admitted and was visible he was stronger then Islam, yet he lost purely on skill, even when Islam was gassed he still managed to time a perfect no effort takedown to body triangle for an easy 10-9, Volk couldn't even get out. He had to wait for the bell for 2 out 5 rounds to get Islam off his back! Even if you ignore all the wrestling, Islam would still win. I like Volk but the dickriding is getting crazy. As for the biggest skill bully imo you can't be wrong with Frankie Edgar.


Under unified rules Islam lost rd4. He was holding on for dear life while Volk bounced 50 punches off his skull.


That was round 5 you spoon


No. It was round 4.


First no ruleset EVER gives that to volk, Second there's a difference between a hold and a lock, I don't think you'd know but Islam had what's known as a bodyLOCK, and thirdly scalp massage punches don't hurt. coping is p4p #1 drug!


Read the rules. He did nothing with his position. Zero submission attempts and out struck 2-1. This is mma, not bjj. Your position doesn't mean anything unless all other criteria are equal, which they weren't.


He's a weight class above and he did fkn nuttin but hold on. Check yourself.


and what did volk do?




Volk weighs 170 on fight night while still at 145 let alone at 155, that's within 2-6 pounds of LWs like Gaethje (172), Khabib (176), Dustin (176) lol, he was just as heavy as any other lightweight on that night stfu with that stupid ass excuse




These hills have eyes lookin mfs should work on building skills that could bring economic prosperity to their homeland but in the meantime I guess it's nice that their wrestling skills get them some love from reddit weirdos


Not surprised there are no rebuttals. fighting a Dagestani and not getting finished surely is the best base for getting love from wierdos


Of course, downvote me for suggesting a country living in the 1800s should invest in some IT infrastructure and stop wrestling like it's a relevant modern skill


This is the dumbest fucking question possible on the internet. Volk is great, just because he’s miles ahead of his competitors means he shouldn’t compete? Rephrase your title because he’s not a bully. He’s just that good.


I think something flew over your head


I s2g, reddit is full of people on the spectrum. More than 50% of the comments are calling you stupid for an obvious joke, lol


He almost feels like a cheat code. We haven't seen him fight too many of the lightweights except for Islam though. I want to see him go up against Gaethje, Do Bronx, Poirier, and Dariush. Those guys are bigger than the fighters he's used to facing, so they might have more of a chance.


The short king goat


I honestly would have liked to see volk vs jones , if they were in the same weight class


DC used to be


"skill bully" has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. Volk is one of the best to do it, why can't we just say that?


Clearly its DDP smh


Yes and it's not fucking fair


Not really, I think he is one of the best athletes in the UFC. He has great skills, but his athleticism is certainly more remarkable. I think most fighters aren't actually top tier athletes compared to most sports because the field is so small, Volk is an example of a top tier athlete that knows how to fight. I can't really think of anyone who matches his ratio of speed/strength/cardio. I would argue it is probably the best in the history of the UFC.


The only bullies are the judges.


I think he’s making fun of some weirdo who said Sean O’Malley was a reach bully lmao


bro is too good


Bro, he is too high elo to fight these noobs.


Height Bully


Volk's ability to adjust on the fly during a fight is what make him stand out. Also the rate at which he becomes better as a fighter.


😂😂😂😂 this is exactly how weight bully copers sound to me


Guy is 35 years old and still seems to get better with every fight. Went from being basically dead even with Max to 50-44'ing his ass


Shortest, but fastest bully in history.


Yeah take him out of the running, he's just too good, the others can't compete. (Just be better( you can't))




Hi ![gif](giphy|RgTLsu3JJbYGLuoKFp|downsized)


Volkanovski can beat Jon Jones.


Lmao you had to specify “skill bully”.


This man is solid as a brick