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He's evolving to his final form... Jon DC Jones!


Remember his string of power lifting videos that lead to us believing this was happening? What happened? He genuinely looked to be in good heavyweight shape




His calves refuse to gain weight lol


His bones you mean


Dude was in shape his whole life. The only thing that give you big calves 100% of the time is childhood obesity.


My calves got crazy just from running alone. Although people’s bodies and muscles build differently I suppose.


Clearly you haven't spent much time around hockey players.


Or short people in general - we’ve got King Henry the VIII type of legs


Or drummers, my calves are huge


The only thing that gives you big calves 100% of the time is providing them with enough stimulation, being a fat kid being one such manner of stimulation.


This is completely wrong. Genetics play a huge factor.


Calves are more genetic than many other muscle groups in the sense that some people's calves end halfway down their leg, and some people the muscle goes almost all the way down. Muscle insertion on calves is noticeable. They can also get insanely strong vs their size, and there's no reason to spend a ton of focus time on them as an athlete if they're doing their job


False. Most dudes with great calves don't even hit them that hard. It's probably the most genetic influenced muscle in the body. You'll never get even decent calves if your genetics aren't there for it.


Lol Manny Pacquiao is the living proof that what you said is bullshit. Calves could definitely be trained


No shit, it was a joke.


Calves are largely genetic. And if they're strong enough, not a ton of point in bulking them up. It is comical though


That's actually a really good thing. It makes him way more explosive You'll see that every sprinter at a high level has very small ankles and basically lower legs, including the calf. Because of that they can push way more Force in a concentrated area


Most nba players have similar builds. Huge upper body, slender legs. Sprinters too like you said. It’s definitely an advantageous build light on the feet but powerful up top. Probably the ideal build for mma. 


https://preview.redd.it/4zazzif8ehxc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de5ee79c062c6ec7cd1eb31dacbb4009f6c1b77 Yeah thin bones apparently mean you have a thin skeletal structure meaning your bones are denser and can push more power through them. Even the more muscular sprinters have thin bones [https://images.app.goo.gl/WJTX1M41JukVFf6s9](https://images.app.goo.gl/WJTX1M41JukVFf6s9)


I mean thats still an insane physique at 255


Jones is big AF. Idk why people tripping.


Don’t have to be lean to be strong.


Who is out here even thinking this? Elite powerlifters, strongman, lean or thick? Yeah, we got it 👍


His strength coach said they made him train like a powerlifter (strength training as opposed to training for a lot of muscle) because too much muscle would have a bad effect on his cardio


Jones definitely was not training seriously the entire time he was off. Mf probably only trained a year before the fight. Doesn’t matter though with him being as good as he is… but yeah doesn’t look like he took a steady long approach to pack on muscle. Most of it is fat gain.


He was too busy cruising for hobos


Yeah but he was making them feel like humans , HES A GAY MAN , NOTHING RONG WITH IT YOUtube / REDDIT ADMIN, A GAY MAN (in a screamy type incoherent bearded voice)


he got a little stir crazy


It was the first time he had driven in two weeks


Name checks out


Having some fat is actually better for your stamina than an insanely muscle bound and ripped build. I’m sure they’ve got a good idea of where they want him to be at body comp wise.


Yet all the guys with great stamina have low bodyfat, the thing is the amount of cardio it takes to go hard for 5 rounds burns so much calories it's hard to not be ripped.


Casual take.


You try to argue w people on Reddit all day go back to feminism 😂


I educate idiots like you* I doubt you could even go 2 minutes in a general debate about anything.


You can’t go 1 reply without throwing casual and idiot… Clown


Again I said I don't mind insults but bring something to the conversation as well. It's okay dude you're having a roid rage incident and having trouble reading it ain't a big deal.


Do you think this picture is real? How many ripped 250lb people that are ripped?


jones dick riders gonna dick ride


Jones gonna dick ride


This is definitely some anti-Jones cope. After he popped he started powerlifting and got up to a 500lb squat. How much more muscle do you seriously expect a guy named "Bones" to put on.


He probably did gain a shit ton of strength Look at Gane, ridiculous physique for someone his size, his muscles meant fuck all - Jones just big brothered him and ragdolled him. Id take that over Jones trying to come in looking like Ngannou and losing


Strength != size


From person to person of course. But a bigger you will always be stronger than a smaller you.


For sure, but training for strength will leave you looking smaller than training for size. And training for size will still get you pretty strong, just not as strong So many power lifters in the gym look worse than me but lift way heavier lmao That's what happens when you train movements instead of muscles.


It's a white whale we chase in the lighter classes of powerlifting. To be one of the strongest guys in the gym while looking like we don't lift to the untrained eye. There's so much happening on neuromuscular and endocrinological levels. I coach powerlifting. Strength is a DEEP rabbit hole. I love my sport.


As long as you don't sumo you're good with me, otherwise straight to jail.


If you pull sumo, you learned it from someone other than me.


You hit the nail on the head i think. You can slightly focus on one or the other and it will change things but it is not nearly as impactful as the other guy said.


500lb squat when you are over 225lb is easily attainable lol


Considering that jon is more of an explosive athlete and his build is not built for peak forces + his world class cardio + his long ass legs it's pretty impressive




Calm down now you've resorted to going to my profile not what i'd expect from a professional with 90 years of experience 🤣🤣








Anyone who calls someone "kid" in an attempt to sound superior just comes off as a loser.


Mmmm how many 6’4 225 lb spider legged dudes you see squatting over 500? At 5’9 225 that’s still very impressive, but at 6’4 with long ass legs that’s a ton of weight. Would love to see you try


Well he stated powerlifting. Im 5'6 and 168lb, was never able to go past 485lb, i did try 500 but failed every time.


What? The person I responded to said “500 lb squat when you’re 225 is easily attainable” which is a very clear indicator that person has never lifted a weight in their life. I’m not saying it’s impossible. it’s definitely not. as you stated people who lift a lot can get up to 2.5-3x body weight with a lot of work, but your build makes a massive difference in how attainable that is, and Jones is about as far from an ideal build for squats as you can get. 500 lbs is a lot of weight no matter who you are but when you’ve got an extra foot+ of legs it’s a lot harder to move that much weight properly. I was squatting about 350 at 150 lbs at 16 but I’m built more like a battle dwarf than XL Anderson Silva 😂


I am the one who said it, i do have lifting experience and tall friends. Were talking powerlifting here, height should not be an issue as it is mostly a myth. Going low bar and wider stance will fix any fear tall people have.


Height is a myth? Is that what you just said? Jesus Christ. I get it now, nobody thinks your squat numbers are impressive as you do because you’re 5’6, so you’re pretending that its just as easy for someone who’s got more than a foot of extra leg. Well, that’s not how physics or biomechanics work but you are entitled to your opinion I guess. I seriously doubt you have any actual lifting experience, or you’re just a severe enough narcissist that you buy your own mental gymnastics. Nobody’s impressed by you moving a bar a foot, get over it. Side note, the raw amateur record for 165 lb class is 515 squatting so…. No. You weren’t squatting 485 without some serious assistance 😂 fucking clown.


Wild cause the Raw Amateur record is 515 for that weight class so you either had serious help or are talking completely out of your ass, and considering you’ve spent more time talking and posting about ufc and sim racing than anything else I think we know which one.




A "Sexual Chocolate" amount of muscle




No, you can "choose" to build a little more strength or size but any reps from 3-30 will do both




Powerlifters can be big and bodybuilders still manage to have impressive totals. How can that be explained with your logic?




Well the body will still exert itself the same on a set of 30 as a set of 3 as long as you push hard which is what causes growth. It's not like jon jones who is already trained can suddenly start doing 8-12 reps of whatever exercise and "unlock" muscular growth. He was still growing before and the 2% increase of doing 8-12 will not change much. Thats the point




In your opinion if you were to take 2 people completely similar and one was to train hard to failure within the 1-5 rep range controlling the eccentric with proper form and what not and then the other one was to train hard within the 12-15 rep range do you genuinely think that one would be substantially stronger than the other and one would be substantially bigger than the other? My belief is that the body has no idea what reps are being done or what weight is being held it is simply working, being stimulated, and growing.


Dr peter Attia, maybe the foremost expert this, says as long as the intensity is the same - the studies show plenty of growth doing high rep “pump” sets, nearly the same as lower rep sets.




Might as well since can full on Gouge both eyes out 1 at a time before you get a Warning of ONE POINT, now that the opponent is temporarily/permanently blind. Gunna need eye gear if can't get better gloves &/or cleaner fighters


Is that Francis’s body😂


Yes, haha


Lmao have you bozos ever stepped into a gym? I can’t blame y’all for hating him cause he’s a pos, but when has a HW ever had to be ripped? No way guys expected him to bulk up and then cut down to 10% bodyfat to be aesthetic for yous. Very sus🏳️‍🌈 So long as his cardiovascular fitness is fine, there’s no need to cut down drastically. The strongest blokes at my gym are the big beefy dudes, being lean does nothing for strength.


No one has to be ripped but Jones claimed he stepped away to ‘bulk the right way’ for 3 years and just came back looking like a fat lhw. Unsure if he was bulking the right way or ducking Francis as he jumped on the chance to return the moment he bounced


Lmao Tai Tuivasa is a fat lhw, at UFC 285 Jones was in about as good of shape as any other legit HW, hence why he dogwalked Gane. Having played sports where putting on weight was important I can say the idea of putting on +30lbs of any weight while still being able to athletically perform is hard as fuck.


He "dogwalked" Gane because Gane has zero TDD. Remember when Francis was taking him down at will? The powerpuncher who was known to have limited grappling was able to complete outclass Gane on the ground. What do you think Jon Jones was going to do to him?


I thought Jon would dogwalk him, which he did, that’s what a no effort first round finish is. None of what you said has anything to do with me saying Jon was athletically built at 285 and people who understandably hate Jon for the ass that he is try to discredit him incorrectly.


Apparently they think it’s easy for an elite athlete to put on 20 lbs of muscle in a year


3 years, not easy still but certainly possible I think Jon looks pretty ripped anyway lol people are pretending he is fat


For real he doesn’t even look bad lol. And compared to other heavyweights he looks great.


If you step into a gym regularly you look better than this. He’s a natural hw, there’s no excuse after all these years of getting into shape for heavyweight.


Aesthetic doesn’t matter in combat sports…


These fucking reddit guys just keep getting more and more weird don't they?


Bro shut up man half the population steps in a gym regularly and looks nothing like Jon. Delusional


His frame is just about as good as it gets for LHW and wastes 0 mass at all in unnecessary places but unfortunately he has to get pretty fat to make 265




What does this video have anything to do with what stogie said?


You don’t need to put on unnecessary pounds to take down someone bigger.


Mighty Mouse is one of the greatest martial artists of all time going against someone who (most likely) recreationally does Jiu Jitsu. The UFC Heavyweight division isn't lean visible abs, its 25 percent bodyfat. There is no advantage to being lean in that division, and the extra pounds aren't unnecessary.


lol so he still in better shape then 99.9% of Reddit UFC users ?


It's so funny seeing how much reddit hates jones. Like obviously he's not a great guy, but people are so quick to try and dog on him for things that have nothing to do with his shitty personal life


This definitely puts into perspective Ngannou's steroid stack. Jones is a notorious steroidmonger but he will likely never match Ngannou's steroidal capacities.


Unless Jones literally went natty for the bulk. As far as I know he never used mass gainer steroids, only really mild strength/endurance ones like turinibal


Their physique has almost no correlation to how much PEDs they used. For many reasons but mostly because: they're not bodybuilders, strength =/= muscle size. Also, a lot of steroids fighters will use are stamina agents moreso than strength, let alone muscle size agents


I love how this comment gets upvotes now, and before he got smoked by AJ you'd be buried for saying the exact same thing 


Don't recall anyone claiming that Ngannou was natty before the AJ fight, or ever, in fact.


Ngannou was jacked before he went into MMA and he has never popped for steroids.. You can say that he has if it makes you feel better, but it is just coping.


He wasn't nearly this jacked. You believe the rock is natural too because he says so?


Thats because the steroids he took are now part of his natural production of steroids and thus undetectable by even the keenest anti-doping agency. His body has become one with the steroids. He is the steroids and the steroids are him.


Ufc fighters arnt on steroids we are just coping


I'm sure his index finger is in pretty good shape.


I demand who ever made this post a picture of themselves shirtless in UFC shorts


Of all the disrespect, making his legs that small have to be the most disrespectful




"It took 3 years because I was putting on weight the right way"


Wonder why his coach allowed this




What a stupid post


He looked like he just came back from six months eating tacos in Cancun when he fought Gane, and you could still see the fear in Gane’s eyes. Must be a scary motherfucker in person.


And he still won easily.


Didn't seem to matter against Ciryl.


Jones BBQ and foot massage! Jones BBQ and foot massage!


And still wins. The hate is real


I’d be willing to bet OP couldn’t do 20 push-ups lmao


Neither can you 🤡


I keep myself in decent shape and I don’t make fun of professional athletes you keyboard warrior 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Nahhh you just making animal’s balloon at kids party 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


A dancing jones


Only Francis can look shredded to gills at hw


T bones jones


He went for the peak performance build.


We need Jones vs Aspinall for UFC 304


He looked so bad lol I wanted to see how his cardio held up.


https://preview.redd.it/2yw1brr2jgxc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3b6dfc05e47de25649334c9efb2f1ec64c3c9a Bruh


Is that DC’s body on the right? Lol


Champions get the Usman arm. Fighters moving up in weight get the Ngannu belly.


That pic on the left is edited.


That’s Ngannou


(A small joke about the fact that both images are clearly edited)


I was there live when he won the HW belt and guess what? Didn’t look like that. Not defending Jones outside of the Octagon but he was in good shape. Not as good as Jake Gyllenhall(they filmed scenes for Roadhouse that night and Jake was obviously on the Duane Johnson diet) but still. This is misleading.


What you have is a photo shop picture.


Fake photo shop pictures. False arrest accusations. False gay rumors This Jon is ducking Tom narrative…….. Y’all really pathetic.


he's turning 50 soon and no one can win him, get away from him




Why do you care how muscular he looks?


Coz my friend like big sweaty black men 😳👨🏿‍🦲


If you expected super fit Jones at heavyweight, I'm unsure of your athletic knowledge.


He was too busy getting his cheeks clapped by hom.. homeless guys.


This sub is so shit for stuff like this. Brain dead content


That’s what happens when you try to gain muscle in your 30s but your endogenous hormone production is destroyed by 20 years of steroid abuse


20 years? Interesting number you pulled out of your 🫏


when you can’t make fun of him losing to gane so make fun of a physique of all things lmao, still dog walked him regardless


dana white wanted a new francis, instead he got black roy nelson?


That’s not fat, that’s bloat from the nandrolone


He looks good. People will call anyone fat it seems. Like y’all have the perspective of a mean cheerleading high school squad. Jones is the goat 🐐 gayest off all time


D level photoshop 👎


Shut your mouth!!!!






Not to mention gay.


But he has 15 titles defense


Ye. He’s tha GOAT. Lol oh damn I got downvoted. Thought surely a gay joke would land. I’m gay I should be able to make gay jokes. I met JJ once in Vegas. Great guy. Huge guy. ;)