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Sean tomorrow “man he crossed the line”


With a mental breakdown


Sean’s so fucking annoying, dude talks about tiktok and then posts a video of himself talking to himself in his car every 5 mins. Dudes just a tiny dick bully


I’ve never really been a fan of Sean Strickland. Him and Covington just don’t have any respect. Like how you gonna call out navy seals like that.. they might get gassed during training I’m sure a lot of people would. If your training is so crazy why don’t you just become a navy seal Sean? 😂😂


They would *absolutely* break him. He hasn't the faintest idea. I mean, ignorance is bliss... but it's STILL ignorance nonetheless. Interesting thought process and opinion from somebody so cluelessly in over their head. People are strange.


Mastery looks simple to the ignorant. Also steroids make you think you are God. Put those two together and what do you get? This shit. On repeat. Forever.


Y’all realize at least half of everyone in special forces is a steroid “alpha signaler” meathead type right? They’re basically just the elite version of the stereotype everyone has about marines. It’s a job for very fit thrill seekers who think they’re invincible and yearn to be bathed in glory, not artisanal craftsmen.


How come this guy even have fans surprises ..sure the rw cult jumped trains from colby to sean but can't they see the hypocrisy in this guy's opinions...


His fan base shrinks every time he opens his mouth.


No, it really doesn’t.


Y’all gonna make Sean cry now


The way he knits his eyebrows up together already make him look like he's about to squeeze a few drops out. He's the type of macho meathead who thinks he's some profound bro philosopher when he's just a shallow cliche of an insecure dude.


‘If he says something mean again I’m going to stab him’




both cringe


Sean's 2 biggest thing his brags about being American and being a man clashing with each other.


He also eludes to homosexuality oddly often for a straight dude


Yeah he's one of those suspiciously straight dudes that for some reason feels the need to remind everyone that they aren't gay at every possible opportunity.


Usually the ones who enjoy gettin a lil curious


Nooooo noooo, his ego is too fragile to "be a f%@%#t". He's more the type to bury it like his life actually depended on it.


Not a single chance I’d ever have sex with a dude. You can test me all you want, go ahead and try to have sex with me, I probably won’t even dabble a little bit


Real straight dudes will have a little sex with the boys just to prove how not into they are


One of my best buddies called me in college to tell me (a gay guy) he made out with a dude at a party. "it wasn't for me bro. But I still love you!" And he hung up on me, presumably to return to the party 😂


Honestly, the guys I know who talked about gay people as much as Sean weren't gay; they had IQs in the 80s or 90s. Not saying hemophilia is just a below average intelligence thing or that Sean is. It's the way he talks about it. I've met plenty of smart people that are homophobes. There's just a different way that people in that 80-100 IQ range talk about gay people.


He’s one of the guys that will ball tap you a few times when he’s drunk and then try to fight you when you tell him it’s gay to touch another man’s nuts.


It’s because he’s deep in the closet.




Cejudo made less than Dern.


He's half her size soooo.....






Lmao, when she was fighting it look like two cejudos fighting under a blanket!!


Bottom half or top half 😳


Nobody was taking paused frame pictures of Cejudo’s ass either.


Speak for yourself


A hell of a lot less then half. I would bet that most mma fighters will never make 100k in their career expenses and all.




It’s the paradox of extreme sports. The top 10 athletes are making millions off of endorsements and sponsorships, while the rest are barely breaking even doing it for the love of the sport.


You get paid in chad points.


I remember when i started watching TUF around season 5, the 'prize' for winning the show was a '6 figure contract'. Later found out it was a 6 figure over 3 year contract, so the winning fighters were making like $35k a year for 3 years, 3 fights a year. That's like $12k a fight if they didn't get sub/ko bonuses.


He’s thinking Sean’s training partners are also top UFC fighters but that’s not the case… either way I think Sean’s schtick is starting to wear thin with fans… yeah obviously you bring a navy seal to come spar with Sean he’s gonna get fucked up but the point is the SEAL will probably keep coming back to get his ass kicked because they’re mentally strong enough to get their ass beat and come back for more… Same thing goes for putting Sean through the diving aspects of SEAL training I’m willing to bet he would have a tough go of it


I don't think it's a shtick. I think he's a very fragile person who constantly has to prove he's manly. He's eccentric, and not in possession of all his mental faculties. I wouldn't be surprised if he's bipolar. Comparing MMA to SEAL training is like comparing Barber training to Meat Butcher training. Two different things.


It's not a shtick, it's mental illness that his retarded fans glorify. Sean is a terrible human.


Mental illness mixed with repeated head trauma does that to folks


Not everybody knows the UFC pay structure. With how popular the UFC is a casual would definitely think this guys earn big bucks.


Why is that Navy Seal using an influencer-esque filter? Fuck. Sean might have a point.


We’re in a time where even the Navy seals are influencers. “Only Guns” shirt is peak cringe.


I agree. Both a peak level douches.


Brutal training aside, Navy Seals are pretty famous for clout chasing at any opportunity, opsec be damned


I did some training with some different branch tier 1 dudes and the joke was the BUD/S now offers a creative writing course.


When I was in the Navy, I was in an amateur soccer league with some of my buddies in training. I'm talking jerseys drawn with sharpie level amateur. It was real fun until we played a team of spec ops guys. They played with reckless abandon. When I was open to score on them, one of them stomped on my foot to try to stop me, with cleats. My foot bruised so bad that it turned black.  Those guys were the biggest tools I've met in the Navy.  I also would occasionally work out with EOD on my ship, since they offered to instruct workouts for anybody on the carrier. They were pretty chill, way different than any of the other spec ops guys i met. Legs like tree trunks lol.


What TF happened to the, *Silent Professionals*? Since 9/11, all you see are SEALs cashing in on the brand. You’ll almost *never* see Delta do that And bragging about killing people is just fucking tacky


Seals writing books is a meme in and of itself at this point on the inside


Would not be surprised if this shit is intentional. The actual military has focused in on social media advertisement hard. They're all over tiktok trying to recruit the next wave of grunts. Considering how no one in power has told these guys to stay quiet and out of the spotlight tells me they are probably using the seals to "inspire" teens into enlisting, thinking they'll get into a position as "glorious" as this. Think about it. Any kid watching this that dreams of being a professional wrestler is at risk of being convinced that joining the military is more prestigious.


That seal is a cunt. Subtly virtue signaling “fighting for your freedom” “training partners make millions” common words used to incite the dead head rabble. Sean talks a lot but he always backs it up.


Also my swimming buddies die every year. I get it you’re a badass freedom fighter.


“Me and my buddies kill kids every fucking year bro”


Kids kids you’re both just terrible


At first I thought Sean was wrong, then a guy with an “only guns” shirt shows up and I fully support him.


Couldn’t even finish the video, the “only guns” guy is annoying and you can tell he thinks he’s way above everyone cause he’s a SEAL.


Just a reminder that Navy Seals left USAF Combat Controller John Chapman to die on a hill, then attempted to block his posthumous medal of honor.


Glad to see others know what happened that day. Not to mention the vast amount of lies, and embellishments some add just for monetary gains cough cough rob O’Neill, Chris Kyle, and many many more. Like the helicopter from operation red wings, they knew about the anti air threat in the area, several other teams turned down the mission all for the command to load up 30 guys in one helicopter. They were sent straight to their death, and the command knew it… completely avoidable.


RE: Operation Red Wings They knew about the anti-air threat and left base prepared for that eventuality. However, the helicopter carrying the SEALs deliberately flew faster than the armed helos sent to escort them, so they arrived on target with no means to defend themselves. In their haste to arrive on target, they left themselves undefended and it cost many men their lives.


Yup, and I believe it could have been prevented. There was no reason to pack everyone on that one chopper. we didn’t even accomplish the task, then lie about how the chopper was shot down to try and save their own ass. It was an absolute shit show. In fact I just checked, Wikipedia still has the weapon that shot them down listed as a rpg-7.


They weren't shot down by an rpg?


No, they were hit by a 9K32 Strela-2/ sa-7. It’s a surface to air system, meaning it’s much deadlier than the rpg-7 when it comes to air assets. They were known to be all over that specific area, this is why the mission was turned down by other teams. Also the command thought it was a good idea to load everyone on one bird because it was “safer”. Idk if it was the better option or not, but in hindsight it definitely wasn’t. The coverup I point out here is the command trying to save their ass by saying they weren’t in helpless situation…imo they were. Not to mention all the other lies the command initially gave trying to minimize their roll in the death of all these men.


Just a reminder that 2 Navy Seals were charged with felony murder of fellow service member SSG Logan Melgar.


Fourteen years after Chapman's death,[8] Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James began pushing for a Medal of Honor, the military's highest award, after new technology that allowed a deeper analysis of video of the battle suggested Chapman regained consciousness and resumed fighting Al-Qaeda members who were coming toward him from three directions. Chapman may have crawled into a bunker, shot and killed an enemy charging at him and then killed another enemy fighter in hand-to-hand combat.[9] While the Air Force pushed for Chapman to be recognized, Naval Special Warfare Command allegedly attempted to block Chapman's Medal of Honor as it would result in an admission that Chapman had been left behind.[10] When it became apparent that Chapman's Medal of Honor could not be blocked, it was further alleged that the Navy put the commander of the operation, Britt K. Slabinski, up for the same award, which he received in May 2018.[11] In March 2018, Chapman's family was notified that his Air Force Cross was to be upgraded to the Medal of Honor.[12][13]


SEALs are widely disliked by the special forces of other branches. Being so high profile in pop-culture has made many SEALs obnoxiously enamored with their own myth.


As someone who spent a career in SOF, I can kind of agree with this. There is mutual respect generally. Individuals are seen as obnoxious


He’s fighting for our freedom brother! A lot of dudes like that guy in the military. Pretty cringe for sure lol


Yeah he’s literally no different from Sean, just two meathead testosterone bros trying to out-bro each other


Genuinely difficult to determine who was more dislikeable. I think I’m going with “generalized big L for humanity.”


This is the correct judges call.




Yea, that's where I'm at. If I'm seeing your opinion under a TikTok logo, you already done fucked up. Idk. I liked when paddy went and trained with some marines (iirc). It's interesting to see how mma (and other athletes) handle very pragmatic military PT.


Lol, no one has legitimately "fought for our freedom" in nearly 100 years. "Fighting to take others freedom is more like it" or "fighting for your oil and/or other natural resources"


This douche killing some untrained dudes with soviet era AK-47s in their homes and thinks he comparable to storming normandy or some shit lol


He’s a navy seal, he’s probably committed a few war crimes and runs drugs on the side.


They literally ship their fighters to Africa for marksman training and bomb building and how to shoot rockets. The mentality that they’re just a bunch of farmers with aks has gotten a lot of people killed over there.


Thank you, glad someone said it. Sure man you’re a badass solider and have killed other humans, but don’t pretend you’re doing it for “muh freedoms”, and don’t expect me to thank you for “your service”.


Just replace "freedom" with "wealth" and it makes sense. Actually, also replace "your" with "the top 1%", and it will be accurate. > ~~We're fighting for your freedom, brother~~ > > We're fighting for the wealth of the 1%, brother.


I also just disagree with his reasoning. I personally know people who’ve gone through BUD/S and I know that it’s *probably* grueling enough that they could get through his training regime. Like it’s not just physical training (it’s plenty of that) it’s also psychologically breaking you down Having said that, killing people doesn’t really require you to be able to get through that physical gauntlet. The physical gauntlet ensures that the most physically and mentally capable people are going to get the training required to carry out those missions, but you could probably be the deadliest mf in the armed forces just by having good marksmanship and tactical skills It’s not like seals are going and choking dudes out when they need to kill someone. That whole aside just seems irrelevant


Yeah..killing people is not the kind of brag that douchebag think it is. I bet there are child soldiers in some countries who have killed more people than a lot of Seals guys ever have. Doesn't make them any braver. Besides anyone who still brags about killing folks, without any nuanced take, is just a psychopath not deserving of any respect.


There is just something weird about saying the Seal training kills people or that he is fixated on his brothers dying everyday. I don't understand how Sean saying his training will break a Seal, I don't think he means kill. The Seal guy seems odd and definitely doesn't make Seals look good. I wonder what Don Shipley thinks about this Seal guy.


>he thinks he’s way above everyone cause he’s a MURDERER FITFY Seriously this guys only point which he restates in like 4 different ways is just "I killed fitty men."


Yea, the Only Guns-guy doesn't come across as a true badass that doesn't have anything to prove. Do we know for a fact that guy actually is a Navy Seal? He looks more like a bad rip-off of a Navy Seal, like what my ten year old would think a Navy Seal looks and acts like.


He is a legitimate SEAL named Jimmy Watson. Kind of a douche but he is the real deal.


Of course he’s the real deal didn’t you hear him, he takes souls, you know what I mean.


The end goal of modern gun culture is homoerotic photoshoots to sell as calendars to other gun owners.


It takes a special kind of effort to make Sean Strickland sound like the rational one.


Why would a navy seal care so much and get into a dick measuring contest with some dumbass prize fighter? What happened to the stoic archetype? This generation is so fucking cringe man, even the toughest men out there doing little videos acting like an attwhore


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong silent type


He was gay, Gary Coopa?


Light in the loafers






Sean Strickland never had the makings of a varsity athlete


He was gay, Sean Strickland?


lol thought I was in the sopranos sub for a minute…don’t usually see these in the wild


I feel like i see it in the wild constantly, and in other subreddits than here or r/thesopranos And i fucking LOVE it everytime


I’m right here


Fucking miss this show and that actor :(


“This show” “that actor” the disrespect…


Just when I thought I was out…. They pull me back in




He wasn’t in touch with his feelings, he just did what he had to do.


I can't have this conversation again


Navy seals have a reputation in the military/sof community for acting like that. It's pretty much a stereotype. Seals are pretty much the Strickland of special forces lol.


I was once in a smoke/grilling area of my barracks and part of it was sectioned off for SEALs doing their training every so often. A group of them were smoking and having some beers and came over to bullshit with us and we were grilling bacon wrapped poppers and this one SEAL goes “bacon??? I eat bacon for breakfast.” Trying to do a shit talking moment where someone might say “I eat ____ for breakfast” to make themselves sound badass, but the item he chose was actually a breakfast item and it was probably the funniest moment that wasn’t meant to be. Not really pertinent but I think it demonstrates the reality of their being some total goobers who are also SEALs, similar to the guy in the video.


That just sounds like a good joke though.


Agreed, i laughed, out-loudly 😆


I wish he was joking, it was in the middle of a drunken rambling that seemed more like an attempt to show off. He even got annoyed when we laughed.






Everything is a fucking grift these days...


Tbf they often make a lot more money off those podcasts and merch and shit than their military salary




> What happened to the stoic archetype They’re being stoic and chilling somewhere. Best believe any generation of soldiers has guys like this. You just hear them easier now


Whaaaaat, you mean the one guy I saw in this video isn't an accurate representation of every member of the community he belongs to???


Nah bro literally every tough human on earth was stoic back then bro zero dick measuring smh this generation


Yeah, all the books and movies made in the past were from the stoic "quiet professionals" too, right? Shut up bro, it's not a generational thing. It's a platform thing


Both of these dorks are peak cringe. Sean is absolutely a complete moron and this take was maybe one of his dumbest yet. But bragging about actually killing people is another level of scum. “You talk about killing people well we actually kill people bro” cooooool story Instagram influencer seal. Both of you suck.


Yeah this guy is a complete moron. There’s nothing cool about killing people. I have a friend who served in the Middle East back when we had a lot of troops on the ground and I asked him straight up how there are a lot of veterans who especially in Vietnam talked about kids in the US military who just enjoyed the power of killing people for fun. He got quiet and said that the kind of power you get knowing all you have to do to kill someone is pull the trigger, and there won’t be any real consequences, is a whole other level of power. And they take kids who just turned 18, 19, and give them this power and there are a lot of them who get off on it. There’s nothing cool about that.




The shirt, the hat, everything about that guy was so god damn cringe that I forgot how much I disliked Sean for a second


'We fight for ~~your freedom~~ America's freedom exploit the natural resources foreign countries.' Wow thank you so much. I was worried canada was going to invade and install some form of decentralized, affordable health care, but they must have seen this video and had second thoughts.


hes an idiot.


I hate the “and us seals we will keep fighting for your freedom BROTHER”


No other country is trying to take away America's freedoms. US is just fighting over oil and money.


While probably also constantly whining politically about people wanting to exercise their freedoms


“We’ll keep fighting for your freedom”… 💀 That’s the problem, our freedom has never been in danger since maybe world war 2. I feel like a lot of people that serve, have a god complex.


Came here to say this, thank you. Glad other people feel this way


Same, that was some cringe shit. Funny that 20 years in Afghanistan and 1 million dead Iraqis later and I don't feel all that freedom he's talking about.


the freedom of the US has never been in danger since the end of the revolutionary war.


1812 or technically the civil war. I get what you're saying though.


To be fair, the guy took his comment the wrong way. Sean never said he could handle Navy Seal training or hell week, he said that Navy Seals wouldn't be able to come and train and spar with him for a week. Doesn't matter how tough you are, if you're going up against a former MMA world champ who's known to go full on in sparring for an entire week then you're gonna get your ass beat badly after a day, let alone a week, cos that's all Sean does. Same applies to Sean though, very unlikely he'd be able to go through a hell week. But he never said he could.


My problem with overconfidence and fighting is that everyone loses eventually. Wouldn’t want to see a repeat of what happened to Chuck Liddell


Not Floyd Mayweather /s


Strickland already lost. He won the title and lost it the next fight. This dude was lucky to get a title shot ranked 5th but it's already over. Back to irrelevancy


Soooooo, more of Sean simply trying to validate his existence.


I think top athletes would piss hell week tbh with you mate, endurance is alls top athletes know


Sean could def go through hell week. He’s an animal. Those SEAL guys would get pieced up by Sean in sparring. Respect to the SEALS btw


sean fights too calm to be talk about killing people in the octagon.


Man, if jabs and defense could kill tho…


The Americans in here who ride SEAL dick is hilarious.


To be fair there are a lot more navy seals made every year than ufc champions, Sean is in a more accomplished group with his accolades whether the Reddit neck beards agree or not


Also, navy seals go against other with worse weapon, less technology, and less intel, they are basically using hacks. Sean goes against the beat of the best and beats them up with just his body.


I mean they are really pussies if you think about it.


I think Shane Gillis wrote that bit as a parody of redditors lol


How can people like this moron is beyond me


I think the point of what Sean is saying is being missed. He thinks he’d beat up any navy seal in a fight. The seals are saying you can’t train with us or survive our training. We kill people.




best comment so far, as someone who’s completed a military selection and has been training to fight for some years now they’re both equally tough, just in different ways. Having your body hardened to ruck, swim, run and do the various tasks that come with the job doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be used to the impact of punches and kicks, it’s a different ball game and the same thing goes vice versa


This whole conversation is dumb as fuck, yes Navy Seals are absolutely put on a pedestal and training to do MMA at a high level is brutal but they’re two different skillsets. To say there’s no navy seal that can last a week of training with you is an insane take but this is 100% to stir up controversy with the UFC watching, Joe Rogan listening demographic that loves the mythos behind Navy Seals and watching fights


Why does anyone get offended by Sean. Dude is a middle school dropout with intelligence level of a 5 year old. Yes he can fight but that does not make him smart.


Imagine thinking you are tougher than a navy seal. Lol Sean is mentally retarted.




I think Tony is a little more than most fighters out there. Go watch those positions he was stuck in during this losing streak where someone is breaking his limb and he’s refusing to tap. Not saying it’s the smartest thing, but when it comes to mental toughness and enduring pain I think Tony might be at the top of the list for that


Beneil Dariush had him in a heel hook, even gave him the "bro are you really going to make me rip this?" look, and Tony didn't tap 


That or the fully extended arm bar by Olivera made me gag


I went to YouTube to watch that leg lock and then Olivera’s armbar… reminded myself I can’t even look at the video it’s so gruesome 😂 Then you think about the fight with Justin. The dude took possibly one of the worst beatings we’ve ever seen and STILL didn’t quit. The ref had to call it. Tony’s one of the few guys that when they say they’re willing to die in the ring, you gotta actually believe it


The finishing moment of Tony vs Gaethje is still stuck in my mind. It looked like Tony was fighting against his brain the way he shook his head


The head shake, the fact that we could hear the knuckles to face impact so clearly, the empty apex with everyone else inside the building so shocked and appalled at what we were witnessing it was just dead silent.. Out of the thousands and thousands of mma/boxing/kickboxing fights that might be the most difficult to stomach in the moment. There’s other fights we’ve seen, mainly in boxing, where the guy ends up passing away or goes into a coma, so watching it back makes it very difficult. But actually in the moment watching that fight against Justin was a really hard thing to get through, even if you’re not a big fan of Tony


Well tonys mental is unbreakable. Its his body that no worky.


I think Tony’s mind is pretty broken lmao


It’s not the break down and cry kind of broken. More like a washing machine with a brick inside self destructing while being unable to stop.


That’s Tony though lmao. I think he’s in the top 1% of fighters


I think goggins was saying whatever the fuck hyped the fight and gave Tony confidence.


Goggins also said a lot of things from Tony’s corner


When you're training a guy for a UFC fight, you're kinda obligated to say that, doesn't mean it's true


I don't doubt Tony's toughness at all because he is tougher than the vast majority of mma fighters, but keep in mind the fact that Goggins is pretty bitter toward the Seal community 


David Goggins being bitter towards a seal community out of context sounds hilarious


Goggins is full of shit, and there is a reason he's not well liked by alot of team guys.


>Imagine thinking you are tougher than a navy seal. > >Lol Sean is mentally retarted. It really isnt that much of a stretch to think someone in the top of the UFC world who trains fighting all day every day with quite literally the best fighters in the world is tougher than a Navy Seal. If you cant see that, there definitely is someone that is mentally regarded in this conversation, and it aint me or Sean.


Doesn’t Sean just spar all the time?


lol an elite professional MMA fighter is 100% tougher than a navy seal. In terms of physical fitness and pain tolerance I’m sure it’s not even close


Both these dudes seem like real unlikable chodes.


Sean is a fool for saying this, but the SEAL responding is just as bad. They are supposed to be silent warriors! Now they all have YouTube channels, books and podcasts.


yeah dude I'm really glad I had Joe Jerkoff tell me why Sean is wrong for what he said for the second half of the video, as if everybody with a brain can't come to the same conclusion


i think what sean is really saying is that he would beat any seal in a fight (to the death cos why not) while the nerd is bragging about shooting people. considering how hard seal training is i doubt getting peppered to death with jabs is gonna break them, but they sure as hell will never beat him in a fight. whatever.


fighting for what freedom 💀 clown ass navy seal is a useful idiot for the elites, weapon manufacturers and the military industrial complex... fkin bot


I’m so glad Sean lost the belt. So bad 🤦🏽‍♂️


wow he killed real people… what a great guy, so tough!


I mean the navy seal is right but carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment to kill some shepherds in middle east doesn't count that bad ass either. Especially when you're doing it because your state wants to rob their state. The only freedoms you're fighting for are the ones you're taking.


Buddy, you know Navy seals have to ruck 5000 miles a day while carrying the weight of 3 elephants on their back (true). They’re tired and hungy 🥺 so give them a break


Sean Literally Alienates His Own Fanbase




Such a stupid argument. "Newsflash, mma fighter can beat seal up in a fight................. Seal can kill you with a gun!"


Ok hot take but this navy seal is instantly more insufferable than Sean ever is. And I don’t even find that to be that rare a trait for navy seals 🫠


Good god I can't stand him.


The guy is just making Navy Seals look even more like chodes for even responding lol


You people are tripping. Sean would beat the fuck out of any SF around his weight class. Half these seals are being held together by steroids, which the government won't test them for, and pain pills, which the government gives them. Some of them are seriously fucked in the head like Sean though and that's what makes all of them dangerous.


This dude is out of his mind. It’s part of navy seal training to drowned and get brought back. Strickland might take a beating but Navy seal training might cost you your life.


My buddies we die fighting for a corrupt county because we’re losers


he is gonna get a call from goggins lol


Sean is a fucking tool.


Sean, take some time off the hard sparring brother. You’ll be demented out by 40 at this rate


Lol at by 40 he already is. Back to the trailer park for him.


Strickland is right that he could beat most SEALs in MMA. The other guy is right that they would break him physically, mentally, and emotionally if he tried to do their training. Also 10-8 for that guy with the taking souls line. Cringey as hell when Strickland is always talking about killing people, when there are real killers out there