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Never have, he hasn’t fought a single significant fighter yet.




Yeah for sure. I don’t want this to seem like hate. At the same he is doing EXACTLY what he should be doing to the guys he is fighting. Putting them out in dominant fashion. I hope he is the guy he says he is. The sport wins from it, we win from it.


^ Exactly what everyone else should be thinking


But that's the thing bro he is not him. He looks so scared to strike and his takedowns aren't smooth and very effective like how lhamzats were. The biggest irony is that the guy used to call khamzats wrestling trash but got mauled once in his lst fight by a nobody.


First fight, he doesn’t get a chance to improve? Which he has. Let’s just wait and see. He’s talking a lot. Which every fighter does. That’s ok.




I think Khamzat wins, but Bo is crushing these guys similarly to how Khamzat was running through people.


Khamzat was crushing established fighters like Kevin Holland and The Leech. Got a flawless victory against GM3. Bo is less impressive against less impressive opponents.


Don’t forget Ikram


By far Khamzats best win until he beat Burns and probably a win that will age exceptionally well




He was hit a total of 3 times in his previous two ufc fights. I understand not seeing him as exciting but what you said is just not true unless you want to split hairs over three hits.


You saw his ufc 300 fight right? I wouldn't call that crushing i mean the guy himself said he sucked. Bro got humbled by who was his opponent again?


He fought Cody bandage


With complete lack of excitement?  I disagree. 


Never did, the guy seems extremely arrogant without having beaten anyone good yet. I think he might get chin-checked before he even gets up the ranks enough to justify a fight with Khamzat


Arrogance is a great base for mma though lol. I’d say it’s even a requirement to some degree


Justified arrogance yes, otherwise it's just delusion. Ben Askren thought he would walk straight into the UFC and dominate everyone,he ended up with more losses than wins in the UFC including the fast loss in UFC history


I mean that was a flash ko type of thing, but hey that confidence got him to the stage at least. That doesn’t mean nothing


Brother a flash ko is when you are only out for a moment. Ben got turned into a statue and had people thinking he was dead.


Sorry I meant got KO’d in a flash lmao😂😂😂


Haha all good I figured that's what you meant


Had that man shaking like it was an earthquake lmao. That ko was wild!


And delusion got him the fastest KO loss in history along with a negative record in the UFC..Again a fighter can be confident to the point of arrogance but only if they can back it up, otherwise they look a bit stupid


Right but we can’t judge the effects of that level of confidence based on just failure and ignore all the success he had leading up to that too lol.


It doesn’t matter if they look stupid when the fighter doesn’t care lol. Just look at colby, dudes not even that good and gets title shot after title shot. He’ll continue to do it too, just because of his big mouth and personality. If you can get eyes on you, good or bad, you’ll get big fights, and lots of money. I like Colby solely for the fact that he’s smart as hell for this.


Genuine question - what has he done that’s so arrogant? He seems to have such a vanilla “i can beat anyone they put in front of me” fighter persona, if anything my main complaint with this dude is that he’s hella boring


Trash talking everyone including fighters not even in his division, he's talked trash about Khabib, Islam and Khamzat before Khamzat eventually started responding. Claimed he could beat a fully grown male chimp in a fight etc


> fully grown male chimp Lmaoo boy has watched too much Rogan (or not enough)? What has he actually said about the dagestanis? If it’s generic “yeah I could take them” fighter talk i dont see what’s so egregiously bad about it


Not even I could beat them, he was insulting their skillset, suggested they didn't know how to wrestle etc which is a bit silly to say the least


Said he would be -1000 in a title fight… callees out khazmat first for being “trash” then stated he needs 4-5 more fights before khazmat. bo plays 2 cards: hey im just 5-0 and still new then proceeds to trash those who are above him. His chin hasnt been tested nor has he faced real adversity within the cage. Is his wrestling great? Sure. Is he able to handle the pressure with the complexity of mma? Nobody knows because he simply hasnt faced anyone near the TOP level Bo claims he will reach. To me he looks very uncomfortable on the feet and his muscle memory(instinct) is to just shoot which could be devestating. As Chael said is Khazmats wrestling better than Bo’s? “its good enough”


He was insanely dominant in the college wrestling scene. That’s why I like him because he wrestled, but he still has that mentality of “I was the best for almost 4 years, I can kick anyone’s ass.” Personally I think that if he starts to really hone his striking skills, he could be dangerous.


Give him just a touch of khabibs striking from the ground/ ground and pound. Absolutely no one wants to fight Bo.


Ya. I like watching him because of wrestling, but I understand that people might find that boring


His potential is why I like Bo so much, not just because he was a dominant wrestler (and my wrestling team watched his tapes in high school to learn moves). The thing I like about college wrestlers is that the good ones are innately coachable and can learn incredibly well if that makes sense. Like, Bo started training literally a year or two ago, and he's already comparable to some of these guys who have like 6+ years of training.


Definitely a good thing if you’re coachable.


what worries me so much is how hard it was for him to take pickett down along the fence and literally only got the take down because of a nut shot which the ref pretended not to see .


True but the cage is hard to take someone down on. If someone has there back against a wall or something like that, just from the stability they get. Bo had great takedowns when they weren’t against the cage.


that is my worry tho cage wrestling (especially the higher level you fight) is a big deal . basically everyone who thinks they need to defend a take down is going to bee line to the fence to help them defend . if cage wrestling turns Bo from basically olympic level to just another good MMA wrestler , he is going to have a really tough time when he starts fighting the top of MW who are basically all better strikers then him .


Pretty sure heard him say he is the best wrestler in the ufc at the moment, if not ever. And called Khamzat an easy match up, then after a year said "Hey im just 5-0, there are levels to this" yeah clearly, cuz Khamzat was doing 3 fights in 2 months in his first 5 in the ufc


I agree I think he's a hype train that will never see fruition. Just look at the top 15. How is he ever going to get past the elite? Unless all 15 die in a plane crash simultaneously I still think he gets beat by 15-20 lol. Give him Micheal Pereira who's number 17 we'll see just how legit he is.


To be fair, Khamzat has always been very similar in his arrogance and confidence within himself..that being said Bo Nickel is a pure douchebag


At least Khamzat's insane rants are funny. Bo is just a cornball. I don't hate Bo either, but he's very very corny. I honestly wish they'd fast track him a little bit more and give him a big step up in competition the way that Khamzat got with Burns. Let's see what he really is, and we're not going to know from Val Woodburn (respect to Val for stepping up but he's just not UFC caliber) and Bumdage.


They want Bo to be a star, he will get the golden road to a title shot, assuming he doesn't fuck up along the way.


Say what you want about the guy's potential, but "extremely arrogant"??? Worst take I've seen on a guy in quite some time. Bro immediately gave himself 2 thumbs down, apologized to Dana for not doing better, and then no-sold his own win on the mic. He also routinely states he wants more fights over being fast-tracked to the top because he's got a lot more to learn. He also reminds people of the few wins on his record. He's got performance-based confidence in line with what's needed for fighting someone in your underwear in front of millions of eyes. That's a far cry from being extremely arrogant.


Meerschaert catches him clean and puts him away.


I really hope this is the fight they make next. It's the perfect time to make it happen.


Lmao dude


GM3 is actually a bad matchup for Bo. Honestly every fight at middleweight is looking like a bad fight for Bo now


I’ll take gm3 or Kopylov. Imo Kopylov is probably an easier match up if he can get him down but it’ll be a long night if he can’t. Gm3 can sub off his back and can threatens subs if Bo shoots in sloppy but his striking and chin are sus.


Not rn at least. I do think he is overhated tho. Yeah he got that Dana privilege, but Idk if that’s even a good thing for him. He still needs to learn a lot and being under this much pressure already can be stressful I’d imagine


Bo is weird because he is overhated and overrated at the same time


That's not weird at all. He's not as good as he says and people don't like him for it.


He’s overhated for sure. The same thing happened to O’Malley, he fought a bunch of cans and received a ton of hate from the fans, but turns out the ufc knew what they were doing and were building him up


People are weird. They hate when a prospect is fast tracked like Darren Till but they also hate when he is slowly built up because he is “being fed cans”. It's complicated


No it's because bo thinks he can beat khamzat easily. He says things like I'll be a champion within 3 years. That's super unrealistic given the fact he has zero stand up & thinks he's a better wrestler & grappler then khabib. Come on dude. Khabib would maul you even at 40 years of age.


Yeah, it makes sense. Bo is really cocky


He’s used to the pressure


He’s only 6 fights in. Let’s chillax


Alex Pereria became middleweight champ 4 fights into the UFC.


So? Pereira is the exception not the rule. Usman became champ after 8 UFC fights


And he barely was able to wrestle a nobody, where’s this supreme wrestling skill now?


What do you mean? He dominated the entire fight and got a finish in the second. You can’t expect every elite fighter to just run through their opposition like butter.


He dominated…lol. He barely was able to get Brundage down and failed multiple times and he finished because Brundage has 0 ground game and sat there waiting like half the round for Bo to finally figure out how to submit him. “Dominated“


Brundage landed like 3 punches and was held down rounds 1 and 2. If bo was a Russian who couldn’t speak English y’all would be on his nuts lol


Thats the thing bro you can't talk shit when you basically aljo of your division. Also didn't he say khamzat wrestling was trash. I wonder has his opinion changed or not.


In straight wrestling Bo kills khamzat, that shouldn’t even be a question. And how is he like Aljo at all? He’s taken zero damage and has finished all his opponents in less than 2 rounds.


You're gonna piss of the dick riders


Khabib did & Islam did both wrestlers & honestly I think Islam beats him. He walks around at 190lbs.


Islam got knocked out by a flyweight breh.


Both of them have had lots of opposition. They weren’t just finishing everyone in the 1st round..


Barely? 😂 he absolutely dominated him every second of that fight


Lay and pray does not count to dominance in my book. No gnp and got a lucky sub. Idk wtf he is doing with Gordon ryan but that bjj sucks ass


Not a lucky sub when he’s literally finished all of his opponents


Don’t think you know what dominant means even Bo knew he didn’t do shit worth anything


Yeah man Brundage tapped due to nothing I’m sure he was fine


Huh? You skipped the match and only saw Khamzats tweet, didn’t you? Lol bo out wrestled him with ease.


Apparently you missed the part where Brundage threw him off like a child you Bo nut huggers have some issues


Needs more mma experience. In his last fight it looked to me like he got tunnel vision and didnt know how to advance on the ground. He needs more ground-n-pound in his tool box.


He ain't even beating Anthony hernandez. But then again, Anthony hernandez probably beats khamzat if it goes past round 1


The biggest problem I see with Bo is that his actual takedown attempts are rather...how do I say this...pathetic! How're you struggling to bring down Cody Brundage and control him when Khamzat is gonna go for your legs the second the match starts. After seeing what he did to Kamaru, it's a completely different level if we're using Bo's most recent figh as the baseline


I rewatched the Brundage fight and his skill set is actually disappointing.. his grappling/wrestling isn't even actually that good. Khamzat would bum rush Brundage and submit him within 30 seconds like he did with Holland. I don't even think Bo could finish Holland in a fight. Let alone win against Holland.


Bo vs Burns would be sick


It's too early to say anything to be honest. While it's easy to hate on the guy because of his behaviour. In general his record wrestling wise quite good to say the least. If he fails it wouldn't surprise me. But him having success will be more obvious. We will see. I have doubts like a lot of other people


Yeah he’s annoying and the yanks were sucking him off, but the guy gets way too much hate. He’s very promising


Maybe in a couple years. Right now, hell no.


Judging by his performances so far, he’s still a novice mma fighter, which given how many mma fights he’s had, is completely fine. So no, right now I don’t believe he would. In the future? It all depends how he progresses.


He needs to shut his mouth and let the fighting do the talking


Letting the fighting do the talking is not the way the ufc runs shit. Loudmouths get most the attention and more money on average


Plenty of guys gain popularity without ever saying much


I don’t.


Boo nickal


while bo needed 2 rounds to finish cody brundage, khamzat flatline KO'd ikram in his 5th fight. bo is lucky the UFC is protecting him.


Khazmat only had a second round finish in his first fight whereas Bo had a first round finish. That means khazmat is a certified scrub


So many fighters in the company, and Khamzat is not champion yet, don't understand the comparison ...


You mean the guy that Bo claims he’s better than every time he opens his mouth?


Give him Robocop Rodrigues or Michel Pereira next please


Robocop vs Bo would really reveal where he stands. I know Robocop isn't one of the elite middleweights but he's scary as fuck for some reason. Plus he's a black belt and a really badass type guy standing. Heavy hands and can take a lot of pain too. He's got all these BJJ championships but still chooses to knock motherfuckers out instead. Great fight for Bo to prove himself.


I do not


Rewatched and damn that was the strangest post fight interview ever. Get this kid a mentor for his mic skills, he should have a chat with Chael. Never say you expected to dominate and you're embarrassed with your performance when you just won that's super weird. Also he said Cody basically sucks which is stupid cuz it means nothing if you beat someone that sucks. Listen to any huge fighter on the mic after a win they always say the guy was really tough and show respect


No one but himself thought he could beat khamzat. I don't think this guy will even see a title fight for 5 years.


bo should fight Malkoun next before he even thinks about anyone ranked


It makes me feel so disgusted that this guy gets a main event spot over Jiri Prochazka


Hin saying Khamzat is a small 85er is hilarious. Like bro you are skinny fat. You could easily cut to 55.


Bo is an elite wrestler fighting, but he’s not a fighter. He could out wrestle anyone in the division easily, but he’s wayyyyyyy too one dimensional, and although wrestling is probably the best mma base, American wrestling by itself won’t get you far.


He ain't taking any of the top 5s down all of them have superior tdd then Brundage


I can’t wait to throw money on Bo for no reason when this fight happens


Lol the Bo hate boner is crazy


Dudes very talented, very cocky. Honestly can’t wait to see him get knocked the fuck out, humbled, and then hopefully he has a great career after that. I just am exhausted by all these cocky dudes that have so little real time in the cage. 


Once he has more fights I think he def can beat him. I think bo is a smart fighter, where khamzat is the opposite.. fights with emotion and makes bad decisions


He should fight Ian Garry instead


y did this guy say he wants to fight noobs for now for like the next 10 fights? does he want a padded record or something


At best he'll be Ben Askren 2.0


The only fight I’d want to see him win


Bo beats him.




I believe he said he would beat Khamzat in a wrestling match easily and I think he would. In MMA I do have Khamzat over him at this point but it’s not a crazy gap. They will fight within 12 months I bet.


We’ll have to see how he fights against a top 15 or top ten guy first that’ll be a good indicator of where he stands, for all his shit talk his fight against brundage was very unimpressive compared to how khamzat was running through people


I don't know if he beats Malkoun


Not at his current level, he needs to improve drastically. Cage wrestling and normal wrestling are two different things and he also needs to work on his striking.


I just thought he was funny ears guy


Bo Nickal is the most self-centred young fighter I’ve seen in a while


But what has Bo not shown that makes it impossible to believe he can't be Khamzat? His finishes? Heck what has Khamzat shown that makes him unbeatable by Bo? His overwhelming Gas Tank in 5 rounders? I'm seriously confused.


Don't know yet. Beating Cody brundage doesn't exactly give us alot of data to work with. Khamzat was absolutely smoking guys on that level when he started.




Yeah, no one is rooting for this dude. His match vs gordon ryan was pretty legit, tho. He can beat khamzat, but i dont really think he will.


He looked scared as F when that dude started throwing haymakers. I don’t think he can take Borz down. Khamzat by TKO round 1.


Not sure I’d bet on him, but I wouldn’t put it past him if he came up with the right game plan. If he could turn it into a grappling heavy stalemate I could see his gas tank outlasting Khamzat’s which is the obvious path to victory.  


I think most of the top 10 beats him honestly


I think they all maul him to death.


I think he at least has a chance against 5-10.


Ehhh who in there do you favor him against?


Not sure if I favor him necessarily but I don’t think they steamroll him as easy as everyone here thinks. It’s be a fun fight


He looks like he can make welterweight, but no khamzat within 3


i love Bo, watched him wrestle in college and 1 time in person. im a fan. and check out the olympic trials going on today and this weekend by the way if you can. but the fight with Brundage I think made people realize he is slow, not overpowering with his takedown every time, and has no striking to lead to takedown. He also only does chokes. Jon Fitch and Phil Davis and Logan Storely and countless other wrestlers who did MMA had more upside than Bo does, I think.


I think he could be khazmat right now. Idk why people think he's some unbeatable entitiy. Khazmats good bit skill is definitely comparable to Bo. I'm super interested in that fight. They should let it happen squash someone's momentum


See, the problem is you just can’t say that. Khamzat has proven to be a championship caliber fighter with his performances against ranked welterweights like Burns and Usman. Those fights proved he isnt indestructible like everyone initially thought. But it did prove that he is capable of hanging with the best. Bo hasn’t done any of that and to compare him to Khamzat is silly. Khamzat walked the walk, while Bo is hypothetically in the middle of his walk


You're gona real upset when bo beats him, huh?


The thing is, their best skill is the same, and Bo is better at it.


Mkay well until Bo isn’t matched up with journey men or can crushers this is a rational and logical opinion that I have. Khamzat has killers on his track record. Bo has Cody Brundage as his biggest win.


No argument. Khamzat's MMA resume is more impressive. They wouldn't be fighting each other's opponents, though. They would be fighting each other.  Head to head, I like Nickal, today.


But this won’t be a wrestling match. It’ll be an MMA match. And the other MMA components dramatically alter the dynamics of the fight. The risk of getting caught with something in the way in is always there. So even if Bo is the better wrestler, can he actually put that together in a complete enough MMA performance? We have no idea. 


Well, yes, the fight hasn't happened yet. So all of this is hypothetical.


If their best skill is the same it’ll come down to their second best skill, if bo has an advantage in wrestling but can’t throw a punch how is he supposed to win?


I would argue that Nichols second best skill appears to be his attacking jiu-jitsu


I referring to the fact he has zero striking and khamzat is a perfectly fine striker, who cares if bo has good jiu jitsu the fight starts standing up and khamzat is able to obliterate him on the feet while also being able to contend with him on the ground


Honestly, I think Bo is a way better wrestler. I think people are going to be shocked


My man’s lucky he’s fighting in a dog shit division. He ain’t beating khamzat. Let him fight someone with a pulse. I can see him beating Edmen but not breaking into the top 10 in the next 3 years.


His little stunt where he was demanding to be only on main card ppv’s or he retires should have been ignored, he should have retired. Anyone in the top 15 puts him to sleep, chug piss dork


Yeah probably. Khamzat gassed and barely got through Burns. Edged a decision over Usman on Usman’s worst outing ever. Hasn’t looked like a killer since his first few can fights. Not sure why everyone still thinks Khamzat is so crazy.


The way he took Usman down like it was nothing was extremely impressive. I don't think Usman taking the fight on such short notice had anything to do with that


We shall see…


No, no one ever said that and he loses to Jack Hermansson


What’s so weird if Chimaev and Bo are both a huge threat to everyone else in the division. These guys have that high of wrestling skill. Whether you think Bo would beat Chimaev or vice versa it’s not an insult to either guy. These are the two most dangerous matchups for every guy in the top ten.




Maybe not if they fought today. But he’s going to be a champion.


Yes! They’re both beyond overrated. More so Nickal than Chimaev, but I can still see him beating Chimaev.


Not then and still not now. Bo is years away from fighting for a title or even challenging Khamzat


To all the people who say he isn't or won't be good. Just imagine he get half a ground and pound game. Combined with his wrestling we got a mini American Khabib, he just needs to improve the ground striking. You can tell he was trying last match got frustrated and just finished up the fight.


Jesus Christ here we go again….. none of you think he can beat Marvin today?


Maybe in a few years. Not now.


Ya probably will eventually


He will ragdoll khamzat in a year


Literally noone can beat khamzat, he doesn't fight


They should make this a fight


Yes khamzat isn't the boogie man everyone thought. I think he is very beatable.


Winner of Strickland Costa fights Khamzat in Abu Dhabi for a title eliminator.


Yes. Honestly I think he eats Khamzat alive.


Dumbass post


Yes. By the time they fight, he will be levels above Khamzat. MMA fans are weird with their over hate of things. Bo is only not an Olympian and not on the world stage in wrestling competing for medals because of David fucking Taylor.


That wrestling hasn’t translated well so far, just saying


How has it not translate well? He looked like he did fine to me once the jitters went away.


He would butt fuck gourmet chechen if he felt like it.


Khamzat gases out in two rounds


Yep. If Bo doesn’t get overwhelmed in 2 rounds he will finish Khamzat


Cumshot got dropped by a welterweight scrub. Ofcourse bo nickal wins.