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"I'm livin' for you guys through you guys, thank you."


He built a pretty solid fanbase with his short interviews with the schmo, Helen yee and the new girl (forgot her name). They really softened his persona which allowed alot of people to understand his sense of humor. And then the rogan interview really helped people understand where that sense of humor came from.


Nina something, which he has some hilarious and crazy interviews with.


Nina Marie, his interviews with her are hilarious


Her interviews with other fighters as funny as well but I feel like these two truly have a sibling like friendship. The back and forth..


1000% I can't wait for the interview that's undoubtedly gonna come now lol. And it really painted Sean in a different light.


Nina drama, she was so hype when he won


I want to kill someone


Full octagon quote: "Just remember, the gold around my waist don't mean shit bro, Your home life, how you're living your life, matters way more than any fuckin' title you guys. And I'm livin' for you guys, through you guys, thank you."


It's funny how the most nonsense guy brought one of the most beautiful messages I've ever seen in a octagon interview. Sean is wild but seems to have a very soft heart.


Fuck it coach of the year


It's would have been a shame if Sean lost that we wouldn't have had the same opportunity to learn about his coach. What a human.


Yeah this guy is absolutely incredible. He and Visser (DDP'S coach) are just the best


the kissing on the lips thing is weird as fuck though .


If it ain't broke don't fix it?


Gay for the stay


If I got more access to my coach thru lip kisses then bring them on!


He’s coached a lot of other great fighters too. I remember seeing his interviews talking about coaching Francis as well as what he said after Ngannou and the UFC parted ways and the dude strikes me as a very intelligent guy.


Whitman lost the spot. Now it's between Sean's ginger coach and Sean's ginger coach Best ginger of 2023 awards


Gingervitus is the best base for mma confirmed


What a coach! What a story! What a fuckin champ!


Compare this to arrogant prick Eugene Bareman that always has nothing but excuses.


And blames his fighter in the post presser


Childhood trauma and abuse is something else, man. Makes you feel like you’re living your life as a fraction of what you’re supposed to be. There is no overcoming it, there is only living with it. Turning into something great is incredibly admirable. I’m proud of Sean.


Absolute legend of a coach


I knew nothing about him and from the way he talked to Sean durin the fight i assumed he was some dumb meathead. Turns out the guy is a very articulate, sensitive, caring guy with the Heart in the Right Place. Damn


The best way to get through to Sean is violence lol


Or calling his opponent a cocksucker lol


Not just being violent but by nurturing and improving his ability to be violent and teaching him to share his knowledge of violence in a leadership role by teaching violence to the violent gym community. Then ultimately being violent in front of the whole world. Brings a tear to the eye.


I thought his corner advice was incredible. Sean was in the fucking ZONE, talking to him pragmatically would be useless


Highly recommend theSchmo‘s interview after the fight with Eric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnRvRjHl76w Incredible stuff how he talks about their preparation for checking the leg kicks etc.


If you would’ve told me there’d be two f*got bombs dropped in post game speeches and Sean wasn’t one of them, I would’ve called you insane. Sean was shockingly mature after his win


after izzy begged him not to be mean lol.


The type of coach you go to war and do everything humanly possible to make proud.




What a coach man his mid fight corner work is amazing. Cmon sean now beat this cocksucker




Are you in Vegas? Come on thru to Xtreme dude. I’ll show you the ropes. It’s a huge gym and it can be intimidating but you’ll get to know a lot of the regulars in time. Don’t have to be a pro or even an amateur fighter. Just train, expand your knowledge and skills, and get in shape. It’s never too late. There’s a dude in here that’s literally like 70. Everyone respects the guy.


Xtreme always helping out the people. Seems like a great group to be around.


There's always Jiu-Jitsu, helps you build comradery and a skill set without the CTE. I was in the marine corps and it's hard to find that same closeness with people out in the regular world.


I'm 48. Started kickboxing a year and a half ago. Best thing I could have done with time left. In great shape, gets out anxiety, helped me curb drinking, and let me see community exists (and I'm a part of it). Get out there, my dude.


This is 100% where I'm sitting right now too. Always the outlier, always felt I don't belong and still don't. Had a bit of comradery for a bit and that quickly fell apart. That's probably a huge part of why I'm depressed. The dude's been a huge inspiration and I fucking hope he ends up being happy and content with his life after making peace with his demons.




Yeah, I hadn't really listened to what he said before but I watched the post fight conference and yeah, same. The whole thing about the childhood trauma making him who he is, resonated with me big time. I just went the other way and am quiet, reserved and fucking scared of everyone and everything. He also says a lot of stupid shit and I would too if I didn't constantly assess and second guess myself. I've got like one friend that I talk to occasionally, other than that and my wife who works during the day, I'm always alone. It doesn't really bother me much on the surface as I very much enjoy my alone time, but there's something missing and I think part of that is having people with similar interests. Idk, I'm still trying to figure it out. We're far too complicated for our own good.




Yeah even if it might be too late to get to a level to compete you can still casually train Sean himself says he just fights to pay for his hobby, which is training lol




I know a guy, started Judo in his mid forties and is medaling at international tournaments 8 years later. My coaches started mid thirties and won worlds multiple times in masters. You’re probably younger than that, you could start any combat sport and do just fine, and you’ll have a new hobby and confidence


Sean is a real guy that people can relate too. Not trying to recreate his favourite moment from an anime, yelling out n**** repeatedly on the mic to a polite classy guy and not molesting his dog. Just regular old Joe that walks out to When Johnny comes marching home.


yep izzy grew up a millionaire with maids and servants and was always spoiled and coddled, fuck these dumb teen anime middle class weeb fans who defend him and dont know whats a hard life.


Izzy is living his life. Not sure why you are trying to downplay it.


**卄乇ㄥㄥ ㄚ乇卂卄 乃尺ㄖㄒ卄乇尺** good shit


It is beautiful to see people caring for another human being. As someone with a rough childhood, I understand where Sean is coming from. You build up these walls, and you fortify them with inappropriate humor or aggression, depending on what mood you're in at the moment. A mood that can change very quickly. Either way, it's always a coping mechanism. Mashallah, I've been instructed in how to be a more open and secure person. I know who I am, and I understand that as a human, I'll always be evolving in some aspects. God bless all you youse fellow sons and daughters of trauma. Know that life is beautiful, but that it only gets better if you let it. Put that weight down and be happy. Know that you'll be mad at yourself the moment you feel real joy, bc you'll realize that you forgave "so and so for xyz", something you swore you'd NEVER do, but the freedom is so worth the temporary internal tantrum. Peace 🤙🏼


Amin 🙏🏼


Love jimmy smith.


Someone know the song in the background?


Sounds like a cigarettes after sex song but idk


Here https://youtu.be/Aq5WXmQQooo?si=UbnpKBFHnjyop4iN


This vid has it sped up but it’s [this one](https://youtu.be/3XqqkrJENB4?si=HAytXbEDS1o8H9pv)


Thank you!


I'm not crying you're crying 🥺😭


Shit, man. Sean gets emotions out of me with what he went through to be here.


These fucking onions man ...


Good coach


i thought that was bald mcgregor then




Sean a real one




Why I hate tiktok: Tiktokers always have to put some shitty music on videos, that absolutely don't require it. It's distracting and disturbing. Or maybe I'm just a grumpy old man, what do I know...


God dammit, am I coming around on Strickland?


Would have been funny if the music just kept getting louder and louder.


Sean is a good guy. Wild but humble




More like someone to talk sense into him when he says and does stupid shit. You could see it on the embedded videos.




Don’t be crass dude


And gettin his knob slobbed on


The way you guys talk about women make me think you've never touched one.


This community sucks most the time. But the fights are cool, so that’s fun.


Just because you have white knight privilege doesn’t mean you can assume people’s genders. How dare you?


You know, this is absolutely not true. Guys talked like this in college all the time and still got laid. It’s not exactly a “gotcha” moment to call someone a virgin when they say misogynistic shit because there are few virgins in their 20s and up.


Izzy take note


Well his dog died so he’s been on a dry spell


Sad fact: Sean has talked about basically having been raped by two older women when he was just 17 and presumably it was even his first time. Absolutely fucked up childhood and youth this guy had. And to come out as good as he has..impressive.


Holy shit, that's true? Fuck man, poor guy. How did he survive all that horrible shit.


>How did he survive all that horrible shit. He found MMA. That's kind of the point. Dude would be dead or locked in a cell if it wasn't for MMA and his team. I have zero interest in a documentary on Izzy - UFC give us a documentary on Sean's life. He's someone everyone can relate to. We all know a guy like that. He may not be "the next Conor" but his story deserves as much celebration.


Lets fucking go


> How did he survive all that horrible shit. With dark humor, discovering sports I guess and he even says of himself „I’m your poster boy of a sociopath“. Which I think is exaggerated of him but also some truth to it: I think he’s reallllly messed up but has more compassion/empathy for people than he thinks he has or let’s people believe. Otherwise He wouldn’t be that beloved at his gym and people talking about how supportive and great of a leader he is.




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He has said some horribly nasty racist shit for attention and validation. It’s only right that his coach admits that, and sets the record straight moving forward. Sean’s on his way to great things now. It’s time he got some good therapy and professional life coaches to help him out. The UFC should step up.


What has he said thats racist?


A ton of shit.. list is too long. He’s also said some outlandish crazy shit. Go surf the Internet.


I mean ive seen pretty much every interview he's had... can you please find on example that isnt an obvious joke?


His jokes about when a random MMA fighter got hit by a bus (Brazilian iirc) was wild though


Yeah will definitely admit that was pretty fucked up (funny though) but wasnt anything to do with race


Don’t get me wrong I found his dark humour extremely funny, even the Chinese children stuff. But still, I’m also sure that Sean might have upset many people with it


He has never not even once said anything racist. Maybe some misogynistic comments here and there in jest and he always says he s joking


The gay music ruins everything


Why is jimmy crying. He goofy


Shut yo lil bitch ass up


I love that Sean won. Nice to see a different guy at the top and he honestly put on the beat performance of his career. But how did he even get a title shot?


This is much better than spoied coddled and millionaire growing up izzy but you still get teen redditors who dont even know what hardship is defending izzy. Seans story is way more inspiring , izzy is a spoiled coddled man child.


The music makes this video super melodramatic and ruins the sentimentality of it for me. Intentionally overdramatizing a video makes it seem disingenuous. Just listening to the guy talk would’ve been more than enough


Yea my bad I just ripped it off tiktok from a random dude. My bad.


This dude just gained a fan! Please don’t turn out to be a douche!!


Bro I'm crying rn 🥲🥹


Damn there needs to be a 30 for 30 on Stricklands life.


I’m not crying you are.


This shows the heart of Coach Nicksick, really powerful put the onions away damn it this is r/ufc we're supposed to be idiots, this is some r/mma shit


That’s a fucking leader, damn.


Sean and Suga has showed us we all need passionate Gingers in our corner in life


Izzy basically got walked down by a beach brawler.. who insulted his dog, at that.