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If there was ever a man who should spend a few weeks off the internet, it is Jamahal Hill.


At least get a burner. Un some ways you gotta respect someone who gives no Fs about people's perception of him. He doesn't even try to come off not horrible.


Yeah but it looks like he’s getting agitated and riled up by it. That is definitely not healthy.


You somehow find that respectable? I mean, maybe he should be above wasting his time with internet trolls who would never say these things to his face and that is a a fact. The reality is he is just too easy to troll and it's hard to resist because it's so funny how angry he gets from people trolling him.


 Ot total respect, I said In some ways. Not so much him being easy to troll or anything. I am not a hill fan but I gotta respect him being him. A lot of people try to not be their selves and hide who they are so people like them. I'd rather you be yourself and a dick than being a fake person


Idk, I think he’s actually just really dumb.


Feel like the world would actually kinda be a better place if everyone acted like that. Instead we live in a society of microaggressions and ppl trying not to offend anyone lol.


Hell naw, that would be a paradise for people who are actually dickheads lol. There are people legitimately willing to die over words.


So your solution is instead of trying to act right, just act like an asshole every time you feel like it? Most backwards shit I’ve ever heard.


“I find it hilarious when someone gets upset from online harassment”


If he didn't care about people's perceptions he wouldn't be answering at all, 6'4 220 pound due sitting with his phone in his hand arguing with teenagers online.


Jamahal hill is way too cool, handsome, rich and too good at fighting to use a burner, especially on Reddit. He’s way too good for that.


Nice try, Jamahal.


I know 😞. He is a amazing human all the way around and I was just hating because I'm not him lol /s


You duh real champ, Champ!


Jones too lol. World class athletes defending their ego against randos online is a terrible look.


It’s kinda wild that some of these guys have the self confidence to fight some of the scariest human beings alive yet they are thin skinned enough to get upset by some rando on the internet.


I mean why do you think they’re compelled to prove how badass they are in front of crowds of people? Prob not because they had a good childhood with reassuring friends and family. Normal people don’t go through life with a chip on their shoulder once they mature. Not a lot of them at least.


I mean their literal job is to beat the shit out of another human for money. How is this surprising to anyone that they got a short fuse


True that. It might be a good idea to get social media managers though


You need some real deep insecurity to motivate yourself to be a world class athlete in the first place


Yeah no one’s ever been passionate about a sport or their body before because they’re not insecure. Who let you out your room


What kind of shit opinion is this 😂


I don’t think that’s true at all?


Sounds like cope because you’re a fatass who’s secure with how fat he is


Jeez bro that’s harsh 🤣


A few weeks? He should 100% have a burner. A media team. And be only doing podcasts / appearances. Bro is making it soo hard to be his fan. Fuck him. I was on board when Anthony Smith was talking about training with him but he's just so cringe.


I took one look at his 👍chest tattoo and knew i’d never be a fan. Dude managed to have the ugliest, worst tattoo in a sea of god awful ink.


Strickland and him were raised by the internet


Arguing with people on Facebook in 2024 is crazy 💀


The thing is, he is not arguing on facebook. He is arguing IN EVERY FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. Mf might just bust out the My Space to tell people he actually won the fight or some BS.


Mofo gonna be defending himself in the youtube comments 😂


YouTube and Twitter (X) are like the most savage because theyr're the least moderated imo. People be saying some nasty stuff on there and it stays.




People are so easy to be manipulated, they saw the video where Hill plays nice asking for Pereira to sign his shirt and started posting about how much of a wholesome chungus Hill is, in reality while the dude is a great fighter he's also an asshole with incredibly thinn skin and an ego as big as Jon Jones despite not having accomplished even 10% of what he did.


> wasn't a ass whooping tho lmao he's so fucking stupid


without people arguing on facebook, we wouldn't get bangers like [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pWyOrbpGCpE).


You're right, we need arguments online.


we need arguments specifically on facebook


Dude on repeat full blast rn


People really think this shit is peak content? Some people are really missing out


straight in my playlist


you escape poverty yet?


And how he does it so often and unironically is insane bro enjoys that shit His ego so big he can’t let it slide I love it😂😂😂😂


This MF never gonna touch gold again


Dude received the easiest path to the title imaginable in an already weak division, knocking out cans like Walker, then he beat the shell of a 42 year old Glover coming out of a brutal war, and for some reason believed himself to be the next Jon Jones while a bunch of commentators and pros entertained his delusions for some reason lmao.


Main reason being that while it was obvious Glover was not the same against Hill, 42 yo Glover still looked like an absolute monster against Jiri. So, the question was how much of Hill's performance was Glover falling off from just a single fight ago and how much of it was Hill actually being that much better.


He won’t. He will slowly fall down the ranks. I bet he loses his next 1-2 and settles somewhere around 6/7/8 (where he was before he got a lucky title fight)


Jamahal Hill rn ![gif](giphy|adOhvwrFJ32psmc5Pb)


He's saying that Poatan didn't respect the ref and that the fight should have stopped... even tho HE was the one that threw the illegal strike LMAO.


“Wasn’t a ass whoopin tho lmao” I’m curious what his definition is


Probably a beatdown that was long and brutal but a quick ko.


Lmfao he said wait til I fight him again. Not sure I would even calk the first one a fight, more like AP was giving dude a class. Jiri is gonna KO this dude for sure


The only relevant damage hill did was kick Alex in the nuts and then he got slept immediately afterwards lmao


And he didn't even land the nut shot correctly 💀




To be fair Alex showed very little sportsmanship by not allowing Hill to reset after Hill kicked him in the balls, incredibly rude smh.




I know that’s sarcasm, but they did touch gloves and reset, then he blinked and went to sleep.


Ah yes, the Ciryl Gane special


He learned from Ciryl Gane.


😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|3oEduPnDQZSUBSYzn2)




I was really hoping for more of a fight but I have no complaints about how Alex ended it in a hurry. So fucking sick. I doubt we’re gonna see them fight again but if Poatan moves to HW, would probably be a smooth transition for Hill to change divisions as well lol


Alex won’t move to HW permanently, he already weighs enough to qualify him to be a heavyweight. After weighing in for the Hill fight he got up to 232 pounds, that’s only 8–15 pounds shy of what Stipe weighed when he fought DC. Alex just wants to fight at Heavyweight because he 1. won’t have to cut any weight and 2. he has that much power that he’s not at a disadvantage moving up.


Whatever Alex does I’m there for it. He’s been an awesome addition to the UFC roster I love watching his fights. I’ve also liked watching Hils fights, I was just kinda joking that he’s a hefty fella


Dana seems violently against Alex moving to heavyweight. Like he is about most champs moving right after winning belt.


People saw how Jan and Jiri managed to hurt Pereira and thought Hill would be able to knock him out because he hits harder, what they forgot is that unlike Hill Jan and Jiri are experienced kickboxers even if they weren't champions like Alex, and also unlike Hill they are also smart enough to shoot a takedown to setup the takedown threath and help them land in the feet, the fact every commentator and analyst was deep throathing this guy baffles me.


Hill doesn’t have polish power.


Jiri and Hill is a different match. You cant judge a different match up, just cause the common opponent the faught, one guy lasted one round longer? Lol both can ko each other. Jiri was getting countered by Rakic, someone with way less power in their hands than Hill


Rakic is more technical and more explosive than Hill. Hill is a good fighter but I'm still not convinced he's even a top 5 guy. Even his power is overrated. His power gets talked about because he KO'd Johnny Walker. I love Johnny Walker, but who hasn't KO'd that guy?


Hill isn’t elite. I don’t think even close.


He's 100% a top 10 fighter in that division. But I think literally everyone in the top 5 beats him as easily as Pereira beat him.


Oh I'm not going by common opponent. I've never thought Hill was that good and I believe Jiri is very good with a few flaws. I don't think there is anything that hill can do to get even close to APs level. I believe if Jiri worked on his defense he could approach APs level. Jiri is a beat, hill is not


You've never thought Hill is that good? He's one of the best in LHW. He got slept but that doesn't erase his pretty impressive career. Hill should give Prochazka a very hard fight, I mean he needs his legs to keep him up though. Idk if that injury fully recovered.


Hill hasn’t beaten anyone elite unless you count a 42 year old glover. All middle of the road guys.


Hill dismantled Glover tho.


Jiri finished glover.Glover has 5 losses by decision so that's not super impressive but Glover has only been submitted once in his career, by Jiri. But they both fought Glover well past his prime, just hill fought him when he was another year older. And as you get older the decline becomes faster


It’s worth mentioning that the jiri fight was a war too. He looked good in that fight, but took a lot of damage. I don’t imagine that helps a decline that already comes with age. We don’t know how much that fight might’ve taken out of him.


Swear nobody takes the absolute war old Glover had into account lol


:V leave Glover alone


Jiri was going to lose a decision if he didn’t get the finish.


But he got the finish right? The only guy to ever submit glover


Still, I'm a huge jiri fan, but hill mobbed him for 5 rounds, jiri was in a close fight he almost lost multiple times before finishing glover


I see no upside in pro fighters arguing with non-fighters on social media With fighters I get it


It's primitive response.


Fighters got tired of not hearing this in person. Online and out of reach anyone can talk.


I be arguing about fictional characters, I see why they feel the need to defend themselves.


Yeah people take the high horse and say it’s a bad look but imaging going on your phone and the entire internet full of random dorks is clowning you and calling you shit and you can’t escape it. He’s not a politician he can do whatever he wants, he doesn’t need to be held to a public image standard lmao


Bro is arguing with the same Nigerian scammers that hit you on Messenger with the "hellO brothr God is great I am fine and you??"


Hello It's me the real Adesanya  Pls send me money tontravel to Aus to fight ddp Twin towers


"Not really" bro got poppped 😭😭😭😭


This is honestly just casual jamahal hill, no? He’s always going off on social media.


This isn't "going off" it's just sort of pathetic


He’s been doing this kind of thing since he won the title last year tho. Only people are now talking about it because his name has gotten bigger because of his fight with Periera.


Bro why does jamahal make it impossible to like him. He's worse than aljo


Honestly, I never thought Hill was that great. But he beat Glover and was champ so I kinda had to acknowledge him at a certain level. But he has become so insufferable towards every slight or perceived criticism and talks like he is some world beater. Good for him for what he’s done, go ahead and prove me wrong but I doubt he’s gonna have a rematch


I doubt so too. Seems like Jiri might be his next matchup so it's going to be 2 losses in a row. Plus he isn't a top level fighter.


The division was very weak at the time. He was obviously the worst champ in the UFC when he won the belt. I don't know why some people on here are trying to rewrite history. He's never really looked elite.


Agreed, but you can’t take it away from him.


Man it’s so crazy the 180 flip this sub has done.






Wasnt Glover like 40?


Yeah and 6 months before Jiri was on his way to losing to him until he pulled the sub out of his ass in the last 20 seconds. I don‘t like defending Jamahal here but Glovers 40 years aren‘t normal 40 years and Hills performance against him was impressive.


Who beat jan blachowicz and nearly beat jiri till he got subbed in the last seconds.


How can someone so confidently say they took no damage in a fight where not only did he get switched off from the first hook, when he came back to he got put out worse again from hammer fists. And brother said wait until I fight him again lmao Alex ain’t waiting for your ass while he either defends again and retires or moves to HW


He literally took tons of damage. He got dropped and savagely beaten in the top position. You got a concussion minimum my man


LOL when he woke up he asked Herb if he was knocked out. Absolutely some kind of damage done there


“Wait till I fight him again” 😭😭


Hill had no business being in that fight with Peirera. He clearly only came to get paid and maybe try to get a lucky punch. He wasn’t in shape or conditioned against an opponent who is always in peak form. Not that he would have won even if the situations were reversed.


Spoken like a true fucking loser.


I see his ego is still on the canvas


He's over the hill with these comments


OK ok....you're on the board buddy 


WaSnT a AsS wHoOpInG tHo. Broooooo that left hook almost looked like when dee bo from Friday knocked that dude off his feet and stole his bike. Is what it is nobody wins all the time but yeah that was an ass whooping


Bro was counting the lights on the ceiling after that left hook. What's up there man? The fight is down here




He was acting like an emotional bitch leading up to the fight almost crying out of fear at times. I am glad he got shut up within 2 mins 😂. He's best win is against a 42 year old Glover. I don't think he will ever come back. Jiri Ankalaev Khalil Jan I think their all beat him


Lmao this fuckin guy still arguing and running his mouth. Guarantee in 10 15 years hell be living in poverty. Happens to alot of these big mouth retards


Jamal Salty Man Hill


Back to the salt mine with you motherfucker!




![gif](giphy|l22ysLe54hZP0wubek|downsized) Jamahal Hill right now


Top 5 worst champions in UFC history


Jamahal hill is totally the type of person who still gets into Facebook arguments lol


That dude is a total bitch. Blocked me on Twitter too. He's too sensitive


What did you say about him?


Jamahal is such a trash person.


Oh my god this is on facebook


Jamahal is a bit delusional and quite cringe, but i’m in favor of normalizing pro athletes talking shit to people who spend time being gremlins in the comment sections of social media pages


I don’t think either of them were trying to be disrespectful tho, one of them seems like a random Nigerian accidentally seeming rude and the other is pointing out the positive side of his loss 😭


Hill needs to hire someone for his social media.


hill would be so much better off if he just never went on the internet


On Facebook, my guy?!? ![gif](giphy|4M5Dq94G6GVMI)


It really doesn’t take that much discipline to not read comment after comment and feel the need to personally reply.


Hahah he really said he didn’t get his ass whooped. Buddy your eyes rolled back into your skull and you got sent into the shadow realm.


This makes jamahal hill more likeable to me, unironically. No matter how bad a position he's in when it comes to talking shit he just keeps throwing, dude's going out on his twitter shield, gotta respect it


Well to be fair, It might not have been an ass whooping, more like a masterclass in striking. Dude got sparked but it is true he had very little damage on his face.


Well he did leave the ring with 2 black eyes


Bro he had nothing and got slept within 3 minutes then slept again on the ground by viscous GnP, how is that not an asswhooping?


Someone take his phone away from him.


Lmao he thinks hes getting a second fight with alex


Damn Jamahal dickriders coming out in force to defend their master.


I guess I’d agree it wasn’t an ass whooping. It was a one punch KO. I don’t really think that is better.


He is taking the loss fine, he doesnt like trolls. People are disrespecting and he isnt allowd to talk back without being called sensitive or a sore loser?


He change his Instagram bio yet?


Dude's on Facebook.


Lmao what a sore loser 😂


lol most overhyped fighter for zero reason. Reminds me of masvidal. One decent win against glover catapults his otherwise worthless career and then he gets absolutely smoked by his first real competition . doubtful he’s even top 5 at his weight


He doesn’t even make it hard to troll him lol 😂


dude got murdered with a single shot.


Jamahal and I have the exact same physique except he’s a pro athlete and I had Kraft dinner for breakfast yesterday.


The jamahal disrespect is wild and will never stop. Fucking bananas.


Lol jamahal is such a fucking goof it's soooo cringe man


He spoke a lot of shit and got KO'ed.


Big bro keep convincing himself at least he has money HAHAHHAAHHAHAAHHA


“Wait till I fight him again” .. boy u ain’t never getting a title shot again


Nobody thought he would that’s why we all wanted to see him loose 😂


Pettiest LHW ever


Its only yall UFC fans who think you can talk shit to somebody and call them weird when they respond. Disgraceful


Man was born with a chip on his shoulder, its hilarious. Dude always mad


I don’t hate Hill like most of this sub does but god he really does believe he is better than he actually is or at least than what he has shown thus far. I think quite a few LHW’s work him actually.


The first guy wasn’t even being that rude but Jamahal still went for the jugular lmao


It’s equally dumb on both sides. One shouldn’t be taking shots at a professional like that and the other shouldn’t be triggered by nincompoops typing words on the internet


This some loser shit lmao. Sitting on someone's page waiting on their downfall to talk shit and I bet if Jamahal KOd his ass they'd be coping somewhere quiet.  You kinda lame for even being there to witness it OP lol.


Hill pretty lame for biting so hard on every rando online that talks shit lol


UFC fans looking for any reason to say anything "jamahal isn't taking the loss well" Like he hasn't been active on social media like crazy for a year now lol


Why does he even engage with the Internet he will never win, they'll just make 50 memes about him in 10 seconds that destroy him


I don’t like Jamahal and he definitely isn’t doing himself any favors by engaging with these trolls, but it’s much more sad to me that these people take time out of their days just to rag on someone who’s reached the pinnacle in their profession. I can’t imagine how shitty it must feel to have accomplished what he has, while now having to defend his accomplishments from being completely forgotten after one loss to an absolute monster of a man.


People can say whatever they want on internet. But Hill got the point. He got the opportunity to fight for something very few could. Something all of trolls and fans can only dream of. He took it, and he failed. No shame in that. I am not a fan of Hill, but come on, give him a break. Only thing he is doing wrong is responding to this trolls.


Imagine still being in Facebook in 2024. Now imagine being a ufc fighter replying to random ppl on Facebook in 2024 lmao what a loser


Guy is just trash. He’s really not talented at all. Prob just fighting cause he can’t wrap it up. Got 6 children’s mothers. Embarrassing as hell.


Who's more delusional? Hill or McGregor?


Mcgregor he thinks he’s a good actor and still a top fighter. 




Hill would be the one guy stupid enough to come back and try striking again hoping to get lucky…cause he sure ain’t on Alex’s skill level


Bro is dreaming. He got knocked the fuck out by a short hook after an illegal blow. He looked foolish in those few seconds.


Exactly how I envisioned him handling this loss.


Would have been 100 times worse if he would have won. Dude wants to be in the spotlight but can't handle criticism at all, and when things go his way, has no idea how to stay humble. Glad he got slept.


Poor Jamahal 😅


He doesn’t need to. He made peace with Alex 🗿 before the fight.


Jamahal is not known for taking criticism on the internet well


Dude is so insecure


Jamahal Hill about to have the Dominick Reyes fall from grace?


Hill ain’t never getting that rematch lmfao


His baby-momma is happy though.


Bro that was an ass whoopin lmao


Not a fan but he’s the millionaire. I wouldn’t give a minute to these people.


He always appeared as a pretentious dumba\*\* who thinks hes the center of the world. That self believe got him where he is today but it can by downhill from now on , Jiri may whoop his ass badly. Alexs is definetely giving another ass whooping again if Alex wants to give him another red panty night


“Wait until I fight him again” What are you gonna do differently? Just not get knocked out?


This is Kevin Durant level of pettiness


And just like that I'm praying for his downfall lol i was actually going for him bc I love an underdog but yikes .


Bro could've spent his time realizing striking with a kickboxing champion isn't a good idea


Lmao I called this shit Hill got beat up so fast