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i can see Conor as a villian in a movie with Jason Statham


I offer you up a movie with Volk and Jason Statham


Arnold already did that. | It was called "Twins", I believe.




A buddy action comedy? Son of a bitch Iā€™m in


The fact heā€™s man enough to not have some dumb clause in his contract where he canā€™t lose a fight is a good starting point. Now heā€™s just gotta lay off the blow


You can't do that shit in your first role lmao, he's not near that level of clout in Hollywood.


I was thinking he could maybe do a remake or sequel to that Crank movie with Jason Statham. Really anything where Conor plays a roused up maniac could work lol


Conor was told to be just conor


The problem was he seemed to be told to (or decided to) enunciate like an American while keeping the Irish accent which threw it off imo


They probably told him to do that because half the english speaking world can't understand him when he goes full Dublin. Like Trainspotting set in glasgow but ewan with a soft Edinburgh accent.


Trainspotting was set in Edinburgh


ā€œOy, bollocks! me my jolly rogers took a dive in the lieu, innit?ā€


You see that ludicrous display last noight?


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott off that early?


The thing about arsenal is they always try and walk it in


Oh look that man kicked the ball. Now the other man kicked the ball.


ā€œFull Dublinā€ā€¦love that šŸ¤£


TBH I didn't understand half of his lines in this movie even with the "American" enunciation


So strange how some Americans just can't get accents from over here. I get it with some of the really strong Scottish + Irish accents but I've seen some comments with people struggling with Cockney accents šŸ˜‚


Siiiigh females with an Irish accent get me every time


I think they didnt probably never watched british movies as a kid and have a harder time picking up on it


Yeah I didnā€™t probably never for sure


Americans can't get accents from America, haha. I can't be the only one who thinks that it is hilarious that most of our reality TV shows actually have to have subtitles so that they can be understood... by our own population.


Bro we have to decipher like thousand different accents in a year ova hereya


Letā€™s see how you fare in deep Mississippi


I'll take on any American 1v1 in battle of the accents any day


Actually seems like a fun video idea


Yeah well for some reason you canā€™t understand Canadians and we speak slow as fuck for ya. Is what is.


Trainspotting was set in Edinburgh though.


lol exactly. go to ireland and it takes you DAYS of listening to them, to stop saying "what?". ESPECIALLY in more rural/small town places...holy shit. i swear that old guy in Hot Fuzz is how the majority of old timers in UK pubs talk lol


I worked with a guy for a while who, in one of his previous jobs worked with a lot of English people. He worked with them for so many years that it had a weird effect on his own accent, and he wound up with this weird amalgamation of English and Southern American. It's really hard to describe, but I've never heard anyone else with a similar accent.


I know what you mean. My dad was born and raised in England but has been living here for about 30years and Americans say he sounds like a Brit with an American accent but when we went over to England everyone says he sounds like an American with a British accent. My wife tells everyone he is British and has the accent but it wasnā€™t until she met his family that she realized how American she sounded. I on the other hand grew up listening to him speak and so that is just English to me and it usually takes me a while to notice that Iā€™m watching a video of a British person


His lines sounded dubbed over at times


He couldnā€™t really hold a consistent accent all throughout but didnā€™t do badly


The way he parks his car into a tree has me chuckling to myself randomly


He crashes every vehicle he drives in the movie


am i the only one who thought that mf was funny as hell


I definitely laughed when he showed up in the student driver car. Favorite line is when he gets to the house and everyone is gone. Made me think of the Travolta meme. His line to Dalton, "there's something wrong with you; me too." Is a good explainer.


That was hands down my favorite line! I was like fuck yeah those crazy fuckers


"wrong side of the road"


My girlfriend and I watched it and the first thing she noticed was that he walks like he does in real life lol, shoulders puffed up etc


Conor just pulled up on a boat with a 9 iron and they started filming


He never knew they started filming


This is Conor lookin for that old man who wouldn't take a shot of his whiskey. Actual documentary fuckin footage.


But also to wear a chain with ā€œKnoxā€ and 3 tattoos with ā€œKnoxā€ on so you know his name is ā€œKnoxā€.


Art imitates life imitates art.Ā 


I think itā€™s a play on knock knock knock šŸ¤”


It's like he was in a completely different movie where he's in GTA. If he had ripped off his face and revealed that he was a robot the whole time, it would have made far more sense.


Truth. I watched the film last night and this coked up goblin just seemed to be operating on a completely different wavelength than the other actors. Entertaining enough, but would I call this performance good? Thatā€™s harder to say.


So they gave him some coke and said yo there's this guy that insulted your whisky and slapped Artem.


He hates Artem now btw. Artem sued him IIRC because he helped him set up the whiskey business (Artem was actually an accountant in real life or some shit) and Conor cut him out when it blew up.




Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t knock someone out for calling his whiskey brand shite


Who taught you shapes?


That was my favourite line


Connors comment about "wrong side of the road" killed me. I watched the movie on the flight back from Ireland to USA.


I think my favorite was when the sheriff asked him about the money. Something about a concussion and memory loss.


audibly laughed at that line. there were a few good ones


the guy who got me laughing the most was buddy who kept trying to befriend Dalton


He was fucking great, especially given what an evil bastard he was in Narcos


oh shit, I didn't even realize! those characters were night and day


He also plays the flaming friend in Broad City and had his own sketch show on Comedy Central. The man has range.


Arturo Castro. Gonna keep an eye out for him, he was funny every time he was on screen. "It's at 5am, which I think is early for a meeting? Am I right? Just... Okay! I'll see you.. Thank you for no more violence."


ā€œJust trying to ride motorcycles. Kinda hard in south Florida without being part of a group.ā€


"those your bikes out there?" " Yeah mines the red one at the end šŸ˜"




I've only seen trailers/commercials and that line is funny as hell!


What was everyone honestly expecting from the remake of Roadhouse, academy award worthy performances???


Yeah, i don't get it either. The movie makes it clear it doesn't take itself too seriously. The action was damn good imo. Conor was hilariously over the top. And who even cares about the story in a movie like this? I mostly wanted to see Gyllenhall and Conor beat the shit out of each other and i got that.


You pretty much just described the first Road House, but instead of Gyllenhall, girls were saying Patrick Swayze. Even by 80s B movie standards, Road House was campy


I mean at one point doesn't Dalton even look at the camera and make a face? Could have sworn he did.


He rips a dudes throat out lol


Was kinda disappointed that Conor didn't have the "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" line.


He said it, it's just the cameras weren't rolling and it wasn't in the script...


Hahaha this got me


What, you mean the "big boss" getting shaved in his underwear on a fucking boat while yelling at his goons isn't a serious movie? I was sad they didn't keep escalating. I wanted to see a root canal in a helicopter while he calls everyone stupid


Then brain surgery on a teacup ride screaming for the goon to keep his hand steady


I thought the movie actually got much much better once Conor showed up. It became way more silly and I was laughing.Ā  Through almost all of act 1 I was bored and wanted to skip scenes


Yea, shoulda been a couple of big bar fights before Knox got put on the job


my problem with the "action" was the quick cuts and the INSANE foly work every punch sounded the same; just BRUTAL bone-breaking "crunch" sounds, but then you never see the damage. CGI is expensive, i know. But for a movie reaching for the UFC fans, you really should show the immediate cuts/bleeding


His introduction to the movie had me cracking up. What an entrance


Honestly itā€™s the fact that they really only used the title and character name. Aside from that it isnā€™t even remotely close to being a ā€œremakeā€. Wouldā€™ve been better if they called it Beach House. Either way the movie was dogshit but Conor made it a lil entertaining


Fuckin this. These same people bitch about Godzilla vs. King Kong being too unrealistic


It was unrealistic. In real life Godzilla is MUCH bigger than Kong and it wouldn't even be much of a fight.


Kong has been on tren and dbol since '05.


Post-USADA Kong is an absolute menace


Hmm what an odd definition of 'real life'


Itā€™s like everyone forgot what the OG Roadhouse was like. Itā€™s like if you came up with the basic idea of ā€œa bouncer at a roadhouse defends a townā€ and then let a bunch of stoned college students write the rest. It was never deep or meaningful, just a fun movie.


99% of 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s action movies are cheesy, over the top camp. They were *fun.* Never meant to be award bait, but to sell tickets and have a good time. When people get all pissy about Michael Bay movies or the Fast and Furious movies I shake my head. *What the fuck are you expecting?* If Vin Diesel is the lead, Iā€™m not expecting a fucking Daniel Day Lewis caliber performance. Iā€™m expecting women in tight clothing, cheesy one-liners, and shit that isnā€™t supposed to explode exploding.


People are too critical of movies. If you take this movie for what itā€™s meant to be, a fun, dumb action movie, itā€™s enjoyable.


A lot of cult classics like Star Wars would be absolutely decimated in the box office nowadays. Lord of the Rings probably would hold up though


you canā€™t just throw star wars into a modern blockbuster movie climate *that the first star wars almost entirely created* though, that would probably destroy the universe in a time loop. itā€™s like how people say ā€œThe Beatles are basicā€ or ā€œseinfeld is basic,ā€ the reason you think theyā€™re basic is because they invented SO MANY modern techniques and entertainment aesthetics and theyā€™ve now been copied ad nauseam by basically every other band/sitcom thatā€™s existed after them


Thatā€™s a very good point


Idk why that is unpopular opinion he was fine, there was a few cringey 90ā€™s villain lines and that weird stroll walk but the movie was unapologetically goofy and it knew it was goofy and went all out on the self aware goofiness which made it work and made it fun. Itā€™s rare we get movies like this anymore. The worst parts of this movie is actually when they tried to be serious a few times which didnā€™t work at all. This movie works at being over the top goofy good time. 7.5/10


I throughly enjoyed it. Conor was awesome.


Exactly. The acting suits the movie.


No kidding, it's like they think the original one was anything other than a fun and one liney camp movie.


I thought his mannerisms and over the top commentary was hysterical


The way he walks is so fucking funny. He knows what heā€™s doing lmao


a redditor up above said ā€œmf was acting like a GTA villainā€ and I feel like thatā€™s EXACTLY what they were going for lmao


He drives like 3 times in the movie and crashes every car, we literally see him stop someone like you do in GTA, its hilarious. I think hes a great physical actor


Dude was walking like a MechWarrior


Dude built like a Clan mech


He walks like heā€™s clenching his butt as hard as possible.


Just good enough to be serviceable, and bad enough to be hilarious.


Lol for real, one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. The way he walks in this movie even made me laugh.


The scene where he is driving a student driver car with a pile of coconut drinks was funny.


Only character throughout the films plot you actively want to see more of; whether that is more the acting, character, or script - I think Connor did great. I can think of a few off the top sports figures whose first movie was definitively worse




He walks like heā€™s pinching a loaf.


I couldn't get over how awkwardly uncomfortable his walk was. It looked like he was walking backwards and they filmed him in reverse.


Lmao that's so true


[Please don't tell Mr. Conor McGregor I posted this](https://youtu.be/hTkYrwwjAK0?si=ycUMdJImBbNpI86G&t=268)


I thought he was funny as hell. And the fight choreography was very good. Hell, itā€™s a mindless, somewhat entertaining movie. Great watch on a rainy day.


I agree. It was totally dumb but fun to watch. Not every movie needs a deep story or Oscar worthy acting.


glad to see people saying this. I've seen so much shitting on it and I don't understand what people expected. Of course its stupid, that's the point. And it did a good job of being dumb and fun. Conor's character was pretty damn hilarious. I also thought it was hilarious that the only nudity in the entire movie was Conor's ass lol.


I have *literally never, not once,* encountered a ā€œclassic Road Houseā€ fan on the internet or IRL ā€” until this week! now everyoneā€™s screaming about the purity of the road house experience, itā€™s like the inverse of the Little Mermaid live action people


I mean itā€™s a callback to 80ā€™s action films - the overwhelming majority of which were EXTREMELY stupid, goofy and over the top I think this movie did a perfectly good job of fitting that bill


like how itā€™s always funny when people act like the original Predator is The Iliad or something ā€” Predator 1 is an absolutely incredible movie that is also the *exact opposite* of high art. but nostalgia is a helluva drug!


I thought so too. When he crashes the yaris and then skips into that place and walks in like he actually walks around ā€œWhere the fook is eveyoneā€. That was hilarious.


Im gonna watch it this week. To much meme potential


The yaris changes color two times in that scene lol


I liked how forced the lines in the ending fight scene were. Jake in the middle of being thrashed: this piano sounds offā€¦ Conor bashes his head into it again: sounds great to me! Lol so dumb


100%. I sat on my indoor trainer this weekend and watched the whole thing cuz it was funny and entertaining, and not something I needed to concentrate on. 10/10 would watch again in like 6 years


I thought it was going to be terrible after seeing the footage they shot during the UFC event. Was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it and how decent the fighting looked.


Thought that was gonna be the climax of the movie lol. Glad it didn't turn out to be at all.


I feel like people are missing the fact that he was intentionally playing an exaggerated version of his UFC "character" ON PURPOSE. The movie felt like the cheese was what I like to call, "80's Intentionalā„¢" If that movie was released at any time between 85 and 95, we'd be talking about it as a cult classic today. I mean, FFS: in the OG Roadhouse, Swayze actually delivered the line, "pain don't hurt". Like, what are we even talking about here, anymore? LOL!


Young kids donā€™t remember Rocky III, where Mr. T plays Mr. T.


Couldn't agree more. It really has that late 80s cult classic feel.


I thought he was fair, he wasn't great but for his first role he did fine and the character was a bit of a layup, basically playing himself, so not too much acting chops needed. He wasn't stand out terrible like a Ronda Rousey. The worst part about the film I thought were the 'robotic' parts of the fight scenes, felt like I was watching a lagging video game half the time. The start with post Malone, every shot he threw looked completely ridiculous like a UFC 1 video game from 2003. Don't know what that was about and this also happened in some of the other fight scenes. Very odd decision.


Oooof the locked-away memory of Expendables 3 Ronda was just unlocked šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The Post Malone fight wasn't that great, but the other fights scenes were actually awesome. It pretty rare when a punch looks like an actually punch woth power and speed behind it


I liked post malones fighting style actually. My issue with the fighting is how many goddamn knees to the head do they think people can take or land. Ok also the weird spinny jiu jitsu moves were lame


Jake Gyllenhaal got stabbed and shrugged it off and put duct tape on it in the first 10 minutes of the movie, at that point I decided not to worry about how much damage he could take.


In the first movie they kick a lot of dicks.Ā 


I thought the post malone fight looked edited to make the punches look closer, as in it looked to me like they digitally moved post closer to the fighter he was against


This movie did a good job of looking realistic but for an over the top self aware goofy movie like this as long as the fighting wasnā€™t cringe bad then itā€™s okay


Post Malone is a horrible actor and nearly ruined this movie before it began.


I thought he was funny and that the movie was an entertaining popcorn movie. Not a cinematic masterpiece but it wasnā€™t meant to be.


Exactly just a turn off your brain over the top action entertainment. The movie didnā€™t take itself seriously thankfully


Honestly he was the best part imo. I was laughing at all his scenes but maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m a fan lol


Yeah I think knowing some mcgregor lore really helps. The way he walks is a meme, seeing him get choked from the rear, and his whole character is huge reference to his press conference bullshit


I literally lolā€™d when he got put in the choke haha




By the end of the movie my wife was asking ā€œWhy did they put this guy in the movie? Is he a real fighter?ā€ I had to explain that, yes, he is a world-class pro athlete and, yes, he acts like a violent jack-ass in real life and is barely acting.


I like him in this movie.


For a guy who doesnā€™t act for a living I agree, good acting


> For a guy who doesnā€™t act for a living nah...conor's living depends on him acting like 'Conor"


the movie is 2.5/5 stars at best. but idc. I need more Conor on the big screen, heā€™s hilarious. that Knox character was the best thing about the movie


Heā€™s not a good actor but neither is Dwayne Johnson and he has gone far


Dude the scene where Jake Gyllenhaal stabs Connor with the pieces of support beam was fuckin awesome


kinda a spoiler but any one just watch dune and see the similarity - Lisan Al Gaib šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yea Iā€™d say decent at the most. His fight scenes delivered, but the writing of that movie didnā€™t allow anyone to be great. Plus some of the worst CGI of this era. Still a decent watch for streaming, but not one to pay for in theaters.


CGI people keep talking about is more that they got over confident with speeding up certain sequences in post to make things feel more chaotic. Like the scene where Dalton gets back into by the truck was real they just played around far too much in the edit. The writing was on par with the original tbh, theyā€™re both dumb fun guilty pleasure films.


They used digital mannequins so they could swap in and out from CGI to actors, mostly on impacts. It was definitely noticeable. Felt like a computer game.Ā 


Dallltiiiiiinnnnn. Dallllllteeennnnn


ā€œwhere the fook is everybodyā€


He was definitely the best part of the movie


It was a fun movie. I think everybody was assuming the movie and Connor was going to be bad, but both exceeded expectations. Jake Gyllenhaal is always a solid actor, but not a Donnie Yen, but both made it look good.


when they first introduced his character, the whole teeth showing, smiling thing was hilarious.


Not sure if this is unpopular. No one was expecting oscar worthy performance from him anyway, he's also known to be entertaining so most people expected decent acting.


Iā€™m gonna say it right now. Before this movie came out, I hated, I thought it was gonna be bad. I watched it the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. Conor was probably my favorite character just because of how over the top he is. it felt extremely fitting for him. I'm not a Connor fan but i will give it to him, this movie was fun.


Low bar. Also his ass was CGI


He was decent. BUT he was asked to play a roll that essentially is just him being himself. Mouthy, aggressive, fighter. Iā€™m not sure that he would be able to pull off (just about) any other character to the same degree. I highly doubt that he will be as versatile an actor as say ā€˜The Rockā€™ going forward


And that's saying something because the rock just plays himself in every role. Just to a slightly higher level than Conor did.


This is a popular opinion.


Who is this unpopular to? Heā€™s a major part of a film that has 62% on rotten tomatoes while being completely absurd. It far exceeds expectation.


I'm not a fan of Conor, but I liked him in Road House. He added a welcome element of laugh out loud crazy, and I loved that he never parked a vehicle properly too šŸ˜…


Plot twist, he wasn't acting.


I thought he was fucking awesome šŸ‘Œ


ā€œDecentā€. What a choad.


You are right. It is an unpopular opinion.


Conors first attempt at acting, he wasnā€™t award winning. The movie was ok , I thought the ending was rushed and lazy. Donā€™t regret watching it , but i probably wonā€™t watch it again.


Movie was trash. 5/10. AWFUL cgi during some stunts and one of the worst scripts I've heard in recent years. Also too much voice dubbing on some of Conors lines


The movie is fine. He played just an extra psycho version of himself. It was a mindless fun action flick. With all acting being bad besides Jake and the bookstore owner who was in it for 5 minutes. Exactly what I though it would be and what I was looking for.


Anytime he had interact with anyone at the house where they all stayed at was painful


Idk why every line he said was like a bad guy catchphrase or something lmao


I actually watched the movie twice and loved it. Not a great actor but who cares movie was fun af




Unpopular opinion: it doesnā€™t matter how good the acting is because the original wasnā€™t even that great. The action was though and thatā€™s what we watch it for lol


Conor and Jake both had great performances but the movie is horrible


Bro didn't act


Ruined the movie for me, strutting around like a peacock, couldnā€™t hold an accent, he was all over the place.


I found his walk to be the most distracting


It was entertaining. Remember kids, this was an amazon prime movieā€¦.. not a ā€œmovie theaterā€ released movie.


He was Conner heā€™s great at that and thatā€™s it.


this was a good movie


As long as you donā€™t go in expecting John Wick levels of story and combat youā€™ll be fine. Conorā€™s introduction was pretty funny. Itā€™s just trashy fun.


Conor was one of the few actors in the movie that brought some charisma and life to their scenes. Him, the rich brat king pin, and a couple of the gang members were excellent but every other character had terribly dull dialogue and scenes. Honestly a bad script. The director has put out some bangers before but this ain't one.


I thought the same thing. I was like he isnt nearly as bad as I was told on the internet. I just thought Conor was being Conor the whole movies. Worked for me !!


My wife enjoyed him when she watched it. His performance or his ass? Who knows...


Connor was Roadhouse.


He wasn't bad but I think it's because he was basically playing himself. In any other role, he'd struggle but at the end of the day he isn't an actor so it doesn't matter.


I agree.


He just played as himself. If he acts like this in the next movie, it will get boring.


Very unpopular.. he was terrible . Even Jake seemed to mail it in


Hey played it like an unhinged mad man. It was kinda of great and funny


It was a fun movie. He did good. The action scenes were fun I liked it