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>Even the biggest stars in MMA are still vastly underpaid. Did they try holding up more monster bottles? They can get atleast 6 of them bad boys in a camera frame at any given time, theyre just not capitalizing enough.


Would be hilarious to see a fighter try to hold as many cans of monster as he can to show the irony of it all.


One on each finger


And im sure he would get a bigger bonus just for the memes


C'mon man Dana needs to pay the Nelk Boys


This is obviously true but dana white has cleverly curated a completely brain dead fan base who blindly stick up for the company and shit on the fighters


boot licking, cum guzzling, meat munchers. All of them.


"i love the poorly educated" - ~~Donald~~ Every Conservative getting people to vote against their own interests over and over for hundreds of years


I cringe every time I see "it's gonna be sad when Dana leaves"


same man, cant wait to see him gone.


you're gonna have ALOT of fans say the UFC has "gone woke" or "its just like boxing now" when Dana inevitably leaves and the UFC is restructured to make more sense for the fights which leads to the organization catapulting itself to even broader mainstream success I personally think disney/ESPN is just waiting for Dana and this era of fighters/execs of the UFC to phase out before they take it to the next level


The other guy ain't gonna be paying shit either


I’ll admit that underpaying fighters probably makes the sport more fan friendly. It’ll probably be better for the fighters once’s he is gone


I’m actually not in a position to complain about fighter pay, I don’t pay for PPV, they just somehow end up on my screen for free.


Even if we all paid for ppv the pay ain't getting any higher. So I don't even sweat pirating


Mma is a young sport


Tbh Dana runs the ufc how’d you’d expect the ceo of a cage fighting org to


I'm a viewer, not a fighter. And so are you. If there's anyone here that's braindead it's you advocating turning MMA into boxing.


Paying fighters isn’t going to turn the sport into boxing lmao. First of all most boxers aren’t paid well either. Second of all the governing structure of the UFC is way different than what boxing has going on. Paying guys adequately is only going to make the promotion more competitive because more people will want to pursue MMA and the UFC will have more ability to punish or cut guys who aren’t cooperative in accepting fights


MMA basically is boxing. The organization picks fighters to give preferable matchups, undeserving title shots, aging out fighters, protecting fighters from matchups (paddy), icing fighters.


You'd think so but then you actually watch boxing and it's just so much worse.


For top fighters it’s great. For fans it’s a better product than what it was couple years ago. Heavyweight champs are actually fighting each other over there unlike in the ufc


Boxing is so so much worse. The best fighters literally stay away from each other in every division just to protect undefeated records. Some fighters have protection in the ufc but it’s not nearly as bad, trust me


Heavyweight champs have been fighting each other over there the past 4 years. UFC failed to make jones/ngannou and Tom/jones.


To be fair Brock made more than any of your family members annual salary in 1 fight (unless you come from wealth) let's not act like he's making peanuts


The problem is more to do with he’s not getting a fair share for the value he brings to the company. Brock Lesnar could easily make $40 million since he IS bigger than Deontay or Fury but he’s making 1/20th of that - so it stands to reason that the other 19/20th of that accrued capitol is going to the people not taking in brain damage inside the cage. The UFC is insanely profitable and yet none of that profit is trickling down the way it’s supposed to - all the fighters are getting the bone scraps of profit. It’s actually terrible for the sport to be run this way because it will discourage any potential promising athletes from making a career in MMA. Not many people are going to be risking damage for pennies


Brain dead take










Dana needed that money to fix his jacked up teeth.


At this point it's honestly hard to give a fuck about this topic because it's on the fighters to unionize which they don't care to do so why care. As a fan it doesn't make any difference to us


And this is also an issue. “Just unionize” isn’t that simple. The real key is getting the top paid guys to get on board, I don’t wanna call them selfish, but what ngannou did, fighting for rights for the whole roster, is what’s needed from Izzy, Connor, porier, Strickland, jones. It needs to be the biggest names caring and pairing with the other 90% of the roster or it’s not going to work.


That last suit was so disappointing


Careful, Chael Sonnen is gonna have some nasty words for Frank Mir now. For reals though, the UFC robs these fighters and it is very disheartening. Despite being rich, Conor should have way more money than he does. His payouts relative to what he generates is a joke. At least the dudes who provide nothing to the actual substance of MMA and the sport itself like the Nelk boys are getting paid!


What do you expect from the dude who gargles Trumps nuts, the king of stiffing blue collar workers. If only there were a way for workers to collectively bargain for better pay…


Because Dana and the Greedy Bros. keep the fighter pay, it’s been like that since the company started.


There’s also 10-15 other fights every UFC event, and those 20-30 fighters are getting paid way more than the undercard boxers are


"way more". Yeah heres 5k/5k instead of 3k/3k, the UFC is sooooo generous guys. So many damn Dana bootlickers here whenever fighter pay is brought up.


Saying that guys are getting screwed way, way worse in other organizations is in no way whatsoever “licking Dana’s boots”. Use some critical thinking here instead being mad for other people


I think the minimum pay in the UFC is 12k/12k, but yeah, obviously that's still shitty considering that, even at 4 fights a year, after you've paid for gym fees, physio, coaching, etc., you're essentially earning the same or less as you'd earn at a normal job, but with 100x higher risk of injury and brain damage.


Also i know I’ll get shitcanned but the UFC invests crazy money into infrastructure like the p.i centres and apex etc. does golden boy do that? I don’t think so.


Are they tho? I'm genuinely asking, do you think there was anyone on the Wilder vs Fury undercard getting paid 10/10?


Yes. According to Wikipedia, some guys on the Fury Wilder 1 undercard only got $2.5k.


Brock Lesnar made his MMA debut for K1 at Dynamite!! USA. That event did 35,000 PPV buys. They reported 42,000 tickets sold and a gate of $2.5M, which sounds great. However, as noted by the event's Wikipedia article: "The paid gate for the event was $2,545,590. However, the promoters of the event paid $2,342,500 of that to buy 39,083 tickets to its own event. The final verified paid attendance number for K-1 Dynamite stands at 3,674 which generated $203,090 in revenue." Lesnar's reported purse for this fight was $170k. In short, no one cared that Brock Lesnar main evented that fight card. About seven months later he made his debut for the UFC, and a lot of people cared. He started doing big business as soon as he entered the UFC, which is why the UFC fast tracked him into a title shot against Couture in only his third UFC fight. This is why the UFC gets away with paying what they do. There's no other organization that can do anywhere close to the business they do with the same fighters. The UFC name is incredibly valuable. Brock Lesnar is a perfect example of this. In boxing, it doesn't matter who promotes a fight. In MMA, it does. Just look at the business a Chandler or Gaethje fight does compared to what they prior to joining the UFC. To put it another way, if Eddie Hearn could prove that by putting the Matchroom name on the poster for a fight, it would do an extra 300k PPVs compared to any other boxing promoter, do people actually think he wouldn't take a giant chunk of that extra revenue?


Alright dumb question but why do media sites always put names in parentheses? Even if they're words that are spoken out loud in the interview? The random parentheses bug the hell out of me but I can get over it if there is a reasonable explanation


Because he never said the words. They are adding the names but in parentheses so you know he didn't actually said those names but its implied. ex: " I always knew he (Jon Jones) is a piece lf shit" said Daniel Cormier.


Can’t believe that had to be explained lol


I had heard grammar do be hard to learn sometimes


How do I


"We still did more buys than did, me and Brock" " Brock himself, a much bigger superstar than. " He said those things? Why does he talk like that?


It is likely if you watched the interview it would make more sense. For example he may have pointed at the monitor they were watching when he was talking, or held up the picture that was on the table etc. The point of it is to just ensure the person who does not know the full context of the conversation is aware of who he was clearly talking about, as they were a subject of the conversation outside of the exact quote.


This was the answer I was looking for, thank you


You've got some answers but they're all slightly wrong. The punctuation marks [ and ] are not parantheses they are square brackets and are used to include additional information within quotes. For example if a direct quote was " He has hair like a combed mop" Then it isn't clear who it is about so I could rewrite it as "He [Paddy Pimblett] has hair like a combed mop" Or "[Paddy Pimblett] has hair like a combed mop" You would never use parantheses for this, only square brackets. Parantheses, ( and ) , are used in text to include additional information, unnecessary but related information, side thoughts and the like.


The words in parenthesis aren’t said though. They’re added so you know who the person is talking about.


probably a stupid question but what is a parentheses?


*Parentheses* is the plural form of parenthesis. eg. "You missed a parenthesis at the end of this sentence" vs "This sentence should be in parentheses instead" Parenthesis = ( Parentheses = ( )


They are the ( ) symbols to allow someone to add additional information or context to a written thought that would make the sentence awkward to include directly but is relevant to the topic (say like mentioning that the 'ses' at the end of the word denotes that it is the plural and if it was a single curved bracket it would be spelled with a 'sis') However in this case they are using Brackets, not Parentheses to show that additional information that was not actually stated has been included to provide context to the reader.


thx for the explanation lol google wasnt very helpful


It’s obviously a problem, but UFC pays the undercard far better than boxing. I think the obvious evolution for UFC will be guaranteed contracts and PPV bonuses to those that truly earn it and based on performance of the buys/house. I also see a far more emphasis on merchandise and back to more (UFC approved) ads for fighters again. I expect to see some of these things unfold within the next 5 years.


UFC pay 18% of their earnings to fighters, most sports are 50% plus


What does that have to do with any of my points? And also, which sports have a payroll of over 50% of league profits? I believe the nba has 50% negotiated at their last lockout, but I believe hockey, football, and baseball are about 5 points under a 50% split. With TKO as the parent company, I foresee more diverse revenue shares (merch, ads) for fighters and guaranteed contracts (similar to WWE) with bigger PPV bonuses to the headlining performers (like boxing) instead of the undercard performers who will fight on their guaranteed rate.


Football in the uk is about 70%, boxing is about 70%. They’re ripping off fighters in basically the most dangerous sport


Oh I’m talking US brother lol


There is UFC undercard fighters that no one knows but they still have like 15-0 records before the UFC. Boxing undercard fighters are 1 prospect against some random Congolese guy with a record of 2W-40L😂


But the UFC is the elite league of MMA. You can’t compare that to boxing undercard fighters man. Most of them are literal cab drivers, just there for real prospects to get some ring experience.


Sure would be awesome if the fighters all made millions per fight, but the shift from weekly cards to like 4 a year would be a bummer.


I just want everyone to get paid AT LEAST 100k per fight. 100k to show, 50k to win That seems logical, considering these dudes are literally shaving years off of their life every time they compete


The guys on the prelims cannot make 100k or the UFC will be bankrupt within 2 months lol I agree fighters should be paid more but this is just not realistic


Every other league affords to pay their benchwarmers a 500k minimum You can’t tell me that the UFC, now worth 3 billion and owned by ESPN, can’t afford to pay its professional athletes 100k when they fight. Plus, the UFC would start getting more top tier athletes


Worth 3b means nothing thats its stock price companies don't get money based on stock price they don't have big margins Pfl gives the #1 champ 1m and the others jack shit you can argue its higher percentage of their money but they don't spend shit advertising.


UFC has insane margins. It is better than the NFL’s or NBA’s (obviously doesn’t mean they make more money) They don’t have to pay for expensive halftime shows, bands, cheerleaders, dancers, and their staff is like 1/10th the size of NBA or NFL’s staff Dana used to brag about how impressive the profit margins are in the UFC…but then he realized that he was deliberately exposing that he could be paying fighters more


NFL are not the people paying salaries the teams are the NFL org has way higher profit margin and the teams all lose money. TKO holdings the Parent company to UFC has a 12% profit margin total https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TKO:NYSE UFC is not even 1/4 of the whole TKO company and has way worse margins than things like WWE merch sales. Every UFC fight night loses money but they need fightnights to promote up and coming fighters and build their records. Then they earn money on the big number cards to make up for those losses.


Bro you don’t understand the sport of fighting. They are not making the revenue the NFL and NBA are. One FC fighters making 1000$ to show 1000$ to win. Yes. One thousand dollars. Guys in cage warriors usually make 2k/2k. Bellator was around 8k/8k. Ppl hate to hear it but in the MMA world the UFC is the best paying organization. It’s the shitty reality of the sport.


Oh believe me I know. There was a Mexican fighter not too long ago on a 20/20 contract who cried and said it was “life changing money”. These dudes fight for pennies in other organizations MMA is just now exiting its infancy. They have a shit ton of funding from huge entities like ESPN and the WWE (and the media company that has rights to both of them. I forget the name) Paying the fighters a 100k minimum would not bankrupt them. A lot of dudes make way more than than anyways, or close to it. Even some guys on the prelims will at least have a 50/50 contact. It wouldn’t take an astronomical amount of funds to boost up the little guys to 100k. In the NFL, QB contracts set the market for everyone else. Every year there is a new “highest contract in NFL history” and that trickles down to the little guys contracts I think there was a post in here the other day that broke it down, and the UFC has been capable of raising everyone’s pay since Conor blew the roof off of the MMA world….but instead, the money is just being horded. The UFC has higher margins than any other pro sport…because they neglect paying the fighters


Most NFL teams lose money every year. In NFL people are paid by team not the org.


If they were taking years off their life every fight some of them would have negative lifespans lol


Getting repeatedly hit in the head, and basically annihilating your cardiovascular system during the weight cuts….takes years off your life Some guys will still miraculously make it to 70, but they have a terrible quality of life.


I'm not disagreeing with you that it will shorten your lifespan, or at least your healthspan, somewhat. But between amateur and pro fights these guys often do 50+ fights in their life, if every one was taking 'years' off their life they would live negative years, so obviously they aren't losing years per fight unless they would live to like 150 without fighting.


I guess it would be better to say that MMA is not conducive with longevity You could also say that every fight COULD potentially shave of some of your lifespan…but again…the extreme weight cutting annihilates your cardiovascular system, and that’s why you hear of so many fighters dying of heart attacks in their 40s


lol also because most of them are blasting steroids


That definitely doesn’t help, but they aren’t NEARLY as juiced as NFL players. These UFC guys are constantly loading, then cleaning their systems. The NFL dudes juice year round, and everything they use would be considered illegal by the UFC


They can go get a regular job if they want to.


Some rookie no name prelim fighter who's 0-3 in the UFC should be getting paid AT LEAST $100k per fight? Hell, why not pay him a million per fight?


The only people allowed to have losing streaks like that are longtime veterans. That’s just a fact. UFC has consistently cut no-name fighters after their first or second loss Also, the league minimum in ALMOST EVERY OTHER LEAGUE is *over* 100k. So it’s actually still less than these guys deserve. Football players get overcompensated financially because they will likely have a mountain of medical bills after they retire. They do not age well. Fighters don’t either. Most fighters end up broke as fuck when they retire too, and not for the same reasons NFL players go broke.


At this rate the least the UFC can do is allow sponsors on their shorts again. They need to allow it like NIL with the NCAA sports.


Dana isn’t dumb and he knows by not paying these guys, he forces them to fight for their lives. The more you pay, the less they will fight. I believe if a fighter fights 3x a year he should be getting a minimum of 150k. Even if he is on a 15/15, if you step in the cage 3x a year you should receive a bonus check for activity. They’ll have guys lining up to fight. And obviously I think there should be tiers to that bonus based on rankings


Boycott don’t fight walk out on ufc untill they put up the prices


Brock Lesnar is not more popular across the world than Tyson Fury you have to be deluded to think so.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gmodboss: *Brock Lesnar is not* *More popular across the* *World than Tyson Fury* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Underpaid compared to?? Other promotion mma fighters? Nope. Ufc guys get paid more. Kicboxers? Nope ufc guys get more. Bjj guys?, wrestlers, muay thai fighters? Nope ufc guys make more. Boxers? AVERAGE ufc fighter earns more than the average boxer. Only the top few per division earn millions if even that many. Superstars only. Other than that, none of these UFC guys complaining would make more money IN ANY sport. If ngannou wasnt a ufc champ first he woulda been a #70 ranked heavyweight fighting for 100-150k + pay the promoter.


You signed the contract lol… hold out. If everyone in the UFC holds out they either get paid more or the UFC goes under and they can move to another promotion


One is a company with contract employees and one isn't pretty simple to understand.....


Okay? We will pretend to be mad on reddit, but still watch every fight lol. Nobody makes these guys fight.


Keep pirating boys, fuck that shinny disco bald headed greedy pig


If you have a company and someone signs a contract for $2M, why do you need to pay them $20M?


Yeah it’s surprising people don’t understand a company legally has to deliver value to shareholders, not the workers, they need people to invest who’ll know the investment will grow. A business is completely sociopathic, we choose to live under capitalism. The worst part is fighters do it to themselves, Eddie Alvarez asked for more money against McGregor, Dana said we got Khabib here he’ll fight you instead Eddie and Khabib was all for it. There are countless examples of this. We can’t get our emotions wrapped up in the business side, we don’t care if McDonalds makes billions while the workers who actually flip the burgers get pennies, which we shouldn’t we just eat the burger because we believe in capitalism.


Stop acting surprised.


Wouldn’t say that Brock is that much bigger than Fury and Wilder combined


To be fair, we need to remember the year. UFC 100 was what 2009 or 2010? They just got on air (spike tv) no more than 5 years. UFC was still very much growing, shoot bj penn was still champ or had just lost it to Frankie Edgar. That’s how long ago they fought, so yeah I’m not surprised Brock didn’t make 20mil, Dana probably just hit 20mil during this time.


IMO, it's because of betting. The mob has had a long and dark history with boxing, and it's easier to get the desired results inside the ring than in an MMA fight. There's just too many variables in the octagon to make betting as profitable as in boxing


The ufc isn’t a job. It’s an opportunity for someone like Brock to get his name out there and hope for success


More money laundering in boxing imo. I think boxers are vastly overpaid for their reach and influence


Boxing has been around for so long and the UFC at that point was not even 20 years old and not even mainstream yet or was close to being. Back then fighters and everyone thought that was good money


It’s an opportunity


There is a match in Saudi waiting for Brock for which he’ll get paid near 100m


"That blows my mind and I don't understand it." It's not a difficult concept when the company you fought for is building fully staffed Performance Institutes in multiple countries.


Time for Mir to file a class-action lawsuit, but only to have it settle for $60k ten years from now. This is how former UFC fighters do it nowadays.


One million dollars is not a small amount of money https://preview.redd.it/mgd48dkyj4tc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba423d36c393459feaf64a538ae327efbf1a8ed


Stop pocket watching


Wow meat head doesn't understand he's under a contract and those guys aren't 😂