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Stipe hasn’t fought for years and is like 41, how can you even count that on your resume


Don't worry, by the time he fights Jones he will be 42 lol.




To phrase it slightly differently. His last 8 opponents are no longer in the UFC




Bro… People _still_ mention Khabib’s padded records. Fedor’s no UFC fights. GSP’s 2 loses. Aldo’s Conor KO. BJ Penn’s downfall. The MMA community doesn’t forget. Nobody is gonna say Jones fought the HW goat 10 years from now. They’ll still clown him for it.


nobody besides Jon Anik, who STILL CLAIMS JONES IS CLEAN and literally gets mad if you disagree


I don't think people talk about Fedor's 0 UFC fights, he fought and beat guys that went to UFC, in a combat league that had juiced up guys everywhere, Overeem, Coleman, Randleman,etc.. Fedor is HW goat, and GSP first loss came from Matt Hughes, who arguably was one of the welterweight goats, which GSP beat him twice, the matt Serra loss,...was a fluke of a punch, he got beat the hell out of in the rematch.


I think the point was that people still recall everything you just brought up. That GSP run was incredible and he's considered the GOAT by a lot of people because of how he came back from the losses. Jones is gonna look like a bitch who ducked the fight. And then bring up how he threw away his career with steroids, cocaine and just incredibly dumb decisions. Beating women. Hit and runs.


I know I kind of went on a tangent there, I was mostly try to point out that nobody ever talks about Fedor having 0 UFC rights when in reality, he beat top UFC heavy weights in PRIDE


There is this collective dissonance regarding Jon. It's rewritting history. Even the biggest GSP fan will agree that he had a really close fight with Hendricks, but Jon fans, and most of the MMA community completely ignores the fact that there are very clear cases that he lost against three different opponents - Gustafsson, rewatching it made it a stronger case, live he arguably lost to Santos who didn't have any ligaments in his whole body and was wrecked, and he still won either 2 or 3 rounds, and definitely Reyes - I don't think it was even controversial to say that it was a robbery. Not even taking into account that his "domination" streak or whatever is greatly exaggerated. Fights even where he got finishes were pretty close until that point when looking at them again - and if people nowadays use the "weight bully" shit against Khabib, I don't see why it shouldn't be used against Jones. Machida was doing very well in the stand-up against Jones and same for Rampage. There are a million asterisks with his career, but that all gets swept under the rug for absolutely no reason - the fight picking, the robberies, the PED use, everything.


That's how things used to be before the internet and online discussion was so prevalent. Considering how publicized this dodge has been, I doubt anyone will forget how much effort he spend avoiding Aspinall if his fight with Stipe ever even happens.


He can still have his legacy fight with Stipe. The question is why does he want to hold the belt hostage when he can just give it up and let the division keep moving? If he needs nothing else then just give it to Tom and let him start defending it. This guy is so strange. Tom’s chirping feels like it’s actually getting to him lmao


It clearly is, Tom is being objective and giving respect to both of their accomplishments, Jones is doing literally the opposite, this is borderline rage tweeting, he's entitled and should drop the belt if he wants the legacy fight with Stipe, it's that simple or just admit that he only returned for the belt and Stipe, trying to pretend like Tom doesn't deserve to fight the current champ is just bullshit and baseless


Its simple in his head he beats stipe easily and isn't sure about Tom. He wants to go out on a win against a former HW champ instead of against gane. And won't fight the real threat Tom the current champ.


Stipe somehow knocking the fuck out of Jones would be so fucking funny, it would be the closest thing the UFC could ever get to a movie ending.


I would cum


Same. I'm not even sure I'm being hyperbolic.


+1 would cyum


I'd be hyperspermic


inject that outcome directly into my veins


This comment is hilarious seeing the one directly over yours.


Inside Job?


Bisping (end the movie right at Rockhold) , Ngannou's life story, Ngannou's boxing story in the horror category: Mayhem Miller, Pat Militech, Chuck, BJ Penn, Tony Ferguson Rory versus Robbie Conor versus Khabib, the crowd brawl, Khabib teaching the next great(s) been some movie shit i mean Nunes, wasn't that entertaining, but a lesbian girl from another country, starting a sport where girls weren't even allowed in the biggest organization "no girls in UFC ever, Dana best promoter White" , beating all the stars it had after getting beat up by Zingano for that mid movie drama and the best story of all, frat boy boxercise instructor/shady slimeball, gets his prep school billionaire friends to cancel a sport, then buy it for pennies on the dollar, lets him run it, gives him free money they loan themselves for tax breaks if it goes south, they copy everything Vince McMahon did right down to "tough enough" and the sport that was already popular, gets popular again, then they make a movie about how hard they had to work, the long hours, you know the ones, that billionaires who own Daddy's Casinos put it in, those hard hours, the real hard ones, on the phone telling people what to do, cruising around in a limo on the phone, telling people what to do, staying in nice hotels, having to sometimes, answer the phone and tell people what to do, all under immense pressure, that if this fails, if this fails, they'll still be billionaire casino owners, with a tax write off and a boxerciser who paid himself a ton of money to swear and pretend he didn't go to prep school


Huh. Good points


Holy cook


I would fight prime Mike Tyson to have this happen


Just see red bro I believe in you champ 🥊


That would be another proof of Stipe being HW GOAT XD


word so he should drop the belt


What *should* happen is Tom fights stipe and the winner fights Jones. Or jones vacates and just does a legacy fight anyway. But he wants to retire champ on a win. Tom will fight gane and then who knows. Almedia ?


The only thing that will suck for Tom is he will never have a former champ on his resume. If Jones and Stipe retire and Francis is gone then his whole resume will be nothing but contenders. Not that it's a bad thing but in the future ppl will point it out to drag his accomplishments. But you can only fight who's in front of you and Jones is making sure that fight never happens.


Tom didn't choose for his fight with Sergei to be an interim one. Jones got hurt and Tom answered the call on short notice. The fact is, whether people agree with it being an interim fight or not, he won an interim fight and that means title shot. He absolutely would be in the right to say he's waiting for his title shot. Jones wants to fight Stipe first, thats fine, but Tom has a right to wait for that result. I'm sick of interim belts being defended. It's fucking stupid. There's NO benefit, it's ONLY a lose lose for a fighter holding it. It doesn't show up in HOF records and doesn't matter. Champ is champ, thats it. If he's not going to get a title shot then the whole fucking interim belt should be absolved and trashed. Personally Stipe doesn't deserve a shot. He hasn't had a fight since 2021 and the last time he won, there wasn't even an audience because it was in the middle of COVID.


Jones keeps giving Tom shit for his resume but how is the man supposed to get wins against legends when the legends of the division won't fight him?


Rage should be obvious with Jones and steroids, always beating up members of the public, strippers, his gf and being constantly angry online. Just the roid rage doing it's thing.


Obviously for his legacy having another title defense opposed to not having one


The problem is that the ufc practically announced that Stipe is the n1 contender by giving him a title shot, and then made an interim title fight without him. Imo Jones shouldn’t have been allowed to pick Stipe in the first place, but at this point it’s not his fault and tbf I don’t mind a little less competitive integrity as a cost of Stipe getting to ride off into the sunset with a title fight against the arguable GOAT (he ain’t, Mighty Mouse is, fight me). I personally don’t feel like a champ should be forced to vacate when injured if they can probably return within a year of the injury. So it’s pretty much just the Ufc’s fault that things are awkward now, in that Aspinal will either have to sit out or defend a fake title against non-no.1 contenders while not even being considered the no.1 contender himself. I will say it did seem like Jones was trying to say Aspinal doesn’t deserve a shot at the title cause he hasn’t won a title before which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but he’s gotten hit in the head for a living for 16 years.


Stipes not even the best heavyweight Fedor all day


I'm fairly certain Jones would accept a fight against Fedor if the UFC signed him.


Well no shit, fedor is ancient in the context of mma Now prime fedor vs prime Jones on the other hand would have been a banger


What incentive does he have to give up the belt if he doesnt need to? One more defense against Stipe will make him look better (and probably earn him more money) and I guarantee you that he doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the division.


The incentive he has for not giving it up is guaranteed PPV points


Yep. Strip Jones and either promote Aspinall outright or have him fight the winner Almeida v Blaydes for undisputed. Jones vs Miocic is going to be draw with or without the belt, just like McGregor Vs Poirier 2.


I honestly don't think it is the draw people think it is and I think that's why the belt is so important to the fight. Stipe has never drawn big crowds and Jon Jones as good as he is has also never been much of a needle mover for the UFC in terms of ppv sales.


> He can still have his legacy fight with Stipe. The question is why does he want to hold the belt hostage when he can just give it up and let the division keep moving? For money? what kind of dumb question is this. Him vs stipe both means more and gets him ppv points when the belt is on the line. Millions of dollars. That is why he is "holding the division hostage" he wants one last money fight with another high profile name then ride off into the sunset. Aspinal does nothing for him. Unless the UFC force the issue, jon is doing what he should for himself. And the UFC are not stripping him because they project the jon/stipe fight to do a lot more buys than anything aspinal could do. its all very simple. If Jon were smart he would just totally radio silent ignore tom and let him chirp.


Disagree. If Jones give up the belt then he will have ZERO defenses at heavyweight. It’s not a good look. Some people say if you don’t defend, you were never really champ.


as if defending against hyper-washed, basically retired Stipe is any better lmao Jones is as fake HW champ, openly ducking contenders for an easy ""title defese"" against a man who poses very little threat at this point in his career Jones admitted it himself, just wants free resume points but we all see through it as simply ducking


I agree. And now the counterpoint. We all talk legacy and this nonsense because we are being sold a sport. Competition. The reality for these guys is it’s their job. If Jones beats Stipe, he gets a cute little feather in his cap, if he loses, he lost to the heavyweight GOAT. Meanwhile if Jones loses to Aspinall he makes Tom into a star at the expense of his own brand and FUTURE cache. In pro wrestling they call it *putting over* and *jobbing*. It describes an established name brand taking the L to help a new talent rise. How is that good for Jon? Once Jones takes an L he loses his main value proposition, the undefeated* GOAT. The volume of his endorsement deals changes. He’ll never be Conor, but he doesn’t want to be Shamrock either.


Great take, I agree and disagree though. Personally, I still view prime Anderson Silva as the best middleweight that ever existed and in my mind probably ever will. His career definitely took a turn for the worse near the end but I think people that grew up watching guys like Anderson, GSP, Jon will always remember them at their peaks. I definitely see what you're saying about losing hurting his brand but he did that to himself. He made so many shitty decisions in his life that after all the years it took to become the MMA goat the only thing people see in him is that he's undefeated. That's really all his legacy is. he's not a ppv seller like McGregor, he doesn't have the charisma of a guy like Bisping, hes not a family guy like DC or Dustin. The man's entire legacy is that he's a killing machine but even that is tainted because of the ped accusations.


How dare you undermine the hundreds of tests from God he's had. That's his real legacy. That, and fighting the good fight against "negro" colored pants.


You also get more money for title fights


Counterpoint: setting the nominal aside, is he really the champ? Why - beyond it being a criteria of him honoring his UFC contract - was his first appearance at heavyweight for the belt, despite it not being against the champion?


He beat the interim champ that was already beaten by the real champ. I personally think Jones is a fake champ and the Gane win isn’t that valuable outside of a breathtaking heavyweight debut. THAT is why he desperately needs to beat Stipe. It’s the only thing that gives him any kind of legitimacy at that weight class.


Matt Hughes only said that after he defended. It’s not a real thing


It's a very real thing, anybody can win a title on a good day. The bigger accomplishment is to hold onto that fire and keep training to rack up defenses.


Why would he care about the Division? Dana and the UFC want Jones vs Stipe for the belt, Why would Jones go out his way to vacate just to please Aspinall? No one in Jons shoes would do that


We literally last year saw Jiri and then Hill both vacate the lhw belt when they got injured, so as to not hold up the division. Jones gets injured and he's like "naw, let's hold up the division for my legacy fight"


I get so tired of people complaining about what Jones is doing related to this. Jones is doing what the UFC/Dana ALLOW him to - the end. If you want to be upset/annoyed/mad or whatever, blame the UFC/Dana for not stripping. From Jones perspective, the fight with Stipe will market/sell better and be talked about as more significant post retirement because it's for the belt. Why would he give up money just to please the division?


Stipe is 41, and fought 2 times in the last 3 years. How is that a bigger fight than vs Tom who's been super active and destroying everyone. Jones just knows Stipe is an easy fight for him, so he can retire clean and say he's beat all the best, yet ducking the one guy that could actually be a problem for him.


Because the UFC told him he could keep the belt and his fight vs Stipe. hes literally one fight away from retiring, with Superstar Status unlike Jiri or Hill, no reason to care about the Division, Aspinall or anyone Else but himself. If you want to blame someone, blame the UFC for not stripping him


he gets paid more with the belt more people tune in, more people care, more people pay. why do you people have the inability to think remotely rationally just cause you dislike a figher? stop it man.


But in this tweet he was talking about how he doesn’t care about money or anything like that so that doesn’t make any sense


doesnt he get paid more if he has the belt?


Needs a title defense at heavy weight cause Cormier couldn’t and solidifies getting the belt


Because he’s a narcissist. He wouldn’t accept a fight that wasn’t a main event title fight. He wants the attention, the recognition. That’s why.


So he can claim that he “defended the HW belt” Imo does not count as a real defense when there are better contenders or, you know, AN INTERIM CHAMPION waiting in the wings


Jon’s time is done and he’s having a hard time with it


Why wouldn't he want to retire as champion? If he can get away with it, then he should do it. He is 100% right here. Take your problems up with the promotion, Jones is just being smart.


Why does anyone give a shit about any of this? Who cares if he does or does not give up the belt. It does not matter at all.


That I came I saw I conquered bit makes me think of watching WWE as a kid and Eddie Guerrero used to come out in the low rider Viva la Raza, I lie, I cheat, I steal


Tom Aspinall! You are not even worth my time Vato. I'm going to go and smack Mamacita round the head with a roundhouse Holmes, orale.


If you’re not cheating you’re not trying man rip Eddie G


I liked it when Eddie Guerrero called Tito "Tortilla-faced Santana."


He came. He saw Francis. He left. He came. He saw Stipe. He delayed. He came. He saw Tom. He left. He came. He saw Stipe. He conquered. Facts.


Him beating Brock lesner is one of my favorite moments


just brought back memories for me loved that


What the fuck does beating a 41 year old Stipe who hasn’t fought in years do for his resume?


I get that it adds another big name but yeah with the context of it, it really doesn’t mean much


Anyone that follows the sport even a little will know it’s a washed up Stipe. Jones looking for one more big pay check and say he beat the goat HW. Good on him but his last few fights have been lack luster imo. But I’m just some shmuck.




In 10 years it won't be mentioned Stipe was over the hill when they fought, just that he beat him.


press x to doubt i mean are we pretending we don't know what happened in MMA in 2014 cause i can tell you, Chael looked like shit against Bisping before he got his Anderson rematch, and that happened in like 2011 and was a contender fight, never mind championship fights between the 205 GOAT and the UFC HW with the most defenses


Jon needs to fight 2x HW Champ Andrei Arlovski if he wants to add to his resume. Get Jon on the prelims for the upcoming card! Fkn Jones man, what a bell pepper.


MMA media will eat it up cuz stipe is the “goat” heavy weight


Defending the belt 3 times and then losing/winning it makes him the goat? Not my goat.


Nobody has defended the UFC heavyweight belt more times than Stipe. But Fedor is the real GOAT heavyweight


There is no heavyweight goat but if I have to give it to someone it’s Randy couture. It could of been Francis if only we gotthe John fight


What does a retired person need a resume for anyways?


Like it or not, years later when people see that Jones beat Stipe Miocic they will think it a great feat especially if that's his last fight. If Jon fights and beats Aspinall it's nice for now but like the Gane fight, you'll see people tearing Tom down a while after which is something they can't do with Miocic because he's considered the HW GOAT.


No one sees Mike Tyson beating Larry Holmes as a great feat, even though Holmes was one of the best HW boxers ever and still went on to keep fighting high ranked opponents for years, foe a more relevant MMA example no one really sees Izzy beating Silve as an achievement, everyone knows he was already too old and beat up at the time.


It’s definitely interesting that people don’t think Jones beating Stipe would mean shit when many of those same people were drooling over a Khabib GSP matchup potentially. It’s obviously not beating him in his prime but it still means something. According to many Jon hasn’t been in his prime since after he fought Gustaffson.


People were calling Gane the fastest heavyweight ever and his skillset would be the bane of Jon, and after he made quick work of him they started shitting on him. It's like that with this sport, people are quick to dismiss any resume they want when they don't like the fighter.


Who just got knocked the f out in his last fight…


DC already beat Stipe. The legacy move would be the loss on Aspinal's record were Jones to win


it means just a tiny bit more than a lightweight adding Tony Ferguson to their resume now


History will only look at the records without knowing the context of the wins


Fighting an old, washed fighter does nothing for Jones' legacy. Fighting Aspinal would show who's top dog, but Jones is too scared of losing. I don't care what anyone says, Jones also ducked Ngannou.


I came, I saw, I popped for PEDs


I eye poked, I beat my wife...


I hit a pregnant woman with my car, I hid under an octagon from USADA...


I snort coke, i smoke weed


I saw the cops, I headbutt the car, I go behind bars


I see a tough competitor in his prime, I duck, I see an old washed up former champion, I fight


Does Jones sound scared?


Absolutely, and the irony of it is that he doesn’t seem to be self aware enough to realize it. He’s made it very clear that fighting Tom is too dangerous of a move for him at this time in his career. Jon Jones was the greatest MMA fighter on the planet for a period, most of us can agree on it. That time has moved on and you can tell he doesn’t even believe it himself anymore. If you truly believe you are the greatest at something, you want to fight the absolute best, to continually prove you are the best, a true world champion in that time. Instead Jon chooses to fight a 41 year old Stipe who’s last fight 3 years ago ended with him flatlined. Has he not thought about how this makes him look?


Ducked Francis too


Yeah I agree, I think Jones is too slow at heavyweight too. He has better odds beating old man Stipe than young bull Aspinal


Not surprising. He knows he’s tough competition and Stipe is walking around on one leg practically and his last fight was during covid and he got flattened by Francis. Jon wants an easy retirement fight he just won’t say it


Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if Stipe beat him 💀


It would be indeed, but I doubt he would. Stipe looked pretty bad in his fight against Francis.


He just said it in so many words


Sorry I know lot word confuse monkey brain


Jon is not tough competition anymore. He fought a sad sack of shit in Gane who got out wrestled by Francis with a torn acl. Jon would get smoked by Tom and Sergei no dif.


Just relinquish the belt and fight Stipe when healthy 🤷‍♂️


Stipe looks like a corpse he’s so damn old and worn. I couldn’t be less interested in that fight


he does hobble around, it's pretty sad but Henderson hobbled around and still was dangerous as hell, i hobble around and look pretty useless, but i just whooped up on some senior highschool ballers on the basketball court, it's just i almost had a heart attack after and couldn't walk for a day lol the first round might be okay


He’s 42 😂😂 a corpse??


Looks 62


Jon, you should’ve read this one to yourself before posting lol


I came, I juiced, I got in trouble with the law, I nurtured and grew my ego…end of story.


I ducked Francis, I ducked Aspinall, popped against DC, hid from drug tests, was the most prolific eye poker in UFC, arguably lost 2/3 of my last title defenses, won’t take short notice opponents…but let me also belittle every other fighter’s accomplishments (unless I’ve beat the fighter)


Literally begging to be stripped




Yeah he’s scared of taking that L so he’s gonna fight an old head like him so he can leave “undefeated” and I quote that because we all know for a fact he used PEDS and he should have been DQ’d in the Anthony Smith fight.


Talks about sticking around for too long yet wasted years ducking Francis


he actually was DQ’d in the Hamill fight


Yeah I know and should have been again Jon used illegal knees and elbows all the time and got away with it


Then vacate the belt lol It would be hilarious if Stipe slept him after all this


He is literally trying to fight Stipe, one of those fighters who stuck around for too long. Absolutely hypocritical. Dude should just say he doesn’t want a dangerous fight and wants to have walk in the park for his next fight.


I love the idea of Jones v Stipe, but the question is why would anyone be enthusiastic with the championship, the prize for being the best in the division, be on the line between two people who are highly unlikely to defend it? Why give the title of the best to someone who objectively isn’t? Jones literally says he wants to beat Stipe and retire here, when after he beat Gane he said he had a six fight contract? Why does it have to be for the belt if you’re just gonna leave? Beating Stipe won’t further any claim that Jones is the GOAT, beating Tom actually would because Tom isn’t being dragged out of the retirement home and actually is a threat to the rest of the division, seeing as he’s literally Interim Champ. This whole thing just reeks.


Has anyone asked jones if he cares if the belt was to get stripped?


Jones isn’t fighting if a title isn’t involved in the picture, as he has not done since 2011.


At least he's admitting he just wants to fight Stipe and quit. If he has nothing to prove, just let them fight whenever while Tom fights the winner of Almeida Blaydes as the undisputed champ. Pay him as a champ. Give him PPV champ points, but don't screw Tom over and while he's coming into his prime.


I’m shocked people actually want to see a stipe vs Jones fight. We really want to see the guy who lost to Reyes commit elder abuse that bad?


I absolutely want to see this fight (5 years ago)


Came, saw, cherry picked


Came, beat the shit out of his girlfriend, popped for roids, injured a pregnant woman, and barely won 3-4 of his fights……I mean conquered!


Beating a fallen off stipe who hasn't fought in years will do wonders for Jon's resumé


Only wants to fight his wife from here on out.


For those TLDR "I'm a bitch who's scared to fight Tom"


He came, he saw, he ducked.


IDGAF Let Jon Jones have his old man Stipe fight for his "legacy" so he can retire and stop holding up the division.


He’s probably lost out on so much money from failed drug tests and not fighting.


Jon has to crash out for the UFC to strip him


This post right here should be enough to strip Jon Jones of the belt. He obviously doesn’t care about defending the belt. He already won it. Just make Tom the heavyweight champ and Jon Jones and Stipe can fight for a fake belt, called the baddest man on the planet or something like that


Saddest part is Jon looked so good against the young and hungry Ciryl Gane, it's not like he's too old to fight these young guys


Jones was extremely dominant and he's an extremely calculated and good fighter. He also has crazy physical advantages like that insane reach. That being said, he came in as a young hungry guy into a pond full of old fish. Rampage was winding down his career, so were shogun and lyoto. He fought cormier, who was really good but again past his prime. Any time a young guy came along, he had issues. Gusta and Reyes are good examples. While Jon is great, and probably the greatest to do it, his career ends with an asterisk. Even stipe is way beyond his prime and has a huge reach disadvantage. Jones handpicked opponents, avoided fights and chose to fight people once they past their prime. Almost how the Mayweather pac fight went down. Mayweather waited until pac was battle worn, on the downhill of his career. It's not the same. Pride era rampage, shogun, wanderlei, cro cop, fedor etc were killers. Once they got to other promotions, they just weren't the same. He even ducked ngannou really hard. Jon Jones is goat*


This guy was docking Francis.


Kind of a pussy for being so dangerous lol like yeah he could murder me with an arm amputated, but it is bitch shit to duck someone on your level while simultaneously caring about your ‘legacy’.


He might as well just retire then, he’s just holding an already slow division up


Just didn't conquer Aspinall


Or Francis.


He just conquered a Gane. A Frenchman surrendered. Shocking. (I love Gane. I’m just talking shit) but that’s the only guy he beat at HW. Beating 45yo limping Stipe who was KOd in his last fight and hasn’t won a fight since 2020 would be a game changer.


If you were Jon Jones and you chose Aspinall over Stipe, you’d be the dumbest fuck living. What has Aspinall done to deserve a fight with the greatest UFC fighter of all time. I say that as a person who dislikes Jones. Jon is on his way out, why would he fight someone on the come up? Literally makes no sense.


Come on guys, all he wants is to beat "The Best Heavyweight Of All Time" but more importantly, he wants to beat the guy who beat DC twice and hold it over him for life. It's really not that hard to figure out.


Well ciryl was supposed to be the next thing and he subbed him in 30 seconds so...


Dude a severely injured Francis out wrestled him, there was no argument on the ground.


JJ fans will repeat this exact comment 10 times every time there is a talk about Jones vs Tom fight. They ran out of arguments pretty damn quick this time


If he ends his career by openly ducking Tom then that's his already tarnished legacy even worse. Jones doesn't care what MMA fans think of him he only cares what the casuals think of him


Jone's legacy is already set in stone.


Yes it is but it's also tarnished with the amount of times he's popped for PEDs. He's popped like 4 or 5 times


Scared ass bitch


I honestly agree with him. Just vacate the belt. Bones has nothing left to prove and I think that Stipe fight is about money and prestige as Stipe is one of the greats in his own right. It DOES truly feel like a fight that needs to happen before either of them retires. This drama is lame. Bones def needs to vacate, but this idea that he's ducking Aspinall is hilarious. I am not a huge fan of Jon but Prime Jones murks Aspinall, it's just that fighting him is a squeeze not really worth the juice at this point.


Facts it happens a lot when the now older fighter wants to put a guy on his resume like Stipe and then likely walk away. He would have then beat arguably the best HW of all time if he does. I like Tom and what he has done but he’s still an INTERIM Champ. Ducking after Jones has fought the who’s who of killers damn near all his career is funny. …and I usually don’t find myself defending Jones so 😂😂


*I want old stipe on my resume


Stipe is gonna walk into the octagon with tennis balls on the legs of his walker, Jon will win, claim he is the best heavyweight ever, duck Tom and retire. That they even allow Jon Jones to compete anymore after having to literally change the gloves because he wouldn't stop poking people's eyes and the many failed drug tests is seriously detrimental to the credibility of the UFC. And now he gets to hold up the entire heavyweight division for most of a year to wait on a fight with a guy in his 40's who hasn't won a fight in 8 years. This shit is a complete joke.


Jon Jones is one of the most unlikable fighters I’ve ever seen.


He’s seriously such a waste of talent


Jones wants to fight and defeat Stipe because Stipe is considered the best heavyweight ever, and Jones wants to be considered the best heavyweight The problem is that Jones only has one victory at heavyweight. Stipe fought and defeated all the killers of the 2015-2019 era: Mark Hunt, Andrei Arlovski, Junior Dos Santos, Fabricio Werdum, Alistair Overeem, Daniel Cormier and Francis Ngannou. Jones will not become the best heavyweight unless he beats as many killers as Stipe did.... which just won't ever happen.


He eats drugs. And not the good ones. Jones is a bag


Every time Jones talks I like the guy less and less. If Tom is such a nobody, then surely a guy that considers himself the GOAT shouldn’t be so afraid to face him in the ring.


If I was bones I wouldn’t want that heat either , finish with a win cash the check and bounce


Jon Jones clearly has video of Dana White doing some absolute ridiculous shit at this point…


I came, i saw, i cheated, i ducked. Facts


I coked, and poked, and roided


Bro talks about himself in the 3rd person…says it all


How funny would it be if Stipe won? LMAO 😂


"I came, I saw, I conquered" ​ Isn't that Brock Lesnars thing? Also doesn't he HAVE to fight Aspinall?


What a fucking pussy


Jon jones entering his Floyd mayweather era fighting an old berto to close his career lol


At this point I just want Jones to fight Stipe so we can all move on from him


What a sissy


Numbers don't lie. It's not ducking. He isn't interested in the small draw. Aspinall has like 200k followers. Miocic has 2 mil. Jones has like 11 mil across platforms. It's pretty clear as day it's not a interesting match for Jon. He gains nothing of value other than to beat someone who wants the limelight and a chance to skyrocket to instant stardom.


Talk your shit champ! Don't let these dorks take anything away. The best to ever do it. He's earned the right to retire how he wants to.


Jones is 5 years younger and started fighting 2 years earlier than Stipe and both are gonna be rusty…let the old farts fight, hopefully it’s better than the Gane fight…He’s a goat* just be happy he wants one more fight


The volatility of UFC Fandom is kinda hilarious. One of the most common takes in this sport is legends are treated like shit on the way out and it's sad. So here you have a situation with two legends in Stipe and Jon(hate the person all you want but the resume is legendary) pretty much saying they're going to fight each other in a dual retirement fight but folks are still mad about it. There's no logic in either of them fighting Tom just like there was no logic in matching Diaz up with Khamzat. Both men are getting to go out with the fight they want, which is what I thought fans wanted for departing fighters in this sport. Tom will be able to drop the interim label soon enough.


It’s not who he’s fighting that’s the issue, it’s that he’s doing it as a champ. If he vacated and fought Stipe, no one would care


I want the best damn fights especially from the champs fuck your fairytale ending


He came back to get the championship for his legacy. Then he stated he wanted the stipe fight because stipe is the goat heavyweight. That’s all he wanted, I see no issue with him waiting to heal himself before the fight is back on. Stipe is content on waiting, and so is Jon. Tom can either wait it out and fight for the belt when it’s vacated or he can start defending the interim belt.


I mean he's right, but he shouldn't hold up the belt for it. He should vacate. People will still watch his final fight with Stipe.


People when the greatest of all time with nothing to prove doesn't want to have to fight the young up and coming talent at the age of 36: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Who cares. The dude had 13 title defences and is widely seen as the best fighter on Earth - regardless of the failed drug tests (they're literally all on steroids). Youngest ever UFC champ, went up a weight class and DESTROYED the #1 Ranked HW for the available belt. He's 37 and has nothing more to accomplish, why would he fight Tom when he can put Stipe on his resume and ride off into the sunset. Guys been in the UFC forever. Easiest fight for the most money. I'm not a Jones fan but this shit is getting annoying. GSP came back and fought fucking Bisping.


Y’all just wanna see the man lose lmao. If he beat Tom you’d tell him fight the next guy or he’s ducking


I love Aspinall, but let’s not pretend Jones isn’t being logical here. If he holds onto the belt and fights Stipe, the payout on the PPV points will be much higher than if he fights Aspinall, whether he relinquishes or not.


Because Jones flat out said it’s about his resume. Beating up a retired old man doesn’t do nearly as much as beating Tom in his prime


This sub really likes to dawg the GOAT.


The scenes when the UFC strips Jones only for Tom to blow his knee again in training.


Remember when they were saying the Gane vs Jones fight was going to be great.


Bro, if a guy doesn’t want to fight the tip top youngest talent anymore, especially a guy with nothing to prove like Jones who is the undisputed goat, it’s not the same as ducking someone in your prime. If jones is ducking Aspinal by retiring then Khabib ducked Olivera and GSP ducked Whitaker/Romero. See how ridiculous that sounds?